US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

I was given this by a friend via email.
Full Article:

WASHINGTON – Two white supremacists allegedly plotted to go on a national killing spree, shooting and decapitating black people and ultimately targeting Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, federal authorities said Monday.

In all, the two men whom officials describe as neo-Nazi skinheads planned to kill 88 people — 14 by beheading, according to documents unsealed in U.S. District Court in Jackson, Tenn. The numbers 88 and 14 are symbolic in the white supremacist community.

The spree, which initially targeted an unidentified predominantly African-American school, was to end with the two men driving toward Obama, "shooting at him from the windows," the court documents show.

"Both individuals stated they would dress in all white tuxedos and wear top hats during the assassination attempt," the court complaint states. "Both individuals further stated they knew they would and were willing to die during this attempt."

An Obama spokeswoman traveling with the senator in Pennsylvania had no immediate comment.

Again, the amount of ignorance that this country still possess is amazing and its really disgusting. Its people like this that give this country the horrible image that it has.

I know some people that are racists but none of them would ever go to an extreme of killing someone or calling them out or whatever. I guess there are different levels of hate. Theres the "I just dont like them" then the "I hate them" then I guess the "I want them dead".

Again, if you think racism is dead and things are good here, you're mistaken. Hell, we're still told "dont go to the south" because chances are you'll meet someone like this. Now granted I'm mixed but my skin is tan (not exactly white) but I still fear of ever going to some parts of the south. So if you do live there and this doesnt apply to you or your town sorry.

One day, the dream will be a reality. Its just a matter of ....when? :mello:
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First of all, no one has said that you don't have a right to your opinion. But don't think for one minute that your opinion won't go unchallenged. Second, the 'whole package' is irrelevant in my opinion, for the position of Vice President of the United States. I could care less what she looks like. Actually, I think that Hillary Clinton looks better. So does Senator Mary Kay Hutchinson of Texas and a whole host of other Republican female politicans and they are smart to boot, even though I don't agree with their positions. Governor Palin is wholly unqualified to assume the position of Vice President and no way would I trust her to be President, for the following reasons:

1. She is not knowledgable on economic issues. She is clearly not knowledgable on foreign affairs. AT ALL. We've already have a President who is wholly intellecturally deficient in these areas, which is why we are so screwed up now. We don't need a continuation of the Bush Administration.

2. She has ethics problems. She used her position as Governor to get her ex-brother-in-law terminated from his state job. She's fired others from her staff for questionable reasons. She allowed her husband to to be privved to state business meetings and he is a civilian. Her Alaskan pipeline deal was set up to favor certain businesses -- a violation of procurement guidelines. She used the state's plane to fly her family on unofficial state business and she changed the status of some of that travel as state business when it wasn't. She's a liar and a cheat, and the IRS will visit her soon regarding the 150,000k clothing, and the perdiem she took inappropriately. Just WHY the people of Alaska voted her Governor is a mystery. She is wholly unqualified for that position and her executive experience is laughable.

3. Since we are so concerned about 'associations', lets talk about her husband actually being a member of the Alaskan Independence Party, an organization that believes in succession. Gov. Palin taped a welcome message to the AIP just this year. Not smear allegations. These are stone facts.

4. And what about her religious affilations? If she is not ashamed of it, why not explain it? Pentacostal warrior? Outing the 'devil' by zipcode?

No thank you. She can fly herself and her whole family back to Alaska and stay there. It would not bother me in the least to never hear about her again.

Oh and yes, I can explain Senator McCain's positions, but more importantly, since you brought it up, it's on you to defend him. I certainly don't need to and won't.

YOU GO MELLO!!!! I agree with you 20000%
If McCain wins I'm going on a trip to the States ASAP. Because I want to see it before it completely goes to his. But if Obama wins I'll have plenty of time to save up and plan my trip because the US might stand a chance of surviving if they get a decent President. But if McCain and Palin get into the White House then god knows what's going to happen to the US.

That's is so true. If he and Palin win, I'm leaving this fu*kINg country period.!!! Pain speeches are all scripted. Should McCain/Pain win, and if McCain becomes ill or dies, she becomes president.

