The wedding of William and Kate

I will be glad when it's over because the coverage every day has been too much at times. I wish Diana was here for the wedding. I can't stand Camilla and it doesn't seem right that she is there and Diana is not to be honest.
I wish Diana was here for the wedding. I can't stand Camilla and it doesn't seem right that she is there and Diana is not to be honest.

I know, it's so unfair Diana isn't here to see her oldest son get married. Life is just not fair that way sometimes. Look at all the evil/shady/crooked people that were associated with Michael Jackson that are still walking this earth while this gentle soul who couldn't hurt a fly is gone.
I'm going to miss Diana like insane :( However, I cannot wait to see this wedding. I am so excited.
So, it's 4:30am here in NYC. I'm insanely up watching the coverage of the people entering Westminster Abbey. Oh my, all the different kinds of hats the women are wearing. Saw David & Victoria Beckham. Her little hat is almost in the middle of her forehead, lol
It IS in the middle of her forehead.

I'm watching the wedding right now on TV and I gotta say, it's pretty boring. It's just like a normal wedding, except for all the fancy royal stuff. I'm don't understand why it got so much covarage during the last weeks.

It's just a wedding, no big deal.

Too bad Diana isn't here anymore. :(
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I'm watching it only because I feel like there are things that you don't miss if you're alive to watch it (I wasn't alive yet when Princess Diana got married). But I agree with it being boring. I've never seen a wedding like this before.. so extravagant.

Luckily my housemates and I don't have a TV or else I'm sure I would've been sick of all the coverage... but I haven't heard a thing about this marriage. :p
Um how is this wedding boring? What did you expect them to do, dance in the church isles? I guess it's boring and above you to watch the little boy who lost is mother to a tragic car accident now all grown up marrying a lovely young woman with millions of people around the world watching. The cynicism in here is just unbelievable.
Um how is this wedding boring? What did you expect them to do, dance in the church isles? I guess it's boring and above you to watch the little boy who lost is mother to a tragic car accident now all grown up marrying a lovely young woman with millions of people around the world watching. The cynicism in here is just unbelievable.

As much as that story is very touching I still don't think it deserves the amount of covarage as it did. It's nothing really that special that it deserves to be shoved down everybody's throat all around the world via TV 24/7.

I think there are much more important issues that need covarage than this couple getting married.

I mean, people are dying right now as we speak in Libya fighting for freedom yet some silly wedding is way more important than that. How does that make any sort of sense, at all?

I stand by my words and say that this royal wedding is, for the most part, not important and quite boring.
Audrey just turn your TV off then? It's not that difficult.
And perhaps don't read this thread?
Andrey did turned off his TV as he was never really watching the wedding. He also got sick of the covarage the wedding was/is getting everywhere. And I don't see why you've got such a problem with me simply stating my opinion about this wedding. So if I agree with you and am on your side, I can come and post here, if not... GTFO! That's basically you're message.

What is this? The Christian thread? Seriously, I'm entitled to state my opinion on this topic as this is a open discussion board, what's your problem with that? Don't attack others just for disagreeing with you.
AndreyZidane™;3364801 said:
Andrey did turned off his TV as he was never really watching the wedding. He also got sick of the covarage the wedding was/is getting everywhere. And I don't see why you've got such a problem with me simply stating my opinion about this wedding. So if I agree with you and am on your side, I can come and post here, if not... GTFO! That's basically you're message.

What is this? The Christian thread? Seriously, I'm entitled to state my opinion on this topic as this is a open discussion board, what's your problem with that? Don't attack others just for disagreeing with you.

If you disagree with all of this, why did you need to come here and tell us? Yes you can have your own opinion but we are not here to debate about this, we just want to discuss the wedding - positively.
If you disagree with all of this, why did you need to come here and tell us? Yes you can have your own opinion but we are not here to debate about this, we just want to discuss the wedding - positively.

