The 'Make A Random Poem About The Member Above' Thread!

I have to confess, your username is the best
It makes me want to run around outside in nothing but a vest
Do you enjoy the warm climate or is your name really summer?
Either way it isn't a bummer
If I was called Winter I'd slap my mum silly
Make her call me anything, I'd even accept Billy
Oh wait I've gone off topic... so er, summer you da bomb
I hope you cheer up soon and wear a chicken on your arm
Who is that poster
With the cute MJ signature?
We all know it,
It's instrument of nature!
She posts on Random Thoughts
Because she's a fan
And she is nice
So she won't get banned!

:lol: I'm not a great poet, sorry! :lol: But I tried...:lol:
LMFAO!!!!!!! :rofl: that made me laugh :lol:

lil miss mj, you're never afraid to say
How you feel, each and every day
You bring light and life,
To all our lives,
Especially to Henry VIII and all his wives
Now it's time to say goodbye
And eat all the fruit in the pie
For I am a dormant volcano
Waiting to erupt, and sprout a halo
instrument of nature is a very nice name

undoubtedly belonging to one who is sane

sounds like an offering up to be used

by One for expressions inspired by His muse
I must confess
is better than a bitter bit of
watermelon YES!
She's so fly
the apple of our eye
She really cares about the bears
and piggies in a sty (or) and birdies in the sky..(lol)
We love you
Oh yes we do
You are our friend until the end
and we are your friend too!
Expressions of Passion is such a thing that makes
your heart do delicate things like flutter and love
and things in which you do delight I think this user
name is something akin with aight! LOL
poe poe, are you aight?
Or would you like me to give you a fright?
I reckon you do, but please don't sneeze
In my face, pretty please.

:rofl: hmm
Stop that sneezin' boy, that aint fine!
Give me your toenails and I'll give you mine
The clocks are turning and so is the Earth
Guess what? Every second a mother gives birth
Sometimes you fall over into the dirt
And whilst you're down there you inspect the curb
But that's alright because you're fascinated I know
That's why you're name is curby poe. :huh:
lil miss just what are ya saying?
I don't understand, but I bet you are praying
Checking your email to get that vital code
with your eyes bugging out you look like a toad.
MJ tickets it is that you want.....
I think my typing is boring with this font. :huh:
Haha that was great! :lol:

Now now Lorraine, how did you know?
That those MJ tickets will bloody GO GO! :bugeyed
Bet you feel like flapping and screaming some
Running up the walls and slapping your bum
But don't you worry cos I have a plan
We'll pop out our eyes and throw them to Japan
That way we'll see Michael just fine and clear
Then afterwards we'll go for a beer! (Blind :huh: )

I don't think I've ever laughed out loud so much writing a poem. :lol:

OMG! I know they will GO!!!!
Coz MJ is da bomb and he'll put on a show!
Turning & Spinning stepping up on them toes
He is the best YES! Everyone knows...
Holy flipping cow I just can't sit still
Hold me down & pop me a chill pill :chillpill:

LOL :lol:

Yall are mad as hatters and gone quite insane Lorraine
over tickets and codes and the IT of everythang
now sit you down still and be quiet as a mouse
for soon your tickets will pay off with MJ in da house!
Poe, poe, what to say?
You lost your toes in every way
Next week is the future
Did you know that?
I'll swap you some curtains for your dusty old hat
Once again, no sense... but who the hell cares?!
MJ in July and we'll be sitting in chairs!
But no no no, we'll be standin' come what may
Then afterward we'll go lick some hay
Lil Miss MJ
likes to lick hay
and I love her to bits
So I'll lick hay too
side by side like horses
with hay tickling our noses
till we laugh and we sneeze a kerCHEW!!!
Who is that?
Well it is Miss Ape
And there's something you should know
She is from Canada
And she is not a monkey
You can even ask Poe.
She's not Bubbles
She's not a chimp
She is like no other
For this girl, Miss Ape
From Canada
Is actually MJ's secret lover!!!!


:toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
LMAO WHAT????!!?

Summer summer
is another like no other
She knows secrets about me
Idon't even know, it seems

Summer summer
it's really a bummer
that I'm only MJ's lover
in my dreams, yes in my dreams.

Ape, Ape
Shes no mistake
She teaches me how to read and write
And what time I should go to bed at night
How tight I should wear my pants
What I look like when I dance
How short all my skirts can reach
If I should eat a pear or peach
Where I should go to drink my tea
Ape, Ape
Why can't you just let me be?
Oh brother

cause I'm your mother
Don't you know by now
No matter where or how
I tell you what to do
It's only because
I love you through and through
Now show everyone how cool
you are even when you miss school
at home wrapped in a blanket
if you're not really sick...
your bum, I'll spank it!
YOU heard me.. or read me
but you know I'm not a jerk
My threats to spank are idle
but I can still put you to work!
Ape is confessing to be the mother
of someone or so it seems?
shes scolding and yelling and telling
of her mothering ways.
I think she will get her point across
or will she be left void?
she seems to be threatening this
girl or this boy? LOL
Oh Poe you silly fro
If you look closer you'll know
That she's a girl, my precious daughter
because my son would
wear a skirt.
Nope, but he is here too
sometimes once in a blue..moon
So now that you know
How are you Poe?
I am doing fine and dandy
just like some sugar candy
Sound of mind, if not of body
I'm not even feeling naughty
Though I'm hungry, I could use
a little bite or two of food
of maybe breakfast porridge
since I'm done my snorrage.
LOL @ snorrage

well thats all good and that is all fine
I hope you find some food sublime
to fill your tummy after your sleep
I hope your snoring didnt go too deep? LOL
Have a good day and say your Prayers
dont forget to sweep down the stairs

um huh? lame rhyme but oh well haha
Oh Poe you and your cleaning
You sound like an instrument
But not before saturday when chocolate rains infinate
I can't think of what to say, so I'll guess I'll go away?
HAH! That's what you want... but I jumped the fence with Harry Belafonte!
Now there's nothing to say... la de dee, la de daa...
You love Opraahhhhhh!

Face it. You just got PWNED there at the end! 8D
hahah LilMiss, you are hilari-iss
Alas, I gotta go,
but maybe I'll be back
Alack, it's when lilMiss is here
I will miss you my dear
lilmiss is bliss when she
arrives with her nonsense. ok I can't think of anything and I have to leave now.
maybe you can finish it for me somehow :) :hug:
Aww Ape, you made me smile
I hope to see you again in a short short while
You make me laugh when you post too
You're as crazy as me through and through
Take care of yourself and God bless
And remember one thing... lil miss is the best! 8D

(Joking, couldn't think of what to say =P Bye Ape *hugs*)
But not the poster
Can't think of anything
to say but a toaster
He should be here
with his rhyming self
He'd fit right in
like a cozy little elf
But this is not
supposed to be about him
it's supposed to be about
lil miss ....mim ...

I can't stay long
gotta have a shower
probably can't even
stay for an hour

:S Guess I'm done,
I ran out of thoughts.
You cant run out of thoughts
In a place like this..
This place is for joking
and people taking the Piss... LOL!
I hope when they are back you will return
but please no talk about hairy teeth
as it makes my tummy churn. :lol:
Lorraine Lorraine
is not so boraing
She's really quite funny
but .. nope. I still can't think of anything to say hunny (rhymes)
not even about teeth that are hairy,
or anything that sounds remotely scary

so I guess I'm done
i'm gonna go have fun.