McCain has refused to submit recent medical records and has not done so since 2000. He has had three bouts of melanoma on his face and doctors are concerned with his latest surgery to the temple. It was noted it had metastasized to the lump nodes which is pretty serious if you ask me or anyone else. A stage III. Now why would he with hold that information? OH, so Pain can take over this country? He doesn't care about you or I, he couldn't remember ho many housed he owned, which he thought was 4...duh it happens to be 9 worth over $13 million. I would rather vote for the best person to run the country and has one house not one who has 9 ball arouse the US.
I seriously think he needs to retire and manage his properties ,not America.
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I think people need to stop talking or worrying about Palin's warderobe or McCain's skin condition, but see the bigger picture. Obama wants to raise the taxes of bigger bussinesses and eventually they are going to lower our pay check, because the country has got to make money somehow. McCain on the other side wants to lower taxes for everyone who will save us alot of problems. I personally believe Obama is naive and not fit for president, but I can understand if people think differently. Alot of people here think that Bush is the nation's problem, when that is not true. When Bush became president everything was going great in our economy, and once the democrats started on the senate everything started going downhill. Bush hasn't been a perfect president, but he has done what he had to do to protect this country.

P.S: And yes this is the only thread I am coming to because there aren't any real news about Michael, and this is the only thing that's going on right now! I am not trying to convince anybody here, it's too late for that. I'm just debating and saying how I feel. This is supposed to be a friendly board, but I guess people don't like being challenged.
I think people need to stop talking or worrying about Palin's warderobe or McCain's skin condition, but see the bigger picture. Obama wants to raise the taxes of bigger bussinesses and eventually they are going to lower our pay check, because the country has got to make money somehow. McCain on the other side wants to lower taxes for everyone who will save us alot of problems. I personally believe Obama is naive and not fit for president, but I can understand if people think differently. Alot of people here think that Bush is the nation's problem, when that is not true. When Bush became president everything was going great in our economy, and once the democrats started on the senate everything started going downhill. Bush hasn't been a perfect president, but he has done what he had to do to protect this country.

As Ronald Reagan used to say during the debate with Jimmy Carter -- 'there you go again'. Skipping the facts to serve a narrow focus. I'm NOT worried about Palin's $150,000 wardrobe, but she sure as hell SHOULD BE. It's the IRS that she should be worried about. I pay my fair share of taxes -- I'm not the tax cheat here. So no worries for me at all.

But McCain's health is a legitimate issue. He has had FOUR melanomas removed from his face, with one very extensive operation that some medical experts would classify as a stage III cancer. Also, I believe McCain to suffer from post-tramatic-stress-syndome. He has never had a psychological work-up from being held as a POW. I don't find him mentally or physically fit to serve as President, and with his age, the likihood of him dying in office is higher than any one running in recent memory. His dying would leave Palin to be President and sry, but HELL NO. She makes George Bush look like a mensa candidate. I didn't even think it was possible for anyone to be WORSE than George W.

As for Obama, sorry, but I say HELL YES TO CORPORATION WHORES PAYING TAXES. Because the majority of big business DO NOT PAY TAXES RIGHT NOW. If we can bail out banks (corporate welfare), then they sure as hell can help pay for it. And why do you care about BIG BUSINESS? You got one? And what form of logic do you conclude that making businesses pay their fair share of taxes will somehow lower your paycheck? That doesn't even make sense.

But let me try to explain it to you. Senator Obama's tax plan is for the middle class to get a TAX BREAK. Only those making more than $250,000 will have to pay more. The difference will be made up by taxing corporations (or really making them pay what they ani't paying now). If they create JOBS in the US, they will get tax credits. What that means is that you will have more money in your pocket to SPEND. SPENDING in turn helps to STIMULATE the ECONOMY. STIMULATING the ECONOMY helps to STABILIZE IT. That's how that works, LovelyMJ. Also, MORE people WORKING means a bigger TAX BASE and more SPENDING. SPENDING in turn helps to STIMULATE the ECONOMY. STIMULATING the ECONOMY helps to STABILIZE IT.

With respect to Bush, the statement you made is totally and wholly incorrect. The economy started to tank 9 months into Bush's first year. The Republicans were the majority in both houses of Congress AND had (and still have) the conservative majority on the Supreme Court. That is all 3 branches of government your party controlled. Also, it was doing the first Bush term with the GOP in full control that Fannie May and Freddie Mack were totally deregulated, allowing these PRIVATE corporations to make bad loans with the full backing of the US govt. Also, Alan Greenspan (Fed Reserve Chairman at that time) did not want government to regulate the derivative market and Bush's government didn't.

