US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

Just so you guys know, maybe you've noticed already, I've edited the very first post of this thread to include an electoral map. I'll update it as the results come in.
Nice one mate.
I've got 103 - 34

The BBC is affilated with ABC also.
People must be coooooold in MD, Chicago, and the like :rollin:

"G-g-go Obama.... brrrrr *hudles together* Ob-b-b-b-bama..."
Give me an O
Give me a B
Give me a A
Give me an M
Give me a A

whats the spell??

OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :girl_dance:
i bet mello1 is already in Grant Park waiting for Obama to make more history. estimating 1million folk to be there..

and did anyone catch the Quincy Jones ad on CNN? talking about Seattle.
I tried to get a ticket, but they were gone already. Even if I did, I couldn't afford the flight. Ticket wouldv'e been nice though! lol
I can't wait to see what mello has to say. This is the best nite of the year, WOOP!!!!
Even if I did, I couldn't afford the flight. Ticket wouldv'e been nice though! lol
a nice souvenir to bullshit your grandkids with, haha.
Indeed! lol, Maybe I can get one on ebay?

Arkansas and Alabama to Mccain.


I was hoping Obama might take that. Still haven't seen that anywhere though.
2 US networks are calling Georgia for McCain.

Obama is looking to win Virginia
first post of this thread to include an electoral map. I'll update it as the results come in.

Thanks, man. You are a major help.

All the networks are reporting very different numbers regarding the electroal votes. Keep that in mind.

BTW, so far I am liking ABC News coverage. NBC is alright and Fox News, so far, is actually pretty good. I still hate the channel and I cannot stand Shephard Smith, but overall, they are fair. Well, to me, anyway. Ia m just waiting on them to start bitching about how Obama is kicking McCain's rear. LOL.
Jesse Jackson just gave a nice little speech for Obama.