The wedding of William and Kate

I will tell you what is spoiling the wedding in the uk - people whining and bitching over it. People who say there is far too much television coverage on it - well you are obviously watching way to much television as I have not seen that much on it at all! It is a shame people in this country cannot just be happy for the couple and look at it like they are being invited to a glimpse of their happiness but instead they bitch about it. I can imagine these same people should they get married would be very excited (as you get) and would be talking about it a great deal so would it be ok for me to start whining that they are talking too much about it? Anyway I think it is great to see William so happy and we should remember this is someone who lost his mother in tragic circumstances as a child and that the last big royal wedding was hers so it is a meaningful day for him in that respect too so I support him all the way.

I think people have the right to cast judgement when taxpayers money is being used to pay for all the security for this all, which is costing millions. I have nothing against the couple, but I just feel too much coverage. Its not just TV-its all the tat in the shops, even petrol stations are selling tat that no one is buying.
I think people have the right to cast judgement when taxpayers money is being used to pay for all the security for this all, which is costing millions. I have nothing against the couple, but I just feel too much coverage. Its not just TV-its all the tat in the shops, even petrol stations are selling tat that no one is buying.

Taxpayers schmaxpayers we each pay literally a few pence towards the royals so that is just silly and we pay way more towards fire services but you do not see people bitching about that. And so what if there is memorabilia everywhere? It is exactly the same as the last big royal wedding 21 years ago - it will not be around forever and there will not be another big royal wedding now until Williams future child and heir is grown up so it is only a very temporary thing that does not occur very often. And anyway it is not like the memorabilia being sold in the petrol station can jump out and smack you in the face is it? Not everything in life needs to be complained about lol
Taxpayers schmaxpayers we each pay literally a few pence towards the royals so that is just silly and we pay way more towards fire services but you do not see people bitching about that.

That argument is ludicrous--fire services actually have a purpose and help society. The royals do not--so people have a right to be outraged over having to pay towards such trifles as a "royal" wedding.

As for excessive coverage--it's not just television. Their faces are all over magazines at the grocery store, in commercials for extraneous channels trying to sell "memorabilia," etc.
That argument is ludicrous--fire services actually have a purpose and help society. The royals do not--so people have a right to be outraged over having to pay towards such trifles as a "royal" wedding.

Exactly. Fire services save lives at the end of the day, the royals do not.
Since we Taxpayers are paying for the wedding..................

...........Aren't we allowed to have our opinions about it?????

And I can't see what is so special about it............

...........I've been to dozens of weddings of my family and friends.................

...........But I have no interest in a wedding of two strangers!!!!

I'm an admirer of Princess Diana, but I have no interest with the rest of them!!!!
LOL where's the British spirit guys?!!! This will be a historical event, just like Diana's wedding. I love the pomp and circumstance. I love the mystery of what Kate's wedding gown will look like. I'm sure it and she will be stunning. I hope it's not anything like that poofy thing Diana wore (though Di herself looked stunning). And what kind of hat will the Queen wear, lol! I love live televised events like this and I MUST watch it live.:)

I know, I am so excited about this! :) I can't wait to see what Kate's dress looks like, where they will go on honeymoon etc. It's like a modern day fairytale... "escapism" as Michael would call it :p

