US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

God Bless America & President-Elect Obama. Congratulations and I am beyond thrilled!! History has indeed been made tonight! :D :wub: :wub: :wub: :heart: :heart:
Barack's speech was amazing. Just awesome. I saw Jesse crying. A great moment.

Wow..... this is sooooooo surreal.

Group hug to you all. I gotta go to bed. Good night to you guys and congrats to Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Yeah, BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's over. Obama won. McCain gave a speech conceding defeat. Obama's speech of acceptance was amazing.

My home state of Virginia went Democratic for the first time in a presidential race in 44 years.

Yes, we can. And YES, we did. We WON.

All you European fans, sleep well tonight. This is a new era of hope.


Thank you Babe and Sasha!:cry:

Yes, yes! Congrats Obama! :D :cheers:
Good night everyone, very special night we have seen! :)

EDIT: LOL I saw this on another board..

YAY! I can now go to sleep one happy happy girl!

So long MJJC-ers!!!
My hat goes off too you European fans for being so involved and informed and willing to stay up so late of course haha. Definitely deserve respect. So goodnight to you guys...or good morning. :flowers:

Great inspirational speech by Obama. I was quick to point out when Obama mentioned McCain he got applause and respect. That says a lot....I'll leave it at that.

Yes We Can...And Yes We Finally Did.


Goodnight everyone. Great to share this moment with you all.
Barack's speech was amazing. Just awesome. I saw Jesse crying. A great moment.

Wow..... this is sooooooo surreal.

Group hug to you all. I gotta go to bed. Good night to you guys and congrats to Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Yeah, BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's very surreal. For me it's still kinda sinking in that it's happened. Just amazing!

Yes, Congrats to Obama and Biden!!! :cheers: I cannot wait to see the dreamteam that will become the Cabinet. Hillary? Powell? oh boy. :cloud9: Let's keep hope alive! Hope lives and dreams do come true. Keep dreamin', people!!:punk:
Looks like Obama has also won Indiana and North Carolina. Both states have counted 99% of the votes and Obama is ahead. Can't see a swing towards McCain happening when that last 1% is counted.
Yes, yes! Congrats Obama! :D :cheers:
Good night everyone, very special night we have seen! :)

EDIT: LOL I saw this on another board..


:rofl: And that's my cue to cut out as well. Night all! It was great. I'll peek back in here tomorrow to make sure it all happened and this hasn't been one lonnnng and happy dream.

Sweet dreams. :D
I would like to send my congratulations off to mr obama and for his family! :)
And wish him all the best fior his Presidential years :)
lol, why am i not sleeping, lol.

Becuz you're hyped up. :lol: Love the siggy, btw. Nice.

I'm hyped up too but I'll probably watch all the footage and analysis on tv til I pass out. :p Not as tipsy as I thought I'd be by now....or it hasn't hit me yet. :bugeyed

Night guys! Group huggies! :victory:
Tankoo :D

I think I'll wait till the hour to find out the next polls.
I worked SO hard in Virginia for the Obama campaign. Still, I didn't expect this result for our southern state. Yes we can, and yes we DID. This is the beginning of a new era.

I'd like to thank everyone for your support, and especially the non-U.S. fans, for your belief in us. We DID it. I am at peace tonight.


Taking too long, think I'm finally off! Congrats to Obama and America, bout fuckin time! Nice one to everyone else around the world (especially Bob George) that stayed up and reported things for other or just supported Obama. Good Night (or morning rather) May a new era in our times begin today (that is the cheesiest thing I ever said).


This theme song fits perfectly for this occasion. Thank you Ja'Net DuBois and Jeff Barry for writing this song!

Good song, and thanks. But this is so much larger than race. So many white Americans voted for Obama, because they thought he was the best person for the job. (myself included) I'll vote for Barack for a second-term, and after that? Michele is looking pretty good. We have entered a new era, and more power to us all.

J5Master, I see ya....... wpe them tears away, girl.

haha i was crying.

Someone pinch me. LOL

Did America just elect a BLACK president?

For real?

For serious?

This has got to be a dream. LOL

I'm still trying to register it :p But if this isn't a dream, this is such a historic day...and I am just speechless. 40 years or so ago, if you told anyone that this was gonna happen, no one would believe you.

Amazing. (sniff)