UK TV Alert: ***RE-AIRS*** My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Monday 27th July 2009

Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Nice footage, so still glad I watched it. Yeah, that girl who had had cancer... wth was up with that rudeness? And Uri with his unethical secret hypnosis question. Man, totally unethical...
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

as originally posted here. the girl was obviously asked to comment on mj physical appearance.

as for uri talking about drugs (why speak now) didn't Mj go in rehab during the dangerous era for addiction to pain killers - so the issue of drugs was known, it may not have been widely reported, but it was out there....even elizabeth taylor held a press conference to tell Michael to stop his addiction to pain killers..

i havent made my mind up about the documentary - yet.
shame there was no footage from his actual speech at oxford uni...that would have been a nice touch.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

I have a feeling that this whole "moonwalking on the moon" thing will be made into a big deal by all the haters. They will make it look like he was desperate and eccentric. :(
That voicemail was so sweet and pure. I don't blame Uri for keeping a copy of it.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Even especially after having cancer, wouldn't you think she would be a bit more considerate of people. It was so uncalled for and irrelevant. I looked at the screen againg showing Michael and I was like, I don't see anything out of the ordinary about his nose. Geez!

What annoys me about people like Uri Gellar, they are accquaintances who Michael is friendly with, he ain't discussing his problems or private life with Uri. He craves the attention that being associated with Michael gave him. Even though I do feel he cares for Michael, the soundbites and the way he goes about things is so dis-jointed and it does not portray truthfully who Michael Jackson is privately with people he is completely comfortable with. My Mam said while watching the programme, that he was taken advantage of by every one he came across in one form or another. And really thought it was terrible about hynotising him and asking question about child abuse. It's just a terrible breach of trust. And why did he have to bring that up. Michael's nephews or some other people need to do some good documentary down the line in the future. It's not appropriate time now but when time has passed. Show Michael the person, the father, the uncle, etc.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Did you notice how Uri loves to go on & on about a simple thing? He loves to milk it.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

There are good bits and bad bits. Some new footage of Michael which is nice to see - I did cry all the way through though because it made me miss him :( I think Uri talks a lot of BS though to honest - he seemed to be more excited about proving to people that he knew Michael than being close to him. Uri seems too in awe of Mike - like he didn't REALLY know him, friends just don't act like that. That lovely Mark Lester who played Oliver and spent Christmas with Michael and the kids - now HE seemed genuine. I also don't believe Uri hypnotised Michael and asked him about the child allegations. Uri said he asked Mike why he paid off the Chandlers and Michael's response was 'I just can't take it anymore' - that doesn't sound right to me! We know that Michael didn't want to settle out of court and was forced to by the insurance company, surely under hypnosis Michael would have said something along those lines. I don't trust Uri Gellar, I think he's a fake!!
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

If that footage was been handed over to someone who had respect for Michael the programme would have been great. Having Uri there commenting on everything was a bad idea in my opinion, he gave the media exactly what they needed to write another bogus story about Michael.
If there was more stories like the one about the little disabled boy, it would have given people more reason to respect Michael. Instead, they overshadowed it with the images of him on the balcony, the girl staring at his nose and Uri apparently begging Michael to stay away from drugs.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

I have a feeling that this whole "moonwalking on the moon" thing will be made into a big deal by all the haters. They will make it look like he was desperate and eccentric. :(
That voicemail was so sweet and pure. I don't blame Uri for keeping a copy of it.

I hope not hun that has been known for along while that michael wanted to moonwalk on the moon,bless him :cry: xxx
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Nice footage, so still glad I watched it. Yeah, that girl who had had cancer... wth was up with that rudeness? And Uri with his unethical secret hypnosis question. Man, totally unethical...

Absolutely. I wanted to smack that girl across the face. How rude.

And yes, I was surprised that Uri behaved unethically.

On the whole tho, I thought it was a lovely documentary. He didn't look particuarly happy half the time but it was lovely to see MJ. I love the Peter Pan segment. Ive heard that before or seen the 'script' in the paper but it just proves how MJ just wanted his childhood.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

man i felt sorry for MJ when he was knocked over in the crowd.....can you imagine living in that kinda frenzy around you everyday or your life since childhood?
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

The hypnosis thing WAS unethical, Uri admitted so himself, but don't you think this adds to a better perception of MJ's public image now? This "unethical" thing made MJ look better overall.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Michael's response was 'I just can't take it anymore' - that doesn't sound right to me! We know that Michael didn't want to settle out of court and was forced to by the insurance company, surely under hypnosis Michael would have said something along those lines. I don't trust Uri Gellar, I think he's a fake!!