All those people who are claiming they won't watch it.. we'll see about that. I am almost certain the ratings will be through the roof.
We only pay about 63 pennies (not pounds - pennies) in tax a year towards the royals though so it is not like it is breaking our banks like people are making out. I would not expect one who lives outside the uk to know this but firemen here have caused the taxpayers problems by insisting they are not paid enough and went about picketing the fire stations preventing the few who actually took their role as 'saving lives no matter what' seriously and trying to get into work from doing so - therefore risking many many lives and all for money which came from taxpayers who they were potentially risking the lives of. As for the royals bringing nothing to the country well they bring the tourism which in turn makes this country a lot of money. Yes their faces are everywhere but this happened with Charles and Diana and then did not happen for 21 more years so it is a very few and far between 'inconvenience' for the complainers lol. I admired Diana too (and so did Michael - they were similar in many ways) so I am sad to see this country has forgotten that not only did her son lose his mother so young but now he is having his wedding day without her and it is the one to follow hers which must be enormous pressure. I think people need to give the guy a break. I would be very sad if one day Michaels children were to marry and all I kept seeing or hearing was people complaining about the amount of coverage it was getting. I guess it is fair to say that in my support of people I admire I support their children too and it makes me happy to see them happy yet sad that people think of it as a nuisance. Try looking on the brighter side of things guys.
We only pay about 63 pennies (not pounds - pennies) in tax a year towards the royals though so it is not like it is breaking our banks like people are making out. I would not expect one who lives outside the uk to know this but firemen here have caused the taxpayers problems by insisting they are not paid enough and went about picketing the fire stations preventing the few who actually took their role as 'saving lives no matter what' seriously and trying to get into work from doing so - therefore risking many many lives and all for money which came from taxpayers who they were potentially risking the lives of. As for the royals bringing nothing to the country well they bring the tourism which in turn makes this country a lot of money. Yes their faces are everywhere but this happened with Charles and Diana and then did not happen for 21 more years so it is a very few and far between 'inconvenience' for the complainers lol. I admired Diana too (and so did Michael - they were similar in many ways) so I am sad to see this country has forgotten that not only did her son lose his mother so young but now he is having his wedding day without her and it is the one to follow hers which must be enormous pressure. I think people need to give the guy a break. I would be very sad if one day Michaels children were to marry and all I kept seeing or hearing was people complaining about the amount of coverage it was getting. I guess it is fair to say that in my support of people I admire I support their children too and it makes me happy to see them happy yet sad that people think of it as a nuisance. Try looking on the brighter side of things guys.

The firefighters still contribute to actually saving lives, though--and if the royals want to have citizens help out with wedding costs, it should be an entirely optional affair, not mandatory. Regardless of whether the firefighters picketed for higher pay (they need to live off something, you know) they still serve an imperatively important purpose in their society--when your house is on fire, you're not going to want Prince William or Kate Middleton there, you're going to want a group of firemen. In short, I don't think people have an issue with the cost per se, but with the principle of mandatory contributions to a wedding they have no personal involvement with. If the royals want 63 pence from each citizen for their wedding, they should give back 63 pence for each citizen's wedding as well--and they shouldn't complain, since it's not like it would break their bank. :p

As for tourism making the country money--no one outside the tourism industry sees that money. The Royals in Britain are like Disneyworld to the U.S.--they're both highly attractive to foreigners, but neither really positively affects the majority of the population in any significant way.
The firefighters still contribute to actually saving lives, though--and if the royals want to have citizens help out with wedding costs, it should be an entirely optional affair, not mandatory. Regardless of whether the firefighters picketed for higher pay (they need to live off something, you know) they still serve an imperatively important purpose in their society--when your house is on fire, you're not going to want Prince William or Kate Middleton there, you're going to want a group of firemen. In short, I don't think people have an issue with the cost per se, but with the principle of mandatory contributions to a wedding they have no personal involvement with. If the royals want 63 pence from each citizen for their wedding, they should give back 63 pence for each citizen's wedding as well--and they shouldn't complain, since it's not like it would break their bank. :p

As for tourism making the country money--no one outside the tourism industry sees that money. The Royals in Britain are like Disneyworld to the U.S.--they're both highly attractive to foreigners, but neither really positively affects the majority of the population in any significant way.

You are seriously underestimating the role of the monarchy. I dare say, without the Queen there would be no United Kingdom. She is the one that is holding the British nations together, the uniting symbol (same as in e.g. Belgium btw. Without a monarch, Belgium would have ceased existing a long time ago). The British royal family not only generates a lot of money from tourism, they are also heavily involved in charities and many of them actually do have a job (function) outside of being a royal.

Although your flag says you're from Germany, I would have to question that due to your political reasoning. You sound more like an American, who believes the head of state should hold political power. In Europe, that is not so evident at all. Virtually all European countries (apart from France, which has a semi-presidential system) have a head of state that fulfills mainly a ceremonial role. For example, the role of the President of Germany is almost identical to that of the Queen of England (or of any European monarch for that matter). Therefore, if monarchs should go because they are "useless" then what about European Presidents? The only real difference between them is that one is elected while the other is not. Personally, I prefer a non-elected (ceremonial) head of state. Why? Because a head of state should represent the whole population, not just those who have voted for him/her. A head of state should be a neutral, stable factor in politics. And as long as he/she enjoys the support of a majority of the public, I don't see why it is not democratic.
You are seriously underestimating the role of the monarchy. I dare say, without the Queen there would be no United Kingdom. She is the one that is holding the British nations together, the uniting symbol (same as in e.g. Belgium btw. Without a monarch, Belgium would have ceased existing a long time ago). The British royal family not only generates a lot of money from tourism, they are also heavily involved in charities and many of them actually do have a job (function) outside of being a royal.

