UK TV Alert: ***RE-AIRS*** My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Monday 27th July 2009

Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

i noticed that. also in the answerphone message, when michael said, hi this is michael jackson? if you were close friends would u just say hi this is michael?
Michael most of the time introduced himself with his full name on the phone I think. I remember the healing tape he sent to the Sony boss from Japan, he introduced himself as Michael Jackson, didn't he...?
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

The link doesn't work...:(
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

I so didn't believe the shit about trying to wake Michael up and him being on drugs and out of it. As if he'd be in Mike's room when he's asleep/waking up!
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Thank you for the descriptions of what was in Geller's documentary. I'm not at all certain it'll make it onto our TV screens, so it's nice to read at least what was brought up in the program. I feel I'd like to see at least the nice bits.

I didn't know Uri Geller and Michael were any kind of friends until I saw him being among the first ones to comment on Michael's passing. Now I've read up so much that I know better. I'll just say I've never liked Uri Geller. I even thought he'd gone away from the public eye already. I just know him for his spoon bending tricks. I recall I learned a way to bend spoons the Uri Geller way in my youth. It was a very simple illusion, of course I'm not sure if it was exactly the way he did/does it but anyway. It (or a similar thing at least) can obviously be done without any psychic powers whatsoever. And if he truly had so little faith in his great friend Michael Jackson that he felt the need to hypnotize him and ask about the first child molesting case... That's just sad. :no:
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

He acts like he was all up in Michael's arse when to me, the footage barely looked like they were best of friends. Just motivated by money. No amount of flattery will justify that he's sold out on Michael, just like all the others.

Why blame him? Maybe MJ gave him the feeling that they were great friends. I think Michael was so caring and lovely to everyone (think about how he would care for Nisha, he even called & thanked HER for staying with him at Neverland). Don't you think if Michael was around you being that kind you could get the impression you are close to him? He called Dieter Wiesner his "brother".
I just say I would also be happy to have a pal like MJ.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

he said it in the Diane Sawyer interview.

So both scenarios could be true? For example - althought Michael would have preferred to fight the case in court, he also felt that he "couldn't take it any more" and so maybe was relieved when the insurance company settled - even if that was not what he really wanted.

In that case Uri's hypnosis story would be true. Michael just said under hypnosis what he felt about it........rather than give a detailed account of what really happened....
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

The link doesn't work for me either.:(
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

We owe it to his legacy to make his public image stronger and create new fans. Ok, so Uri may be a megalomaniac idiot but he does support MJ - in his own way. That's why I don't get all this hating on Uri. We should know better not to go down the road of the haters...:yes:

Yep ok, I shouldn't go down the road of the haters, but I'm not about to become his biggest fan either. :) I think I'll stay out of this thread because I obviously have a different opinion to most of you.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

So both scenarios could be true? For example - althought Michael would have preferred to fight the case in court, he also felt that he "couldn't take it any more" and so maybe was relieved when the insurance company settled - even if that was not what he really wanted.

In that case Uri's hypnosis story would be true. Michael just said under hypnosis what he felt about it........rather than give a detailed account of what really happened....
Yes, i think that's what happened. It was a combination of the two. Probably MJ wanted to fight this in the beginning but as the situation progressed he must have realised he didn't want this to go on anymore and decided to follow the advice of his lawyers to end this nightmare.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

So both scenarios could be true? For example - althought Michael would have preferred to fight the case in court, he also felt that he "couldn't take it any more" and so maybe was relieved when the insurance company settled - even if that was not what he really wanted.

In that case Uri's hypnosis story would be true. Michael just said under hypnosis what he felt about it........rather than give a detailed account of what really happened....

sorry he didnt actually say that my memoryfailed me he said this:

Diane: Why did you settle the case, and, and it looks to everyone as if you paid a huge amount of money...
Michael: That's...that's...most of that's folklore. I talked to my lawyers and I said, Can you guarantee me that justice will prevail? and they said, Michael we cannot guarantee you that a judge or a jury will do anything. And with that I was like catatonic. I was outraged...
Diane: How much money...
Michael: Totally outraged. So what I said...I have got to do something to get out from uinder this nightmare. All these lies and all these people coming forth to get paid and all these tabloid shows, just lies, lies, lies. So what I did - we got together again with my advisors and they advised me, it was hands down, a unanimous decision - resolve the case. This could be something that could go on for seven years.
Diane:How much money was...
Michael: We said let's get it behind us.
Diane: Can you say how much?
Michael: It's not what the tabloids have printed. It's not all this crazy outlandish money, no, it's not at all. I mean, the terms of the agreement are very confidential.
Diane: I want to ask...
Lisa: He's been barred to discuss it. The, the...
Diane: The specific terms?
Lisa: The specific terms.
Diane: Of the agreement.
Lisa: The specific amounts.

