US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

Don't you guys get the day off?
Whenever there's an election here the entire country either gets the day off work or they work only half shift so everyone has the chance to vote. The ones that get half shift have to prove they've already voted to be admitted into their jobs.

HA! I wish!!!!! :no:
I was thinking that we should have had the day off from classes.........
I mean- what about those who didnt vote early??? Tough luck, I guess.
My roomie went home last night and is missing her classes today to vote, lol
Australians, if you have Foxtel or Austar and get the news channels you will be able to watch live election coverage in real-time from the US from 10:00am EST on Fox News and CNN. BBC will also be covering the election at the same time but obviously it wont be direct from the US.

On free-to-air TV, ABC will start their US election coverage at mid-day. In the US, that's 8pm EST. The results will just have started to be counted in the eastern states at that time. So it's a good time to start tuning it. SBS will start their US election coverage at 2:30pm. In US time that's 10:30pm EST. By that time most of the eastern and central states will be counted save for some of the bigger battleground states like Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania.

The time difference works out pretty well for us in Australia because in 2004 Bush accumulated 269 electoral votes at 1am US EST. So it was pretty clear he was going to win because he just needed one more electoral vote, so he need to win just one more state. The only other possible outcome other than Bush winning is that Kerry would tie up the votes at 269-269 and the vote would then go to congress. So the election was pretty much called for Bush at 1am US EST. In Australian time, that's 5pm EST. So you'll be able to come home from work and see who the winner is on the 5pm news on Ten. You might even get to witness the announcement of the first candidate to accumulate enough votes to win.
MY STATE!!!!! *gasp* come on Ohioans!!!!!!

Ohio: Obama +3.2
The state that decided it in 2004 gets some of the spotlight again because of its large electoral vote offering (20) and its capacity to swing. Who wins this state might depend on which voters decide to stick out the wait in the long voting lines.
Nope, not too many places in US give people the entire day off. I believe that many work places do allow their employees a leeway, like an hour or so to go vote, I know my hospital does. But with the voting lines in so many places being hours long, one hour isn't going to make it.

Voting is 630am to 730 pm where I live, so in the perfect world, that could give most folks adequate time. Also, we could vote early at elections HQ, or many opted for an absentee ballot as another alternative.

There's several states that could make or break this election. My home state Ohio is one of them with a large electorate count, so I am sitting on the edge of my chair hoping for the best.
Ah, I went with my mom to go watch her cast her vote just a moment ago. The first times she's voted in years man. Though she's wouldn't have if I didn't keep reminding her how important this is and what kind of person Obama is.

Just now: My big sis is gonna go out and vote now. YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! :wild:

What a blessing.
Wow. I wish I would have came across this long ago.
It says: Let The Issues Be The Issues
Wow. I wish I would have came across this long ago.
It says: Let The Issues Be The Issues

I saw that picture in the paper today as well. These kinds of pictures creeps me out LOL.
I remember seeing it done many years ago with Michael Jackson with blond hair and blue eyes, the late pope as a Chinese, the queen of England as a Indonesian and Arnold Schwarzenegger as a African. It was very creepy!!!!!

But the message in this picture is true.
If I wasnt working tomorrow, I may just've stayed up to watch the results in the UK. This is a historical moment and I admit I'm totally intrigued about this presidential race now! One of the evening papers here expected to get results on one of the key states by roughly 1am GMT.

The increased turnout can only be good for Obama.
Personally, if I had the choice, I'd just give Bush a 3rd term, but that can't happen so... GO MCCAIN!!!
Might not be that long. I'm hoping for a landslide that's definitive, early.
Absolutely. I hope there's no serious glitches and no messing around with recounts.

I went to vote at about 7:15 am, and there were about three times as many people as usual, but nothing overwhelming. I really appreciate the renewed sense of excitement about the election process, though.
^^ :D.....

Today at my college, a lot of students were wearing Obama pins and also shirts!! It was great!! :kickass:
Ughhh yeah he is!!blahhhh!

yeah it would be, but i think McCain will win his own State....
Personally, if I had the choice, I'd just give Bush a 3rd term, but that can't happen so... GO MCCAIN!!!

Wow, think you must be the only person on the planet who wants more of Bush. I'll be stunned if McCain takes it now, theres a momentum gathered behind Obama that seems unstoppable. Still, I suppose its not entirely impossible for McCain, just helluva difficult!
u wont find out till tom morning unless u are gonna sit up all the way through the night.

:clapping::clapping::clapping: for obama.if macain "wins" u all better be out on the streets rioting lol

Hell yeah I am! I've had a shitty day and its the one thing I'm looking forward to. And I plan to riot as well, regardless of country and maybe loot a little too... If it gets that bad, lol.
Oh. Well he's doing ok (I think?), judging by the electoral reports. Check back a couple o' pages back.
yeah i saw that..:D..

ughh i dont know why they put most of the states in red.. GRRRRRRRRRR!
Uhm, I doubt that's the case. Our buddy John King over at CNN is always making hypothetical outcomes and situations. ... Btw, most of the east coast is for Obama by a landslide. What he's doing is probably creating a scenario if McCain were to win.
Red can be cute (see MJ for details). But in this case: :devil: :lol:

Obama Obama Ob Ob Obama Obama :dance:
Uhm, I doubt that's the case. Our buddy John King over at CNN is always making hypothetical outcomes and situations. ... Btw, most of the east coast is for Obama by a landslide. What he's doing is probably creating a scenario if McCain were to win.

oh ok..Thanks for telling me. Because what I was seeing was all red..i was like psshh?WTH? figures he'd do that lol!!