i agree i don't think he ever asked him and anyone with an objective mind can see the evidence against michael was lies, so why would uri his friend need to still ask him...under a hypnotic state you just wouldn't do that

didn't michael pay out on advice of his advisors...and some technical legal issue which meant that any court action wouldn't have been fair??
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

I almost started to weep as that bearded guy described the way Michael went down on his knees infront of him and said "Can I... Can I be Peter Pan?" lol I could imagine him do/say all of that with his soft little voice.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

The "hypnosis" thing happened very early in their relationship. Why would Uri lie about that? This makes him look BAD (and Uri is not a person to do that usually to himself). So i don't think this was a lie. We're overanalysing it too much i think.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

man i felt sorry for MJ when he was knocked over in the crowd.....can you imagine living in that kinda frenzy around you everyday or your life since childhood?

I know i cant imagine wat that is like and it was like that since he was so young bless him :angel::cry: xxx
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Nice footage, so still glad I watched it. Yeah, that girl who had had cancer... wth was up with that rudeness? And Uri with his unethical secret hypnosis question. Man, totally unethical...

Uri was in control and he could've prevented that footage to be released..........there was nothing new in this docu!! I'm gutted I missed TopGear.......
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Stupidly I watched this, Uri is extremely irritating and over the top. He commited a huge betrayal of friendship with this hypnosis he performed on Michael, proof yet again, as if we need it, that Michael just could never trust anyone to simply be a friend.

All this talk of warning Michael over drugs etc I didnt believe. On the one hand he admits he never saw Michael take anything, but he "saw the aftermath"...well, aftermath of what exactly? He contradicts himself. I feel he added that simply for effect and drama.

It was a waste of an hour really.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

The hypnosis thing WAS unethical, Uri admitted so himself, but don't you think this adds to a better perception of MJ's public image now? This "unethical" thing made MJ look better overall.

Yes, in a way I can see why Uri said it - he thinks he's doing Michael a favour. But I don't believe him because I think Michael's response didn't sound right. He didn't pay the money because he 'just couldn't take it anymore' there was so much more to it than that and under hypnosis it would surely have come out??
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

I think it was nice to see never before seen footage of our Michael.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Uri was in control and he could've prevented that footage to be released..........there was nothing new in this docu!! I'm gutted I missed TopGear.......

Why would you be gutted at missing TopGear? that show's the baddest of the bad full of arragont guys who think there so masculine because they drive around in fast cars its laughable to think my Brother likes watching it aswell i would have rather watch the Uri doc instead of putting up with Jeramy Clarkston thinking hes gods gift to men
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Yes, in a way I can see why Uri said it - he thinks he's doing Michael a favour. But I don't believe him because I think Michael's response didn't sound right. He didn't pay the money because he 'just couldn't take it anymore' there was so much more to it than that and under hypnosis it would surely have come out??

What else is there? Please enlighten me.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

fake arse fecker. crawl back under your rock funny how he didnt release this footage when mj was alive £££££££££££££££ go to hell with all the others who used mj for their own gains.. and the fake tears were laughable go to acting school and do try harder next time
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Yes, in a way I can see why Uri said it - he thinks he's doing Michael a favour. But I don't believe him because I think Michael's response didn't sound right. He didn't pay the money because he 'just couldn't take it anymore' there was so much more to it than that and under hypnosis it would surely have come out??
The "I couldn't take it anymore" comment is a very common quote attributed to MJ when describing his ordeal, though. It makes sense to me. Besides the hypnosis cannot go on forever...
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Yes, in a way I can see why Uri said it - he thinks he's doing Michael a favour. But I don't believe him because I think Michael's response didn't sound right. He didn't pay the money because he 'just couldn't take it anymore' there was so much more to it than that and under hypnosis it would surely have come out??

Maybe Uri didn't hypnotise him .Maybe he just made that up to try and convince any doubters that Michael was innocent of all charges aginst him
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Uri talked about the hypnosis in 2005 already.
I only heard Uri say nice things about MJ and Uri was supportive in a time when others were not. You don't have to like him but there are far worse people out there
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Maybe Uri didn't hypnotise him .Maybe he just made that up to try and convince any doubters that Michael was innocent of all charges aginst him
But why would he invent it since it makes him look so bad and unethical? He has repeated this hundreds of times. He could have invented something else. Besides Uri doesn't strike me as one who would make himself look bad.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Uri talked about the hypnosis in 2005 already.
I only heard Uri say nice things about MJ and Uri was supportive in a time when others were not. You don't have to like him but there are far worse people out there
I agree. I know many fans hate him, but he's always been supportive of Michael. Would it be better if he went and said MJ is a bad person or a molester? I just... can't hate him, I know Michael wherever he is now must agree.