Because this thread is about the royal wedding which means people come here and talk about it, tell other people their thoughts and so on. Plus, I was never telling anybody this personally, I just posted my thoughts regarding the royal wedding, which is what this topic is all about, obviously.

So if somebody have something positive to say about it then they're free to do it, but if somebody doesn't think the same they need to leave and take their 'negativity' with them.

How ignorant is that? Just, wow! Here am I thinking the Christian thread is the only place where stuff like this happens. Oh, but how wrongs was I!
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AndreyZidane™;3364809 said:
So if somebody have something positive to say about it then they're free to do it, but if somebody doesn't think the same they need to leave and take their 'negative' with them.

How ignorant is that? Just, wow! Here am I thinking the Christian thread is the only place where stuff like this happens. Oh, but how wrongs was I!

Thanks for understanding. :)
That's it, I'm done. Take you royal wedding and shove it down your throat all you want, I don't care and I'll leave because it's pretty obvious people won't let you state your opinion if you don't agree with them. Seems like it's a pretty common thing these days especially after the the whole Cascio situation. If somebody agrees with you on a certain subject, they're fine but if they don't they need to GTFO. Nice, be ignorant all you want KingMikeJ.

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AndreyZidane™;3364831 said:
That's it, I'm done. Take you royal wedding and shove it down your throat all you want, I don't care and I'll leave because it's pretty obvious people won't let you state your opinion if don't agree with them. Seems like it's a pretty common thing these days especially after the the whole Cascio situation. If somebody agrees with you on a certain subject, they're fine but if they don't they need to GTFO. Nice, be ignorant all you want KingMikeJ.



AndreyZidane™;3364745 said:
It's nothing really

Well, if it's "nothing" to you then why are you in this thread spreading your negativity and ruining it for the rest of us. If it's nothing to you then you should not have even clicked on this thread. What a bunch of Debby Downers on what should and is a very happy occasion!
I did not try to spread 'my negativity'. I just said that it's not that important to get the amount of covarage as it did, I simply stated my opinon on the subject since this is an open discussion board which means I have the right to do so without trying to offend and push my ideas on anybody. Even though my first post wasn't directed towards anybody I still got attacked by both you and KingMikeJ for not agreeing with your opinions which I respect but just don't agree with. I didn't force my opinions on you, what's with the hostility? Can't you respect others opinions even though you don't agree with them. With people like you no matter this board is slowly falling apart.

With that in mind...

Ok, we respect your opinion. Lets move on and stop arguing over nothing. I'm sorry if I offened you Audrey.
What in the world has happened in here? Andrey wasn't even trolling the thread. He made one comment about the wedding being boring. Afterwards, he was engaged in conversation by a question and then told this thread isn't for his negative opinion????? What is that??? This thread is about the wedding. People can state if they do not find it interesting. He is not spamming the board and continually saying, "I hate this", "This is boring". He only said it one time before being asked to explain.

I am not sure people are fully understanding that this is a forum. People will have many different opinions. It does not mean someone is being negative just because they are not happy about a particular thing. Who wants a board where everyone thinks the same? If you don't agree, read over a person's comment. All of the attacks on him is what made this thread negative and it was NOT necessary.

Come on people. We can do better than that.

Please and thank you.
AndreyZidane™;3364745 said:
As much as that story is very touching I still don't think it deserves the amount of covarage as it did. It's nothing really that special that it deserves to be shoved down everybody's throat all around the world via TV 24/7.

I think there are much more important issues that need covarage than this couple getting married.

I mean, people are dying right now as we speak in Libya fighting for freedom yet some silly wedding is way more important than that. How does that make any sort of sense, at all?

I stand by my words and say that this royal wedding is, for the most part, not important and quite boring.

I agree with you that the massive attention on this wedding seems silly when compared to much more serious events that are happening around the world. However, this wedding is all about hope and happiness. I think that it's refreshing to focus on something happy, rather than the sadness of constant wars, killing, etc.