The wedding of William and Kate

I think that it's refreshing to focus on something happy, rather than the sadness of constant wars, killing, etc.

I completely disagree. The problem with your statement is that the media has NEVER concentrated on sadness such as war, killing, and all the other plagues in our world. It's always about the pointless story like Lindsay Lohan or the "Royal Wedding". The real stories never get any time and if they do, it's for a few days or a week or two at most. The media is about what sells. The truth doesn't sell. Meaningless garbage like selling memorabilia for a worthless monarchy makes more money than the thousands of lives lost on a weekly basis.

P.S. Ginvid, thank you for reminding us that discussions are not one sided.
I completely disagree. The problem with your statement is that the media has NEVER concentrated on sadness such as war, killing, and all the other plagues in our world. It's always about the pointless story like Lindsay Lohan or the "Royal Wedding". The real stories never get any time and if they do, it's for a few days or a week or two at most. The media is about what sells. The truth doesn't sell. Meaningless garbage like selling memorabilia for a worthless monarchy makes more money than the thousands of lives lost on a weekly basis.

P.S. Ginvid, thank you for reminding us that discussions are not one sided.

Are you kidding me?! Maybe where you live, but over here all you ever see on the news is war, murder, drugs, revolutions, financial crisis, etc. The only time you'll hear about celebrities is when something exceptional happens, like when they die. So for many people (2 billion of them) this royal wedding is a welcome change. It doesn't mean that we ignore the negative things in the world, but there is soooo much coverage of that already. If my only impression of the world came from the news I'd be depressed in a heartbeat. There are also many beautiful things in life and love is one of them. That deserves to be shown once in a while too :)
The most beautiful wedding I've ever seen in my life. I wish them nothing but the best, :D
I wish them happines. Still I don't get it. How come they spend millions $ on just one wedding that becomes sensation. This world is not right. Why aren't they showing the one that are in need, then peoply might help. And why does those two royalties don't give to charity instead of extravagant weddings. Mad world I tell you.
What in the world has happened in here? Andrey wasn't even trolling the thread. He made one comment about the wedding being boring. Afterwards, he was engaged in conversation by a question and then told this thread isn't for his negative opinion????? What is that??? This thread is about the wedding. People can state if they do not find it interesting. He is not spamming the board and continually saying, "I hate this", "This is boring". He only said it one time before being asked to explain.

I am not sure people are fully understanding that this is a forum. People will have many different opinions. It does not mean someone is being negative just because they are not happy about a particular thing. Who wants a board where everyone thinks the same? If you don't agree, read over a person's comment. All of the attacks on him is what made this thread negative and it was NOT necessary.

Come on people. We can do better than that.

Please and thank you.

This thread went on for 10 pages and I said absolutely nothing about the people that had negative things to say about this wedding. I expect people to have differing opinions. But when I got to that 10th page it just started to look to me like every time I posted something positive about this wedding someone would come and throw a wet blanket over it. So I guess I experienced that proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. It was very discouraging to watch such a joyous event going on in one second and come here to find all the negativity at another. I really think some people do it purposefully because they don't like to see other people happy.

Anyway, I have absolutely no regrets about waking up at 4am to watch this extraordinary event. It was well worth it. I was enchanted by every second of it. What an incredible spectacle. Even the weather cooperated. If you are British you should be proud!

Edit: And now I need a nap!
I am willing to bet that everyone who is being negative about the wedding is either single or in a relationship that they're not fully happy with. That is my theory on the bitterness. Lol.
I liked her dress but some people I talked to at work were disappointed. They thought something more I guess. I thought she looked elegant. I wish his mother was there. She would have been so happy for them. At times when William smiles and looks down shyly that is Diana. I am glad it's over though because it was a lot of talk for weeks and weeks. I wish them well.
Beautiful ceremony it is. Kate looked gorgeous. Prince Willy looked good. I loved how the service was devoted to Jesus Christ, too.

I wish Prince William and Kate the best in their marriage. They seem to be MORE in love than Prince Charles and Princess Diana were....

ETA: The last time I saw so much negativity on media coverage of a event was Michael's death. The old church I use to go, too was SUPER PISSED.

Anyway like I said somewhere else, don't blame the people, blame the money-grubbing media.
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Beautiful ceremony it is. Kate looked gorgeous. Prince Willy looked good. I loved how the service was devoted to Jesus Christ, too.

I wish Prince William and Kate the best in their marriage. They seem to be MORE in love than Prince Charles and Princess Diana were....

That just sounds wrong :lol:
Well, I managed to miss everything before Kate got to Westminster.:(
So many thoughts... I thought her dress was wonderful, very elegant and flattering. The tiara and veil were exquisite.. She truly was a beautiful bride!
I must say that walk up to the long was that? a mile or so?? seemed to stretch on forever!
Did she get William's names in the right order? William Arthur Phillip Louis? Was that right?
I was surprised that only she got a ring, doesn't the groom get one too in the CoE? Or is that a royal thing? Or did I miss something big time? And I was holding my breath...will the ring go on? It looked like it took some effort before William could slip it on her finger.
Last question for those in the know. When they were proceeding to Buckingham Palace, at various places on the route William would salute and Kate would bow her head. What was that about? Anyone know?

I was so hoping he would give her a proper kiss, you know, with some passion...the crowd would have really gone wild (and probably the Queen too:D )

@truluv, Thank you for the lip reader info. I thought when they first got in the carriage she might have said: I'm so happy or something like that. Wished I could read lips lol

And I agree that there were times when you could so easily see Diana in the way he smiled. Sort of her 'shy' way of smiling...

Ah, it was all so wonderful...Thank you William and Kate. Long life and much happiness to you! And God Save the Queen!
And thank you Suzynyc for starting this thread!
So you were probably the one with the "marry me Harry" sign in front of Buckingham Palace? :lol:

In our tv they also mentioned several times the number 2 billion, but I don't know..

hahaha yeah that was sooo me :shifty: hehehehe
I think Harry is such a babe! :hungry:


source: flickr

hahaha!! But isnt he with that girl Chelsy Davy?
I wonder if she will still be called Kate in the future. I suppose it's Princess Catharine now?

Btw am I the only one who immediately thought of Michael when Kate's full name was pronounced (Catharine Elizabeth) :unsure: I don't think that's a healthy reaction lol, Michael is just in my subconscious mind I guess ;)
So much noise..... because of a wedding! :doh: It's just another wedding.... -_- :fear:

I did not follow anything on tv, just saw some pictures on the internet. The dress of Kate is beautiful :wild:, but when I looked, I immediately thought of Grace Kelly:





I wonder if she will still be called Kate in the future. I suppose it's Princess Catharine now?

Btw am I the only one who immediately thought of Michael when Kate's full name was pronounced (Catharine Elizabeth) :unsure: I don't think that's a healthy reaction lol, Michael is just in my subconscious mind I guess ;)

Her name Dutchess Catherine since she is not of royal bloodline.
I wonder if she will still be called Kate in the future. I suppose it's Princess Catharine now?

Btw am I the only one who immediately thought of Michael when Kate's full name was pronounced (Catharine Elizabeth) :unsure: I don't think that's a healthy reaction lol, Michael is just in my subconscious mind I guess ;)

I did! Also kept thinking of Michael with all the military jackets. Prince Harry :wub:
Her name Dutchess Catherine since she is not of royal bloodline.
Queen Elizabeth II bestowed new titles upon Prince William and Kate Middleton just prior to their royal wedding today: Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
And that's not all. William also becomes Earl of Strathearn and Baron of Carrickfergus, making Kate a countess and baroness as well.
There had been local speculation in the days leading up to the wedding that the city of Cambridge would be involved in the new titles, typically reserved for younger members of the royal family.
The Guardian notes that Prince William is the 10th royal family member to be named an earl, marquess or duke of Cambridge, but the monarchy's relationship with the city has been rocky in the past:
Relations between Cambridge and the monarchy have been about as stable as the average royal marriage (present company excluded, of course). In the Reformation and in the British revolutions of the 17th century, Oxford was always seen as the loyal university, Cambridge as the stroppy one. There were puritans in both universities, of course, but Cambridge puritans always seemed the noisier and more offensive and in Emmanuel College, Cambridge developed a veritable factory for the production of preachers intent on poking Stuart kings in the eye.​
The last time a Duke of Cambridge was instated was 1801 (Prince Adolphus and his son Prince George held the title). It was first created in the 17th century
Queen Elizabeth II bestowed new titles upon Prince William and Kate Middleton just prior to their royal wedding today: Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
And that's not all. William also becomes Earl of Strathearn and Baron of Carrickfergus, making Kate a countess and baroness as well.
There had been local speculation in the days leading up to the wedding that the city of Cambridge would be involved in the new titles, typically reserved for younger members of the royal family.
The Guardian notes that Prince William is the 10th royal family member to be named an earl, marquess or duke of Cambridge, but the monarchy's relationship with the city has been rocky in the past:
Relations between Cambridge and the monarchy have been about as stable as the average royal marriage (present company excluded, of course). In the Reformation and in the British revolutions of the 17th century, Oxford was always seen as the loyal university, Cambridge as the stroppy one. There were puritans in both universities, of course, but Cambridge puritans always seemed the noisier and more offensive and in Emmanuel College, Cambridge developed a veritable factory for the production of preachers intent on poking Stuart kings in the eye.​
The last time a Duke of Cambridge was instated was 1801 (Prince Adolphus and his son Prince George held the title). It was first created in the 17th century

Just a bunch of meaningless titles given to even more meaningless people. I say down with the monarchy and make them get real jobs like the rest of us. It's really whacked out that the people have to pay taxes to support their asses. It isn't 1675 anymore. It's time to stick a fork in it. :smilerolleyes:
I am willing to bet that everyone who is being negative about the wedding is either single or in a relationship that they're not fully happy with. That is my theory on the bitterness. Lol.

What an asinine thing to suggest. Have you ever thought that maybe some us are genuinely not interested in hearing about what Kate's neighbor's uncle's brother's sister's obstetrician's dance instructer's father's mother's cousin has to say about the royal appetizers 24/7?!?! Seriously! My TV, PC, phone apps, and magazines have all been bombarded with worthless royal hot garbage for months upon months. For that, yes... I am bitter as hell! And yes, I'm being pissy but only because of the extreme nature of media overkill. I actually do wish the couple well and have no ill will towards them but at the same time I also don't give a rats ass about their wedding or the events leading up to or after. It's just a wedding like any other. They aren't better than me or anyone else. They're just people and haven't done anything the likes of MJ or any other celebrity for me to even admire. They were simply born rich. Big whoop! You don't see me stalking Paris Hilton's every move.
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Just a bunch of meaningless titles given to even more meaningless people. I say down with the monarchy and make them get real jobs like the rest of us. It's really whacked out that the people have to pay taxes to support their asses. It isn't 1675 anymore. It's time to stick a fork in it. :smilerolleyes:


No one answered my question. Victoria Beckham looked good and so did David

I did not like the hat of Victoria. :fear: And some other hats... >>>> :wtf: But David was beautiful! :wub:
Just a bunch of meaningless titles given to even more meaningless people. I say down with the monarchy and make them get real jobs like the rest of us. It's really whacked out that the people have to pay taxes to support their asses. It isn't 1675 anymore. It's time to stick a fork in it. :smilerolleyes:

Meaningless people? They are people just like us (like you said) so we are meaningless, too? Prince William has royal bloodline for crying out loud!

Dang calm down. The wedding is over for crying out loud. Just don't watch the news, check your phones, etc. for a while.
Ok i know i said i wouldnt watch it but with everyone watching i just had too :lol:. It was a beautiful wedding
Meaningless people? They are people just like us (like you said) so we are meaningless, too? Prince William has royal bloodline for crying out loud!

Dang calm down. The wedding is over for crying out loud. Just don't watch the news, check your phones, etc. for a while.

Like I said before, this isn't 1675 so the "Royals" mean jack squat to me. Their blood is no more royal than my own. MJ was more regal than any of them will ever be. However, I didn't mean to suggest that the royals aren't worthy of life. I admit "meaningless" was a bad choice of words. Even so, I don't think it's fair to suggest that I should have to shut myself off from civilization until the hoopla blows over. If I did that, I would have been out of the loop for several months and even longer being that all news outlets will continue to talk about it ad nauseum. Hardly seems fair, no? A better solution would have been to cover this like any other vanity story of little actual value. I don't care how fascinating this wedding was, it's still froth and not worthy of all the attention it's gotten 24/7. Again, I wish them well but kindly leave me alone now. I'm so tired of hearing about the same damn story over and over again in agonizing detail. Flip through your channels, browse the net, it's literally EVERYWHERE! There's no escaping it. I could literally be lost at sea and the dolphin that comes to save me would end up having a "Will & Kate" tattoo on it's dorsal fin. Yes, that's how bad it is. :lol:
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