The 'Make A Random Poem About The Member Above' Thread!

I know I can't rhyme,
but at least I will try
so don't wast your time
and don't ask me why
The poem you made,
Is not about me;
This poem you made,
Ain't what is should be.

yes, you are right,
but why should I do
a poem 'bout you
you crazy, curious wight.
Because that's what this thread
Is supposed to be about.
You'd know with no doubt
The title if you read.
Believe it or not
your point I got,
you don't need to explain
over and over again:D
Well it isn't my fault
You're the one who asked
And It is my task
To tell you what it's 'bout. :D
yes it is indeed your fault
cause I don't remember asking
but thank you for telling
me what it is 'bout :D
yes, you are right,
but why should I do
a poem 'bout you
you crazy, curious wight.

I know 'tis not your native tongue
But why is a question,
Just like should is suggestion
And youth ?is the young.
well maybe you're right
but I don't give a damn
you do like Jam
and rarely win a fight

better? :p
^I totally forgot about this thread. :rofl:

I think I was right,
It's clear by now
That you don't know how
To win any fight. :nana:
^How dare you! :rofl:

Why did you restart this thread?
It's just crap.
and I don't just say that
cause I suck at this chat. :girl_whistle: :ph34r:
Crap does not rhyme with thread,
Just like wrap does not rhyme with red;
I don't understand why you post in this thread,
Cause if it were a test, your sheet would be red.
You won't believe how long I sat there
and thought about a proper rhyme
I wasted a lot of my time
and sat on my comfy chair. :p
Sometimes I waste time too,
Sometimes I don't have a clue.
But then I go and try to find.
Some new words my line to bind.

(And sometimes my poems suck. :rofl:)