US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

Watching the debate...McCain is such an ass! He HATES Obama, you can tell just from how he's looking at Obama. It's disgusting just looking at him. And he's been coming out swinging, and Obama has stayed cool as usual. Oh and McCain nearly started to cry over the fact that Obama aparently never came out against some senator who compared Palin and McCain to a segragation leader. And I was like, "Well, you and Mrs. Palin were saying Obama was palling around with terrorists. What about that bs?" LOL! It's sad. McCain KNOWS his ass is on the line so he has to come out in full attack mode. It's almost pathetic really. I really do not like him.

Obama is rockin' it.
Watching the debate...McCain is such an ass! He HATES Obama, you can tell just from how he's looking at Obama. It's disgusting just looking at him. And he's been coming out swinging, and Obama has stayed cool as usual. Oh and McCain nearly started to cry over the fact that Obama aparently never came out against some senator who compared Palin and McCain to a segragation leader. And I was like, "Well, you and Mrs. Palin were saying Obama was palling around with terrorists. What about that bs?" LOL! It's sad. McCain KNOWS his ass is on the line so he has to come out in full attack mode. It's almost pathetic really. I really do not like him.

Obama is rockin' it.
i agree he is annoying me
Australians: The debate should be starting in a matter of minutes on ABC and SBS. Unless you're on daylight savings time. In which case the debate should be on now (and probably half over). If you have Foxtel, the Fox News and CNN channels will probably replay the debate all day. That's what they did for the last three debates.

From the looks of what has been said in this thread so far, it should be very interesting. I knew McCain would come out swinging with a 'got nothing to lose' attitude. He feels he can't win at this point so he's just going to throw a Hail Mary.
Australians: The debate should be starting in a matter of minutes on ABC and SBS. Unless you're on daylight savings time. In which case the debate should be on now (and probably half over). If you have Foxtel, the Fox News and CNN channels will probably replay the debate all day. That's what they did for the last three debates.

From the looks of what has been said in this thread so far, it should be very interesting. I knew McCain would come out swinging with a 'got nothing to lose' attitude. He feels he can't win at this point so he's just going to throw a Hail Mary.

That's EXACTLY what he's doing! Like I said, it's rather sad and ANNOYING.

He keeps referencing this plumber apparently named Joe whom Obama spoke with and he keeps turning to the camera saying, "You hear that Joe?" "Joe I'm here for you. I'm going to help you out." Crap like that. Maybe not those exact phrases, but dude it's flat out annoying and I think Obama thinks it's annoying.

And the dude says that Roe vs. Wade was a bad decision and that should be in the hands of the state. For a guy who's so anti-government involvement he seemed to not see anything wrong with government getting involved in this one. But it's state's rights...he's a federalist...**rolls eyes** THAT came direct from the horse's mouth as well.
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McCain called Obama a "pro-abortionist" WHICH ISN'T TRUE! He (Obama) just got done explaining his stance and that's what McCain threw out at him. I'm pro-choice, but that does NOT make me pro-abortion. Obama even said no one is "pro-abortion" and that it's a tragic situation, etc. etc. He also mentioned educating children and working on preventing unwanted pregnancies and provided help for women who want to keep their babies. Again, Obama is coming across as articulate and very "cool" and McCain is...well he's just coming across as a jerk. He was saying Obama was being "elequant" (sp?) with his words. Basically he was saying Obama was mixing his words and I think trying to imply some kind of tie to being an elitist or some crap like that. Obama has shown himself to be a highly intelligant man and THAT is the kind of individual we NEED as our president not "Joe six pack". Ugh!

Oh and McCain has been blaming the democrates and Obama for pretty much everything. It's rediculous.
OH! And McCain belittled a woman's health exception in regards to abortion. According to him even if the mother's life is at stake, abortion shouldn't be on the table.

Obama said, that it was a sensitive issue and everyone wasn't going to agree. Then he laid out what he thought and so forth.
I assume Barack won?

Based on the debate I just watched, yes, he did. And even though Andra Mitchell is arguing McCain won and that it was McCain's best debate (hardly), Chris Matthews (a staunch conservative and Republican) said Obama won narrowly based on McCain's attitude. And I FIRMLY believe Andrea M. is a McCain supporter, so she's sticking up for him. **rolls eyes**
She is married to the guy who got us into the trouble we are in now. Allen Greenspan
Right so she is always doing that. When I see her on tv she is doing her best to promp him up
Me too, It's up to us now, truly. We've gone through discussion, stupid scandals, what more do we need? To VOTE obviously. We will get outta bed in a couple o weeks, go outside, turn our heads at people and say ".... votin'. VOTIN'!" :agree:
OK, so I took some notes while watching the debate.

I think Bob Schieffer did an excellent job as moderator. He asked great questions, he pulled up the candidates when he thought they were dodging the questions and he let the candidates go at it a bit. He only had to tell the candidates their time was up a few times. I thought he did a really great job. This was the best debate of the lot.

I knew McCain would bring up Joe the plumber. But I think it was a mistake on his part because it gave Obama an opportunity to explain why his tax plan will benefit small businesses and he did that very well. But wouldn't you know it, McCain then brought up the idea of wealth redistribution and tried to link Obama to staunch socialism. I don't think he was very successful in doing so. Btw, did McCain mouth BS when Obama said "nobody likes taxes"? lol. I think this first section of the debate about the economy and taxes really outlined a fundamental difference between Obama and McCain. McCain is more sympathetic to the business owner and the corporate leader whereas Obama is more sympathetic to the working man. McCain is more sympathetic to Joe the plumber now who has enough money to start up a business of his own, whereas Obama is more sympathetic to Joe the plumber 10 years ago when he was working hard trying to make the money to one day fulfil the "American dream".

One of the best debate questions was "say it to their face". Schieffer challenged the candidates to say what they have been saying in their campaign ads to their opponent's face. Neither really rose to the challenge which was disappointing. McCain bought up the George Wallace comparison made by John Lewis and boy, talk about fake choke-ups. A lot of Republicans accused Joe Biden of faking to choke up when he talked about the accident in which his wife and daughter died. Which was shameful on their part. But I think maybe now they'll know what a real fake choke-up looks like after seeing John McCain in this debate. He was playing the victim saying how unfair it was that John Lewis compared him to George Wallace and that "everyone is picking on me". But it gave Obama an oppurtunity to explain why John Lewis made that comparison and brought up the fact that at McCain rallies people have been screaming out very hateful things like "Arab", "terrorist", "kill him", "Obama bin Laden" etc. But unlike McCain, Obama doesn't let these things get to him. Another fundamental difference between Obama and McCain. Obama has the ability to remain calm, cool and collected. McCain is a loose cannon.

I think Obama finally put to rest the Ayers issue. Republicans will keep badgering on about it. But at least now those independent and undecided voters know that Ayers has nothing to do with Obama now and when they did have something to do with each-other, Ayers was a professor not a terrorist. He hadn't been engaged in that sort of activity for years and years. They worked on an education reform committee that a lot of respected people from both sides of the aisle were a part of. There's nothing alarming about the Obama-Ayers connection. Obama made an excellent point in saying that "it says more about your campaign than it does about me".

When talking about their running mates, McCain almost endorsed Obama when he said something to the nature of "it's time for a breath of fresh air in Washington". He was talking about Sarah Palin but it's the same thing that's been said about Obama. I'm sure when most people heard McCain say that they thought of Obama because that the kind of language that's been used to describe Obama so many times before.

When Schieffer bought up the issue of health care, McCain's heart must've sunk into his stomach. Because that's his weak point and it is Obama's strong point. He must've known he was about to get owned and owned he was. I literally laughed out loud when McCain asked Obama what the fine would be for small business who failed to supply their employees with health insurance. Obama looked into the camera and said "Joe the plumber, here's your fine... ZERO!" LMAO @ the look on John McCain's face. OWNED!

All in all, it was a very good debate. Best out of the lot. Obama totally owned McCain. McCain looked like a desperate, pathetic, washed-up old man slinging mud at Obama hoping something would stick. Nothing stuck. Obama wiped it away with ease. Obama appeared so poised and in control. Kind of like a President. I think this final debate made it real clear who is ready to be President.
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I liked how Obama called Fox news out :rofl: "even fox news... which is rare for me!"

I was like oooh!!! LOL

but as for McCain... he's not a diplomat he's insulting and rude... if he's like that towards his own country men... what's he going to be like towards a leader from a country he doesn't like.. such as North Korea?
I literally laughed out loud when McCain asked Obama what the fine would be for small business who failed to supply their employees with health insurance. Obama looked into the camera and said "Joe the plumber, here's your fine... ZERO!" LMAO @ the look on John McCain's face. OWNED!

LOL! I know! That's why I said, "Priceless!" LOL! It really was. :rofl:

It's from 2003, but it fits perfectly now. Like the first 120 seconds. :rofl:
Most of the polls that were released today would have been conducted prior to the debate. And even so, the full effect of the debate probably hasn't begun to show yet. But anyhow, here is the electoral map as it stands at the moment. Obama still looks like winning by a landslide. Do you think once the post-debate polls are released much will change?

I know its off topic but when ever I see maccains chubby cheeks I feel tempted to reach into the tv and pull them :lol: