US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

me too, i just cant sleep
actually wanna stay up all night to stay updated, but school starts at 8.30, so i think im gonna do that tommorow :p

I know the feeling about being nervous and staying updated, too. For the past 2 weeks I've been watching nothing but election coverage at night. All the speeches and different analyzations from everyone's point of view. I've become practically obssessed with it. :bugeyed

At work we have a joke that either we'll all be calling in sick, tired and hung over on Wednesday from partying all Tuesday night or we'll all be calling in sick, tired and manically depressed at the idea of 4 more years of this foolishness.

I seriously wish I could vote over and over again...for everybody who won't or can't.

Can't wait until tomorrow night. Come onnn Obama!!!!:angel:
im so nervous, and i'm not even from the USA!! lol

And you SHOULD be nervous. This is a totally important election.

I live in the swing-state (could go either way) of Virginia, and it's very tense, here. One thing I can tell everyone is that the amount of Obama volunteers has been tremendous (including myself). It's gratifying to see so many young people care so much, and work so hard. Not only college and high-school students, but people have come here to volunteer from all over the U.S. I'm an older person and have been voting for a lot of years. I've never seen an election like this one, or one so important. Important for this country, and for the world. In my own opinion, the U.S. has to rejoin the community of nations to work together to solve global problems, including climate change, wars, human rights, and so much else. Obama can work to do that. McCain cannot, and has shown no inclination to do so. His running-mate? I shudder to think the direction this country would take if that ticket were to be elected.

Also in my own opinion, the only way that Obama can lose now is if the election is stolen. It's happened before. . .but I think he is prepared.

I'd like to thank the MJJC global community for their support of Obama. (Or those who do, and it seems to be most of you intelligent people.)

And tomorrow, It's SHOW-TIME!

peace (and I really hope so)

^ heh, we should thank the global community in general for their support of Obama. Tomorrow, it's all on us. I vividly recall people calling 2000 the "most important election in our lives," and I can definitely say that November 4th 2008 will be MUCH bigger. Maybe I'll just sleep all day, watch movies, or something. After I vote, all I'm looking to hear are the RESULTS!
^ heh, we should thank the global community in general for their support of Obama. Tomorrow, it's all on us. I vividly recall people calling 2000 the "most important election in our lives," and I can definitely say that November 4th 2008 will be MUCH bigger. Maybe I'll just sleep all day, watch movies, or something. After I vote, all I'm looking to hear are the RESULTS!

You're right. This is MUCH bigger, and yes, we should thank the global community for moral support, if not their votes. I'm on the East Coast of the U.S. in the swing-state of Virginia. I am proud to say that I've done my best, in my small donations, and larger donations in terms of hours worked. It takes ONE swing state to secure the victory. I'm hoping it will be Virginia. Polls close here at seven p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Soon after that, the exit-poll results will come in. After I finish entering some exit-poll data at the local Obama office, I'll have some friends over to my house to watch the results. And hopefully toast to the victory. This MUST happen.


^^^oh my GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so eager to watch the results!!!!!!!!!:punk:

Luckily I have a full day of classes tomorrow to keep my mind off the results until later on. hmmmm- I also have a paper due on thurs that I havent started :( oh well.....
I shall pray that each and everyone who votes will pick the right person. I will pray for the person who does get picked for President will change the Untied States as we are in need of change from the economy to war. May the best person win and start making changes as soon as they are in office.


Barack Obama's Grandma died today:

CHARLOTTE, North Carolina (Reuters) - The grandmother who helped raise Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama and whom he had credited with shaping his values has died of cancer, he said in a statement on Monday.

The news came on the day before the presidential election and a little more than a week after Obama interrupted his White House campaign to say goodbye to her in Hawaii.

Madelyn Dunham, 86, died peacefully at her home in Honolulu.

"She was the cornerstone of our family, and a woman of extraordinary accomplishment, strength and humility," Obama and his sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, said in a statement. "She was the person who encouraged and allowed us to take chances."

Dunham helped raise Obama from the age of 10 while his mother was working in Indonesia, and Obama took an emotional 22-hour trip to visit her on October 23 and 24.

