US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

the Informercial was touching, and you could definitely relate to it. These were people who represent the majority of Middle-Class Americans. Senator Obama is so inspirational to so many people. I just pray he is elected!
Great commercial. Obama continues to focus on what he will do as president, he continues to focus on what he plans to change and thats what the people want to hear. Not once did you hear anything negative about McCain...hell, you didnt hear his name at all. Smart campaigning on their part.

To get that little extra national attention just before Election day was an engenious move. I guess all I can look too now is standing in line for 4 hours on Tuesday lol.
Part of the problem is that in the US it's a state by state issue in regards to ballots. Some places they have electronic machines, other places use to have ballots with chads, like um Florida, yeah...and others like where I live they have paper ballots. In my opinion there should be a nation wide ballot or a single way of voting, and I personally think electronic machines should be kept OUT of the voting system. I've never understood WHY we have so many damn ways of voting. I mean HELLO! Something weird and not-so-good, in other words VERY BAD was **cough**2000 election**coughcough** is bound to happen.

All I know is the INSANITY needs to end NOW. And if the damn McCain people think about stealing this election like old W. did in 2000, I swear THERE WILL be rioting and god knows what else.

I just hope that Obama wins, and with no crazy shit and we can just go on and hopefully start "rebuilding" after the last disasterous eight years.

Peace out!

It's a states rights issue. I'm not sure if the federal government can mandate a single method. The so called 'voters act' or whatever the hell it was has only served to disinfrance voters more.

In Georgia (US, that is), people stood in line for 8 hours yesterday because it took so long to verify voter IDs. Florida - 8 hours. My dad is in Georgia and he has tried twice to vote. He can't stand up too long.

I'mma have to have my sister stand in line for him so he can vote. Ugh. It sucks, but there is one party who HATES for the masses to vote here, so they do what they can to make it as hard as possible...

...But people don't care. Many said that they don't care how long it takes, they are voting.
If you didn't know, tonight is the night they are going to air that 30 minute Obama commercial. Its going to be on at 8:00 est. on NBC and CBS. ABC claims they couldn't come to an agreement in time...mhm. It doesn't appear as though networks like CNN will be showing it.

I'm sure it won't tell us anything we haven't already heard for months but It should be interesting.

ABC waited too late because it was trying to decide whether it wanted to stick with their original programming schedule. When they finally decided to agree, the deal was off the table.

CNN turned it down. Fox Cable News was not approached...
Mello, , Bob George, and LJ. I love how you write so well. It's obvious you are all well read. :) If I have left out anyone else, out, forgive me. I always see Mello's post and she knows her Sh!t!. Period.

Obama/Biden '08 "SNAP!

LOL. Thanks. When I'm not here, I'm on the political boards and I READ. Something that some folk don't do. You can't just let people feed you talking points. They gotta make some sense....:yes:
FOX News could care less about Obama anyway. 'Specially that Hannity :glare:

EDIT: Yo. Obama/Bill Cilnton at Flordia.
lovelymj just doesn't want to come here with the username that they use all the time on here because they're embarrassed and is in the minority here. Show your real self. And mods, it wouldn't be to hard to figure out who their real alias is. lol
WTF?? Why is it so hard to believe or accept that everybody has their own mind and thoughts? I mean really...
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It's a states rights issue. I'm not sure if the federal government can mandate a single method. The so called 'voters act' or whatever the hell it was has only served to disinfrance voters more.

In Georgia (US, that is), people stood in line for 8 hours yesterday because it took so long to verify voter IDs. Florida - 8 hours. My dad is in Georgia and he has tried twice to vote. He can't stand up too long.

I'mma have to have my sister stand in line for him so he can vote. Ugh. It sucks, but there is one party who HATES for the masses to vote here, so they do what they can to make it as hard as possible...

...But people don't care. Many said that they don't care how long it takes, they are voting.

I know that it's a states rights issue, but I seriously think it's stupid. I just feel having a national ballot would eliminate a LOT of issues in the voting process, not all, but a lot. I mean really, voting should NOT be as difficult as it is in some states. Especially not when it's supposedly the single most important thing a US citizen can do.

Sorry to hear about your father, hopefully three times a charm and he'll be able to cast his vote asap. And don't even GET me started on that other party. Ugh. And it seems that that other party are getting REALLY nervous because of peoples resolve to have their vote count this time. They're scared...and I think it's a beautiful thing. LOL.

And 8 hours? That's bloody rediculous! I mean honestly 8 hours?!?! Somethings just defy logic...**shakes head**

No matter what people need to VOTE. This is perhaps the most important election of our generation and we NEED to get it right! So people need to get up, get out, and VOTE!

My mother and I will be at the polling place here where I live at 4 am, polls open at 6am. I'm gonna buy some cheese danish and my mother's going to get/make some coffee. I am going to cast my vote before I have to go to work, and I will proudly wear my "I voted" sticker at work and if anyone asks, I will proudly say, "I voted for Obama and Biden."

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Why is it that when Mccain does these interviews (not all but some), like for example, with Larry King today, he seems to have this cocky-ass attitude? Like he's just soo sure about himself. When King asked him if there was a war going on, and he's in a helicopter hovering around the US (to where the war would go on hypothetically), he so sure Mrs. Palin will be able to handle the situation? I mean it's just... yeah... sorry for the rant.
Why is it that when Mccain does these interviews (not all but some), like for example, with Larry King today, he seems to have this cocky-ass attitude? Like he's just soo sure about himself. When King asked him if there was a war going on, and he's in a helicopter hovering around the US (to where the war would go on hypothetically), he so sure Mrs. Palin will be able to handle the situation? I mean it's just... yeah... sorry for the rant.

Its ok..and yes, I agree with you.
Why is it that when Mccain does these interviews (not all but some), like for example, with Larry King today, he seems to have this cocky-ass attitude? Like he's just soo sure about himself. When King asked him if there was a war going on, and he's in a helicopter hovering around the US (to where the war would go on hypothetically), he so sure Mrs. Palin will be able to handle the situation? I mean it's just... yeah... sorry for the rant.

I was too busy watching the former and future Presidents kick ass in Florida...:yes:
Why is it that when Mccain does these interviews (not all but some), like for example, with Larry King today, he seems to have this cocky-ass attitude? Like he's just soo sure about himself. When King asked him if there was a war going on, and he's in a helicopter hovering around the US (to where the war would go on hypothetically), he so sure Mrs. Palin will be able to handle the situation? I mean it's just... yeah... sorry for the rant.

McCain's a jackass. For him and Mrs. Palin to say Obama's the elitist is just mystifying. It's laughable. Right, so um how many homes does Obama have? 1. How many does McCain have? Like 7 or more...McCain doesn't even know so who knows? How many cars does Obama have? 1. How many does McCain have? 13. Who refused to make eye contact or even acknowledge his opponent in debate or even refuse to shake said Opponent's hand? McCain. And don't even get me started on Palin. McCain and Mrs. Palin are full of it and are cocky (for WHATEVER messed up reason) and both come across as Jackasses. If you're educated and well rounded then you're supposedly an elitist. And that's what gets me with this whole issue, it's become common place for them to say that if you're articulate, intelligent, and well rounded it's this bad thing and anyone who has these attributes think that they're better then everyone else and who look down on the "common man". I remember when being educated was something people strived to become. I guess having a president who basically recites lines from his favourite westerns, who thinks EVERYTHING is a joke, who pulls words that aren't even words out of his ass, and who couldn't articulate a coherent sentence to save his life has kind of "changed things". Who the hell votes for a guy they could have a beer with??? UGH! McCain and Palin are hopeless and are pulling out everything and anything they can in order to stop Obama's lead. It's sad and pathetic and DESPERATE. And I hope to god and all things holy that THAT does not happen. I feel it wont but I wont rest until I see Obama being sworn in.
I thought the informercial was good. It wasn't some big ego trip like many thought it would be. He didn't really make it so much about himself. It was more about the people he's met a long the way through-out this campaign. It reminded me of Michael Moore's Sicko how he talked to families who were struggling to get health insurance and having to work extra job and cut back just to pay for prescriptions. He made you really feel for those people the same way Michael Moore did in Sicko. And the best thing about the informercial was that he didn't once attack John McCain. It was not one bit negative. I don't think he even mentioned John McCain's name once.
WTF?? I don't know why Mj fans are so fricking paranoid!! Why is it so hard to believe or accept that everybody has their own mind and thoughts? I mean really...

The problem is that you only come to this thread with that you are hiding your true identity on this fan board. I didn't say anything about not having your own thoughts and beliefs. Just don't hide under a different name.
Polling update - October 30, 2008

National Polls
Gallup (Registered) Obama +9
Gallup (Expanded) Obama +7
Gallup (Traditional) Obama +5
Rasmussen Obama +5
Diageo/Hotline Obama +6
Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Obama +7
GWU/Battleground Obama +3
IBD/TIPP Obama +4
Fox News Obama +3
ABC News/Washington Post Obama +8
CBS News/New York Times Obama +11
AVERAGE Obama +6.2

Electoral College
Obama 353
McCain 174
Tied 11

Toss-up States (0-4 point spread)
Missouri (11) Tied
Indiana (11) McCain +2
North Dakota (3) McCain +2
North Carolina (15) Obama +2
Montana (3) McCain +3
Florida (27) Obama +3
Georgia (15) McCain +4

Leaning States (5-9 point spread)
Arizona (10) McCain +6
Ohio (20) Obama +6
Nevada (5) Obama +7
Colorado (9) Obama +7
Virginia (13) Obama +7
West Virginia (5) McCain +8
New Mexico (5) Obama +9
Mississippi (6) McCain +9

Solid States (10-14 point spread)
South Dakota (3) McCain +10
Wisconsin (10) Obama +10
South Carolina ( 8 ) McCain +11
Pennsylvania (21) Obama +11
Arkansas (6) McCain +11
Iowa (7) Obama +11
Texas (34) McCain +12
Michigan (17) Obama +12
New Hampshire (4) Obama +13
Kentucky ( 8 ) McCain +13
Tennessee (11) McCain +14
Minnesota (10) Obama +14
Oregon (7) Obama +14

Safe States (15+ point spread)
Kansas (6) McCain +15
Louisiana (9) McCain +15
Alaska (3) McCain +15
Maine (4) Obama +16
Maryland (10) Obama +16
Washington (11) Obama +17
New Jersey (15) Obama +19
Nebraska (5) McCain +19
Connecticut (7) Obama +20
Massachusetts (12) Obama +21
Alabama (9) McCain +22
Wyoming (3) McCain +22
Rhode Island (4) Obama +22
Vermont (3) Obama +23
Delaware (3) Obama +23
Illinois (21) Obama +25
California (55) Obama +26
Utah (5) McCain +30
Oklahoma (7) McCain +32
New York (31) Obama +32
Idaho (4) McCain +34
Hawaii (4) Obama +41
District of Columbia (3) Obama +69
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I have 3 questions, would be lovely if you could answer them for me :)

1. In your opinion, who do you feel will win?

2. What is the feeling in america as a whole on who's going to win?

3.On voting day next week, how long does it take to find who will be president?

thank you american people!
I have 3 questions, would be lovely if you could answer them for me :)

1. In your opinion, who do you feel will win?

2. What is the feeling in america as a whole on who's going to win?

3.On voting day next week, how long does it take to find who will be president?

thank you american people!

1. Obama

2. I can't answer that

3. It should be either the night of November 4 or the morning after. Let me tell you how 2004 went down. The race was close and as the election results came in there wasn't a clear winner until Florida was called for Bush at 12:30am (just after midnight) and then Ohio was called for Bush at 1am. That got him up to 269 electoral votes, just 1 short of the 270 needed to win the election. So it was pretty much assumed Bush would win because he only needed one more state. But he didn't accumulate 270 electoral votes until 11:30am the next morning when Nevada was called for Bush. So use that as a guide.
1. Obama

2. I can't answer that

3. It should be either the night of November 4 or the morning after. Let me tell you how 2004 went down. The race was close and as the election results came in there wasn't a clear winner until Florida was called for Bush at 12:30am (just after midnight) and then Ohio was called for Bush at 1am. That got him up to 269 electoral votes, just 1 short of the 270 needed to win the election. So it was pretty much assumed Bush would win because he only needed one more state. But he didn't accumulate 270 electoral votes until 11:30am the next morning when Nevada was called for Bush. So use that as a guide.

Thank you for taking the time to do that :)

heres a cool video
^ On the news and in public Obama does have a stronger public fallowing, but not too far ahead.. Meaning he still needs to work his butt off getting more people to be safe..

Still close, but Obama is leading.

McCain himself said that he was the underdog.. If that means anything to you..
^ On the news and in public Obama does have a stronger public fallowing, but not too far ahead.. Meaning he still needs to work his butt off getting more people to be safe..

Still close, but Obama is leading.

McCain himself said that he was the underdog.. If that means anything to you..

