US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

I'm flying from Newark, NJ to Shannon, Ireland on Nov. 4th My flight leaves at 7.25pm and I arrive in Ireland at 1.45am (Us time) OMG. I will be dying to know if Obama won!!
Im watching the obama speech right now, i cant wait for obama to win on tuesday :)
Don't be, Jabz. I don't think people are going for that.

Oh and I just wanted to note: I was listening to the steve harvey morning show, and he made a point that I couldn't help but agree with. IF, in the event, Obama happens to win, make sure that when you celebrate, you do it with the same dignity as Obama has. Because, while there are those that will be elated, there re those that will be disappointed. Just like your joy will elate you, somebody else will be taken over with hate. and that can lead to some, well.... problems.
1. In your opinion, who do you feel will win?


2. What is the feeling in america as a whole on who's going to win?

I do not go by the media's polls or what the media says. I go by what I have seen and I think it depends on what states support Obama or McCain. I hope that America would feel that Obama is going to win.

3.On voting day next week, how long does it take to find who will be president?

Well, voting day is tommorrow for people in America who have not got a chance to vote yet. It can take as long as all night or well through the morning. My hope is it is done by 12 midnight PST but you never truly know. I just hope that these laughable and desperate Republican people do not try to do any kind of tricks to make sure that Obama does not become president. This country is suffering and McCain and his cohorts clearly do not see how bad it is. We need a president that gives a damn about the future of all of us. Obama is that president. I cannot wait to go with my sisters and hopefully my brother, and vote tommorrow morning. I want to see a long line of people that are voting, period. I want to come online and watch the results and I want to hear that Obama/Biden won the election!!

thank you american people!

You are very welcome. I see a lot of young people who are Americans on this board that I feel haven't made the effort to read this thread and make it aware that they will vote November 4th. I really hope I see plenty of these young people on this thread stating that they vote. This is about their futures as well. I would like to see American posters on this board who are 18-29 on this thread tommorrow stating that they voted. Now, I am not the kind of person to tell people what to do. But I think this is a must for the young people to take this opportunity in their lives and make their vote count. You do not have to be into politics to vote.
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Don't be, Jabz. I don't think people are going for that.

Oh and I just wanted to note: I was listening to the steve harvey morning show, and he made a point that I couldn't help but agree with. IF, in the event, Obama happens to win, make sure that when you celebrate, you do it with the same dignity as Obama has. Because, while there are those that will be elated, there re those that will be disappointed. Just like your joy will elate you, somebody else will be taken over with hate. and that can lead to some, well.... problems.

Excellent post, and thanks. This is very important. Obama has shown great dignity and self-control, as well as courage. There is passion behind this election that I've not seen in all my years of voting. Whatever happens, we should be calm and non-violent.

If the election is "stolen" (as it was in the last two presidential elections, in my opinion), we STILL should remain calm. I'm sure Obama has prepared for this and will fight through the courts and not quit. He knows there is too much at stake, and that many people are counting on him. I think his lead is sufficient, but even so, it's a concern. There already have been efforts to disenfranchise some American voters, that I know of.

Personally, I'm expecting very long lines at the polls tomorrow. I will bring a sandwich, some bottled water, and I'll be patient. My vote WILL be cast.



Well, voting day is tommorrow for people in America who have no got a chance to vote yet. It can take as long as all night or well through the morning. My hope is it is done by 12 midnight PST but you never truly know. I just hope that these laughable and desperate Republican people do not try to any kind of tricks to make sure that obama does not become president. This country is suffering and McCain and his cohorts clearly do not see how bad it is. We need a president that gives a damn about the future of all of us. Obama is that president. I cannot wait to go with my sisters and hopefully my brother, and vote tommorrow morning. I want to see a long line of people that are voting, period. I want to come online and watch the results and I want to hear that Obama/Biden won the election!!

I agree..I wouldnt be shocked though if these Republicans try to pull a trick so Obama doesnt win.Im sick of it too. Hopefully they dont pull a president Bush( stealing the election) on us and McCain wins..ugh!
I just read and article which included 17 countries and their people had been asked who they would like to become America's next president.
In all 16 countries Barack Obama got more than 50% of the votes but in America 'only' 36% (and John McCain 38% while in other countries he got 26% at max)

Why there is so many people in the US who doesn't see that Obama is better choice?
^^ man that sucks, thats just ridiculous!! I have no idea why some people here think Obama isnt a better choice either?? Obama should be given a chance. Thats why I hope he wins this election.
imo obama is by far a better choice than mccain. mccain cant really see the reality in the US and the rest of the world today. hes very narrow minded and has a false picture of whats going on in the world. he comes off as stubborn and as someone who cant change his mind about anything no matter if the entire planet is falling apart. how about someone whos more open for discussion and is willing to carefully examine all the solutions to a problem before he chooses the best one instead of being stuck to a specific solution all along and not giving the others a chance to be even considered ?
I'm almost finished with reading the Audacity of Hope by Obama, and basically this article echoes what Obama says/is about.

I just want to share this because it moved me. There is a lot of truth in it.

The Christian Science Monitor

My wife made me canvas for Obama; here's what I learned
This election is not about major policies. It's about hope.
By Jonathan Curley
from the November 3, 2008 edition

Charlotte, N.C. - There has been a lot of speculation that Barack Obama might win the election due to his better "ground game" and superior campaign organization.