He said afterward his grandmother had been flooded with cards, flowers and well-wishes from around the country, and he regularly thanked crowds at his campaign rallies for their prayers.

"Our family wants to thank all of those who sent flowers, cards, well-wishes and prayers during this difficult time," the statement said.

"It brought our grandmother and us great comfort. Our grandmother was a private woman, and we will respect her wish for a small private ceremony to be held at a later date," the statement said....
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First votes counted of the U.S. Presidential Election -- 12 midnight, November 4, 2008
Dixville Notch, NH -

Obama 15, McCain 6

First time DN has gone Democratic since the 1960's.
Polling update - November 4, 2008

The pollsters have made their final verdict and released their final polls before the election. So this is how the polls stand going in to election day. Including the popular vote and electoral college estimates....

Popular Vote
Obama 52%
McCain 44%

Electoral College
Obama 353
McCain 185

National Polls
Diageo/Hotline Obama +5
GWU/Battleground Obama +6
Rasmussen Obama +6
Ipsos/McClatchy Obama +7
Fox News Obama +7
IBD/TIPP Obama +8
NBC News/Wall St Journal Obama +8
CBS News Obama +9
Marist Obama +9
Gallup Obama +11
Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Obama +11
AVERAGE Obama +7.9

State Polls
North Carolina (15) Obama +0.5
Missouri (11) McCain +0.6
North Dakota (3) McCain +1
Indiana (11) McCain +1
Florida (27) Obama +3
Arizona (10) McCain +4
Montana (3) McCain +4
Georgia (15) McCain +4
Ohio (20) Obama +4
Virginia (13) Obama +6
Nevada (5) Obama +6
Colorado (9) Obama +6
West Virginia (5) McCain +8
Pennsylvania (21) Obama +8
South Dakota (3) McCain +8
New Mexico (5) Obama +10
South Carolina ( 8 ) McCain +10
Arkansas (6) McCain +10
Mississippi (6) McCain +10
Minnesota (10) Obama +11
Wisconsin (10) Obama +11
New Hampshire (4) Obama +12
Texas (34) McCain +12
Michigan (17) Obama +13
Iowa (7) Obama +13
Louisiana (9) McCain +14
Kentucky ( 8 ) McCain +14
Tennessee (11) McCain +14
Kansas (6) McCain +14
Washington (11) Obama +15
Maine (4) Obama +15
New Jersey (15) Obama +16
Alaska (3) McCain +16
Oregon (7) Obama +16
Maryland (10) Obama +17
Nebraska (5) McCain +19
Massachusetts (12) Obama +21
Rhode Island (4) Obama +21
Vermont (3) Obama +21
Connecticut (7) Obama +22
Delaware (3) Obama +23
Wyoming (3) McCain +23
Illinois (21) Obama +24
Alabama (9) McCain +24
California (55) Obama +25
Oklahoma (7) McCain +27
Utah (5) McCain +28
New York (31) Obama +31
Idaho (4) McCain +36
Hawaii (4) Obama +41
District of Columbia (3) Obama +69
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OK, I'm hoping, results will be announced at a decent time, because I've got dance rehearsals and I don't want to miss a thing. Plus I'm in the UK so I'm like 5 hours ahead or something.
OMG the world is on the edge of its seat.
I really hope Obama wins, crosses fingers, arms, legs, get my drift....
keep us updated as soon as you have results please!!!
Just got back from the polls. It wasn't bad at all especially compared to people that waited 4 hours to vote. I was in and out in 30 minutes or so which I'm glad I left when I did because as I was leaving the lines were starting to pick up.

Go Obama!
OK, I'm hoping, results will be announced at a decent time, because I've got dance rehearsals and I don't want to miss a thing. Plus I'm in the UK so I'm like 5 hours ahead or something.

u wont find out till tom morning unless u are gonna sit up all the way through the night.

:clapping::clapping::clapping: for obama.if macain "wins" u all better be out on the streets rioting lol
Just got back from voting. Not too bad, only an hour wait. Earlier this morning, I heard it was a three hour wait. Weather is clear so far, but rain coming this afternoon. I've never seen anything like the voter turn-out in my small town.

Yes, we CAN! (and I did. . . . .)

u wont find out till tom morning unless u are gonna sit up all the way through the night.

:clapping::clapping::clapping: for obama.if macain "wins" u all better be out on the streets rioting lol

Thats the plan :cheeky:.

Yeah I'm gonna be up all night until they announce a winner but I have a feeling it'll be one of those elections that it'll take more than a day or so to straighten everything out. Since I'm on the east coast It would probably be midnight or later til they figure it out which sucks because I only had about 4 hours of sleep last night.:timer:.

Maybe I should go back to bed now.
Thats the plan :cheeky:.

Yeah I'm gonna be up all night until they announce a winner but I have a feeling it'll be one of those elections that it'll take more than a day or so to straighten everything out. Since I'm on the east coast It would probably be midnight or later til they figure it out which sucks because I only had about 4 hours of sleep last night.:timer:.

Maybe I should go back to bed now.

Might not be that long. I'm hoping for a landslide that's definitive, early. It's possible. I've NEVER seen this great of a voter turnout. Uhm, I don't think all those folks made it down to the polls to vote Republican. There's too much at stake.


One thing that certainly can't be denied is Obama's Power to bring interest back into politics for whatever reason.Its safe to say that my interest did stem from him. I won't say that I wouldn't had voted had it not been for him running but its possible.

Hes brought in many young people and blacks in particular together to be a part of this process and its great.
I just got back from voting as well. I wanted to go with my sisters but I had an errand to do. I walked up to the place where I had to vote and there were no lines. However, across the street from where I live, there was a line.

Right now, I am just happy that I voted today and voted for the man, Obama. Now, we wait until the coverage of the election results begin. All of the networks (broadcast) start the coverage at 7pm EST. So, that is when the madness starts. I am hoping for a win for Obama.

I will try to log on here to give you fans, esp. the non American ones, the updates on how the elecetion is going. You guys, you never truly know how things will go. So, if the unthinkable happens......*sigh* However, I am going to be positive.
Voted at 755am today, thought that would be a good time since folks that have to be at work at 8am would be done, and maybe a little too early for the 9am workers.

Almost everyone at the polling place was retired/elderly. There were only 4 booths with the computerized ballots, but you could opt for a paper vote, which I did because no one else was in that line. Many of the older people were having difficulty understanding how to use the computerized ballots and that line wasn't moving at all. My paper ballot took all of about 3 minutes to complete, and it was then placed in an official manilla envelope and sealed by a polling place official.

Now I'm just hoping that there won't be some glitch in the system in tallying the paper ballots, thought about that after I left. Memories of the Florida voting disaster with Al Gore are popping into my mind. Guess glitch's will happen regardless of method used, though. Keeping my fingers crossed for a rapid and accurate counting of all votes with results tonight/tomorrow am.
AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I have class all day today until 5 :(
We are having watch parties here on campus tonight.

Both Obama and McCain came to my school.
Ibama came over the summer and we got tons of emails about him coming and getting free tickets!
McCain came a couple weeks ago, and nobody knew until the day before, and a bunch of kids wore Obama t-shirts and yelled at McCain (sooo not nice)
Everyone says that they didn't tell us about McCain cause our school is mostly democratic, and for safety issues.....

I don't condone being mean to McCain- but I really want Obama to win :yes:
Voted at 755am today, thought that would be a good time since folks that have to be at work at 8am would be done, and maybe a little too early for the 9am workers.

Don't you guys get the day off?
Whenever there's an election here the entire country either gets the day off work or they work only half shift so everyone has the chance to vote. The ones that get half shift have to prove they've already voted to be admitted into their jobs.
Oh God i sooooooooooo hope that Obama wins!!!!!


I truly believe he has the ability to improve things.
Thats the plan :cheeky:
i ment the person from the uk who wanted to know when the result would be interms of having to stay up all night
Don't you guys get the day off?
Whenever there's an election here the entire country either gets the day off work or they work only half shift so everyone has the chance to vote. The ones that get half shift have to prove they've already voted to be admitted into their jobs.

Nope its a normal day over here. So instead you get a bunch of people crowding for either just before work or just after. But typically you get a lot of people that just take off. I know some that took off today and tomorrow so they could stay up for the results.