Although your flag says you're from Germany, I would have to question that due to your political reasoning. You sound more like an American, who believes the head of state should hold political power. In Europe, that is not so evident at all. Virtually all European countries (apart from France, which has a semi-presidential system) have a head of state that fulfills mainly a ceremonial role. For example, the role of the President of Germany is almost identical to that of the Queen of England (or of any European monarch for that matter). Therefore, if monarchs should go because they are "useless" then what about European Presidents? The only real difference between them is that one is elected while the other is not. Personally, I prefer a non-elected (ceremonial) head of state. Why? Because a head of state should represent the whole population, not just those who have voted for him/her. A head of state should be a neutral, stable factor in politics. And as long as he/she enjoys the support of a majority of the public, I don't see why it is not democratic.

I never said the royals should go, nor that celebrating Kate and William's wedding is somehow bad, etc. However, seeing as a great number of people have no interest in the affair, I think monetary contribution should be optional for the citizens. European Presidents aren't demanding money from their citizens for their weddings, are they?

I actually agree with you as far as the superiority of ceremonial European Presidents, as opposed to American Presidents, most of whom generate a significant amount of dissatisfaction and do not represent the values of the entire nation, but that of their parties. You do wrong by assuming I would support something like that--everyone knows American Presidents are loyal to their political parties rather than the people of that country, which is why so many were bent out of shape with the Bush administration, and others still are sick and tired of Obama and his schtick.

In any case, as you will see from my previous post, I think the excitement over the royal wedding is much preferred over the usual gossip people drone on about, but I don't think all citizens should have to contribute to a royal wedding they're not a part of if they don't desire to. Contributing to a social service like fire departments, etc. is completely different from contributing to the wedding of "ceremonial" figures, even if they do rake in touristic revenue.
Oopsie! I didn't mean to start a civil war among the British, lol! Well, I can understand all the arguments but the way I see it from this side of the pond as they say, is the monarchy has been in place for a thousand years (or something like that;)). It is a continuation of British tradition. The Queen and the royals are representatives of Britain (as imperfect as these people are). I think it's fun. I have always wanted to visit the castle and all that.

I watched the special Barbara Walters did recently about the upcoming royal wedding and some guy she interviewed said that Charles to this day has someone squeeze his toothpaste for him. Now that's just odd.:wacko: Sounds like they don't do anything for themselves.

Anyway, I just remember all the hoopla surrounding Lady Diana's wedding to Prince Charles and it's nice that something positive like that will happen again before the world. The last major royal event was a very sad one...Diana's funeral.:( I was heartbroken when she died.
I'm actually excited because it's a big event. But I live in Scotland and alot of people aren't caring much (or at least are pretending not to).
And the Queen's announcement yesterday

NOW KNOW YE that We have consented and do by these Presents signify Our Consent to the contracting of Matrimony between Our Most Dearly Beloved Grandson Prince William Arthur Philip Louis of Wales, K.G., and Our Trusty and Well-beloved Catherine Elizabeth Middleton.

I think it's so cute :)
I love my country to death (no not just Scotland but the whole UK) but I have to say, I think British people complain a bit too much. We have it SO much better than so many countries.
I am very happy for William and Kate. It seems that they know each other for a long time and be in love with each other. Hopefully their marriage is lasting.
Wishing them well!
Oopsie! I didn't mean to start a civil war among the British, lol! Well, I can understand all the arguments but the way I see it from this side of the pond as they say, is the monarchy has been in place for a thousand years (or something like that;)). It is a continuation of British tradition. The Queen and the royals are representatives of Britain (as imperfect as these people are). I think it's fun. I have always wanted to visit the castle and all that.

I watched the special Barbara Walters did recently about the upcoming royal wedding and some guy she interviewed said that Charles to this day has someone squeeze his toothpaste for him. Now that's just odd.:wacko: Sounds like they don't do anything for themselves.

Anyway, I just remember all the hoopla surrounding Lady Diana's wedding to Prince Charles and it's nice that something positive like that will happen again before the world. The last major royal event was a very sad one...Diana's funeral.:( I was heartbroken when she died.

Oh come on, do you actually believe that? It's the same with Michael, the media are trying to make them out to be "larger than life", not like the rest of us. They'd have you believe Charles has a special assistent to wipe his butt too. It's ridiculous.
The firefighters still contribute to actually saving lives, though--and if the royals want to have citizens help out with wedding costs, it should be an entirely optional affair, not mandatory. Regardless of whether the firefighters picketed for higher pay (they need to live off something, you know) they still serve an imperatively important purpose in their society--when your house is on fire, you're not going to want Prince William or Kate Middleton there, you're going to want a group of firemen. In short, I don't think people have an issue with the cost per se, but with the principle of mandatory contributions to a wedding they have no personal involvement with. If the royals want 63 pence from each citizen for their wedding, they should give back 63 pence for each citizen's wedding as well--and they shouldn't complain, since it's not like it would break their bank. :p

As for tourism making the country money--no one outside the tourism industry sees that money. The Royals in Britain are like Disneyworld to the U.S.--they're both highly attractive to foreigners, but neither really positively affects the majority of the population in any significant way.

It was not like the firemen were living on nothing though and they already had a salary way above the minimum but to picket to stop those who genuinely DID want to save lives for their own pocket was pretty low imo but it is kind of off topic (my fault). You seem to misunderstand - we were not asked to pay 63p for the wedding, we each pay 63p a year to the royals anyway - THAT is where the 'we taxpayers are paying for this' attitude is coming from, not because we were asked for a contribution towards the wedding. Like somebody already said it is probably hard to understand that our system in Europe is a lot different to Americas so although it might be easy to deem the royals as useless, it is a rather misinformed statement but Linda explained it better lol.
It's been shoved down our throats way too much. I couldn't care less about it.

It's also being used as a marketing ploy, which is annoying as hell.

The sooner it is over, the better.
It was not like the firemen were living on nothing though and they already had a salary way above the minimum but to picket to stop those who genuinely DID want to save lives for their own pocket was pretty low imo but it is kind of off topic (my fault). You seem to misunderstand - we were not asked to pay 63p for the wedding, we each pay 63p a year to the royals anyway - THAT is where the 'we taxpayers are paying for this' attitude is coming from, not because we were asked for a contribution towards the wedding. Like somebody already said it is probably hard to understand that our system in Europe is a lot different to Americas so although it might be easy to deem the royals as useless, it is a rather misinformed statement but Linda explained it better lol.

That's even worse, and in any case, the system is British. It's not applicable to the whole of Europe, since the UK isn't even part of the E.U. Also, I would like for you and Linda to stop trying to shove my views in with Americans--I'm not even American. My family is from Spain, and I wasn't even born in the United States, nor did I spend my childhood there, so why on Earth would I think along their lines when I'm not even part of their culture?

As for firemen wanting higher pay--it's fair. Regardless of how you look at it, they're still more vital to society than the royals, who only rake in revenue for tourism (largely done by Americans, by the way, since there's such a fantasy as to what the royals are like in there...)

Being against unnecessary expenses doesn't make you "American." If anything, it's Americans who love to do just that.

What makes you so sure I'm not for this royal thing because I'm a commie? ;)
Mikage Souji;3354433 said:
That's even worse, and in any case, the system is British. It's not applicable to the whole of Europe, since the UK isn't even part of the E.U. Also, I would like for you and Linda to stop trying to shove my views in with Americans--I'm not even American. My family is from Spain, and I wasn't even born in the United States, nor did I spend my childhood there, so why on Earth would I think along their lines when I'm not even part of their culture?

As for firemen wanting higher pay--it's fair. Regardless of how you look at it, they're still more vital to society than the royals, who only rake in revenue for tourism (largely done by Americans, by the way, since there's such a fantasy as to what the royals are like in there...)

Being against unnecessary expenses doesn't make you "American." If anything, it's Americans who love to do just that.

What makes you so sure I'm not for this royal thing because I'm a commie? ;)

I agree with your points but just a correction in that the UK is in the E.U. But yes, in the end of the day firefighters put their lives on the line to save others, they deserve higher pay, but however I did disagree with them debating about striking on Bonfire night. This wedding is costing £30 million pounds and when the country is the mess its in why on earth do we have to pay that out for some wedding.
^On the defence of the royal couple, however, at least the wedding is a far more innocent trifle than the United States government's taxation of its citizens to fund its international bullying.

You are right, they are part of the EU in the broader sense, and I worded my previous post stupidly--what I meant to say was, they're economically separate from the countries in the EU which use the Euro, and have a separate currency and thus a more separate economy.
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Oh come on, do you actually believe that? It's the same with Michael, the media are trying to make them out to be "larger than life", not like the rest of us. They'd have you believe Charles has a special assistent to wipe his butt too. It's ridiculous.

I wasn't sure, lol. I hope it's not true! I was trying to inject a little thing called humor into my post. ;)
^On the defence of the royal couple, however, at least the wedding is a far more innocent trifle than the United States government's taxation of its citizens to fund its international bullying.

You are right, they are part of the EU in the broader sense, and I worded my previous post stupidly--what I meant to say was, they're economically separate from the countries in the EU which use the Euro, and have a separate currency and thus a more separate economy.

Not true at all. But let's not go off topic ;)

Here are some pictures of the lovely couple :)




That's even worse, and in any case, the system is British. It's not applicable to the whole of Europe, since the UK isn't even part of the E.U. Also, I would like for you and Linda to stop trying to shove my views in with Americans--I'm not even American. My family is from Spain, and I wasn't even born in the United States, nor did I spend my childhood there, so why on Earth would I think along their lines when I'm not even part of their culture?

One final thing: I wasn't implying that you were American but your political reasoning does resemble that of many Americans, which is understandable because that is the type of system they grew up with. The British system is most definitely applicable to the whole of Europe (apart from some exceptions such as France) regarding the role of the head of state, as it uses the typically European system of parliamentary democracy (unlike the American presidential democracy) in which the head of state, be it a monarch or a president, fulfills a largely ceremonial role. There's hardly any difference between the role of the British Queen and that of other European heads of state. In most cases, the real political power is with the Prime Minister and the government which he/she leads. The monarch or president rarely intervenes in the political process and assumes a neutral (non-partisan) position.

So no offense intended, I just assumed you were American because you stated before that you lived and studied there :)

Back to Will & Kate... or should I say William and Catherine? :p
One final thing: I wasn't implying that you were American but your political reasoning does resemble that of many Americans, which is understandable because that is the type of system they grew up with. The British system is most definitely applicable to the whole of Europe (apart from some exceptions such as France) regarding the role of the head of state, as it uses the typically European system of parliamentary democracy (unlike the American presidential democracy) in which the head of state, be it a monarch or a president, fulfills a largely ceremonial role. There's hardly any difference between the role of the British Queen and that of other European heads of state. In most cases, the real political power is with the Prime Minister and the government which he/she leads. The monarch or president rarely intervenes in the political process and assumes a neutral (non-partisan) position.

So no offense intended, I just assumed you were American because you stated before that you lived and studied there :)

Back to Will & Kate... or should I say William and Catherine? :p

I do unfortunately live there, thanks to my mother, and I do unfortunately study there. However, I hate the American political system, as I do not feel it represents the people at all. I'm not too fond of the country and its people either, to be honest. I think the British system is the best government system among first world countries and a model to follow. I know the PM has most of the power, and I know the royals and Presidents' roles are largely ceremonial. However, like I said, I still think it should be optional to pay monies to the royals, since they're not play significant part in the government, and have more than enough money.

I'm just a bit bent out of shape with seeing William and Kate's pictures everywhere I go, and hearing about them altogether. I can't wait until they get married and go away! :D

On that note, wow he's thinning! :blink:

I remember seeing a commercial for an "official" replica of Diana's ring in lieu of the upcoming wedding. The ring itself is absolutely stunning, but this replica was just absolutely cheap--I think they were going for $19.90 dollars each... :no:
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I do unfortunately live there, thanks to my mother, and I do unfortunately study there. However, I hate the American political system, as I do not feel it represents the people at all. I'm not too fond of the country and its people either, to be honest. I think the British system is the best government system among first world countries and a model to follow. I know the PM has most of the power, and I know the royals and Presidents' roles are largely ceremonial. However, like I said, I still think it should be optional to pay monies to the royals, since they're not play significant part in the government, and have more than enough money.

Really? I think the British system is one of the worst. If you feel the American system doesn't represent the people properly, you certainly wouldn't like the British system as it uses the plurality voting system (similar to US) where the winner takes all... suppose if 51% of the people in a district vote Conservative and 49% vote Labour, then the Conservatives take the seat of that district and the other 49% are not taken into account at all. It can happen that the Conservatives win the elections despite lacking an absolute majority of votes. It is disproportional and it leaves very little room for new parties to emerge. And once a government is formed (nearly always a single-party government, except now) the opposition in practice has no input at all in policy formation as it forms a minority in the Lower House (House of Commons) and thus cannot block any proposals. In most countries, this dominance is somewhat counterweighed through bicameralism (the opposition can excert more influence in the Upper House) but in Britain, the Upper House (House of Lords) has no practical influence whatsoever (and is also not democratically elected). The most extreme measure it can take is delaying a proposal for max. 1 year. So in terms of democratic representation, I personally would not consider Britain to be the ideal model. I prefer the continental European systems which are based on proportional voting, coalition governments and consensus-driven policy formation. No offense to any of the Brits here :D

I'm just a bit bent out of shape with seeing William and Kate's pictures everywhere I go, and hearing about them altogether. I can't wait until they get married and go away! :D

I think it'll take a few more decades for them to go away :lol:

On that note, wow he's thinning! :blink:

Poor guy has Charles' genes, lol. One is balding and the other's a ginger. William looks much older than he is now imo. He looked cute when he was younger though.. I used to have a crush on him when he was in his early 20s :p
Really? I think the British system is one of the worst. If you feel the American system doesn't represent the people properly, you certainly wouldn't like the British system as it uses the plurality voting system (similar to US) where the winner takes all... suppose if 51% of the people in a district vote Conservative and 49% vote Labour, then the Conservatives take the seat of that district and the other 49% are not taken into account at all. It can happen that the Conservatives win the elections despite lacking an absolute majority of votes. It is disproportional and it leaves very little room for new parties to emerge. And once a government is formed (nearly always a single-party government, except now) the opposition in practice has no input at all in policy formation as it forms a minority in the Lower House (House of Commons) and thus cannot block any proposals. In most countries, this dominance is somewhat counterweighed through bicameralism (the opposition can excert more influence in the Upper House) but in Britain, the Upper House (House of Lords) has no practical influence whatsoever (and is also not democratically elected). The most extreme measure it can take is delaying a proposal for max. 1 year. So in terms of democratic representation, I personally would not consider Britain to be the ideal model. I prefer the continental European systems which are based on proportional voting, coalition governments and consensus-driven policy formation. No offense to any of the Brits here :D

But the American system sucks even more because even if you get a "good" government (fat chance, look at all the real winners we've been stuck with the last few years...), if the people in your state vote for something else in state legislature, you're f-ed. So, in short, you're at the mercy of your state in a lot of aspects in your life, and at the mercy of the feds in others, and neither looks good. Moreover, unlike other governments, the only two parties you can vote for (and have it count) are the Democrats and the Republicans, neither of which are very good--so US government truly takes the cake as far as sucking is concerned, and there are a lot of things which are influenced by religion despite our theoretical "separation" of church and State. I agree that continental European governments are superior to the British model, but it would be far too radical a change for the US to suddenly adopt something like that, and I think the British model would be a good one for the US to follow. Our present model was brilliant in its day, but now, it has been manipulated with and just corrupted to such an extent so as to deem it a true joke among world governments. Moreover, the fact that different "houses" in American government have influence in government policy would seem like a good thing in theory, but in practice, since we have two parties which care more about stupid trifles than about what's actually good for the country, nothing but filibusters are created and good ideas sometimes meet with powerful opposition on rival party-controlled branches of the gov't. The so-called representatives may as well not be democratically elected--they're largely ridiculous and don't do anything to help the people.

LindaVG said:
I think it'll take a few more decades for them to go away :lol:

Well, they'll fade from media coverage [at least here] after that wedding is over. Then, I'll only hear about them sporadically, and I won't be bothered by it at all. I may even look forward to it. :p

LindaVG said:
Poor guy has Charles' genes, lol. One is balding and the other's a ginger. William looks much older than he is now imo. He looked cute when he was younger though.. I used to have a crush on him when he was in his early 20s :p

As for William--indeed, balding! Ah, so you did! :p Well, I think his dad is sexy. He's gotten finer with age, I think. Now there's a royal I wouldn't mind hearing more of. Forget William--it's all about Charles for me. :D