US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

... At this point, McCain should just throw in the towel. It's useless. Actually, he probably believes he's going to win come Nov. 4th. At his age, I'd be too afraid it'll come as a shock and he might suffer a heart attack. :bugeyed

EDIT: Was that mean? That was mean. I joke.
As we get closer to this election I am preparing myself for a let down. Why you ask? Was not that many years ago black people were killed for trying to vote. Was not that many years ago that years ago that the killer of Medgar Evers stayed free for years after shooting man in the back. This is the same country that people would put on there Sunday's best to go out and watch a man be lynched. And, the same country that in 04 reelected George Bush after he stole in in 2000. I want nothing more then to be standing in front of my TV on November 4 with tears in my eyes watching Barack Obama be declared the winner. But I am prepared to be looking at my TV in disgust watching MCCain being declared the winner. I hate to drag the thread down but I can't let this go
^^ Yes this is true. Stranger things have happened. And as you guys( and girls) know, even if Barack does win the election he might not "Win" like Al Gore did.
I see what you're saying, but that's why people must go out and vote & I would recommend voting early.

As we get closer to this election I am preparing myself for a let down. Why you ask? Was not that many years ago black people were killed for trying to vote. Was not that many years ago that years ago that the killer of Medgar Evers stayed free for years after shooting man in the back. This is the same country that people would put on there Sunday's best to go out and watch a man be lynched. And, the same country that in 04 reelected George Bush after he stole in in 2000. I want nothing more then to be standing in front of my TV on November 4 with tears in my eyes watching Barack Obama be declared the winner. But I am prepared to be looking at my TV in disgust watching MCCain being declared the winner. I hate to drag the thread down but I can't let this go
Didn't Bush lose the popular election in 04? But he won the electoral vote, which is the only one that really matters. That's the only way I see Obama losing. The electoral college usually votes the way of popular opinion, but not always. It's jacked up when you realize your vote doesn't really count at all.
Didn't Bush lose the popular election in 04? But he won the electoral vote, which is the only one that really matters. That's the only way I see Obama losing. The electoral college usually votes the way of popular opinion, but not always. It's jacked up when you realize your vote doesn't really count at all.

In some states electorates can get fined or kicked off the electoral board for being "faithless" (i.e. not voting by way of the popular vote in that state). And the electoral college is a winner-takes-all system. So even if a state has a "faithless" electorate, whoever gets the majority of the votes from that state adds all the electoral votes from that state to their cumulative total. But the occurrence of a "faithless" voter is very rare. Electorates aren't meant to serve as opinionated voters who cast their votes for the electoral college based on their personal preference. They serve more like a representation of the popular vote in their state. So the fact that electorates cast the votes, not the public, doesn't mean your vote doesn't count.

Bush's victory in 2000 was not because of "faithless" voters but because the mathematics of the electoral votes in each state per capita didn't add up right so in a rare occurrence Bush was able to win the most electoral vote without winning the national popular vote. If the mathematics of the electoral college was perfect, there'd be no way that could happen.
though I hope and think Obama will win... I would not take the pressure off of McCain and say "Obama GOT THIS" because you NEVER KNOW...

I have been suprized too many times to be suprized by this country.. lol!

Can anyone say FLORIDA..
I am excited because I do think Barack is going to win this thing. But at the same time, I'm afraid of what can and perhaps will happen to him if he does win.

There are people that say racism and hate is dead. Well if you say that then, you're simply blind. Obviously its better than what it used to be but if one thing has been proven throughout this whole process is that its alive and doing well for itself. And its a shame, it truely is. But what more can you do, and what more can you ask for?

I've been wanting and waiting for the next great, African American leader my entire short life. And I feel we found him, but at what price that is....well...we'll have to wait and see. And you know its a shame when you look for the next "African American Leader" and not simply the next "Great Leader". But thats the way it is, and you can't live your life in fear. So I continue to hope and pray for the best.
Although Im not American I really want Barack Obama to win, but looking in the news today, the polls seem to suggest that the gap between the two has narrowed substantially.
Although Im not American I really want Barack Obama to win, but looking in the news today, the polls seem to suggest that the gap between the two has narrowed substantially.

Those are just popularity polls and not nationwide, they are hardly ever a good representation of the situattion.
I am so afraid for Barack. THere is so much racial hatred going on...and that little baby bear getting's just so crazy. Now I know why Colin Powell himself didn't run, and why his wife didn't want him to run. But a person just can't run and hide all of their life. A person needs to stand up for what he/she believes in. No matter what!!
This is a must-see. All I can say it about is, "WOW!" You're going to have to see this one for yourself. I can't even describe it. It's a powerful, powerful message and I hope everyone gets the chance to see it because this is exactly what people want to hear from a leader. It's incredible. Just watch....

