This is it: The Music (Live Vocals, Tracklist Discussion) MERGED

Re: Threatened!!

Me too! I about jumped out of my seat when the beat started, my daughter looked at me like I was crazy. I said OMG he's going to do Threatened and then it stopped, I was so disappointed when it stopped. Oh well, it was still great!
Re: Threatened!!

I could have sworn I faintly heard him sing "So you should feel threatened by me" on that recording from outside of The Forum on June 18th. Oh well, the performance was still incredible!
Re: Threatened!!

What ya´ll think of the clip with threatened?
When i saw/heard it, i was like WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW so amazing, the BEAT was like JUMPING OUT OF THE SPEAKERS!!
I soooo want this version ( threatened from this is it the movie) do you think we will have it out on mp3/cd/or just something??
Where can i find it?

Did u like it? ;)

I was just about to make a thread about the Threatened part myself but you beat me to it :)

I absolutely loved the beats here and it sounded soooooooooo cool. Fantastic!!!! Too bad we didn´t get to hear some vocals to it. And btw, I think he should´ve have a full, or a half performance, of Threatended and not just the ending. but hey, that might have happened.
Re: Threatened!!

I don't agree that it was over produced, it was polished alright but i don't think over done, i actually think it's better than bad.

First of all it was extremely detailed, which is not bad but the layers on top of layers made it hard to get the actual melody of some songs. And the whole "futuristic" sound didn't settle well with me. I think the album would much much better if it was toned down a bit. Invincible is a prime example of a genius song gone ... well not bad but overproduced :p. I hope I'm making sense here..
Re: Threatened!!

Someone should attempt to mix Threatened like in the movie.
Seth Riggs on his website said he and Michael were working everyday to get ready for the tour. I know Michael lipsynched sometimes but sometime thats necessary and It never meant that he could'nt sing live anymore!! anybody who says that is ridiculous. The human voice Is an Instrument as any vocalist will tell you, and you have to preserve It and as you can see with the IJCSLY performance Michael still had his chops at age 50 after 47 years of singing and performing on stage. Check out this link
Seth Riggs on his website said he and Michael were working everyday to get ready for the tour. I know Michael lipsynched sometimes but sometime thats necessary and It never meant that he could'nt sing live anymore!! anybody who says that is ridiculous. The human voice Is an Instrument as any vocalist will tell you, and you have to preserve It and as you can see with the IJCSLY performance Michael still had his chops at age 50 after 47 years of singing and performing on stage. Check out this link

Thanks for the post, that was an interesting read. :) Welcome to MJJC.

Btw, did anybody say MJ couldn't sing live anymore? I thought the consensus was he was just a bit lazy...?
Thanks for the post, that was an interesting read. :) Welcome to MJJC.

Btw, did anybody say MJ couldn't sing live anymore? I thought the consensus was he was just a bit lazy...?

I think the HIStory Tour put that idea into peoples heads. People say he had laryngitis on both the Dangerous and HIStory Tours. I didnt know laryngitis could last 6 years though :\
I was suprised he sang so much live, a good suprise. I must say that this performance of Human Nature was probably one of the best ive ever seen. It seems to be a hard song to sing live.
I was suprised he sang so much live, a good suprise. I must say that this performance of Human Nature was probably one of the best ive ever seen. It seems to be a hard song to sing live.

Yes, HN was amazing. Also good to see B&W live at last (never understood why he used to mime that one)
OMG smooth crinmal

hey guys i just watched TII and loved it mike was on fire how good was SC the whole concept of the black and white film footage that was fantastic i loved it wow wat a great mind mj had wat do you's think of it ??
Re: OMG smooth crinmal

I loved it! One of my favorite parts. I thought Michael looked so good in his suit. I loved how he would "feel it" knowing city was showing behind him. He would just know it.
Re: Thriller/Ghosts

Yeah, they really funked up Threatened for This Is It. Better than the album version if you ask me.

Without question. :punk:
Although I will say the production on the album track is pretty slick, especially the way they did the spoken raps to match the beat of the music.

But yeah, this version was so cool and funky.
im so sad the day he died he was supossed to rehearse Dirty Diana...

It would have been great dont you think???

Dirty Diana was supossed to be one of the highlights of the concerts, remember the story Michael wanted a bed that was surronded by fire and he wanted a pole dancer there too, now we dont even have the rehearsals, THANKS MURRAY!

wish to say something to Murray say it HERE!
Re: im so sad the day he died he was supossed to rehearse Dirty Diana...