It is the housing crash and the derivative blow up that has caused the economic nuke meltdown worldwide and that is ALL BUSH'S FAULT. Period.

Lastly, if I were to believe that Obama is all that naive, I still would take his naivete any day over the utter and arrogant incompetence of the Bush Administration and the total incompetence of Sarah Palin being one heartbeat away from the President's chair.

Yeah, you bet'cha. Wink. Wink.

P.S: And yes this is the only thread I am coming to because there aren't any real news about Michael, and this is the only thing that's going on right now! I am not trying to convince anybody here, it's too late for that. I'm just debating and saying how I feel. This is supposed to be a friendly board, but I guess people don't like being challenged.

Oh I LOVE a challenge, but this isn't much of one. I know GOP talking points when I see them and they are so very easy to pick apart. But hey! You wanna vote for the 'you bet'cha, wink, wink' lady and her misogynistic running mate, that's your vote.
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MODERATOR: Senators.... what is your policy on bringing about new Michael Jackson music? You're first Senator Obama....

OBAMA: The lack of new Michael Jackson music is the biggest crisis facing the world today. Without new Michael Jackson music the music industry has become a disaster. I will personally see to it that Michael Jackson releases a new album by the end of my first year as President.

MODERATOR: Senator McCain?....

McCAIN: Well first thing's first. We have to get little Michael out of the Jackson Five so he can start recording solo music.

MODERATOR: umm... Senator McCain. "Little" Michael is 50 years old. He's been making solo music for 37 years.

McCAIN: Really?.... has he still got that cute little afro?

MODERATOR: umm.... no. Moving along....
LOL :lmao: And he prob still thinks Janet is Penny from Good Times...

"*GASP* Penny? :blink: ... you got boobs?"
This is CRAZY!!!

Remember I told you a few pages back that some people in West Virginia were complaining that when they used the voting machines to cast their early votes, they pressed the button for Obama but McCain's name came up? Well here's a video of a guy demonstrating a voting machine in Jackson County that is out of calibration.

So when the machine was out of calibration, he pressed Obama's button but the machine put a tick next to Chuck Baldwin's name. When he pressed the button for Democratic, the machine put a tick next to John McCain's name. Even after he calibrated the machine, he tried voting for John McCain but the machine put a tick next to Ralph Nader's name. This is after he calibrated the machine. I can't believe these machines are actually in use. That's crazy.
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That's insane!

I'd kick up the biggest stink if I pressed one option and it ticked another option on me.... I'd burst out of the booth "Oh you have got to be SHITTING me!! these things don't work properly!! I sit through this long assed campaigning and boring debates and then I come here to vote and you give me dodgy machines!!!!


I can't remember but do we have any issues with our voting system over here?
This is supposed to be a friendly board, but I guess people don't like being challenged.
i don't know what being friendly has to do with challenges,, but you should try replying back with constructive and relevantly direct answers to well thought-out posts before you go saying that. maybe then you'd understand why some people are treating you as a troll.

here's what you missed dodged:

First of all, no one has said that you don't have a right to your opinion. But don't think for one minute that your opinion won't go unchallenged. Second, the 'whole package' is irrelevant in my opinion, for the position of Vice President of the United States. I could care less what she looks like. Actually, I think that Hillary Clinton looks better. So does Senator Mary Kay Hutchinson of Texas and a whole host of other Republican female politicans and they are smart to boot, even though I don't agree with their positions. Governor Palin is wholly unqualified to assume the position of Vice President and no way would I trust her to be President, for the following reasons:

1. She is not knowledgable on economic issues. She is clearly not knowledgable on foreign affairs. AT ALL. We've already have a President who is wholly intellecturally deficient in these areas, which is why we are so screwed up now. We don't need a continuation of the Bush Administration.

2. She has ethics problems. She used her position as Governor to get her ex-brother-in-law terminated from his state job. She's fired others from her staff for questionable reasons. She allowed her husband to to be privved to state business meetings and he is a civilian. Her Alaskan pipeline deal was set up to favor certain businesses -- a violation of procurement guidelines. She used the state's plane to fly her family on unofficial state business and she changed the status of some of that travel as state business when it wasn't. She's a liar and a cheat, and the IRS will visit her soon regarding the 150,000k clothing, and the perdiem she took inappropriately. Just WHY the people of Alaska voted her Governor is a mystery. She is wholly unqualified for that position and her executive experience is laughable.