Barack Obama speaking in Richmond, Virginia

Barack Obama - Richmond said:
Let me tell you something. Because I know you've been hearing a lot of stuff lately. There are no real parts of the country and fake parts of the country. The are no pro-America parts of the country and anti-America parts of the country. We all love this country no matter where we live or where we come from. Black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native-American, young, old, rich, poor, gay, straight, city-dweller, farm-dwellers. It doesn't matter. We're all together. There are patriots who were for this war in Iraq and patriots who opposed it. There are patriots who believe in Democratic policies and those who believe in Republican policies. The men and women from Virginia and all across the country who serve on our battlefields. Some are Democrats, some are Republicans, some are Independents. But they fought together and bled together. Some died together under the same proud flag. They have not served a red America. They have not served a blue America. They have served the United States of America. Nobody should forget that. (crowd: U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!...) We've always been at our best when we've had leadership that has called on us to look past our differences. To come together as a nation. Leadership that rallies us to a common purpose, a higher purpose. I'm running for President because that's the country we need to be right now. This country and the dream it represents are being tested in ways we haven't seen in nearly a century. Future generations will judge us by how we responded to this test. Will they say this is a time when America lost its way, lost it's nerve; when we allowed the same divisions, the same petty difference to plunge us into a dark and painful recession? Or will they say this was another one of those moments when America rose up; when we overcame, when we battled back from adversity, when we recognized the common stake we have in each-other? Now there's one of those moments. Richmond, I realize many of you are cynical. Many of you are fed up with politics. I understand you're disappointed, even angry with your leaders and you've got every right to be. But despite all this I ask of you to do what has been asked of Americans throughout our history. I ask you to believe. Believe in yourselves. Believe in each-other. Believe in the future we can build together. Together we can't fail. Not now. Together we can't fail. Not when we have a crisis to solve. Not when we have an economy to save. Not when there's so many Americans without jobs, losing there homes, can't afford to see a doctor, can't afford to send their kids to college or pay their bills. Not when there's a generation that's counting on us to give them the same opportunities somebody gave us. Everybody in this auditorium, at some point, somebody stood up for you. Some of you had parents or grandparents who couldn't go to college but they fought so you could go to college. You had parents or grandparents who couldn't start their own business but they struggled so you could start your own business. They might not have been able to vote but they marched and fought so you could vote. Maybe you could run for the United States Senate. Maybe you could run for the Presidency of the United States of America. That's what this election is about. That's what we're fighting for. And in the next 13 days, if you fight with me, if you work with me, if you make phone calls with me, if you organize with me, I promise you we'll win Virginia and we'll win this election and you and I together we'll change this country and change the world. Thank you everybody. Good night and God bless you.
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Wow, that was pretty moving. It's true, even if we've had our ups and downs from what's going on, at the end of the day, we still love America. Honestly, it'll be a shame if he doesn't get elected. I really hope that we can do this now, because I don't think we'll ever get a chance like this again, for a long long time.
CNN Electoral Vote Estimate »




Barack Obama277


John McCain192 Safe | 85 Leaning

122 Safe | 52 Leaning

270 to win
Tossup: 87

Man, I was trying out that map thing... and I clicked on all states for Mccain :bugeyed:

Almost gave me a concussion. Thanks arX.
In some states electorates can get fined or kicked off the electoral board for being "faithless" (i.e. not voting by way of the popular vote in that state). And the electoral college is a winner-takes-all system. So even if a state has a "faithless" electorate, whoever gets the majority of the votes from that state adds all the electoral votes from that state to their cumulative total. But the occurrence of a "faithless" voter is very rare. Electorates aren't meant to serve as opinionated voters who cast their votes for the electoral college based on their personal preference. They serve more like a representation of the popular vote in their state. So the fact that electorates cast the votes, not the public, doesn't mean your vote doesn't count.

Bush's victory in 2000 was not because of "faithless" voters but because the mathematics of the electoral votes in each state per capita didn't add up right so in a rare occurrence Bush was able to win the most electoral vote without winning the national popular vote. If the mathematics of the electoral college was perfect, there'd be no way that could happen.

Oh. Shows what I know, lol. It would be so much easier if they just got rid of the electoral college though, I think.
I think that CNN map is a few days old. Or they're using old polls. The electoral map projection is looking more like this at the moment...


With 12 days to go can McCain turn this around? I don't think so. Obama has it in the bag. But that's not to say you still don't need to vote if you're an 18+ US citizen.
nothing would surprise me if things changed by polling day. all this computer voting is very dodgy as shown in the past. who knows what might go on this time
nothing would surprise me if things changed by polling day. all this computer voting is very dodgy as shown in the past. who knows what might go on this time

There's already been complaints in West Virginia from people who turned up for early voting that they pressed the button for Obama but the machine said they voted for McCain.
Apparently they reported it to the organisers of the polling station and they said not to worry because there's a paper trail running through the machine and even if the machine said you voted for McCain, if you pressed the button for Obama then your vote will come up for Obama on paper. They then asked if the organisers could check the paper trail to confirm that their vote was recorded for Obama but the organizers said they couldn't look at anyone's votes until election day.
Apparently they reported it to the organisers of the polling station and they said not to worry because there's a paper trail running through the machine and even if the machine said you voted for McCain, if you pressed the button for Obama then your vote will come up for Obama on paper. They then asked if the organisers could check the paper trail to confirm that their vote was recorded for Obama but the organizers said they couldn't look at anyone's votes until election day.

Wow thats really messed up and I would be furious.

When its all said and done I really do think this is going to be much closer than those polls are saying at the moment. I expect controversy either way. So hopefully stuff like that doesn't mess with the outcome.
I think McCain should win, people have been brain washed about Obama! The guy is inexperienced, and when he speaks he sounds like he's not very sure of what he's saying. His ideas also are not very determined, or convincing. And let's not even talk about Biden, aside from the fact that the dude is an idiot, he didn't even want to run with Obama, as he doesn't agree with his ideas. But ofcourse you don't see that in the media.People should open their eyes and see that McCain is a true patriot, he has done so much for the country, and he's very determined. Palin is a also a great role model, especially for women, beautiful and smart. His heart is in it, but Obama's isn't. I believe that Obama just copies Martin Luther King too much, he's only in it for publicity. Jut remeber that McCain is not Bush, he doesn't evn agree with some things that Bush has done. I am not some crazy republican, I don't take any pary's side, but I am just worried that by Obama's selection as president this country will be in big trouble.
People should open their eyes and see that McCain is a true patriot,
i believe this is the kind of rhetoric that will not fool the voting public this time around.

and welcome to the board, always nice to break the ice with politics.