This is it: The Music (Live Vocals, Tracklist Discussion) MERGED

Earth Song in TII is different from the demo though.

He says flowering fields in TII, it's killing fields in the demo.

he says flowering fields in the second verse again where as the demo says something like flushing dreams.

If its not Live then its definitely re-recorded playback.
I'm liking this thread guys :) Just from reading a few pages it does seem like a very civilised conversation.

Earth Song in TII is different from the demo though.

He says flowering fields in TII, it's killing fields in the demo.

he says flowering fields in the second verse again where as the demo says something like flushing dreams.

If its not Live then its definitely re-recorded playback.

Ok, the first half of the performance is the actual Earth Song track. With the 'flowering fields' bit edited into the first verse from the second verse. Second half of the performance is the demo.

It could even be a demo we havent even heard yet. I am 99% sure it is not sung live though.

Its so easy for them to mix certain parts of the song, and take out certain lyrics to throw you off and thats what they have done. You may ask, whey would they go through that effort? Well for one, its not really that much of an effort. They have people who can do that in minutes. Secondly, so it sounds live. Its as simple as that.

Why would you focus on the minority though? The majority of the performance is identical to the demo.

Ive listened to parts of the performance and then immediately listened to the same part of the demo and most parts are identical.
I've said it before and nobody seems to know what I'm talking about, but there's one line in IJCSLY when he picks apart each word seperately and does this weird hand gesture at the same time... it's so freaking cool I could die.

Does anybody know what bit I mean?

yes, where he's grabbing the notes :)
Re: TII Earth Song

my fav outfit and my fav performance. not to mention what he said (before) after that performance. it forced me to cry so hard
Re: TII Earth Song

Michael was so cute in that outfit.. and the performance simply blown me away, especially the part when Michael was on the crane... wow that was so impressive! The speech about the planet is beautiful too .. his voice is dreamy :wub:
Re: TII Earth Song

I do know that I was taken back with this part of the movie.. how beautiful.
J5 Medley, How awesome!!

The J5 is definitely one of my favourite parts from the movie.
Of course I Want You Back went wrong because of the ears thing... but it still cool. And a bit funny and sweet to see how Michael hates these things, you can see a little smile after he pulled out the first inner ear thing. He's like: *sigh... this is crap*

And Kenny calls him sir? wth.. is that sarcasm right there?
When Michael explaines how he feels about the ear things you can see he's actually chewing gum haha.

The Love You Save is great and funky, I love the arrangement.

I'll Be There is wonderful, emotional. He sings so well. And the outfit he wears in the second part is awesome. Maybe my favourite outfit from the movie.
It's a real Michael Jackson outfit, and I think this would've been something he wanted to wear in the real show.

What do you think about this chapter of the film?:)
Re: J5 Medley, How awesome!!

Aw, I know. It was definitley one of my favourite bits from the film too. :wub:
Re: J5 Medley, How awesome!!

yeah this is deffo one of my fave parts of the movie!!
Re: J5 Medley, How awesome!!

I loved it too (eventhough the montage playing during "I'll Be There" made me tear up a bit).

"I'll Be There" was my fave. It was very moving and touching. Michael sounded great too.
Re: J5 Medley, How awesome!!

I Will Be There was just as emotional as ever. I bet many were moved to tears when MJ sang it and mentioned his brothers and parents at the end. It must have brought back to MJ the memories of good old days when everything was a lot simpler...
Re: J5 Medley, How awesome!!

I'll Be There was very beautiful. Michael's voice sounded perfect. I liked the part where he sang high pitched voice particularly.
It's great that he made mention of his brothers and parents, saying how much he loves them. I can imagine how wonderful it was for them to hear that when they were watching the movie.
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Re: J5 Medley, How awesome!!

I loved that part to me he looked really angry at first, I loved seeing him being stern and angry.
Re: J5 Medley, How awesome!!

I loved this part..

As soon as I'll be there started (i went with my mom cause she loves michael too) she goes.. Don't cry, Don't cry!! I held it all together was very proud of myself but I thought it was sweet when i'll be there starts playing she said that
Was the who is it instrumental live? It didn't really sound like the recording but I can't be sure.
TWYMMF and Earth song were fully live on ths is it film ... I have kind accapella versions of the film.. and it is live :)
All songs are live. If it's not 100%, it's to a certain extend. No song was completely mimed.