The 'Make A Random Poem About The Member Above' Thread!

Ape the grape
is going to duct tape
her thoughts back together
cause they went wherever
and didn't return
left her mind to churn
but missed this thread most
so set off to post
to bump it back
to the top of the stack
with the hope that another
will post something or other back
so she isn't stuck posting
about her own roasting
of tootsies and toastings
tomorrow's another audition
so now it is her mission
to see no superstition
would grant her intermission
from her vision
of indecision
or decisive intervention
of another invitation
beyond her beloved nation
there will be no turn of station
but a euphoric sensation

well.. I'm stuck now with this nonsense
nothing I say makes sense
and it wasn't my intent
to be intense
or on a fence
I'm feeling dense
and a bit tense
I NEED some sleeping
to keep from weeping
like a willow
on my pillow
cause I am so weary
oh my deary
Parting is such sweet sorrow
says the man in a book

Going to see if I recall my monologue that I've prepared and then sleep.
Jeesh! That was long dude.
I don't mean to be rude...
But I can't write that long, I simply don't know how.
So you take care and bye bye now

J cats a poet
although he dont know it
He gets to the point short but sweet
and also makes siggy's that I think are neat :)
Poe oh yes Poe
Is the funny guy you know.
Always cracking the jokes
But if you get bratty beware..
He'll give you lots of pokes. LOL

Lorraine is a mod on here she tries
to be patient and full of cheer
but if you go to far and you know you can
you will end up being more than banned! LOL JK
couldnt think of what to write at this given time
but none the less I warned you all inside of this rhyme :lol:
:-o LOL!

Poe is trying to make me sound scary.
But just so you know it's him thats all hairy. LOL
Big long hairs grow from his toes
Don't even get my started on the ones coming out his nose. rofl!!
:eek: LOL Yes live in fear!

I am not as hairy as I am kind
the reference for real only in jest
I know we all are nice on here
sometimes we do our best
my rhyme it sucks and I dont care
cuz Im eating my bagel so ok there! :huh:
Im not a poet and didnt I know it?
Mmm.... Bagels I think they are yummy
I love them lots and so does my tummy.... LOL!
Poe, I really do hope that you will share
don't be mean like a big grizzly bear :lol:
Gimmie some now, or should I ask nicely?
For I can't afford my own, they've got rather pricey. :rofl:
I miss this thread too
Makes me smile when I'm feeling blue
I miss lil miss MJ and Lorraine too
And all the others in this crew

but now I must bid adieu
As my words today are few
lol i didnt have a clue about this thread

but now im gonna break my head

I think im in a good shape

to end my post after my friend Ape ^^ :D

:doh: :doh:
whenever I play with my mommy^^
I laugh so hard it hurts my tummy
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Many people do
But I bet not you. :D
I don't care, what can I do?
There just isn't nothing
Appealing 'bout you.

But one thing for sure I know:
I'm much better than you,
Wether you're a friend or a foe.

If you like to believe that
Be my guest
What can I do?
You're just a little pest. :hysterical:
Be that as it may,
You are no different,
So what do you say?
You're kidding yourself
But what can I do?
If your brain didn't develop
Past the age of twelve. :D
You're wasting my time,
Your poem don't rhyme,
I'm still the best
And I take you in jest. :D
Your poems suck,
But I can't blame you
You were born with the brain of a duck,

You're only a shuck
Though it is very sad
Yes, you were born with the brain of a duck.

You're worth less than a buck,
But you shouldn't be sad,
You were born with the brain of a duck.

Beware, your feathers I'll pluck,
If you don't shut up
Oh, you were born with the brain of a duck.

You're all out of luck,
My patience is gone
And you were born with the brain of a duck.

It took you took this long
To come up with this?
I'm sure you're happy
Cause ignorance is bliss.

Takes a long time
To find the right words
And make it all rhyme.

And on top of it all
I must watch my tongue
Not to offend this fragile "doll".

Or she might run crying
To dear ol' mommy
While the fish a re frying.

And then the fish will burn
And mommy will have
A hard lesson to learn.

Never to listen,
To sissy wee dolly
When her eyes glisten.
I'm thoroughly enjoying this 'poet war'

between SimplyMagic & Karom

A drink in one hand,

and in the other popcorn.


Chamife, do honestly tell me
Who should the winner of this war be?

Of course I can, and I just did
Answer, answer, to you I bid.

I shall not be hurt, I swear
And Simply, simply won't care. :D
Of course I can, and I just did
Answer, answer, to you I bid.

I shall not be hurt, I swear
And Simply, simply won't care. :D

Into this trap of yours I shall not fall

To decide who's best is not my call

I cannot darken the athmosphere

So I better tiptoe out of here