Michael: The just isn't fair...what they put me through. 'Cause there wasn't one piece of information that says I did this. And anyway, they turned my room upside-down, went through all my books, all my videotapes, all my private things and they found nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing that could say Michael Jackson did this. Nothing!
Diane: But let me ask you a couple of questions...
Michael: To this day nothing. Still, nothing...
Diane: Let me ask you...
Michael: ...nothing, nothing, nothing!
Diane: Nothing. We got nothing. As you may or may not know, we have called everyone we can call. We have checked everything we can check, we have gone and tried to see if what we heard before is in fact the case...I want to ask you about two things. These reports that we read over and over again, that in your room they found photographs of young boys...
Michael: Not of young boys, of children, all kinds of girls and...everything.
Diane: And that they found photographs...books, of young boys who were undressed.
Michael: No.
Diane: It didn't happen?
Michael: No, not that I know of - unless people sent me things that I haven't opened - People send, people know my love for children, so they send me books from all over the world. From South America, from Germany, from Sweden. I...
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Yep ok, I shouldn't go down the road of the haters, but I'm not about to become his biggest fan either. :) I think I'll stay out of this thread because I obviously have a different opinion to most of you.

I kind of agree with you. I don't "hate" Uri Gellar, everyone has there faults at the end of the day. I think his tears were real and he thinks he's doing his best for Michael but I think he goes about things the wrong way. He did an interview with the same TV station who tried to trash Michael's reputation before and revealed things that were meant to be private - not very intelligent. I hope if he was paid for this interview he will donate the money to one/or several of Michael's Charities.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

I'm kinda glad I didn't watch this, from what Im hearing.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

sorry he didnt actually say that my memoryfailed me he said this:

Michael: Totally outraged. So what I said...I have got to do something to get out from uinder this nightmare. All these lies and all these people coming forth to get paid and all these tabloid shows, just lies, lies, lies. So what I did - we got together again with my advisors and they advised me, it was hands down, a unanimous decision - resolve the case. This could be something that could go on for seven years.

Really it's still the same thing. It's Michael saying that he "couldn't take it any more" and wanted the whole "nightmare" to be over as soon as possible
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

sorry he didnt actually say that my memoryfailed me he said this:

Diane: Why did you settle the case, and, and it looks to everyone as if you paid a huge amount of money...
Michael: That's...that's...most of that's folklore. I talked to my lawyers and I said, Can you guarantee me that justice will prevail? and they said, Michael we cannot guarantee you that a judge or a jury will do anything. And with that I was like catatonic. I was outraged...
Diane: How much money...
Michael: Totally outraged. So what I said...I have got to do something to get out from uinder this nightmare. All these lies and all these people coming forth to get paid and all these tabloid shows, just lies, lies, lies. So what I did - we got together again with my advisors and they advised me, it was hands down, a unanimous decision - resolve the case. This could be something that could go on for seven years.
Diane:How much money was...
Michael: We said let's get it behind us.
Diane: Can you say how much?
Michael: It's not what the tabloids have printed. It's not all this crazy outlandish money, no, it's not at all. I mean, the terms of the agreement are very confidential.
Diane: I want to ask...
Lisa: He's been barred to discuss it. The, the...
Diane: The specific terms?
Lisa: The specific terms.
Diane: Of the agreement.
Lisa: The specific amounts.

Michael: The just isn't fair...what they put me through. 'Cause there wasn't one piece of information that says I did this. And anyway, they turned my room upside-down, went through all my books, all my videotapes, all my private things and they found nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing that could say Michael Jackson did this. Nothing!
Diane: But let me ask you a couple of questions...
Michael: To this day nothing. Still, nothing...
Diane: Let me ask you...
Michael: ...nothing, nothing, nothing!
Diane: Nothing. We got nothing. As you may or may not know, we have called everyone we can call. We have checked everything we can check, we have gone and tried to see if what we heard before is in fact the case...I want to ask you about two things. These reports that we read over and over again, that in your room they found photographs of young boys...
Michael: Not of young boys, of children, all kinds of girls and...everything.
Diane: And that they found photographs...books, of young boys who were undressed.
Michael: No.
Diane: It didn't happen?
Michael: No, not that I know of - unless people sent me things that I haven't opened - People send, people know my love for children, so they send me books from all over the world. From South America, from Germany, from Sweden. I...

Sorry to be back in trial mode and also O/T, but if they found pictures of naked children, wouldn't this be child porn, wouldn't he have been charged with posession of child porn. I mean really, why do they say stuff like this :doh: GRRRRR
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Really it's still the same thing. It's Michael saying that he "couldn't take it any more" and wanted the whole "nightmare" to be over as soon as possible

He also said similar in the Bashir doc, I was watching bits of it the other day.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Basically...the only new footage was MJ in ahrrods talking to Uri's friend..thats it!! the rest was a repeat...I hated the way Uri was protraying MJ as this person who was out of control and I have to say I FUCKING HATE THAT RABBI seeing his face makes me feel ill...What was MJ thinking hanging around these people?
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

he has his reasons. maybe something personal to him would come out or he was scared for the photos they took. or maybe he really did feel that this could take years ro sort out and would keep him away from his music,
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Basically...the only new footage was MJ in ahrrods talking to Uri's friend..thats it!! the rest was a repeat...I hated the way Uri was protraying MJ as this person who was out of control and I have to say I FUCKING HATE THAT RABBI seeing his face makes me feel ill...What was MJ thinking hanging around these people?

What Rabbi?
If yes, what did he do?
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

yes this is what he said

Totally outraged. So what I said...I have got to do something to get out from uinder this nightmare. All these lies and all these people coming forth to get paid and all these tabloid shows, just lies, lies, lies. So what I did - we got together again with my advisors and they advised me, it was hands down, a unanimous decision - resolve the case. This could be something that could go on for seven years.

I just wanted it to go way

It was a business decision they made to help salvage his career and legacy from the whole ordeal _ He was advised by attorneys to settle_ The case would have been a mockery and every sorded lie and detail would be printed to attack MJ. Also Civil suites do not have to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt like criminal cases. Many coprporations and people in the industry settle civil suites _ to try and keep them out of the scruteny of the media_ To make them go away not becuase of guilt ..

remember JC penney settled a civil suit with Janet Arviso Gavins mom when she accused their guards of molsting her and her children held up her story for her_ They didnt do it to admit guilt its just a business decision to send them on thier way and save the reputation of the company_ it was later Proven they lied _ and they had to pay back the money ..
Last edited:
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

There was much positive_ he may have overplayed MJs being nieve but over all it didnt portray Michael in a bad light just as human..

What I remembered most vividly was Michael’s devotion to his fans. He drew on their love for strength, and his gratitude for their overwhelming affection was bottomless.

I remember watching him in a New York hotel room, searching through every drawer and cupboard before he checked out. “Have you lost your passport?” I joked.

“I don’t want to leave any gifts behind,” he told me earnestly. He took a soft toy from a paper bag that a fan had decorated with hearts, and clutched it to his chest in a gesture that had become familiar to me — Michael hugged every gift he was given, as though he wanted to absorb the loving energies into his heart.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

My view of Uri Geller Tapes:

If Michael Jackson was Uri's best friend, he would have turned up on time for his so called best man's wedding. I think Uri just got lucky with Michael from being friends through Mohammed al Fayed and the Diana connection. Plus Uri spinned this idea of taking Michael to the moon, and Michael being Michael connected with the odd ball that is Uri. But I don't believe for one that they were best friends, just a close business partnership.

The programme was for Uri not Michael, its was bascially saying look at me Uri Geller, I was once a friend of Michael Jackson.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Is it already on you tube???
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

What Rabbi?
If yes, what did he do?

Not in this docu...but in general he always says something -ve about MJ. ALL the time.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

There are good bits and bad bits. Some new footage of Michael which is nice to see - I did cry all the way through though because it made me miss him :( I think Uri talks a lot of BS though to honest - he seemed to be more excited about proving to people that he knew Michael than being close to him. Uri seems too in awe of Mike - like he didn't REALLY know him, friends just don't act like that. That lovely Mark Lester who played Oliver and spent Christmas with Michael and the kids - now HE seemed genuine. I also don't believe Uri hypnotised Michael and asked him about the child allegations. Uri said he asked Mike why he paid off the Chandlers and Michael's response was 'I just can't take it anymore' - that doesn't sound right to me! We know that Michael didn't want to settle out of court and was forced to by the insurance company, surely under hypnosis Michael would have said something along those lines. I don't trust Uri Gellar, I think he's a fake!!

According to the Mary A. Fischer article, Michael resisted the settlement at first, but when he returned to America and saw how bad the commotion in the media was, he gave in because he wanted the whole thing over asap.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

According to the Mary A. Fischer article, Michael resisted the settlement at first, but when he returned to America and saw how bad the commotion in the media was, he gave in because he wanted the whole thing over asap.

this is what i thought too