The wedding of William and Kate

Heres an idea why not everyone post pictures of what you did that day? I think it would be interesting to see the variety as some of us will be in London and may be lucky enough get a shot of the happenings and atmosphere there, some will be going to an organised event or party in a different area so take some shots there, take some shots if you are in another country of what the celebrations are like there! And then there are the people not celebrating well take a snap of what you did instead or if you sat in front of the television bitching then depict this in a shot and post it!
Heres an idea why not everyone post pictures of what you did that day? I think it would be interesting to see the variety as some of us will be in London and may be lucky enough get a shot of the happenings and atmosphere there, some will be going to an organised event or party in a different area so take some shots there, take some shots if you are in another country of what the celebrations are like there! And then there are the people not celebrating well take a snap of what you did instead or if you sat in front of the television bitching then depict this in a shot and post it!

Nice idea! But mine would probably be just me watching TV or on the computer, not very interesting at all, heh! But I would love to see shots taken by anyone here who happens to be in London that day. I think it would be exciting to stand in front of the palace when the happy (for now) couple and the royal family comes out to the balcony and greets the people. I know they will kiss just like Di & Charles did.:)
As for William--indeed, balding! Ah, so you did! :p Well, I think his dad is sexy. He's gotten finer with age, I think. Now there's a royal I wouldn't mind hearing more of. Forget William--it's all about Charles for me. :D

Are you serious? Yuck! LMAO! sorry, I laughed really loud at this one. Prince Harry is kinda

I lost interest when William started losing his hair.

I know, right? There is nothing sexy about Prince Charles :mello::lol:

:lol: Not even a bit. Quite the opposite! :puke:


sooner this is over with the better. sick of the media pushing it down everyones throats trying to force ppl to be intrested in it. the only good thing is that for once ill be able to get out on a bank holiday without being sat in traffic jams for hours cause of how over populated this country is
I cant wait for the Wedding! It's fab to have some lovely news on the news and in the papers...I just hope they keep Wills and Kate in a favourable eye, as we all know what can happen if the press decide they dont like you! Good luck to them... I think the Royals are brill. We're lucky to have them and theyre worth any monies we have to pay for them...there are so many grotty people in the UK that we have to pay for, and people dont come from miles to stand outside their houses! lol! they come to stand outside of Buckingham Palace, Edinburgh Castle and all our other historical royal related places (yes, and other things). We should cherish what we have...Its what makes us British. :)
You are seriously underestimating the role of the monarchy. I dare say, without the Queen there would be no United Kingdom. She is the one that is holding the British nations together, the uniting symbol (same as in e.g. Belgium btw. Without a monarch, Belgium would have ceased existing a long time ago). The British royal family not only generates a lot of money from tourism, they are also heavily involved in charities and many of them actually do have a job (function) outside of being a royal.

Hear hear! I get sick of people moaning about the Royals... but the Royals generate so much tourism, would London be what it is without the Royals? I can't even imagine it, how boring!

I am looking forward to the wedding, I will be watching and we will probably throw a mini party afterwards; maybe a BBQ if the weather permits!
I think the people of Britain should embrace such an occasion! It doesn't happen very often and it gives us an opportunity to fully embrace Britishness and all of our silly, little traditions! I also like the fact that other countries have taken an interest! :)
I don't mind paying some tax towards the wedding; especially when we're getting a public holiday!!! How can anyone complain?!

I really wish William and Kate the best of luck! They seem like a great couple!

Hear hear! I get sick of people moaning about the Royals... but the Royals generate so much tourism, would London be what it is without the Royals? I can't even imagine it, how boring!

I am looking forward to the wedding, I will be watching and we will probably throw a mini party afterwards; maybe a BBQ if the weather permits!
I think the people of Britain should embrace such an occasion! It doesn't happen very often and it gives us an opportunity to fully embrace Britishness and all of our silly, little traditions! I also like the fact that other countries have taken an interest! :)
I don't mind paying some tax towards the wedding; especially when we're getting a public holiday!!! How can anyone complain?!

I really wish William and Kate the best of luck! They seem like a great couple!

I agree with part of your post....I am from the US and I am so looking forward to this wedding..I think that they make such a cute couple and people should not say that they are tired of hearing about the guys are so lucky yoy have royals...look what we have ..President O'Bama...ohh excitement there,,not. I look forward to reading this thread after the wedding...maybe some will post pics...that would be wonderful. For all those in London that are happy about this wedding...enjoy and remember I am with you in spirit..
Why are people so excited about this wedding? I mean it's not like anyone on this forum knows William or Kate or anyone else in the royal family so why getting excited about some stranger's wedding. I can understand if someone in your family or a close friend was getting married, then yes you should be excited for them, but not for someone who you have never met in your life.
I cant wait for the Wedding! It's fab to have some lovely news on the news and in the papers...I just hope they keep Wills and Kate in a favourable eye, as we all know what can happen if the press decide they dont like you! Good luck to them... I think the Royals are brill. We're lucky to have them and theyre worth any monies we have to pay for them...there are so many grotty people in the UK that we have to pay for, and people dont come from miles to stand outside their houses! lol! they come to stand outside of Buckingham Palace, Edinburgh Castle and all our other historical royal related places (yes, and other things). We should cherish what we have...Its what makes us British. :)

Now that's the spirit!:D
Our professor is obsessed with this wedding. We had entire lesson dedicated to this. Watching youtube videos. LOL :D
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Hear hear! I get sick of people moaning about the Royals... but the Royals generate so much tourism, would London be what it is without the Royals? I can't even imagine it, how boring!

