US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!

THAT IS OUR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok I am VERY clearly the minority here. But I guess we will see over the course of the next few years what you will be saying and chanting regarding Mr. Obama. We will see what kind of "change" he brings about. Don't be fooled into thinking that his kind of change is the change you REALLY want.

But here's a question: how many here voted merely because of the color of this man's skin? How many took a close look at his policies and politics and how they do or do not line up with our beloved Constitution (which is what REALLY matters regarding the presidency of our country, don't you think?)?

I will say this. if Mr. Obama had good politics that actually lined up with the Constitution of our good ol' USA, I could have voted for him. I will respect that he is our first African-American president, because to me that is a big step for Americans. But frankly I don't give a rip about the color of his skin. Just like I don't give a rip about the color of Micahel Jackson's skin. He is who he is INSIDE. He (Obama) is supposed to be representing our Constitution. And since he will not do that how can I respect his leadership? My husband served in the military before and during this insane war for 8 years. When he went in, he took an oath, a lifelong oath, to protect and defend and uphold our Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic. How can HE live under a president who will go against the Constitution he promised to defend???

I will go cry now, and pray. Pray HARD because I need the protection of God if I'm gonna live out Obama in leadership. Sorry everyone, but we just cannot agree on this one. :(
Ok I am VERY clearly the minority here. But I guess we will see over the course of the next few years what you will be saying and chanting regarding Mr. Obama. We will see what kind of "change" he brings about. Don't be fooled into thinking that his kind of change is the change you REALLY want.

But here's a question: how many here voted merely because of the color of this man's skin? How many took a close look at his policies and politics and how they do or do not line up with our beloved Constitution (which is what REALLY matters regarding the presidency of our country, don't you think?)?

I will say this. if Mr. Obama had good politics that actually lined up with the Constitution of our good ol' USA, I could have voted for him. I will respect that he is our first African-American president, because to me that is a big step for Americans. But frankly I don't give a rip about the color of his skin. Just like I don't give a rip about the color of Micahel Jackson's skin. He is who he is INSIDE. He (Obama) is supposed to be representing our Constitution. And since he will not do that how can I respect his leadership? My husband served in the military before and during this insane war for 8 years. When he went in, he took an oath, a lifelong oath, to protect and defend and uphold our Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic. How can HE live under a president who will go against the Constitution he promised to defend???

I will go cry now, and pray. Pray HARD because I need the protection of God if I'm gonna live out Obama in leadership. Sorry everyone, but we just cannot agree on this one. :(

... Meh.

Notice how Dems cheered when he talked about McCain.
Woah I just twitched when he said my name. :hysterical: LMFAO

:woohoo: OBAMA
God bless his amazing mother and grandmother! May their souls rest in peace
God bless his amazing wife Michelle and beautiful daughters! *fist bump baby*

God bless America!!!!!!! It's a new day! :boohoo:
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Such an inspirational speech. The best man won, no doubt.

I'm beyond proud right now.
well- all I'm gonna say is that:

Change is needed.
Constitutions are amended
There were a million people who wanted Hitler's ideals to be upholded- and thank God they weren't.
Goodness forbid a man who wants to help our country, and bring us together.
... Meh.

Notice how Dems cheered when he talked about McCain.

What does that have to do with what I said? I have no idea what he said about McCain cause I'm not even watching. Doesn't matter cause I don't like McCain, either. He couldn't ever make up his mind about issues and his politics stunk, too. War hero? Great. Fantastic. Glad he served. Respect him for that and that's about it. I didn't vote for him. Yes, you are seeing a different side of me about the whole election thing than what you usually see. Now maybe I'll go make up a song about how miffed I am. You all can go on cheering as long as you like...I can't take it anymore. Good night.

edit: I apologize if I am coming across as uncaring. The thing is, I DO care, IMMENSELY, which is why I feel the way I do. This is all very difficult for me to take in, although I knew it would happen. I will say this, May God Almighty look over our country, and guide our new president in the direction God will have it go, and help lead and direct. My allegience goes to my King, Jesus Christ. Him alone will I serve.
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Great speech from President-Elect Barack Obama.

Let's not forget there are still some electoral votes to be placed. This is the current status of the remaining states....

North Carolina (15)
Obama 50%
McCain 49%
98% of the vote counted

Indiana (11)
Obama 50%
McCain 49%
97% of the vote counted

Missouri (11)
McCain 50%
Obama 48%
86% of the vote counted

Montana (3)
Obama 51%
McCain 46%
33% of the vote counted

Alaska (3)
0% of the vote counted
I predict 370+

Clinton had 379.

Great speech. It's 5:20 I may now rest in peace.
I will never forget this night. :D

& thanks Bob George and Jabz for additional info! :yes:
Great speech!!!He and his wife are wonderful!


Awwww, hugs! :better::cheeky:

LOL aww Obama and his wife walked away holding hands, and had a lil smooch. Cuute. :lol: