The wedding of William and Kate

I remember when Charles and Diana tied the knot. I bought my first color television set just for the occasion! Luckily had a scheduled day off from work and thoroughly enjoyed watching all the pomp and ceremony (although I did think her train was a wee bit too long for my taste :cheeky:) Am glad this is happening on the 29th vs the 28th as our electric company has a scheduled power outage that day! Whew! Was that close! I am looking forward to it. A bit of happiness, a bit of romance. One moment a commoner, the next a royal. Stuff of dreams and fairy tales! *sigh*

Very nice! I love the love story of Will and Kate (so far). The young future king of England falls in love with and marries a middle class (or commoner, lol I love that term) girl who will someday become Queen.

When I was a teen Diana was just becoming very famous. I remember reading about her in Seventeen magazine. They had articles about her life, fashion and style. I still have the issue where they show how YOU TOO can get her (at the time) very famous haircut.

So this new royal wedding is bringing me back to that time. Now Kate's fashion and style is all the talk and it's just fun. My own life is pretty mundane so it's a bit of escapism to watch these people. There is so much going on in the world that is negative so it's nice to see something positive happening for once. And like I said before, I really enjoy watching these live televised historic events.
Very nice! I love the love story of Will and Kate (so far). The young future king of England falls in love with and marries a middle class (or commoner, lol I love that term) girl who will someday become Queen.

When I was a teen Diana was just becoming very famous. I remember reading about her in Seventeen magazine. They had articles about her life, fashion and style. I still have the issue where they show how YOU TOO can get her (at the time) very famous haircut.

So this new royal wedding is bringing me back to that time. Now Kate's fashion and style is all the talk and it's just fun. My own life is pretty mundane so it's a bit of escapism to watch these people. There is so much going on in the world that is negative so it's nice to see something positive happening for once. And like I said before, I really enjoy watching these live televised historic events.

Agreed! :) The wedding is a bit of escapism for me, too since my life is in the rocks right now. It's nice to see something positive in the news these days.

Me and my Haitian family watched the 1981 wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana on TLC last night and we were all smiling. We watched a documentary of the wedding and Diana. Gosh I miss her...
And that's what this is about, some happy news, some escapism, some romance, maybe a stroll down memory lane for some of us. Suzynyc, you're right. It IS an historic event of a sort which may not come again for decades. Of course, if Harry gets married...but still, he's only second in line of succession isn't he, poor dear :D ...
And MsCassieMollie, I know what you mean. My life is sort of the pits right now, too. So it's nice to have something cheerful to look forward to.
Now fingers crossed they have good weather!
Anybody know how to watch it on the internet?
There's a man who's already started camping out in front of Westminster Abbey. It's been in the news a lot yesterday. I don't know if people abroad heard about him too. He's actually from London.
I'm really excited about the wedding too for some reason. There's been quite a lot of coverage and anticipation here in Australia. It makes me all warm and fuzzy thinking of the celebrations and all the happiness surrounding Prince William and Kate.
What i find stupid here though is that we wont get to see the whole wedding here as the footy is on that night. It will be switched onto another channel and there are alot of ppl who dont have that channel, which is unfair to them.
news coverage for the wedding starts her is the US at 4am...yes,,you read that right..4am. I really am rather excited....I saw the wedding of Di and Charles...I cried when she passed away...I felt the lose ..she was a wonderful person...I cannot wait to see her son carry on her legacy and make one of his own. To be honest I am a HUGE mush for stuff like this..:D
Darth Sidious;3361400 said:
im sick of these royal parasites.

Royal parasites? hmm:

The £36.7m paid to the Queen in 2006/07 was to cover hers and Prince Philips expenses.The remainder of the Royal Family are paid by The Queen with the exception of Prince Charles who earns his own income from the Duchy of Cornwall.
Her Majesty actually paid the Treasury £190.8m in 2006/07 from the income from the Crown Estates, so she is returning nearly 75% to the Treasury of what is rightly her income.
The Civil List

Head of State Expenditure is met from public funds in exchange for the surrender by The Queen to the Government of the revenue from the Crown Estate and other hereditary revenues. The Treasury’s gross receipts in respect of the Crown Estate were £211 million in 2007-08.

In 1992, The Queen volunteered to pay income tax and capital gains tax, and since 1993 her personal income has been taxable as for any other taxpayer.

The Queen has always been subject to Value Added Tax and pays local rates on a voluntary basis.


Not to mention the people who are gainfully employed by the Crown in all the many and varied capacities.
You should be able to watch it on the internet.

What i find stupid here though is that we wont get to see the whole wedding here as the footy is on that night. It will be switched onto another channel and there are alot of ppl who dont have that channel, which is unfair to them.
Royals shouldnt cost the gen public a penny if they want to excist.and they shouldnt be thanked for paying taxes.especially when they didnt pay for so long. Even more so when their wealth was made up from owning land they have no right does someone have so much wealth yet never worked a day in their life.sums up the state of the uk
I hear big screens will be at Trafalgar Square. I wonder if the couple & procession will be driving past that landmark.
There's a man who's already started camping out in front of Westminster Abbey. It's been in the news a lot yesterday. I don't know if people abroad heard about him too. He's actually from London.

Yes, there's been coverage of this guy in the U.S. He HAD to be the first one to camp out there, lol. According to an article I read in the paper he plopped himself down in front of the Abbey with a sleeping bag, dressed in his Will & Kate t-shirt, Union Jack knitted hat and surrounded by Union Jack bags.

What/who is Union Jack? :scratch:
Union Jack is the name of the British flag (red, white, & blue). Today they said more people have arrived. I think one was an American based on the clip I heard on the radio.
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Well seeing that I am against the church being part of the state, and that I'm against primitive racist ideologies like monarchy (the belief that your genes make you entitled to power over others) I don't care for the wedding at all, especially since it's paid for through taxation sadly.
Yes, there's been coverage of this guy in the U.S. He HAD to be the first one to camp out there, lol. According to an article I read in the paper he plopped himself down in front of the Abbey with a sleeping bag, dressed in his Will & Kate t-shirt, Union Jack knitted hat and surrounded by Union Jack bags.

What/who is Union Jack? :scratch:
I heard about this guy to..I was like..good for him..if he wants to camp out and be the first one in line...then so be it...I love the fact that he actually had the nerve to wear the Will and Kate t-shirt..:lmao:....If he is happy then I say good for him..who am I to take that happiness away from him. :)
Union Jack is the name of the British flag (red, white, & blue). Today they said more people have arrived. I think one was an American based on the clip I heard on the radio.

Oh, I kind of thought it was the flag but I thought "Jack" was also a person, lol. I'm sure there are many Americans camped out there too. I think it's fun.

There's an article about this granny camped out there in today's paper:
I've been looking at this Web site: to help me decide if I am going to see some of the wedding in person. It's the official Web site for the wedding. There's lots of videos and other bits of info. There are going to be lots of diversions so I'm leaning towards seeing it on TV. Public transport will be running though, which makes sense though it is a bank holiday. Anyway, here's a timetable that's already been established for the big day:

The following timings have been confirmed for the Wedding Day.
i watched their lovestory....their destined to be hehe. Best wishes to them? Im also seeing Princess Diana stories, the media kept bringing her up, sad the Lady can't see her son's wedding. Its also said Prince William will have a speech for her mother...awww?
I guess we are practically Neighbours.. :lol: I'll show my support tomorrow :D I think they are a lovely looking couple :)
It's been shoved down our throats way too much. I couldn't care less about it.

It's also being used as a marketing ploy, which is annoying as hell.

The sooner it is over, the better.

Couldn't agree more.
i watched their lovestory....their destined to be hehe. Best wishes to them? Im also seeing Princess Diana stories, the media kept bringing her up, sad the Lady can't see her son's wedding. Its also said Prince William will have a speech for her mother...awww?

You realize the media just paints it that way, right? God, the media is so manipulative. They have everyone so caught up in such a pointless "event". It doesn't concern any of us. It's not like it's MJ, who actually influenced our lives through his music and philanthropy. Getting caught up in his wedding would have been understandable because he means something to us. The royals do jack squat and you don't hear anything about them unless one gets in trouble or is getting married.
Sorry, couldn't care less about them getting married. Why should I? People get married everyday. But hey, if it is fun for others, I say have it. We have so little to amuse us these days, we have to enjoy it while we can.
I wasn't too bothered about the whole thing before but its hard not to be alittle excited now. There's excitement in the atmosphere here now, and it will also be a public holiday in the UK too :)
Like others have said, it's just a bit of escapism for me. Forget all the problems in the world for a moment and just enjoy the spectacle, witness two people celebrating their love and see all the people partying in the streets. For those who say this marriage is "nothing special", who are you fooling? Of course it's special, it's a historic event which people will still talk about 30 years from now, as my mother is still talking about the wedding of Prince Charles & Diana. Media from all over the world have been talking about it for weeks. It will be huge.

On another note, here's an interview of Prince William & Kate after announcing their engagement:


Kate sounds a bit nervous and uncomfortable, you can tell she hasn't had a lot of experience with the media. But she sounds nice and William is actually quite funny :)
I've been looking at this Web site: to help me decide if I am going to see some of the wedding in person. It's the official Web site for the wedding. There's lots of videos and other bits of info. There are going to be lots of diversions so I'm leaning towards seeing it on TV. Public transport will be running though, which makes sense though it is a bank holiday. Anyway, here's a timetable that's already been established for the big day:

The following timings have been confirmed for the Wedding Day.
Like others have said, it's just a bit of escapism for me. Forget all the problems in the world for a moment and just enjoy the spectacle, witness two people celebrating their love and see all the people partying in the streets. For those who say this marriage is "nothing special", who are you fooling? Of course it's special, it's a historic event which people will still talk about 30 years from now, as my mother is still talking about the wedding of Prince Charles & Diana. Media from all over the world have been talking about it for weeks. It will be huge.

On another note, here's an interview of Prince William & Kate after announcing their engagement:


Kate sounds a bit nervous and uncomfortable, you can tell she hasn't had a lot of experience with the media. But she sounds nice and William is actually quite funny :)

Yes, William has a nice sense of humor. A sense of humor can get you through almost anything. Let's hope it helps these two. She is nervous. Poor girl. I would be too. I can imagine it can all be overwhelming for her. But she's handling herself well. It's so sweet how William is so protective of her.