The 'Make A Random Poem About The Member Above' Thread!

But giraffes are funny, I'll have you know!
They like it best when the bushes snow
They dance on the ground, watching their knees
Twitch back and forth against the trees
I told them to stop, it became to much
So I collapsed in the snow and gave them good luck :p
those bushes are silly what a thing to do
I heard that a bush once got hit with a shoe?
they like so snow and dance you say?
I wonder what the tree shall display?
they night take copy of their dancing style
and go out and hip hop for 21 miles?
Yes a bush did, what a shame it missed?
I shall ask Santa to do it on my Christmas list :p
The elves might join in and create a shoe fight
It would be so funny, oh what a sight :lol:
An instrument all alone
without someone to play
I am here but now i'm gone
as not for long I can stay

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Oh know, you've gone! I hope you have fun
But be sure to come back, when you are done!
MJJC is the greatest place to be
It is better than my old Christmas tree :D
You're all too series, lighten up a little
Sit on your own and contemplate a riddle
Let your randomness go forth and touch the sky
Lick your wall and bake a pie
It won't taste good unless you do that
Lick the wall that is, then your doormat.
I lick my doormat often
It tastes kind of nice
I find it more appertising
Than a bowl of chicken fried rice
Sometimes it's not so satifying
Many wipe their feet not just a few
and sometimes there's something nasty
on the bottom of their shoe :puke:
ROFL! Doggy poop is coming to mind there. :rofl: EUGH!

Blimey that's a first to have dog poop on your mat
Perhaps if you tickle it, it'll morph into a rat
Then you can pull his legs, and play with his tail
Tapdance on his ears and swing from the rail
HAHAHA! :rofl:

Paul the beetle, the beetle Paul
I wonder if forklifts he does haul?
I'll have to ask when we pass on the street
Stop for a pet of his very small feet
But how do I know this? I know you must ask
Well I saw him squat and pee in a flask
He passed it to me and claimed his feet were too small
To carry the weight of his watery haul.
^ LMFAO "Wrestle a beetle, no not the Paul one" LMAO!!!!

You silly potato shavings,
You tend to give me strange food cravings.
I adore your Spanish flowerbeds,
But I'm not sure about the bugs crawling around your head,
or in my bread.
bugs in thy bread, or poor u
lets make a sandwich, one for me, one for poo
yes, poo likes to eat, it have a belly
it also has a pair of blue wellies
:rofl: Ew!

Poo that's hungry, that's a first
Wee in a puddle to quench my thirst
Too much to ask? I don't care
Pull the ears of Tony Blair
Drop kick him and run away
Dive northeast of L.A
Into a fishbowl south of that
Develop a twitch and wear a hat
I twitch, I itch, I hitch, I bitch
Yes it's true, I have a stitch
My hat keeps me warm, he's called Jeff
He's called Jimmy, he fancies Steph
I spot two names, can't you see?
Where's the cat, here kitty
Oh fine then, don't come over here
I'll make a sandwich with a medieval spear
Bah bah blacksheep, have you any wool?
No I don't go away.
Go away :rofl:

I am tried, i got fired
It wasn't my fault, he ran a cult
I ate my eggs, I laid my bed
I fished in a tank and wrestled with the bank

Banks scare thee, banks scare thy head,
hang on, isnt this make a random poem about the member ABOVE thread?

Lil miss likes to kiss

randomos :rofl:
HAHA you genius! :clapping:

EOP, this I must say
You inspire me such in so many ways
Your random words and funny nature
Make me twitch and lick the equator
Oh my, oh my, I take it too far?
I'll stagger backwards into a bar
Deny all the drinks and lie on the floor
Ignore the dancing and all the doors
It's just us there, nobody else
Now cook that chicken with your trouser belt
you're powerful
a golden wisp of fleeting light
smiles with ease
your a ripple in the seas
i guess all i want to say is hey!..
might you be lil_miss_mj ?

lolz :p
About time you showed up Stargirl
We need someone to hurl
Through a window after that goat
The one who glided up the boat
Took the wheels and ran away
Laughing maniacally at today

lil_miss_mj you're the best
And I really can't think of the rest
Maybe I'll just talk about nonsense
As none of us here make any sense
Okay well time to go obsess over Michael
Btw, do you know about the water cycle?
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Haha yes!!! Now you're startin to lose your sanity. Just wave it goodbye and join us. :wild:

Water cycle, sounds intriguing
But I must know, have you ever been skiing?
Over your garden when it's very warm
Where the ants tickle themselves and swarm
It's very exciting, I do declare
You must try it sometime whilst being mauled by a bear
Lil Miss MJ, you went to bed late,
I saw you this morning, picking up your milk crate,
You had a very large bump, right on your head,
From bouncing around too much in this very thread.

Instrument my dear, you are rightfully correct
I was awake all night making movies to direct
I thought of you and ran around, screaming for no reason
Talking to a giraffe because I found he'd been-a sneezing
He told me you were funny and I agreed with him so
By agreeing to his comment, I began feasting on his toe
lil miss i am dying, i cannot believe
what I just wrote out there, dont tell Steve
I replaced the M in your name, with a P
oh my that was bad, please dont thrill me
LOL you guys, stop with the pies,
Your noses are growing, so stop with the lies,
I have to go now, go make some dinner,
I'm eating healthy food, to make me thinner LOL
(I'm actually eating some chicken and chips, naughty naughty..!) :p
PILL? :rofl:!

Who the **** is Steve?
Some random geezer off the street?
Does he like bathing in towels drenched with meat?
So do I, so tell him that, I'm sure he will agree
But then again, here's the rain, dancing with Freddie Mercury
steve is me, my new name
I know I'm not a man, but dont complain
I love to shimmy with a cat
and turn into a apple giving bat
cows give me apples, dont you know?
they skip off to the fields, with their plough

Now that is something I'd love to see!
Come here Steve and wriggle with me!
Through those apples, day and night
Give those cows a frightful fright
We'll run away and scream bloody Mary
Dance on hot coals to Is It Scary
omg :lol:

I am Steve And I wriggle with you
I am dancing to MJ, join me too
I fell over my toes, and ripped my hair
it fell into the giant oven of dispair :eek: