US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

I think McCain should win, people have been brain washed about Obama! The guy is inexperienced, and when he speaks he sounds like he's not very sure of what he's saying. His ideas also are not very determined, or convincing. And let's not even talk about Biden, aside from the fact that the dude is an idiot, he didn't even want to run with Obama, as he doesn't agree with his ideas. But ofcourse you don't see that in the media.People should open their eyes and see that McCain is a true patriot, he has done so much for the country, and he's very determined. Palin is a also a great role model, especially for women, beautiful and smart. His heart is in it, but Obama's isn't. I believe that Obama just copies Martin Luther King too much, he's only in it for publicity. Jut remeber that McCain is not Bush, he doesn't evn agree with some things that Bush has done. I am not some crazy republican, I don't take any pary's side, but I am just worried that by Obama's selection as president this country will be in big trouble.

Funny you use the word 'brainwashed'....

And first time poster i c.

And not very knowledgable on McCain's positions or lack thereof.

Oh and peeps don't vote for folk because they look like beauty queens -- they have to have some knowledge there, you know?
Didn't Bush lose the popular election in 04? But he won the electoral vote, which is the only one that really matters. That's the only way I see Obama losing. The electoral college usually votes the way of popular opinion, but not always. It's jacked up when you realize your vote doesn't really count at all.

He won both the popular vote (by 3 million) and electoral college vote in 2004.

He lost the popular vote and was given the state of Florida's electoral college vote in 2000 to put him over.

Unfortunately, they didn't count all of the Florida votes, which had Bush losing, and Ohio in 2004 was corrupt from top to bottom. There was also major problems in New Mexico.

While the GOP is still trying to game the system, the majority of Independents and a good % of Republicans will cross over this time. It will be too hard to game the system because it would have to be done in multiple states.

Plus unlike Gore and Kerry, I think that Obama is banking a lot of contributions to use for lawyers if they try this time.
Although Im not American I really want Barack Obama to win, but looking in the news today, the polls seem to suggest that the gap between the two has narrowed substantially.

You are probably referring to that AP poll; it's definitely an outlier because half of those polled were evangelical christians. At best, that group makes up only 20% of the total population, not 45%.

While I know that anything is possible, I remain cautiously optimistic.

I hope that people vote early, especially in states where they use funky voting systems and in the battleground states.

But something tells me that Americans will not stand for any hi jinx this time around...
I'm sick of all the people who are telling me that Palin is a great role model for women...

And since when should we all aspire to be "beautiful and smart" ? Isn't it just enough to be smart? and what is smart? because I know some brilliant people who only care about numero uno. What determines beauty? See I don't find her that particuarly attractive :unsure: I'm not saying she's ugly, I'm just saying she doesn't really have any real appeal (maybe everyone is comparing her to Hilary and thinking "well at least she's better looking than ol hil").

I'm sorry but Palin will never be a role model for me.... unless I aim to be an underachiever or half a woman
Funny you use the word 'brainwashed'....

And first time poster i c.

And not very knowledgable on McCain's positions or lack thereof.

Oh and peeps don't vote for folk because they look like beauty queens -- they have to have some knowledge there, you know?
I am not saying that we should vote for her becuse she's a beauty queen, I am just saying that she has the total package, and she's very smart. Hello, she governed an entire state, Alaska. And can you explain yourself about McCain's lack or position?! I have the right to my opinion, just as you do.
I am not saying that we should vote for her becuse she's a beauty queen, I am just saying that she has the total package, and she's very smart. Hello, she governed an entire state, Alaska. And can you explain yourself about McCain's lack or position?! I have the right to my opinion, just as you do.

I don't call a person who makes rape victims pay for there own rape kits smart. I call them mean
I am not saying that we should vote for her becuse she's a beauty queen, I am just saying that she has the total package, and she's very smart. Hello, she governed an entire state, Alaska. And can you explain yourself about McCain's lack or position?! I have the right to my opinion, just as you do.

