US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

I want Obama to win but dont think he will, God if Bush can make it for 8 years!? Who knows, I dont! hehehe I'll wait till the morning and find out :)
Barack has a 40,000 vote lead in Florida so far. 48% - 34%.

UPDATE: Obama's still ahead in FL. 56% - 43%. With Obama 150,000 votes ahead.
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I am getting worried. *sigh*. I am watching the results and this is some BS. I am trying to be calm.

UPDATE: According to Fox News, Indiana and Virginia are TOO CLOSE TO CALL!!

Barack has a 40,000 vote lead in Florida so far

Yes, yes, YES!!!!
They said the winner of Ohio has always been the winner of the overall

I think my state of Pennsylvania is going to be split....the rest I dont have a clue about lol.
The results are just now coming in in the swing-state of Virginia.

I voted; I gave as much as I could afford, and I volunteered. Worked the front-desk at our local Obama office today, and in past weeks have worked as much as I could as a volunteer. The excitement in the office was incredible. If Obama does not carry the state of Virginia, all I can say now is that I did my best, in my small way and I'll have to be at peace with that. I DID try, and I worked my heart out. That has to count for something?

I suggest prayer now, or whatever you do for positive energy?

Everyone just relax. McCain won the states he was supposed to win
Yes things right now are basically going as expected its far too early to be too worried. We're only in hour number one lol. I have started to worry for some reason not because of these early results just because I wonder if this country really is ready for change....we'll see by the end of the night.

...This is why I'm now going to find something to do for awhile. Theres no sense in worrying this early.

And as someone said earlier. If Obama does not win, I will always blame it on racist.
they haven't provided electoral college votes yet, but popular vote just given on CNN has Obama at 51%
I am doubting this whole thing now. I think he is gonna win.. Bush won, so there is a big chance mccain is gonna win.grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! :(
they just called SC for mccain

Electorial 16/3 - McCain/Obama
Don't be so negative, we have migga power on our side.
Update: McCain got South Carolina and that state has 8 electrioal votes. In three minutes, 16 states will close the polls:

Pennsylvania (PA)

New Jersey (NJ)

Delaware (DE)

North Carolina (NC)

West Virginia (WV)

Ohio (OH)

Tennsesse (TN)

Maine (ME)

Connenticuit (CT)

Florida (FL)

New Hampshire (NH)

Ok, I know it is not 16 states. LOL. I will update as time goes on. I apologized for my spelling errors.
No, silly, the polls are closing, we're about to find out.

Pennsylvania to Obama!
well there are certain states that are def. gonna be republican.

On CNN they are saying that 7 out of nine that are about to close are gonna go for OBAMA

NJ - Obama - 15

DE - Obama - 3

CT - Obama - 7

ME -Obama - 4

Washington D.C. - Obama - ?

Illnois - Obama - ?