Your location says your from Arizona. The latest polls from Arizona show that McCain has a 5-6 percentage point lead. Do you think that's accurate? Is it really that close in McCain's home state?
Is so cool that Barack Obama is still leading :punk: if I were American I'd vote for him dfinately :yes:.
Actually in my college as I'm studing languages (English and French) my professors are gonna organize a mock election, of course I'm gonna vote for Obama. All the school can vote if they wants
Fortunalely all my American professors are democrats and the exchange students too :happy:
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I have 3 questions, would be lovely if you could answer them for me :)

1. In your opinion, who do you feel will win?

2. What is the feeling in america as a whole on who's going to win?

3.On voting day next week, how long does it take to find who will be president?

thank you american people!

1. In your opinion, who do you feel will win? OBAMA

2. What is the feeling in america as a whole on who's going to win? OBAMA largely speaking, but no one is taking anything for granted. People are working to the end. I should add that those supporting McCain/Palin don't think that way... But you wouldn't know that with the way they are throwing each other under the bus already...

3.On voting day next week, how long does it take to find who will be president? If he pulls the eastern battleground states, the networks will call it early -- perhaps by 9 or 10 EST; maybe earlier....
Your location says your from Arizona. The latest polls from Arizona show that McCain has a 5-6 percentage point lead. Do you think that's accurate? Is it really that close in McCain's home state?

Yes, and it may be even closer. However, I still think that McCain will squeak out his home state.
Yes I'm in arizona and I can tell you that in daily life you run into more Obama supporters than McCain..

That is what I'm saying..

Polls are always bias in some fassion... For example one that ulters the poll percentage is the fact a higher percentage of republicans take part in polls. Now if there is a larger percentage taking part in a poll.. It's not accorate.. YES it gives an overview, but not percise.

Take stickers on car, HERE you would see 4 Obama stickers before seeing 1 McCain.. When I talk to people at work, a larger percentage of people are for Obama..

in DAILY involvement, there is much more support for Obama than McCain.. Do I think Obama can WIN this state?? I don't know since it IS still McCains state..

But I can tell you what I see here in McCains state..

The demographics of republicans and democrats are different.. And the demographic that is a republican are more involved in polls and active in that sence.. But that does not mean democrats are any less passionate.. it's just the ways of going on about it..

Take this for example.. the lower class (not middle class) those who cannot afford enternet to take part in polls.. Or have Cable to call in CNN and talk etc.. MOST are democrats and will vote for Obama..

This election is very different than any other.. Obama has reached and motivated people that never voted before.. Those FIRST TIME VOTERS usually don't take part in polls as much as those who have fallowed politics throughout there whole life.. And we all know the first time voters are leaning towards Obama in a large way..

I'll tell you this.. When I did my early voting.. There were more people voting for Obama than McCain in line with me.. I can strongly say it would not suprize me if Obama wins this state.. But it's not in the bag.
Yes I'm in arizona and I can tell you that in daily life you run into more Obama supporters than McCain..

That is what I'm saying..

Polls are always bias in some fassion... For example one that ulters the poll percentage is the fact a higher percentage of republicans take part in polls. Now if there is a larger percentage taking part in a poll.. It's not accorate.. YES it gives an overview, but not percise.

Take stickers on car, HERE you would see 4 Obama stickers before seeing 1 McCain.. When I talk to people at work, a larger percentage of people are for Obama..

in DAILY involvement, there is much more support for Obama than McCain.. Do I think Obama can WIN this state?? I don't know since it IS still McCains state..

But I can tell you what I see here in McCains state..

The demographics of republicans and democrats are different.. And the demographic that is a republican are more involved in polls and active in that sence.. But that does not mean democrats are any less passionate.. it's just the ways of going on about it..

Take this for example.. the lower class (not middle class) those who cannot afford enternet to take part in polls.. Or have Cable to call in CNN and talk etc.. MOST are democrats and will vote for Obama..

This election is very different than any other.. Obama has reached and motivated people that never voted before.. Those FIRST TIME VOTERS usually don't take part in polls as much as those who have fallowed politics throughout there whole life.. And we all know the first time voters are leaning towards Obama in a large way..

I'll tell you this.. When I did my early voting.. There were more people voting for Obama than McCain in line with me.. I can strongly say it would not suprize me if Obama wins this state.. But it's not in the bag.

Yeah I've also ran into more Obama suppoters here in Az than McCain supporters. I have also seen a lot of Obama/Bidden(sp?) stickers on cars as well.