US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

BBC is broadcaster says British voting system is more efficient, lol. Tis true. As well as Germany and France, lol.

Republican winning party is empty, lol.
Here we go!

Michigan to Obama

Minnesota to Obama

Wiconsin to Obama

New York to Obama

North Dakota to McClame

171 - 58
but we still got alot of large(size-wise) states left.......but alot of the big states dont have alot of electoral votes!
According to Fox News, it is projected that Obama got Ohio. Yes, baby!

CBS News stated that the E.V. (Electriocal Votes) are as follows: Obama 174 and McCain 100
what time is it where you guys are????? It's only 9 here!!!!lol
Giorgia confirmed for McClame.

175 - 76

97% of African American Giorgians voted.
Its 02:07am in London :D

Republicans look sad in Ohio, lol.
gloomy reactions of McCain crowd to PA ===> priceless.

Not only priceless but of hiralrity (sp). LOL. My local news interviewed the McCain headquarters in Drexel Hill, Pa (surburbs of Philadelphia) and one the the reps on there basically said that NBC News got it wrong regarding the fact that Obama won Pennsylvania. Isn't that some funny stuff? Denial is of something special with some folks.
It is 9:11 PM EST in PHILADELPHIA. The city with the long lines that made it happened for OBAMA!! Yeah, baby.

Giorgia confirmed for McClame.

175 - 76

97% of African American Giorgians voted

Interesting. Am I the only one that finds that weird and suspect all at the same time?
Different media outlets have different results. I'll stick with ABC/BBC thank you.
lol @ VA and NC. Going in to the election everyone though VA would go to Obama and NC would go to McCain. At the moment it's looks like the opposite might happen. Strange. But's the good for Obama because NC is the state with more EVs.
10% more Hispanics voted for Obama in Florida than Bush.

Nice one Darvon