I had the chance to view that organization up close this month when I canvassed for him. I'm not sure I learned much about his chances, but I learned a lot about myself and about this election.

Let me make it clear: I'm pretty conservative. I grew up in the suburbs. I voted for George H.W. Bush twice, and his son once. I was disappointed when Bill Clinton won, and disappointed he couldn't run again.

I encouraged my son to join the military. I was proud of him in Afghanistan, and happy when he came home, and angry when he was recalled because of the invasion of Iraq. I'm white, 55, I live in the South and I'm definitely going to get a bigger tax bill if Obama wins.

I am the dreaded swing voter.

So you can imagine my surprise when my wife suggested we spend a Saturday morning canvassing for Obama. I have never canvassed for any candidate. But I did, of course, what most middle-aged married men do: what I was told.

At the Obama headquarters, we stood in a group to receive our instructions. I wasn't the oldest, but close, and the youngest was maybe in high school. I watched a campaign organizer match up a young black man who looked to be college age with a white guy about my age to canvas together. It should not have been a big thing, but the beauty of the image did not escape me.

Instead of walking the tree-lined streets near our home, my wife and I were instructed to canvass a housing project. A middle-aged white couple with clipboards could not look more out of place in this predominantly black neighborhood.

We knocked on doors and voices from behind carefully locked doors shouted, "Who is it?"

"We're from the Obama campaign," we'd answer. And just like that doors opened and folks with wide smiles came out on the porch to talk.

Grandmothers kept one hand on their grandchildren and made sure they had all the information they needed for their son or daughter to vote for the first time.

Young people came to the door rubbing sleep from their eyes to find out where they could vote early, to make sure their vote got counted.

We knocked on every door we could find and checked off every name on our list. We did our job, but Obama may not have been the one who got the most out of the day's work.

I learned in just those three hours that this election is not about what we think of as the "big things."

It's not about taxes. I'm pretty sure mine are going to go up no matter who is elected.

It's not about foreign policy. I think we'll figure out a way to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan no matter which party controls the White House, mostly because the people who live there don't want us there anymore.

I don't see either of the candidates as having all the answers.

I've learned that this election is about the heart of America. It's about the young people who are losing hope and the old people who have been forgotten. It's about those who have worked all their lives and never fully realized the promise of America, but see that promise for their grandchildren in Barack Obama. The poor see a chance, when they often have few. I saw hope in the eyes and faces in those doorways.

My wife and I went out last weekend to knock on more doors. But this time, not because it was her idea. I don't know what it's going to do for the Obama campaign, but it's doing a lot for me.

Jonathan Curley is a banker. He voted for George H.W. Bush twice and George W. Bush once.
I just read and article which included 17 countries and their people had been asked who they would like to become America's next president.
In all 16 countries Barack Obama got more than 50% of the votes but in America 'only' 36% (and John McCain 38% while in other countries he got 26% at max)

Why there is so many people in the US who doesn't see that Obama is better choice?

in all honesty- I think it is still the race factor :no:


I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!:punk::clapping:

If Obama doesn't win.......I don't even know what to say..

And that darn Electoral College......they better get it right this time! I mean- come on! It's their fault that we got Bush!!!!!

I STILL don't get how the electoral college can vote different from the popular vote, and get their way!!!!!!! HELLO?!?!?! where's the democracy??????? :angry:
ummm, George Bush's presidency is over at noon on Jan, 20th in '09
....I think
That's correct.


I know a lot of people who are going to flip if either of them win. The outrage would be greater if Obama were to lose b/c of the fact that it's obvious Obama's been leading by a landslide. We're going to find out soon, lol.

EDIT: Btw, I went to an Obama rally yesterday. :wild: That man is full of charisma... he's something else.
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I don't know if this is posted already, but 85 % of the people in Europe prefers Obama over Mccain.

Europe and the United States are so different, but at he same time we have an agreement on how the world should be.
I don't know if this is posted already, but 85 % of the people in Europe prefers Obama over Mccain.

Europe and the United States are so different, but at he same time we have an agreement on how the world should be.

eveyone i know who cares about the US election wants Obama here in england, I pray he wins!! lol
I hope that obama wiinnns too.

Who is the jackson family votting for??

Who is michael votting for?? :) :p
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I don't know if this is posted already, but 85 % of the people in Europe prefers Obama over Mccain.

Europe and the United States are so different, but at he same time we have an agreement on how the world should be.

Its because whoever is going to choosen will have a big effect on Europe too. While McCain is more ''country first'', Obama is more worldwide. America is one of the mightiest countries, it has a lot of effect on the rest of the world. Like it has on my country. We borrow lots of money from America and since one of our prime ministers was kissing Bush his ass all the time, our troops are also in Iraq.

So Obama would probably be economically be better for Europe, but dont forget that there are lots of people voting on the polls for Obama because he's kinda a 'trend' right now, like a lot of people in my country say they support Obama, while they dont even know what he stands for, they only think its cooler to say their gonna vote for a democrate and because he gets so much media attention.

jeeeez, im getting so excited about tommorow !
Hahaha, I love this! This is being bumped all day tomorrow.

Obama Ob Ob Obama Ob ob Obama

Best video evaaaaaar! Best song ever! Damn, Love it.