US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

I'm always reminded of a Lil Bush (Comedy Central) quote: "Why doesn't McCain share the acorns he stores in his cheeks??!" The way Lil Bush said it was just sooo danggg funny lol
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Mccain get offended when at the debate Obama mentioned the racists and hateful remarks at his rallies and how he really doesn't say or do anything about it. John basically said he does not support those comments and he always makes sure to stop them. He even claims that he has said that it isn't right.

Well today on CNN I saw his rally live. And there was a man that said once again "death to Obama" and what did John do? Nothing. He simply put his hand up and said "seriously folks i need to talk seriously to you". Now I won't cal him anything. But I will say that he did not awknolwedge that person like he claim he does, and he did not say "no don't say that its wrong". I just thought it was pretty interesting. And once again makes you question his character.
I have a few questions that my wife and I are trying to figure out.. ABOUT REGISTERING TO VOTE..

We currently live in Arizona, and plan to move to California in the near future. (my wife used to live in Cali)

Our plan was to go to California and establish a drivers licence and some other things, prior to when we actually move there so our residence date would begin earlier. (So college tuition would be cheaper once we get there) Make sence??

Anyways, my wife is afraid to register to vote here in Arizona, because we are thinking maybe the fact she was here to vote, we really were not residence of California at that time.. . get me?

AND, she was thinking since she was registered to vote in cali last election, she could just do a mail in vote.. However, she is going to vote for a different party than she did before, and is not sure if she'll have to update her registeration. If so she does not have a california lisence right now to do that. Otherwise, if she does not have to update it, it should be OK since they still have her old info as a cali. registered voter.

If anyone can help us out, it would be great.. THANKS
I have a few questions that my wife and I are trying to figure out.. ABOUT REGISTERING TO VOTE..

We currently live in Arizona, and plan to move to California in the near future. (my wife used to live in Cali)

Our plan was to go to California and establish a drivers licence and some other things, prior to when we actually move there so our residence date would begin earlier. (So college tuition would be cheaper once we get there) Make sence??

Anyways, my wife is afraid to register to vote here in Arizona, because we are thinking maybe the fact she was here to vote, we really were not residence of California at that time.. . get me?

AND, she was thinking since she was registered to vote in cali last election, she could just do a mail in vote.. However, she is going to vote for a different party than she did before, and is not sure if she'll have to update her registeration. If so she does not have a california lisence right now to do that. Otherwise, if she does not have to update it, it should be OK since they still have her old info as a cali. registered voter.

If anyone can help us out, it would be great.. THANKS

First of all, you need to check with both California and Arizona to see if you can still register to vote. Go to their state website and look for 'elections' or voter registration information.

If your wife is still carrying a California Drivers' License, then she should request an absentee ballot from California. If you guys have licenses in AZ, you should vote in AZ.

But you can find out more from the state's registration offices.

Hope that helps.
I found that the registration deadline for Cali is October 20th. Well it must be postmarked no later than that date I should say.

And as stated, they prefer that you vote with your current address. But I just read that the deadline for registration in Arizona was October 6th.

So since she doesn't have her Cali license I would suggest calling and asking because I really don't have a straight answer or even a guess for you. I believe you only need proper ID if you're registering for the first time but I'm not 100% on that. But I've also heard that once you move from the town you live in, your registration is no longer valid. So she may not be able to vote this year is my guess.
McCain's response to most moments in the last debate....


The moderator should have asked "do either of you take drugs?

mcCain's response would have looked liike this:

Coming soon to a theatre near you....


Starring Will Smith as Barack Obama....


Meryl Streep as Hillary Clinton....


and of course, Tina Fey as Sarah Palin....


But who will play John McCain, Joe Biden and other characters in the inevitable 2008 Election movie?

lol, just for a bit of fun. Who do you think should play the candidates in a movie? And who should direct it? My guess is Oliver Stone has already started making a movie about the 2008 election.
Wow Barrack... lookin goooood! :thumbsup:

And don't forget that John McCain will be played by....


ROBIN WILLIAMS [size=-2]Creep. I know he can act but creep.[/size]
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This got me busting out laughing at 5 in da morning, and that's saying something. Sad, actually :crackingup:
Those facial actions :ermm:

I wanted to watch the debate with the worm though... would loved to have seen the women's responses to McCain as he said Palin is a model all women aspire to...... excuse me! I think that statement alone lost him any feminists who would vote for him... cause yes that's right ladies and gentlemen!... us ladies all want to be mindless women who squeeze into some ridiclous model of what a woman should be.. and tough luck if you're one of the 80% + of women who don't look or fit into the uppity skinny soccer mum model.
Some of these Christians, my gosh, get a reality check. I live in one of the most suburban, conservative areas... you'll never believe all the things I hear. The best, by far, is all their reasons that Obama is the "Anti-Christ" (whatever the hell that is, exactly)

Just to mess around with my neighbors, I go "He probably is. We're doomed. You know what the polls are saying? He's going to win." And their reaction stays like :bugeyed for the rest of the day.
Those people are no Christians. God so loved THE WORLD not white people not black people the world. They are clueless racist. And what you see here are people becoming unhinged they are going crazy Barack Obama might be the next president. If that happens then there is truly nothing black people can't do. Can't hold us back never could anyway and now you definitely can't
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As if those people didn't already look like clowns this statement is just perfect:

“Obama and his wife, I’m concerned that they could be anti-white. That he might hide that.”

Excuse me? That just shows this country's ignorance because they have never showed or expressed that they could be anything close to that. You can't hide racism and believe me if he was there would be signs of it all over the news by now. Apparently they fail to realize two things. One, that it is John McCain that has the racist followers with their "death to Obama" remarks. Two....and this is a big one right here....his mother is white!

Wow, some people do not think or are too ignorant. Why would he be anti-white when hello, he lived with a white Grandmother that he praises every chance he gets for what she did for him as far as taking care of him.

I'm sorry Mr. McCain supporter, but I'm concerned that you could be anti-black. That you are doing a terrible job hiding that. Please try again.
Coming soon to a theatre near you....


Starring Will Smith as Barack Obama....


Meryl Streep as Hillary Clinton....


and of course, Tina Fey as Sarah Palin....


But who will play John McCain, Joe Biden and other characters in the inevitable 2008 Election movie?

lol, just for a bit of fun. Who do you think should play the candidates in a movie? And who should direct it? My guess is Oliver Stone has already started making a movie about the 2008 election.

LOL! That's pretty good. I was thinking about Will Smith in that role...
As if those people didn't already look like clowns this statement is just perfect:

“Obama and his wife, I’m concerned that they could be anti-white. That he might hide that.”

Excuse me? That just shows this country's ignorance because they have never showed or expressed that they could be anything close to that. You can't hide racism and believe me if he was there would be signs of it all over the news by now. Apparently they fail to realize two things. One, that it is John McCain that has the racist followers with their "death to Obama" remarks. Two....and this is a big one right here....his mother is white!

Wow, some people do not think or are too ignorant. Why would he be anti-white when hello, he lived with a white Grandmother that he praises every chance he gets for what she did for him as far as taking care of him.

I'm sorry Mr. McCain supporter, but I'm concerned that you could be anti-black. That you are doing a terrible job hiding that. Please try again.

Yeah, it's kinda hard to be 'anti-White' when you are half-white yourself. I guess Obama is full of half self-hate...

Talk about low-information voters. If they knew who they were giving that interview to, they would have ran that crew off the road.

But the sad thing here is that McCain/Palin has put their ambitions over civility.

At least I think McCain has.

This is Congresswoman Michelle Backman who proclaimed on MSNBC last night that half of the county and all who doesn't agree with her point of view are un-American and unpatriotic:
Obama draws 100,000 people to his rally in St. Louis, Missouri.


That's his largest audience ever in the United States, secondly only to the audience of 200,000 that saw him speak in Germany earlier this year. More people turned up to see him speak in St. Louis than the 80,000 that attended his DNC acceptance speech.

Missouri is a battleground state that holds 11 electoral votes. The latest Rasmussen poll has Obama at 52% in Missouri to McCain's 46%. However, Bush won Missouri in the last two election by 7.2% in 2004 and 3.3% in 2000.
Some of these Christians, my gosh, get a reality check. I live in one of the most suburban, conservative areas... you'll never believe all the things I hear. The best, by far, is all their reasons that Obama is the "Anti-Christ" (whatever the hell that is, exactly)

Just to mess around with my neighbors, I go "He probably is. We're doomed. You know what the polls are saying? He's going to win." And their reaction stays like :bugeyed for the rest of the day.
well its true, he is the anti-christ and thats why he is gonna win:ph34r:
Colin Powell has finally picked a candidate, and is backing Obama

LOL @ the anti-christ comments, same thing was said about Ronald Wilson Reagan, who it was determined since each of his names came to 6 - that he for sure represented 666 - LOL Gotta love the fundamentalists - NOT!