3. Since we are so concerned about 'associations', lets talk about her husband actually being a member of the Alaskan Independence Party, an organization that believes in succession. Gov. Palin taped a welcome message to the AIP just this year. Not smear allegations. These are stone facts.

4. And what about her religious affilations? If she is not ashamed of it, why not explain it? Pentacostal warrior? Outing the 'devil' by zipcode?

No thank you. She can fly herself and her whole family back to Alaska and stay there. It would not bother me in the least to never hear about her again.

Oh and yes, I can explain Senator McCain's positions, but more importantly, since you brought it up, it's on you to defend him. I certainly don't need to and won't.

lovelymj it is remarkable that all posts you've ever done on this whole mjjcommunity are in this very thread to find.

Not saying you're not entitled to your opinion. But I'm wondering if that is what republicans find already necessary lol to come on boards like mjjcommunity and be 'sweet' and 'naive' all they can.
As a republican supporter who you seem to be I'd like to hear about your stand that Mr. Bush as a republican politician (and he wasn't working alone there, was he... and he wasn't really critizised neither by Palin nor by McCain) I'd like to ask you lovelymj who you think is reponsible for the biggest crises the US (and not only its economy) is in since decades.
Is someone responsible for this? Does someone take responsibility for this? What do you think?

I'd also like to know your standpoint on sexual education in the US knowing Mrs. Palins statement and that her wonderful daughter is pregnant?

Oh and if you answer all this please don't start with 'In Alaska...' (it would just give me laugh flash as a world citizen ;) ).

Then again I'd also like to know your standpoint on that Mrs. Palin needs to give more money to her stylist (clothes, cosmetics etc.) than even McCain is paying his political advisors? beauty queen uh? seems she needs some expensive help with her beauty or with her self confidence issues?

I'm just interested...

lol I'm just interested.

She is intelligent and strong, and yes I read your statements, and frankly you don't convince me!
well if facts don't convince you,,,
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I have nothing more to add to this thread that hasn't already been said, so Obama is the right vote this year!!!
yeah same down here in Melb, maybe the most simplest method is the best :lol:

Part of the problem is that in the US it's a state by state issue in regards to ballots. Some places they have electronic machines, other places use to have ballots with chads, like um Florida, yeah...and others like where I live they have paper ballots. In my opinion there should be a nation wide ballot or a single way of voting, and I personally think electronic machines should be kept OUT of the voting system. I've never understood WHY we have so many damn ways of voting. I mean HELLO! Something weird and not-so-good, in other words VERY BAD was **cough**2000 election**coughcough** is bound to happen.

All I know is the INSANITY needs to end NOW. And if the damn McCain people think about stealing this election like old W. did in 2000, I swear THERE WILL be rioting and god knows what else.

I just hope that Obama wins, and with no crazy shit and we can just go on and hopefully start "rebuilding" after the last disasterous eight years.

Peace out!
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Last night I saw a mention on CNN about how some volunteers around the US are videoing the voting process from now as a way of trying to make sure the person actually elected gets recognized. People can upload such videos on the CNN Web site. I'm not sure if it's part of the iReport section or another especially for the election.

OBAMA!!!! :)

I recomend everyone to early vote, because it's going to be crazy on November 4th..
If you didn't know, tonight is the night they are going to air that 30 minute Obama commercial. Its going to be on at 8:00 est. on NBC and CBS. ABC claims they couldn't come to an agreement in time...mhm. It doesn't appear as though networks like CNN will be showing it.

I'm sure it won't tell us anything we haven't already heard for months but It should be interesting.
I think that you should know about the things that I listed that are facts about Governor Palin and not the nonsensical innuendo and half-told statements that you are spewing. I listed 4 solid reasons why Pain is a problem, yet did you read them?

Because if you did, you would not let the words strong and intelligent come out of your thoughts about this woman.

And in case you haven't noticed, we have been blown away by 'terrorists' already based on the flawed strategy of not talking to foreign governments as the Geneva Convention prescribes.

