This is it: The Music (Live Vocals, Tracklist Discussion) MERGED

I really think Earth Song was live.

Oh come on, its basically the demo version. With certain parts of the final version mixed in to make it sound live :\

The ending is DEFINATELY lip synched, even if the first half of the song isnt.
I do't know about you guys but I think jam was live. In the beginning it sounded live like a certain scruffness in his voice
having dangerous tour as an example, he singing live at the rehearsals unfortunally doesn't mean he'd do it at the concerts... and there's something strange about Beat It, he never sang it at the same key of the record ... at Victory he sang -1 pitched, Bad -2, Dangerous -3 and History playback, and now he appeared singing it in Ebm(the original key) without any breath issue... i really don't know what to believe
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Oh come on, its basically the demo version. With certain parts of the final version mixed in to make it sound live :\

The ending is DEFINATELY lip synched, even if the first half of the song isnt.

Agreed. Its exactly the same as the Demo. But I :wub: The Demo, so I dont mind :cheeky:
the mixing was good on some tracks with pre recorded stuff, they did their job and did their best to convey Michael in a way that is best. Thats what they do at gigs too, he would have had those vocals helping him, to work with and off of. He isnt and wont be the last artist to do this in performance.
guys.. earth song ending is really different than the demo ... it is fully live singing... they don´t care about us is half playback... and Jam is live ... :) just need to listen to accapella version ...
This is what i think was live and lip synced (This is only my opinion remember so please don't take it as fact)

Wanna Be Startin Somethin - Live
Jam - Lip Sync but i think at some point he sings a little over the backing track
They Don't Care About Us - Lip Sync
Human Nature - Live
Smooth Criminal - Only the first verse is lip synced and the rest is live
The Way You Make Me Feel - Lip Sync
Jackson 5 Medley - Live
I Just Can't Stop Loving You - Live
Thriller - Lip Sync
Beat It - Live
Black Or White - Live
Earth Song - Live
Billie Jean - Live
Man In The Mirror - I can't remember this one to well but i think it was a mix of both
Wanna Be Startin Somethin - Live
Jam - live
They Don't Care About Us - half playback
Human Nature - Live
Smooth Criminal - Only the first verse is lip synced and the rest is live
The Way You Make Me Feel - 100% live
Jackson 5 Medley - Live
I Just Can't Stop Loving You - Live
Thriller - live
Beat It - Live
Black Or White - Live
Earth Song - Live
Billie Jean - Live
Man In The Mirror - live
Wanna Be Startin Somethin - Live
Jam - live
They Don't Care About Us - half playback
Human Nature - Live
Smooth Criminal - Only the first verse is lip synced and the rest is live
The Way You Make Me Feel - 100% live
Jackson 5 Medley - Live
I Just Can't Stop Loving You - Live
Thriller - live
Beat It - Live
Black Or White - Live
Earth Song - Live
Billie Jean - Live
Man In The Mirror - live

Aww man. Sorry but your WAY off! :\ :\ :\

I would really recommend you getting your ears checked.

Thing that shocks me most is that you think Thriller was live. I could understand you thinking Earth Song was live and I can understand why many others think its live. But I think everyone here apart from you agrees Thriller is lip synched.

Billie Jean is the demo up until shortly after where the moonwalk normally comes.

Earth Song IMO is the demo mixed in with parts of the final version.

Jam is only live right near the end.

Smooth Criminal. Only the 'annie are you ok' and some 'hoooos' are live.

Im pretty sure TDCAU is much more than half playback. If not all playback.

The start of TWYMMF is live. Then the rest of the song is lip synched till the end when he sings 'Come on give it to me' and a few 'hoooooooos'.

Man In The Mirror is lip synched apart from some 'hooos' and the 'ya know, ya know, ya know' bit.

Im sorry Lubyss, but your wayyy off :\ Just because it doesnt sound just like the original track, doesnt mean its live. It is so easy for them to mix the tracks and deepen the vocals.

The ONLY song im sceptical about is Beat it. I still dont know if its live or not. It doesnt sound like thr original track, but its much too perfect.
well I have my ears ok... My ears are ok .. :) But I am impersonator and I have really good sound hearing.. and I have something like acpalella version from the film .. and there I can clearly hear that thriller is live .. that it is really different ... some notes and parts are really shorter iwhen he sings .. the way you make me feel is whole live too.. event when it is not liev .. why there are places where mike doesn´t sing when he should ??? huh ? My ears are good .. :)
I agree with L.T.D.
About Beat It I'm sceptical too.It sounds too perfect.But it's just an ideea,it sounds too similar to the bad tour vocals.I almost thought it was the like the yokohama show on some parts but low pitched.
Any other opinions?
and I am not talking about the deep of his voice... about pitch of his voice... I am talking about real differents .. :)
well I have my ears ok... My ears are ok .. :) But I am impersonator and I have really good sound hearing.. and I have something like acpalella version from the film .. and there I can clearly hear that thriller is live .. that it is really different ... some notes and parts are really shorter iwhen he sings .. the way you make me feel is whole live too.. event when it is not liev .. why there are places where mike doesn´t sing when he should ??? huh ? My ears are good .. :)

What does being an impersonator have to do with it? You dont need a good musical ear to be an impersonator.

There is no point arguing anyway. Your obviously going to think your right no matter what I say. So there is no point trying :\
I agree with L.T.D.
About Beat It I'm sceptical too.It sounds too perfect.But it's just an ideea,it sounds too similar to the bad tour vocals.I almost thought it was the like the yokohama show on some parts but low pitched.
Any other opinions?

Yeah, originally I had thought the vocals may have been taken from an early Bad Tour show :)
I heard that there was supposed to be around 22 setlists I wish songs like dirty diana heal the world and stuff were rehearsed before he died but I suppose we should be happy with what we got. I just wish I could have seen it would have been the best show ever :(
What the heck is this "Arty" thing? I have just smoked these 24 pages reading everything, and it seems to me (from your guys comments) as if this "ARTY" guy is an important person who knows a lot... his name comes up a lot throughout this thread.
Like... everyone is waiting for his opinion, and then everyone is talking about whether he's been banned, etc. Which, by the way, why would he be banned if he's such a respected member? Or, respected enough to the extends that lots of ppl were waiting for his word.

Sorry for the off topic. I hope somebody can clear that up for me.

BTW I'm pretty sure Billie Jean was completely live.
I'm a singer and I write my own songs as well, I can tell you that when you spend so much time writing, practising and recording your songs, it may happen that you mistake what the final track sounds like with the many demos you have recorded for it. Go figure... Michael had written and recorded thousands of songs! If it happens to me, with less than 50 songs recorded, it's obvious that it can happen to Michael, specially during rehearsals.
Wanna Be Startin Somethin - Live
Jam - live
They Don't Care About Us - half playback
Human Nature - Live
Smooth Criminal - Only the first verse is lip synced and the rest is live
The Way You Make Me Feel - 100% live
Jackson 5 Medley - Live
I Just Can't Stop Loving You - Live
Thriller - live
Beat It - Live
Black Or White - Live
Earth Song - Live
Billie Jean - Live
Man In The Mirror - live
I totally agree!!!! (Only with thriller i doubt sometimes, but i think that is live)
Thriller's not live at all, you can even see Michael "not caring" about the playback a few times. Just the thought that someone would listen to Thriller and think it's live makes me wonder about what they think of HIStory tour...

TWYMMF sounds like a half tone down pitched version, just like the 30th anniversary concert.

Earth Song sounds half live, at least. I'm in doubt about the demo part, though it could be live.

Man In The Mirror's playback, though there are live ad-libs and it looks like Mike's singing with the playback a few times.

The rest sounds live. Even Jam (wich got me in doubt about whetever it's live or playback). TDCAU is also sung at least half live/with the playback, wich is nice.
PS.: I'm pretty sure that Beat It is live. It's just that his vocals were pretty good, though he's singing in a different tone than the original.
guys.. earth song ending is really different than the demo ... it is fully live singing... they don´t care about us is half playback... and Jam is live ... :) just need to listen to accapella version ...
Fully live you say? Dude, I'm sorry, but it really really isnt. Go and see TII again, and then go home and listen to the Earth Song demo :)
dude.. I have accapella version of the film at home.. and I have the film at home oo... so I can clearly say that it is live .. :)

about thriller.. yeah.. on HiStorytour it was playback .. on dangerous tour it was playback too ..

but when you are clearly listening to the this is it .. there are really difference between them ... the lyrics: You´re paralised... mike sings it shortly.. the same way the lyrics : you close your eyes .. and But all the WHILE .. it is clearly listenable that it is live :)
dude.. I have accapella version of the film at home.. and I have the film at home oo... so I can clearly say that it is live .. :)

about thriller.. yeah.. on HiStorytour it was playback .. on dangerous tour it was playback too ..

but when you are clearly listening to the this is it .. there are really difference between them ... the lyrics: You´re paralised... mike sings it shortly.. the same way the lyrics : you close your eyes .. and But all the WHILE .. it is clearly listenable that it is live :)

Your telling me that you had an CAM shot version of the film, and then made that accapella? If so, thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard. The sound quality isnt too good in the first place for any of the reordings of the film, and then to make it accapella? Thats just stupid.

Unless you knew someone who had a leaked real version of the film........which I doubt.

Accapella allways sounds tons different anyway. You would often think it was a different recording when hearing it.

If something sounds slightly different. Its edited. Why cant you accept that? Look at how many people are claiming Thriller is live compared to those who arent. I think most of us can agree its lip synched.
NO ... That accapella is not made from the bad quality cam version .. I have really great version of the film .. and the sounf is really good... and don´t call me stupid... I didn´t tell anything like that about you so please stop.. and about your question ... I can do the same... Why you can´t accept that the thriller and the most of other songs are live ??? huh ?
NO ... That accapella is not made from the bad quality cam version .. I have really great version of the film .. and the sounf is really good... and don´t call me stupid... I didn´t tell anything like that about you so please stop.. and about your question ... I can do the same... Why you can´t accept that the thriller and the most of other songs are live ??? huh ?

I dont recall calling you stupid. I said it was stupid if you had made an accapella version of the film from the cam version.

Your in the minority my friend. Most of the forum agree that a few of the songs are lip synched.
I could understand people debating Earth Song being live or not.

But Thriller? :\ Come on.
Michael sung all songs LIVE, why so much hype??? on reharsals he always did it live, and he was going to sing live these concerts cause this was the last time, it was going to be his farewell from the live shows.

put on youtube
dangerous rehearsals, you'll see, he always rehearsed live, he had the talent to do it, i mean he was a damn talented man, i dont know what all the lip syncing lie is on This It It too, i mean it does not take a genius to HEAR he was singing live... GOD!!!!!
Michael sung all songs LIVE, why so much hype??? on reharsals he always did it live, and he was going to sing live these concerts cause this was the last time, it was going to be his farewell from the live shows.

put on youtube
dangerous rehearsals, you'll see, he always rehearsed live, he had the talent to do it, i mean he was a damn talented man, i dont know what all the lip syncing lie is on This It It too, i mean it does not take a genius to HEAR he was singing live... GOD!!!!!

Its nothing to do with talent. Its the ability to sing well while dancing. Which is very very hard, as anyone who is a performer will tell you!

Michael was allways under a lot of pressure. If he danced a lot and didnt sing well, hed be criticized for it. If he sang a lot but didnt dance as much then hed still be criticized.

So thats why they mix between live vocals and the original track. Or sometimes, just all lip synched.

The majority of people in this thread can at least acknowledge he lip synched some songs. How anyone can think Thriller was live is beyond me. Earth song, I could understand. But Thriller, he even stops miming at some points in the song :S haha

We can all agree and disagree with each other on what was lip synched and what wasnt. Thats fine, we all have our opinions. But to say that it was all sung live is just way over the top.
Its nothing to do with talent. Its the ability to sing well while dancing. Which is very very hard, as anyone who is a performer will tell you!

Michael was allways under a lot of pressure. If he danced a lot and didnt sing well, hed be criticized for it. If he sang a lot but didnt dance as much then hed still be criticized.

So thats why they mix between live vocals and the original track. Or sometimes, just all lip synched.

The majority of people in this thread can at least acknowledge he lip synched some songs. How anyone can think Thriller was live is beyond me. Earth song, I could understand. But Thriller, he even stops miming at some points in the song :S haha

We can all agree and disagree with each other on what was lip synched and what wasnt. Thats fine, we all have our opinions. But to say that it was all sung live is just way over the top.

well i dont mean to be arrogant but i have an exqusit ear, Michael did NOT dance that much on the THIS IS IT rehearsals, he said he was saving his voice but even though he would not sing all song entirely, the parts he sung, they were LIVE, Eath song was LIVE, and you did not need to posses a fine ear on this case... i mean only a normal ear