I am looking forward to the wedding, I will be watching and we will probably throw a mini party afterwards; maybe a BBQ if the weather permits!
I think the people of Britain should embrace such an occasion! It doesn't happen very often and it gives us an opportunity to fully embrace Britishness and all of our silly, little traditions! I also like the fact that other countries have taken an interest! :)
I don't mind paying some tax towards the wedding; especially when we're getting a public holiday!!! How can anyone complain?!

I really wish William and Kate the best of luck! They seem like a great couple!


I totally agree with you!! I can't wait!! *excited*
Gah, all this is driving me nuts!! Can't wait till its over. The royal family are so pointless in the modern world. We only keep em around as they yanks love em so much it makes us a decent amount in tourists funds. The only reason i'm even slightly excited about this is cos i can have a sick ass house party all night and the cops can't stop it =D
I remember when Charles and Diana tied the knot. I bought my first color television set just for the occasion! Luckily had a scheduled day off from work and thoroughly enjoyed watching all the pomp and ceremony (although I did think her train was a wee bit too long for my taste :cheeky:) Am glad this is happening on the 29th vs the 28th as our electric company has a scheduled power outage that day! Whew! Was that close! I am looking forward to it. A bit of happiness, a bit of romance. One moment a commoner, the next a royal. Stuff of dreams and fairy tales! *sigh*
I remember when Charles and Diana tied the knot. I bought my first color television set just for the occasion! Luckily had a scheduled day off from work and thoroughly enjoyed watching all the pomp and ceremony (although I did think her train was a wee bit too long for my taste :cheeky:) Am glad this is happening on the 29th vs the 28th as our electric company has a scheduled power outage that day! Whew! Was that close! I am looking forward to it. A bit of happiness, a bit of romance. One moment a commoner, the next a royal. Stuff of dreams and fairy tales! *sigh*
Lovely Post..thank you...:clapping:
I don't know anyone personally in the UK excited about it, however when in LA, LV, NY there were a lot of people asking me about it as if I knew the royal family personally! Well, actually, my sister did have a fifteen minute meeting face to face with the Queen about two months back.
Kate is very pretty and looks like a Princess already, I wish them the best but couldn't care about actually watching the wedding. I get a day of work though, and a lot of people are planning things for that day specifically to avoid it so I'm sure I'll find something to do.

yeah i had the same thing when in N.Y for mjs MSG shows. some person told me i spoke like the queen. i was lie er i dont think so. im from yorkshire for those who know what that means interms of accents lol. my claim to fame is i worked at buckingham palace doing security for the jubilie concerts in 2002.

u guys get an extra holiday for the wedding? That's soooooooooooo coool!
yeah its cause we get so few public holidays here so its an attempt to suck upto us and to get ppl to have streets parties and take an intrest. if everyone was working there would be even less intrest.
You are seriously underestimating the role of the monarchy. I dare say, without the Queen there would be no United Kingdom. She is the one that is holding the British nations together, t
how do u work that out. they have nothing to do with parliment and the governing of the country. they are symbolic and nothing more. scotland and wales have devolved parliments and n.ireland is pretty much out on its own. the royal buildings and history brings tourists. look at the millions that go to paris and versailes.they havnt had royals in centuries. the logic of the monarchy in such times is ridiculous. ppl expected to bow to them like they are a in wealth and splendor cause of being born into it and nothing more. while others live in poverty. the royals represent all that is bad in the class ridden society that is the UK
how do u work that out. they have nothing to do with parliment and the governing of the country. they are symbolic and nothing more. scotland and wales have devolved parliments and n.ireland is pretty much out on its own. the royal buildings and history brings tourists. look at the millions that go to paris and versailes.they havnt had royals in centuries. the logic of the monarchy in such times is ridiculous. ppl expected to bow to them like they are a in wealth and splendor cause of being born into it and nothing more. while others live in poverty. the royals represent all that is bad in the class ridden society that is the UK

my Elusive...I see you love your Royals....(I know I am a smart ass)...:D
how do u work that out. they have nothing to do with parliment and the governing of the country. they are symbolic and nothing more. scotland and wales have devolved parliments and n.ireland is pretty much out on its own. the royal buildings and history brings tourists. look at the millions that go to paris and versailes.they havnt had royals in centuries. the logic of the monarchy in such times is ridiculous. ppl expected to bow to them like they are a in wealth and splendor cause of being born into it and nothing more. while others live in poverty. the royals represent all that is bad in the class ridden society that is the UK

I mean nation-wise, not state-wise. I know the role of the monarch is primarily ceremonial, as I stated in one of my previous posts. Nearly all European countries have a ceremonial head of state, whether it is a president or a monarch. However, their function should not be underestimated. Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland are seperate nations despite their lack of political sovereignty. The overarching factor that binds these nations together is the Queen. The name United Kingdom is quite symbolic in that respect. It reflects the unity of different nations under a single head of state (monarch). What do you think will happen when the monarch is replaced by an elected president? The first issue would be: where does the President come from? Should he/she be English, Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish? Related to this, would the other nations accept being represented internationally by a head of state from another nation? Logically, the President would always come from England as that nation has the biggest population (i.e. electorate). Will the other nations just accept this or will they revolt and demand political sovereignty for their own nation? I believe the latter scenario is more likely. Especially since the abolishment of the monarchy is a very drastic measure which requires a restructuring of the British political system. In this process, it is very possible for the other nations to take this revolution a step further and establish their own political system (they already have the main institutions in place, as you noted) and independence. After all, what is there to link the British nations together?

Of course, if you are an English, Scottish, Welsh or N-Irish nationalist this above scenario does not sound bad at all ;) It depends on your perspective.