This is it: The Music (Live Vocals, Tracklist Discussion) MERGED

Re: Man In The Mirror -This Is It

None of the songs are in their full....

It had to be condensed for the film running time of 111 minutes.

Kenny Ortega says the DVD might have up to 4 hours of extra footage. That will most likely include the full performances.
Re: Man In The Mirror -This Is It


I thought he said there would be 2-3 hours extra footage.
Here i was thinking Earth Song and many other songs like They Dont care about us etc were fully live. But to the people who say Earth Song was lipsynched. He sings 'What about flowering fields' twice in the movie, but in the demo he doesn't. So what about that then? :)
Here i was thinking Earth Song and many other songs like They Dont care about us etc were fully live. But to the people who say Earth Song was lipsynched. He sings 'What about flowering fields' twice in the movie, but in the demo he doesn't. So what about that then? :)

Have seen the film 3 times now, and I am still under the impression that Earth Song is live; only the cherry-picker finale was lip-syncing to the demo.
Exactly, most of the time i know when a song is live or not...and i was amazed when Michael started singing, i just knew it was least,i thought i knew.
It is terrible terribly easy for them to mix parts of the song. Even cut out certain lyrics to make it seem more live.

Im still convinced its the demo.
I don't know, i don't see a reason why Michael would insist on lipsynching to Earth Song, but still sing I just can't stop loving you and Human Nature completely live...all three are slow songs you know.
I don't know, i don't see a reason why Michael would insist on lipsynching to Earth Song, but still sing I just can't stop loving you and Human Nature completely live...all three are slow songs you know.

Well I guess its a different day from the other two songs. Something could have been wrong with his throat or something.

While Human Nature and IJCSLY are utterly brilliant. Neither match the original recording. Which is a good thing in a way. They are sung differently.

Where as Earth Song sounds almost identical to the demo 'What About us' apart from a few things which could easily have been edited. You can usually tell by the breathing as well.
he is fantastic throughout whenever he is live! and its most of the show!

the sound from some songs clearly show live vocals being mixed with tracks, either record or demos. Thriller has some live stuff, as does billie jean, jam (hooos) smooth criminal (final ablibs) and final part of man in the mirror. So yea, but some of the sound editing I dont like to be honest. The changing of the start of human nature and end of TDCAU there are parts that make me squint wondering what they did butchering the mix.
Audio dubbed with original demo versions?

The audio is out of sync on a lot of tracks and I know the reason is that the video is a mix of different performances but the vocals on Billie Jean and Earth song in particular sound almost identiacal to the demos. I noticed this most of Billie Jean because at the beginging Michael's voice sounds a lot younger. The Billie Jean demo I'm talking about is not the one on Thriller SE.

What do you think? Was it all live or was some of it over dubbed to get better sound?
I've said it before and nobody seems to know what I'm talking about, but there's one line in IJCSLY when he picks apart each word seperately and does this weird hand gesture at the same time... it's so freaking cool I could die.

Does anybody know what bit I mean?
I've said it before and nobody seems to know what I'm talking about, but there's one line in IJCSLY when he picks apart each word seperately and does this weird hand gesture at the same time... it's so freaking cool I could die.

Does anybody know what bit I mean?

I know exactly what you mean! It's a great bit :yes:
TII Earth Song

Is Earth Song full dress rehearsal? Anybody notices that there are so many people in front of the stage. Maybe existing a full rehearsal with audience?
Re: TII Earth Song

Since he was in Ed Hardy PJ bottoms and a thick jacket i'd say no.
Unless he was planning on doing the conerts in PJ's :wub: LOL! :giggle:
Re: TII Earth Song

I guess the bulldozer and spectators are not real... it's computer graphics.
I'm surprised people here are unsure about billie jean. It was live. beat it was mimed except for a few parts.
It would have been great dont you think???

Dirty Diana was supossed to be one of the highlights of the concerts, remember the story Michael wanted a bed that was surronded by fire and he wanted a pole dancer there too, now we dont even have the rehearsals, THANKS MURRAY!

wish to say something to Murray say it HERE!

I was surprised when I came out at not seeing that too. Hopefully on the DVD!!

I've said it before and nobody seems to know what I'm talking about, but there's one line in IJCSLY when he picks apart each word seperately and does this weird hand gesture at the same time... it's so freaking cool I could die.

Does anybody know what bit I mean?

I know what you mean!!

I thought the film was awesome.. It made me happy and laugh and almost cry all at the same time. If he had lived the concerts would have been the best thing you had ever seen.

I was so pleasantly surprised at the sheer amount of live singing and the fact that his voice was so beautiful. I would have loved to have heard more of Speechless! He even admits twice in the film that he needs to save his voice "forgive me" he says. So you can imagine if he had have gone ALL OUT on those songs.

Awesome. Love you Michael :) Can't wait to get this on DVD. Might have to watch this again before the two weeks run out!
I'm surprised people here are unsure about billie jean. It was live. beat it was mimed except for a few parts.

It really wasnt though.....Billie Jean was clearly the demo. IM suprised that people here cannot tell the difference. Its astounding to me. Especially Billie Jean, thats the song I have the least doubt about.

-Wanna be Startin Somethin (100% live)

-Jam (Mostly lip synched apart for a few 'Hoos')

-Speechless (100% live of course)

-TDCAU/ Drill ( Mostly if not all lip synched)

-Human Nature (100% live)

-Smooth Criminal (About 90% lip synched I would say. The 'annie are you ok' bits are least most of them are. The end is live as well as it has allways been)

-TWYMMF (The start is very much live which is obvious, the rest is lip synched. His mic comes on for a bit during the dance routine for the 'hooo's'. Then he last sings the 'Come on give it to me bit' live of course')

-Jackson 5 medley (100% live)

-IJCSLY (100% live)

-Thriller (100% lip synched)

-Beat it (This is the only one im actually unsure about. It sounds live, but sounds wayy to perfect. It actually sounds so good that I have suspicions they may have took vocals from the Bad Tour. But that doesnt really make too much sense. Im going to give the benefit of doubt here and say its 100% live)

- Black or White (100% live which im very glad about )

- Earth Song ( I knew right away this was the demo, and after comparing the two I can honestly tell you its just the demo. 100% lip synched)

-Billie Jean ( Basically the demo up until just after where the moonwalk normally comes. Apart from the fact it sounds identical to the demo. He had never sung it this well live. Not even on the Victory or Bad Tour. Its also very easy for them to cut out certain lyrics to make it sound more live)

-Man In The Mirror (Only the 'hooo's' are live. They did a good job mixing it though. The 'Ya Know, ya know' bits are almsot convincing')

Thats my take on it anyway.