Mello, , Bob George, and LJ. I love how you write so well. It's obvious you are all well read. :) If I have left out anyone else, out, forgive me. I always see Mello's post and she knows her Sh!t!. Period.

Obama/Biden '08 "SNAP!
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this might have been posted all ready but check it out..

While McCain recently has been stating how bad the past 8 years has been under the Bush Administration.. See for yourself how he's helped bush in the past 8 years..

43 sec. and on
i'm gobsmacked at how anti-Arab prejudice is running freely in the republican party.

one of Obama's friends is a Palestinian scholar, they once had dinner together and apparently they (rightfully) criticised Israel's terror strategies - and god forbid any American has a bad opinion on "their strongest ally".

McCain and Palin have dug this story up from the archives and are running with it, falsely connecting this Palestinian professor to terrorist organisations. how can these people become in charge and then go try sort out the Middle-East, or any foreign issues??

ignorant muppets.

Palin accuses Obama of ties to second 'radical professor'

(CNN) -- Gov. Sarah Palin on Wednesday said Sen. Barack Obama has ties to a Columbia University professor who she said is "a former spokesperson for the Palestinian Liberation Organization."


The Obama campaign said on its Web site that "ugly insinuations about Barack Obama's relationship with a former neighbor and university colleague ... are completely false." The professor has denied he was a spokesman for the Palestine Liberation Organization, which the U.S. and Israel consider a terrorist organization.

Palin said her assertion "is not negative campaigning to call someone out on their record."
"It seems that there is yet another radical professor from the neighborhood who spent a lot of time with Barack Obama going back several years," Palin said at an event in Bowling Green, Ohio.

"This is important because his associate, Rashid Khalidi ... in addition to being a political ally of Barack Obama, he's a former spokesperson for the Palestinian Liberation Organization."

Sen. John McCain's campaign repeatedly has sought to tie Obama to former 1960s radical William Ayers, who co-founded the Weather Underground. Ayers is a professor at the University of Illinois.
Khalidi is a leading scholar of Middle Eastern studies at Columbia, and he was a contemporary of Obama's while on the faculty of the University of Chicago. Read: Palin blasts Obama for ties to Palestinian professor

Khalidi has been a harsh critic of U.S. foreign policy toward Israel and has accused the country of "occupying" Palestinian territories. But he has denied acting as a PLO spokesman during a seven-year period in the 1970s and 1980s.

The Obama campaign called Palin's remarks "another recycled, manufactured controversy from the McCain campaign to distract voters' attention from John McCain's lockstep support for George Bush's economic policies."

In April, the Los Angeles Times published an article about a going-away dinner for Khalidi that Obama attended in Chicago, Illinois, in 2003.Khalidi was leaving to become a professor at Columbia.

The paper reported that a young Palestinian-American woman recited a poem at the farewell party that accused the Israeli government of terrorism for its treatment of Palestinians and was highly critical of U.S. support of Israel.

The McCain campaign accused the Los Angeles paper of "intentionally suppressing" a videotape it obtained from that dinner and demanded that it release the footage. Read: McCain pushes Obama connection to Khalidi

The Times said it won't release the footage because a reporter promised a source that the video would not be made public.

Khalidi said Wednesday, "I am not speaking to the media at this time, and certainly not until this idiot wind passes."
tonight is the night they are going to air that 30 minute Obama commercial.
Smart move. With Obama raising double (if not more) money than McCain, it's exactly what he needs to do for the toss-up states. If you can afford it, then why not.

It should be interesting. IMO, what he needs to do is stay away from underlining McCain's character and stick to his policies. Up until now, he's been doing a good job at that. Like you said, it's not going to be anything we don't know.
lovelymj just doesn't want to come here with the username that they use all the time on here because they're embarrassed and is in the minority here. Show your real self. And mods, it wouldn't be to hard to figure out who their real alias is. lol
Well the infomercial was nice, like yall said, nothing we dont know. I got'cho back on tuesday Obama!
^^ Yes, the Obamamercial was really nice. I got home just in time to catch it. Big finish at the end as well. Loved it!

I VOTED today, too!!!! 'Bama Baby! :punk:

2 hour wait and as much as I loathe lines, I didn't mind. If I could vote again, I surely would. :D
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I feel real sorry for the Mccain campaign now... they are trying sooooo HARD... with the Obama campaign GOING soooo hard! :lol: