US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

Retired General Colin L. Powell, one of the country's most respected Republicans, stunned both parties on Sunday by strongly endorsing Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) for president on NBC's "Meet the Press" and laying out a blistering, detailed critique of the modern GOP.

Powell said the election of Obama would "electrify the world."

"I think he is a transformational figure," Powell said. "He is a new generation coming ... onto the world stage and on the American stage. And for that reason, I'll be voting for Senator Barack Obama."
McCain: 'I love being the underdog'

Sen. John McCain said today he's "very happy" with the way his campaign is going, despite his status in the polls. "I love being the underdog," the Republican candidate said. "You know, every time that I've gotten ahead, somehow I've messed it up." Sen. Barack Obama leads McCain by 6 points, according to CNN's latest average of national polls.

I don't know why he's happy at all, nonetheless being "very happy."
McCain: 'I love being the underdog'

Sen. John McCain said today he's "very happy" with the way his campaign is going, despite his status in the polls. "I love being the underdog," the Republican candidate said. "You know, every time that I've gotten ahead, somehow I've messed it up." Sen. Barack Obama leads McCain by 6 points, according to CNN's latest average of national polls.

I don't know why he's happy at all, nonetheless being "very happy."

He is happy is will not be the president who will have to face and fix our economic mess! duh*
Colin Powell Invokes Image Of Fallen Soldier

Today, Colin Powell officially endorsed Barack Obama for President. But the big news today is that this was not even his most important endorsement of the day. As it turns out, the most important thing endorsed by Colin Powell today was an America that's worth leading and worth fighting for, an America that encapsulates the idea of what some might call a "more perfect union." To that end, Powell invoked a picture to illustrate his point.

"Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer is no. That's not America. Is there something wrong with a seven-year-old Muslim-American kid believing he or she could be president? Yet I have heard senior members of my own party drop the suggestion that he is a Muslim and might have an association with terrorists. This is not the way we should be doing it in America.

I feel particularly strong about this because of a picture I saw in a magazine. It was a photo essay about troops who were serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. And one picture at the tail end of this photo essay, was of a mother at Arlington Cemetery and she had her head on the headstone of her son's grave. And as the picture focused in, you could see the writing on the headstone, and it gave his awards - Purple Heart, Bronze Star - showed that he died in Iraq, gave his date of birth, date of death, he was 20 years old. And then at the very top of the head stone, it didn't have a Christian cross. It didn't have a Star of David. It has a crescent and star of the Islamic faith.

And his name was Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan. And he was an American. He was born in New Jersey. He was fourteen years old at the time of 9/11, and he waited until he could serve his country and he gave his life."


This brought me to tears. Bravo, General Powell!
Beautiful.... and poignant.

Powell was very much on point today. The bashing of Americans of Muslim faith must end.
Colin Powell's Endorsement of Presidential Candidate Sen. Barak Obama came as no surprise to Washington watcher's. Colin Powell has not been pleased with the Republican Party as far back as Bush's first term which towards the end, Powell step down a little earlier than anticipated and retired. Political analyst have been speculating off and on all year that he would endorse Obama.

The surprise was how far he went on ''Meet the Press" to express his unapproval of how his party was running their campaign. I have only seen clips of it but he all but said from what I can see, that McCain/Pailn campaign was racist against Obama.
Hey,Im from New Zealand( most of you prob want know where it is i assume) which is relatively liberal multi-cultural country. But i would like to say, all these McCain/Palin supporters really confuse me! Do they ACTUALLY believe Obama is a terrorist???or is it just a few? And is your country really as racist as the videos on youtube suggest?its kind of worrying that the most powerfull country in the world has these views in this day n age..

It would be nice to hear from a Republican supporter.
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And is your country really as racist as the videos on youtube suggest?its kind of worrying that the most powerfull country in the world has these views in this day n age..
Right, and that's the problem. It's truly mind-boggling.

Last elections, I registered myself as a republican and voted for Bush. I agreed with most of that stances on the issue, but to be honest, I merely registered republican because of my parents. Not that this is a shot against my parents, but there are always ulterior reasons for voting republican. (i.e.. tax cuts)

You grow up and realize it's all wrong and it's kind of become like an enlightenment for me. To be honest, republicans are too right-winged for me. The whole "we're good Christian people" act is not working.
just a reminder for everyone to register to vote..

This is SICK!! And I don't mean that in a GOOD WAY!!

CULLOWHEE, N.C. – Police at Western Carolina University and wildlife officials were investigating the discovery early Monday of a dead bear cub draped with a pair of Barack Obama campaign signs.

Leila Tvedt, associate vice chancellor for public relations, said Monday night that maintenance workers found the 75-pound bear cub shot to death in front of the school's administration building at the entrance to campus. The Obama yard signs were stapled together and placed over the bear's head, Tvedt said.

The bear had been shot in the head, Tvedt said.

"Western Carolina University deplores the inappropriate behavior that has led to this troubling incident," Tvedt said. "We cannot speculate on the motives of the people involved nor who those people might be. Campus police are cooperating fully with authorities to investigate this matter."
Going to see Obama tonight. :wild:

I advise all American members who are registered to vote to please take advantage of early voting! That way if there's a small problem with you being able to vote, it gives you a little time to get your problem sorted by election day. Be a part of HISTORY and CHANGE. Seriously. The world needs this. We ALL need this!
This is SICK!! And I don't mean that in a GOOD WAY!!

CULLOWHEE, N.C. – Police at Western Carolina University and wildlife officials were investigating the discovery early Monday of a dead bear cub draped with a pair of Barack Obama campaign signs.

Leila Tvedt, associate vice chancellor for public relations, said Monday night that maintenance workers found the 75-pound bear cub shot to death in front of the school's administration building at the entrance to campus. The Obama yard signs were stapled together and placed over the bear's head, Tvedt said.

The bear had been shot in the head, Tvedt said.

"Western Carolina University deplores the inappropriate behavior that has led to this troubling incident," Tvedt said. "We cannot speculate on the motives of the people involved nor who those people might be. Campus police are cooperating fully with authorities to investigate this matter."

That's just rotten...

Palin's Qualifications Now Top Concern Over McCain Candidacy

Two polls released Tuesday provide striking evidence of Palin's transformation over the course of two months from GOP energy boost to major drawback, as the Alaska governor's rising unfavorability ratings have become a critical vulnerability for the McCain campaign.
Palin's qualifications to be president now rank as voters' top concern about John McCain's candidacy - "ahead of continuing President Bush's policies, enacting economic policies that only benefit the rich and keeping too high of a troop presence in Iraq," according to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll.
Fifty-five percent of respondents now say Palin is not qualified to serve as president, a five-point jump from the previous NBC/WSJ survey.

This is SICK!! And I don't mean that in a GOOD WAY!!

CULLOWHEE, N.C. – Police at Western Carolina University and wildlife officials were investigating the discovery early Monday of a dead bear cub draped with a pair of Barack Obama campaign signs.

Leila Tvedt, associate vice chancellor for public relations, said Monday night that maintenance workers found the 75-pound bear cub shot to death in front of the school's administration building at the entrance to campus. The Obama yard signs were stapled together and placed over the bear's head, Tvedt said.

The bear had been shot in the head, Tvedt said.

"Western Carolina University deplores the inappropriate behavior that has led to this troubling incident," Tvedt said. "We cannot speculate on the motives of the people involved nor who those people might be. Campus police are cooperating fully with authorities to investigate this matter."

Wooow. "We can not speculate the motives" well obviously you can't but I think its safe to say what those motives were. Thats just sad and disgusting.
Scorpio, it's times like these when ppl sometimes show their true colors. I heard on the radio this morning that in some other town they are passing out 10 dollar bills with Obama's face showing his smile depicted like a watermelon and him having a bucket of chicken on the side. And ppl love to say "oh racism is over in America". Try again.

Anyway, I went to the rally down here yesterday and the buzz was simply amazing. Hillary Clinton wasn't at the rally I went to but Michelle and Barak were enuf. People were squished up against one another and even if we couldn't see him too well, we were content to be able to be there and hear his voice. People were honking their horns up and down the street as we were leaving. It was awesome and inspiring. It was so packed I couldn't get a souvenier going in or coming out. People were everywhere and you sorta got pushed along with the crowd. I guess that's what it must be like to get caught up in one of those MJ mobs? :lol: I will never forget it, that's for sure. Wish I had hung around longer tho cuz I heard Obama stayed long after he spoke. Everyone basically took off right after cuz the Miami Heat had a game next door and we knew traffic was going to be hell...and it was...but it was for a beautiful reason.
I just voted (I'm absentee) but I think I might walk my ballot into a polling place on election day. I was gonna mail it but I'm not taking any chances that it gets lost in the mail.
for those who have voted all ready.. Anyone feel OK with sharing who you voted for?
Lucky you! :)

Scorpio, it's times like these when ppl sometimes show their true colors. I heard on the radio this morning that in some other town they are passing out 10 dollar bills with Obama's face showing his smile depicted like a watermelon and him having a bucket of chicken on the side. And ppl love to say "oh racism is over in America". Try again.

Anyway, I went to the rally down here yesterday and the buzz was simply amazing. Hillary Clinton wasn't at the rally I went to but Michelle and Barak were enuf. People were squished up against one another and even if we couldn't see him too well, we were content to be able to be there and hear his voice. People were honking their horns up and down the street as we were leaving. It was awesome and inspiring. It was so packed I couldn't get a souvenier going in or coming out. People were everywhere and you sorta got pushed along with the crowd. I guess that's what it must be like to get caught up in one of those MJ mobs? :lol: I will never forget it, that's for sure. Wish I had hung around longer tho cuz I heard Obama stayed long after he spoke. Everyone basically took off right after cuz the Miami Heat had a game next door and we knew traffic was going to be hell...and it was...but it was for a beautiful reason.