UK TV Alert: ***RE-AIRS*** My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Monday 27th July 2009

Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Someone I believe on this forum email Uri and he replied? Not sure who it was but I think you should sent him and email asking his intentions of doing it and how much $$$ he made.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Yes he did, but we're no longer talking about the fact that he made a doco. We're discussing what the doco was about.
The footage he showed, some of the things he chose to focus on like retelling the story of Michael's lost childhood, the Oxford speech + Joseph, Peter Pan, the disabled boy who lept into Michael's arms...that all fights the "molestation" myth and I'm thankful for that.

I personally don't have any strong feelings for or against Uri.
Basically, no matter what this show was about, Uri can't win with some fans.
I agree. Sometimes, I get deja vu feelings of the way MJ haters treat the fans. Same feelings. We should all of us rise above that. :yes:
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Yes because he made money out of it!! how naive are you?

Uri got paid..did he give it charity? IF he had please let me know cos I havent been informed..

I gave 75GBP to TM...asked for my memorial ticket..and gave an other 75GBP divided between 2 charities, cos I know Mike would have wanted me to do so...I am cool I can do without 75GBP
Where is Uri's 75GBP donation??
And he claims himself to be a close friend - I am waiting to see him proving it
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

was it a good special??? It will be broadcast on SBS this friday in The Netherlands
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

it seems like Uri was very upset that he introduced Michael to Bashir. Its then he realised his friendship with Mj was over. But somehow he was getting in touch with him towards the end. But then I dont like Mat Fiddes as he was suing Tito a few months back. Dont think he was a genuine friend either.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Someone I believe on this forum email Uri and he replied? Not sure who it was but I think you should sent him and email asking his intentions of doing it and how much $$$ he made.

what do u think hes gonna say lol he already threatened ppl/fans with his lawyers.the guys a media whore always has been always will be. b4 and after mj
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

what do u think hes gonna say lol he already threatened ppl/fans with his lawyers.the guys a media whore always has been always will be. b4 and after mj

I dont know what his gonna say which is why I asked. I dont no if he got paid for it for definate.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

imo his intentions were quite clear. Publicity for himself. The footage was lame anyway, I think we heard MJ say all of ten words. If it was the same quality footage of anyone else it would never have been aired. I guess MJ's name alone is enough to bring the $ signs to everyones eyes. To compare this treatment of Uri to MJ haters is ridiculous! Michael wouldn't even hurt a fly. Let alone sell his 'friend' to untrustworthy leeches such as Bashit. I'm sorry, but I think that statement is totally unfair.

I see nobody answered my question on believing Uri about the drugs 'aftermath'. :smilerolleyes:

EDIT: Of course he got paid! If he didn't you can bet your bottom dollar he'd be spewing that all over the place as well as his recorded voicemails etc.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

I dont know what his gonna say which is why I asked. I dont no if he got paid for it for definate.
sorry but like someone else said either u are very young or very niave
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

sorry but like someone else said either u are very young or very niave

So i am very young in your opinion as I have given him the benifit of the doubt about his intentions with his documentry?

I am niave because Im glad to see Michael Documentry that people will remember for good things?

Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

OK, is it an MJ positive special????

Yes, I believe this was a positive programme about Mike and I have emailed Uri to tell him that I enjoyed it.
I know Uri will have made money out of this, but that is really not important when you consider the positive PR this brought Mike IMO. there are people out there making money by spreading negative stories and Uri didn't really do that, although I'm sure ITV, Channel 4, or Channel 5 would have lapped it up. To get this positive show broadcast at a time when viewing figures are likely to be high was great.
Of course, Uri did mention the drug use very briefly and made a point of saying he never saw Mike take drugs. The allegations in 1993 and 2003 were also mentioned but were handled very well. Uri stated that he hypnotised Mike and asked him about the 93 allegations. Mike responded by saying he would never do that to a child and I'm sure there will be many people in the world who will see that as confirmation that Mike was not a criminal, particularly as he was found not guilty of the 2003 allegations.
Overall I found the show to be positive and a good piece of PR. No complaints from me.

I wonder if this show will bring another boost to sales of Mike's albums in the UK.
Last edited:
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Im not Naive at all thanks, no need to be soo bloody rude either maybe if you had been bothered to read my post above.
People in this forum are just becoming so insensitive and rude!!! In the words on Peter Griffin It really beginging to gring my gears!

Okay so if he did get paid for it.....then at least I had an oppertunity to watch that and see some funny enlightening Michael Memorys. And after the last month of tabloid shit it was good to see something fun about michael.

lol I'm not even going to respond to this.....
I'm surprised by some fans that have not known this leech named elusive said he is a media and attention whore....hence the reason why Mike cut him off from his life...this applies to that stupid body guard as well.....
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

pfft, I'll bend something a little more painful of his if he doesn't stop acting like he and MJ were best buddies for life.
:rofl: :rofl: :clapping:

this footage was EMBARSSING!!! it literally looked like theyd met up about three times, always in public places with others around. MJ barely spoke to him!!Uri youre embarassing yourself.

it really shows what a massive star MJ is, in that a TV station is actually willing to pay to broadcast this. Can you imagine a documentary like this about farreer faucet?? No!! with anyone else they would be looking for a FRIEND with some acual insight. not some shaky camera pictures of someone shopping etc... JOKE

doens't has Uri a email adress so we can thank him so much for everything he has done for MJ........??

I would love to send him a mail with the truth !!!

yeah does anyone have it? or is he going to sue me? seems hes been threatening legal action..... its laughable

Uri didnt have to show that footage for us to see, but he did :)
:doh: :doh: :laugh: :rofl: is this a joke? he's not doing it as a favour to the fans, hes threatening legal action against us. Im just guessing here (haha) but I THINK his wallet may be slightly heavier after this rushed documentary

I got a question for all the people who think this is you believe what he said about waking MJ up from the 'aftermath' of drugs?

THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW!!! this is clearly a LIE made up to beef up his documentary. MJ never even seemed to stay round his house. i highly doubt Uri just wondered in with a cup of tea in the morning... please!!

So thats either a total lie.. which means Uri is profitting from someone who has died by making up lies

OR ITS TRUE .. which surely means uri should have tried to help.. did he contact the family?? did he speak to MJs friends?? or did he just discuss it too late AFTER someones died?? DISGUSTING EITHER WAY.. (although i believe he just made it up)

I dont know what his gonna say which is why I asked. I dont no if he got paid for it for definate.

if someone doesnt get paid theres a big disclaimer at the end saying "uri was not paid for any part of this documentary... " or "uri has asked that his sum for this programme be donated to charity"... are my eyes deceiving me.. or did i not read such a disclaimer
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Even though I agree with fans that Uri did this for self-publicity, as I my opinion he did with all of his public outings with Michael such as re-newing his wedding vows etc.

I do feel this documentary though music amateurish, showed Michael in a positive light, even though I'm still criticle of Uri Geller for trying get Michael to change as a person, basically he should never have advised Michael to opening up his life to the world. Anyone who's really followed Michael's career, knows that he never came across well in interviews that were asked questions about his life outside music. If he really understood Michael he wouldn't advised Michael to do such an interview.

I liked to footage of Michael in Harrods talking to a musican friend of Uri's on the telephone. I disliked that girl with a heavy jawline who had cancer and met Michael at Exeter City FC, and said Michael looked like a waxwork, his nose was too small and that she couldn't stop looking at it. Was there any need for her screen time, I don't think their was.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Im sorry but there is no need to be so rude on people opinons and perception of things.
Have I tried to make you sounds stupid? Shot down your opinons? No I havent as I hope I have a bit more respect that that.
Some of you have been quite rude and made me feel stupid for writing my feelings and thoughts on this documentry.

So if anyone else states that they liked the positiveness that this doc brought on MJ please dont make them feel how im feeling right now, its not fair.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Im sorry but there is no need to be so rude on people opinons and perception of things.
Have I tried to make you sounds stupid? Shot down your opinons? No I havent as I hope I have a bit more respect that that.
Some of you have been quite rude and made me feel stupid for writing my feelings and thoughts on this documentry.

So if anyone else states that they liked the positiveness that this doc brought on MJ please dont make them feel how im feeling right now, its not fair.
Don't feel bad, just ignore them. :) The doc was positive, that's the end of it. People shouldn't be discouraged from viewing it because of Uri. Uri's motives are just irrelevant. I'd rather have him rather than ex-maids or buttlers talking about what they think they "saw" at Neverland.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Don't feel bad, just ignore them. :) The doc was positive, that's the end of it. People shouldn't be discouraged from viewing it because of Uri. Uri's motives are just irrelevant. I'd rather have him rather than ex-maids or buttlers talking about what they think they "saw" at Neverland.

Exactly right. :clapping:
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

I watched this purely because I have watched EVERYTHING that's been produced regardless of whether I like or respect who is responsible for it.

I don't hate Uri - I don't know him. He had fame once and it appears that this is now his only link to fame. He appears to be just basking in the fact that Michael wanted to know him in any capacity - asking him to be his best man seems a way of just parading his acquaintance to his friends.

I think the documentary only succeeded in showing Uri in a poor light - he came across as someone who just wanted to show off the fact he knew Michael. His comments about Michael wanting to walk on the moon were immature; calling Michael naiive and believing in such things when it was Uri in the first place who discussed the matter with Michael as being a reality.

None of this felt like part of a real and genuine friendship but that's just my opinion.

At the end of the day, as much as we care to speculate, unless we are directly involved in these relationships and incidents we can only really offer our impressions and ideas. The only people who know the absolute truth are the people who were involved.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Im sorry but there is no need to be so rude on people opinons and perception of things.

i'm annoyed with Uri, not with anyone who thinks the doc was positive. thats your choice.

plus, i genuinely thought someone wrote "uri didnt have to share this footage with us, he was kind enough to show it" was a joke...

I think the documentary only succeeded in showing Uri in a poor light - he came across as someone who just wanted to show off the fact he knew Michael. His comments about Michael wanting to walk on the moon were immature; calling Michael naiive and believing in such things when it was Uri in the first place who discussed the matter with Michael as being a reality.

None of this felt like part of a real and genuine friendship but that's just my opinion.

yeah i couldnt believe that. can i just say that my mum watching this documentary. she isnt a fan of michael. infact i'd just say she "tolerates" my love for him. she came out of watching this doc thinking MJ was insane... talking about how he wanted to walk on the moon and wanted a knighthood, 2 hours late for a wedding .. then all those clips of him on crutches. i dont think this documentary was even that positive!!

can reiterate my earlier question to those that enjoyed the doc again

DO YOU BELIEVE WHAT URI SAID ABOUT FINDING MJ OUT OF IT ON DRUGS? DO you believe MJ was that accessible to him that he could just wonder into his bedroom with a cup of tea and find him in that state?? do you believe he said "what are you doing michael, you will end up dead"???
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

I just watched the whole doc...well at least it was positive.
But MJ's dead, why not doing it, when he was alive? When he really needed support?
The thing with the drugs..well nobody will know the thruth.
We don't know what really happened.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Why Does Michael always look high when hes with Uri??!!!!

GOd! I really didnt see this as being positive at all. Its rather freaky! Its a freak show..

Oh, and the part he 'cried', I cringed.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

What kind of a friend and a professional asks questions such as about his relationship with children under hypnosis? And then tells it on the video? And basically dies not trust Michael? And thinks it is not embarassing to tell us?
I believe he was not Michael's friend friend if u know what I mean. Real ones have spoken very little or not at all since 25.06.09. Real ones usually last life. Not one year!
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

sunnyday or sugarbunny, can you please answer my question about whether you think what Uri said about drugs is true? With what you're saying, it makes me think you believe it. I just would really like to know what you made of that, as I think it was a lie.

MJJ2TheMAX - I agree about it not showing Michael in a positive light. It made him seem naive, stupid, desperate. All the things that Michael is NOT.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Why Does Michael always look high when hes with Uri??!!!!

Yeah I think Michael acted "weird" in almost every clip in this program. I did not follow MJ much before 2003, so i dont know. But he seemed more "normal" 2003-2009. He looked better last months than in this that's sure.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Well here's my opinion if anyone cares lol

It was a wasted opportunity. I had hoped that Uri might use the platform to explain to everyone what I wonderful man Michael was and how intelligent he was. Unfortunately it did not come across that way at all.

It merely seemed that it was all about Uri. Talking about how they had such chemistry together etc. It was cringeworthy. It was an opportunity to stoke his ego even further.

And really, what footage was there that we hadnt already seen? The Harrods piece and the train scenes thats all. If he was a friend, why would he need to hypnotise Michael? Wouldnt a friend just trust him? Why did he go on about Michael being late for his wedding, without explaining why he was late? Why did he allow that girl at Exeter to be included, talking so disrespectfully about his face, after he gave her encouragement about her cancer? Why did he tell everyone that Michael wanted a knighthood? It made him come across as arrogant. Why did he say Michael was gullible when he's the one that came up with the idea of taking him to the moon? Why on earth did that Peter Pan man have to make MJ seem like a maniac, going on about clutching his knees, and begging to play the role.

And why the HELL did he have to ruin the whole thing with the drug allegations. Keep it private! We dont want to hear this!

On a positive note, I liked the scene in the train when Mark LEster sat next to Michael. Michael seemed way more comfortable with Mark than Uri. And it was really nice what Mark had to say about Michael and his children. Now THAT's a true friend! Someone who respects their friendship and talks to the media only to tell them what MJ was really like. Its not about him at all. Uri, on the other hand, just wanted to feel special and bask in his own importance. Notice how he walked shoulder to shoulder with him all the time, acting like a bodyguard?

And I'm sorry to say it, but there were no tears in his eyes when he was "crying". And trust me, I'm an expert when it comes to fake and real crying. You hear it in their voice before their eyes. It was all for effect.

It brings me no pleasure to say this. I actually was one of the fans that liked Uri and believed in his abilities. I really wanted to believe he was better than this. Honest to God.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Did everyone really think it was that bad! I mean come on.
I understand that Uri Geller May be looking to gain publicity from this and re start his career but.....I truley believe from that interview he was truley sorry for introducing Michael and Bashir i felt that from him. He never knew what Bashir would do to him, and as Michaels friend and knowing Bashir interviewed Diana who wouldnt of thought it wouldnt of worked? He never knew it would do that.
And if that bit is true about Michael asking after him, surely Michael must of forgave. And maybe so should we because do you no what?!?! There are people out there at the moment the doctors, various members of his team etc that deserve slating and negative discussion way more than Uri Geller. Is Uri Geller a suspect of manslaughter of Micahel? No so give him a bit of a break his not all bad!
I found the docu very emtional and truly believed he was sorry - and realised what his actions had resulted in.

Well said. I felt he was genuinly sorry. TBH however, Bashir wasn't that nice to Diana either... but he said Michael did forgive and forget and called him a couple of times this year. And so what if he did get paid?? Do you think Joe did his interview last week for free?? very much doubtful. Nothing in life is free.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

What kind of a friend and a professional asks questions such as about his relationship with children under hypnosis? And then tells it on the video? And basically dies not trust Michael? And thinks it is not embarassing to tell us?
I believe he was not Michael's friend friend if u know what I mean. Real ones have spoken very little or not at all since 25.06.09. Real ones usually last life. Not one year!

I agree totally. It is completely unethical to do this whether he was a friend or not. I understand this took place at the beginning of their "relationship" and it was made to sound as though until that point Uri was undecided whether he trusted Michael. It was a very short relationship without much actual time spent together so it smacks of something not very geniune.

As for the drugs and whether or not Uri really did attempt to wake him well both he and Matt Fiddes say the same thing and to be honest only they know if it was true.

There are lots of people surrounding Michael that make me feel uneasy, Uri is just one of many.

Kenny Oretega/Randy Phillips leap out at me constantly as people who makes me feel very uncomfortable.