It is such a great loss! No doubt about it. I love Dirty Diana and I think Michael was not going to settle at a particular setlist, I think it was going to be modified during the tour to allow the fans who waited for their late concerts to see something little different to compensate for their wait. What a great loss to the whole world! Definitely he will be missed. :(
Re: OMG smooth crinmal


Smooth criminal was awesome! But without lean, i think lean was cutted of from movie...

Lean hadn't been rehearsed yet so they just filled in the gap with MJ jumping over the buildings in the video :)
Re: im so sad the day he died he was supossed to rehearse Dirty Diana...

Michael rehearsed Dirty Diana at the forum before the crew moved to the Staples. I'm not sure if it was filmed, but it had been rehearsed. Will You be there, Heal the world and We are the world were rehearsed as well. Let's just hope they will be included as extras on the DVD. *crosses fingers*
Re: Threatened!!

First of all it was extremely detailed

I don't agree that it was over produced, it was polished alright but i don't think over done, i actually think it's better than bad.

Really? Actually I always thought it was way UNDERproduced. I mean, don't think of songs like "Break of dawn", it's fine. But when I e.g. compare "Unbreakable" with "Jam" that's really a big difference: Unbreakable barely has any surprises, the melody, the chorus etc., everything runs to the end in a same way IYKWIM. I like "Unbreakable", but it's a bit boring as it's so sterile... like it's the case with "This time around" on the HIStory album.

I mean - look at JAM - it runs forever, but is full of details, surprises and changes even after the song runs 4 min.... it's so much fun to listen and dance to (or seeing Michael dance to :D) IYAM.

The mix of Threatened was amazing. I noticed a part of the beat that I never heard before. I listened to the song closely last night and I heard it. I like they made it more prominent, cause it really sounds good.

I was hoping he'd sing "So you should feel threatened by me" as the song ended.

Would have been great, but maybe a little out of context? Maybe the audience would have gone "Huh?" :D.

A mix with TII's "Threatened" sound is a great idea... :) - I think I'll make a request in 2000 Watts. Probably difficult though as it hasn't shown in a news clip yet (or has it)?
Re: im so sad the day he died he was supossed to rehearse Dirty Diana...

It would have been great dont you think???

Dirty Diana was supossed to be one of the highlights of the concerts, remember the story Michael wanted a bed that was surronded by fire and he wanted a pole dancer there too, now we dont even have the rehearsals, THANKS MURRAY!

wish to say something to Murray say it HERE!

Yes it would've been amazing!!!! It's one of my fav songs too. :cry: Damn you Murray!!!!
Re: im so sad the day he died he was supossed to rehearse Dirty Diana...

I couldn,t care less about dirty diana if we had michael back...........

No offense towards you, but i really don,t care anymore.
I just want him back......
Man In The Mirror -This Is It

What happened to the verses? MITM was so short and all that was shown was michael signing the chorus part.
MJ Singing Live

In A Interview With Michael Somewhere I Saw It He Siad He Was Going To Sing Live No Playback.

So Just Asking But Why Did He Not Sing The Who Movie Live And Do You Think He Would Have If He Made It To 1st Night.
Re: MJ Singing Live

I think he wanted to save his voice so he didn't sing every word. I think he probably would have sang live as much as he could in the concert. I have heard people say it isn't always wasy to sing live and do all that dancing. I am glad we did get to see him sing live when he did.
Re: MJ Singing Live

In A Interview With Michael Somewhere I Saw It He Siad He Was Going To Sing Live No Playback.

So Just Asking But Why Did He Not Sing The Who Movie Live And Do You Think He Would Have If He Made It To 1st Night.

Michael never gave any interviews for TII
and he did sing live in the rehearsals for the most part
some of it was just to rehears the dances so he used
playback - and he uses both live and playback in some
songs -

he most likley would sing most songs live and some with playback
in concert depending on the production and dance numbers

All we can do is speculate :)
Re: MJ Singing Live

This is the second such thread that you have posted of this nature. I have my eye on you!
Re: MJ Singing Live

In A Interview With Michael Somewhere I Saw It He Siad He Was Going To Sing Live No Playback.

So Just Asking But Why Did He Not Sing The Who Movie Live And Do You Think He Would Have If He Made It To 1st Night.

Arty, is that you?!