First of all, no one has said that you don't have a right to your opinion. But don't think for one minute that your opinion won't go unchallenged. Second, the 'whole package' is irrelevant in my opinion, for the position of Vice President of the United States. I could care less what she looks like. Actually, I think that Hillary Clinton looks better. So does Senator Mary Kay Hutchinson of Texas and a whole host of other Republican female politicans and they are smart to boot, even though I don't agree with their positions. Governor Palin is wholly unqualified to assume the position of Vice President and no way would I trust her to be President, for the following reasons:

1. She is not knowledgable on economic issues. She is clearly not knowledgable on foreign affairs. AT ALL. We've already have a President who is wholly intellecturally deficient in these areas, which is why we are so screwed up now. We don't need a continuation of the Bush Administration.

2. She has ethics problems. She used her position as Governor to get her ex-brother-in-law terminated from his state job. She's fired others from her staff for questionable reasons. She allowed her husband to to be privved to state business meetings and he is a civilian. Her Alaskan pipeline deal was set up to favor certain businesses -- a violation of procurement guidelines. She used the state's plane to fly her family on unofficial state business and she changed the status of some of that travel as state business when it wasn't. She's a liar and a cheat, and the IRS will visit her soon regarding the 150,000k clothing, and the perdiem she took inappropriately. Just WHY the people of Alaska voted her Governor is a mystery. She is wholly unqualified for that position and her executive experience is laughable.

3. Since we are so concerned about 'associations', lets talk about her husband actually being a member of the Alaskan Independence Party, an organization that believes in succession. Gov. Palin taped a welcome message to the AIP just this year. Not smear allegations. These are stone facts.

4. And what about her religious affilations? If she is not ashamed of it, why not explain it? Pentacostal warrior? Outing the 'devil' by zipcode?

No thank you. She can fly herself and her whole family back to Alaska and stay there. It would not bother me in the least to never hear about her again.

Oh and yes, I can explain Senator McCain's positions, but more importantly, since you brought it up, it's on you to defend him. I certainly don't need to and won't.
Can you explain?!

You need an explanation on Governor's Palin's history? What that says to me is that you don't really know very much about the woman you support, do you?

Well, a rape kit is what the police uses to process physical evidence from a race victim and Governor Palin makes race victims PAY for these kits.

This is a government expense.
If McCain wins I'm going on a trip to the States ASAP. Because I want to see it before it completely goes to ish. But if Obama wins I'll have plenty of time to save up and plan my trip because the US might stand a chance of surviving if they get a decent President. But if McCain and Palin get into the White House then god knows what's going to happen to the US.
I'm sick of all the people who are telling me that Palin is a great role model for women...

And since when should we all aspire to be "beautiful and smart" ? Isn't it just enough to be smart? and what is smart? because I know some brilliant people who only care about numero uno. What determines beauty? See I don't find her that particuarly attractive :unsure: I'm not saying she's ugly, I'm just saying she doesn't really have any real appeal (maybe everyone is comparing her to Hilary and thinking "well at least she's better looking than ol hil").

I'm sorry but Palin will never be a role model for me.... unless I aim to be an underachiever or half a woman

You know that is interesting. So many people on tv say "oh shes such a role model for women blah blah blah" but yet every girl I've come across in reality has said that she is a disgrace to women.

"I'm a mother, I'm from Alaska, I'm a maverick, I'm this and that" Shut up! You're a A lot of women are that congratulations. And most of them are suffering financially, you're doing just fine for yourself so dont say you're just like the rest of us. No one cares that you are from Alaska and you are not a maverick.

I think shes an air head but what do i know.
You need an explanation on Governor's Palin's history? What that says to me is that you don't really know very much about the woman you support, do you?

Well, a rape kit is what the police uses to process physical evidence from a race victim and Governor Palin makes race victims PAY for these kits.

This is a government expense.
Ok I don't have to know every little detail about her history, but I can see that she has done alot of things about Alaska, and she is a strong intelligent woman. What can you say about Biden who got himself into legal problems, and resigned?! And what about Obama who wants to solve nation's problems by seating down and having conversations with terrorists?! By the time the dude does that, we will all be blown to pieces.
Ok I don't have to know every little detail about her history, but I can see that she has done alot of things about Alaska, and she is a strong intelligent woman. What can you say about Biden who got himself into legal problems, and resigned?! And what about Obama who wants to solve nation's problems by seating down and having conversations with terrorists?! By the time the dude does that, we will all be blown to pieces.

I think that you should know about the things that I listed that are facts about Governor Palin and not the nonsensical innuendo and half-told statements that you are spewing. I listed 4 solid reasons why Palin is a problem, yet did you read them?

Because if you did, you would not let the words strong and intelligent come out of your thoughts about this woman.

And in case you haven't noticed, we have been blown away by 'terrorists' already based on the flawed strategy of not talking to foreign governments as the Geneva Convention prescribes.
I am not saying that we should vote for her becuse she's a beauty queen, I am just saying that she has the total package, and she's very smart. Hello, she governed an entire state, Alaska. And can you explain yourself about McCain's lack or position?! I have the right to my opinion, just as you do.

That's nothing :lol: Bush governed an entire country... :ermm:

you heard me :cheeky:

People like Palin push back the women's rights movement everytime they step up and talk about the "traditional" role that us women should be playing and trampling on our rights in regards to our body etc

Ok I don't have to know every little detail about her history, but I can see that she has done alot of things about Alaska, and she is a strong intelligent woman. What can you say about Biden who got himself into legal problems, and resigned?! And what about Obama who wants to solve nation's problems by seating down and having conversations with terrorists?! By the time the dude does that, we will all be blown to pieces.

One of the greatest mistakes anyone can make in a time of war is to assume they know everything about the other person. Heads of states who do not communicate can never resolve their issues.

I'd rather see Obama try to talk with these leaders as opposed to McCain... I watched those presidential debates where McCain referred to the leaders of North Korea, Russia and Iran as crazy people... not entirely diplomatic.... and in my opinion highly stupid. Those debates were aired around the world, now I dunno about you but I'd be pretty pissed off if I was getting called a crazy, unstable war mongering person.

(I understood why McCain took that whole stance... you know scare the public into thinking that these other leaders are all out to kill off US citizens, and that way those same misinformed scared people would go and vote for McCain because after all he's been to war he knows what he's talking about etc etc)

@ Scorpio ... Yes! the whole "I'm a mother!" thing... good grief.... and I'm more than a little disgusted in the way she parade's her small child around like a prop...
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If McCain wins I'm going on a trip to the States ASAP. Because I want to see it before it completely goes to ish. But if Obama wins I'll have plenty of time to save up and plan my trip because the US might stand a chance of surviving if they get a decent President. But if McCain and Palin get into the White House then god knows what's going to happen to the US.

same here. i hope obama wins for america's sake.
I think that you should know about the things that I listed that are facts about Governor Palin and not the nonsensical innuendo and half-told statements that you are spewing. I listed 4 solid reasons why Palin is a problem, yet did you read them?

Because if you did, you would not let the words strong and intelligent come out
She is intelligent and strong, and yes I read your statements, and frankly you don't convince me!
@ Scorpio ... Yes! the whole "I'm a mother!" thing... good grief.... and I'm more than a little disgusted in the way she parade's her small child around like a prop...
Who are you to talk about the way she "parades" her child? And yes she talks about being a mother because that is the most beautiful thing in the world, and she tries to familiarize with many women out there. I don't think that's anything wrong with that.
lovelymj it is remarkable that all posts you've ever done on this whole mjjcommunity are in this very thread to find.

Not saying you're not entitled to your opinion. But I'm wondering if that is what republicans find already necessary lol to come on boards like mjjcommunity and be 'sweet' and 'naive' all they can.
As a republican supporter who you seem to be I'd like to hear about your stand that Mr. Bush as a republican politician (and he wasn't working alone there, was he... and he wasn't really critizised neither by Palin nor by McCain) I'd like to ask you lovelymj who you think is reponsible for the biggest crises the US (and not only its economy) is in since decades.
Is someone responsible for this? Does someone take responsibility for this? What do you think?

I'd also like to know your standpoint on sexual education in the US knowing Mrs. Palins statement and that her wonderful daughter is pregnant?

Oh and if you answer all this please don't start with 'In Alaska...' (it would just give me laugh flash as a world citizen ;) ).

Then again I'd also like to know your standpoint on that Mrs. Palin needs to give more money to her stylist (clothes, cosmetics etc.) than even McCain is paying his political advisors? beauty queen uh? seems she needs some expensive help with her beauty or with her self confidence issues?

I'm just interested...

lol I'm just interested.
Who are you to talk about the way she "parades" her child? And yes she talks about being a mother because that is the most beautiful thing in the world, and she tries to familiarize with many women out there. I don't think that's anything wrong with that.

Mhm. Its more so the fact that she tries too hard to stress that shes like everyone in this country when she really is not. It always has to be about her personal life instead of her political career with her. Which its alright to try to connect with people, thats the point of course. But its always about her.

Its always about her family, and Alaska, and Soccer Moms or whatever. She has yet to really say anything that she can or will attempt to do to fix this country (not just her state). She tries to hard to connect and that is obvious in every conversation she has. I can at least give McCain some credit...tough all he seems to say is he has the "Scars to prove" everything. Yes you were in the military John, thats respectable. But when you parade it around like it makes you better than everyone, it sends the wrong message. And thats exactly what you have been doing.

Compare this to Obama. He always says that he is not like the average family, and he admits that which is the smart thing to do. He admits he is living and living well, but he stresses that he is out to help people because he has been there himself. At least with that statement, he connects and you know its the truth. That is what people should be saying not, how they are "just like you" when they really aren't.

If they'd both stop trying to hard to appear like the average person, they might be closer in this race.
She is intelligent and strong, and yes I read your statements, and frankly you don't convince me!

I'm not trying to convince you. I'm informing you -- that's the difference. Now if you choose not to get yourself educated about the people who you want for a position like this, then that's on you.

But it is simply not logical to conclude that Palin is intelligent in light of the facts that I laid out.
Is it too late for me to run?

Vote for L.J!!! :wild:

My first act as president will be to commission MJ to make a release and album damnit....

No offense, but Palin is parading her children around. They are suppose to be at school. Almost everytime I see her, she is with her young daugthers and her newborn son. I barely see Obama's daugthers on the campaign trail. They are at school where they need to be. It does look like Palin is parading her children.

I wanted to say that if she wanted people to stop talking about the fact the RNC spent $150,000 on her wardrobe, then she needs to stop bringing it up. For the misguided and laughable Elizabeth Hasselback to say that the media coverage towards the amount of money the RNC paid for Palin's clothing was "sexist" is extremely far feched.

Today, Obama is doing a rally at my alma mater, Widener University! I wish I can go but I have errands to run today. I am just so excited about that! :)

The university is having a live webcast of the rally and if you guys are interested, I am going to post the link:

Read that webpage carefully because it tells you how you guys can watch the live webcast.
Yesterday John McCain was at the high school (arena) I graduated from and just 3 blocks away. I did not go, but watched the local news live broadcast, eventually having to turn it off because it so infuriated me.

There he was quoting Biden's recent comment about challenges that Obama would face shortly after election if he is voted the winner. Of course McCain totally left off the last part of Biden's quote, which is out there for the world to read, and very positive. Then he started in on the taxing the small business owner that Obama will do. Obama specifically has stated the parameters he would like to utilize in taxing business owners, and it's not the small business owners, but the bigger cats, even listing yearly business earnings as a parameter.

These kinds of obviously twisted facts only further drive me away from McCain, and I actually thought he was trying to be above that, but obviously not. His speech writers, and ultimately he himself must have approved what he was to say. Was he even aware of the complete statement that Biden made? And Obama's speeches about taxation of business owners? If not, then don't even attempt to use it for one's benefit.

Ultimately I know both camps use and edit what they want to shed negative light on their opponent; but trying to be completely objective I have to say I see far less of this behavior from Obama and his speechwriters.

Ohio has been known to swing democratic in general, but unfortunately southwestern Ohio where I live is also known to be a hotbed of anti-democrat feelings. It's more than frustrating to drive down any neighborhood street and see sign after sign saying "this family for McCain/Palin". My city/area is predominantly rightwing and fundamentalist, plus add having a major airforce base located here (WrightPatterson AFB), and one finds oneself being clearly in the minority and under scrutiny/suspicion if one makes one positive statement for Obama, or against McCain.

Despite knowing that Obama leads in polls (by differing margins according to when taken and by what poll), the overall feeling one would get if they visited here is that McCain has the election in the bag. I just feel sad and hopeless having to see and listen to what's all around me. Hopefully the state in general still goes democrat and can give the fairly large number of electorates to Obama.
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Palin presents her self as smart and strong.. It's all in imaging. She has no idea what to do, and is a fish thrown in a pool of sharks.

Many people can pull off what she has infront of the nation, but not many people could really take on VP role.. And she's one of them who could not.