The 'Make A Random Poem About The Member Above' Thread!


Poor you with no eyes, I am so sorry
If you want you can have my lorry?
It's not as good as your lovely tractor
But it is far better than that silly actor!
I only joke for that was rude
I am in a silly mood
I would like some pie, if you don't mind?
What flavour is it, what kind?
I will spin around twice and fall on the floor
And eat up my cupcakes, a thousand galore!
HOLY! That was AWESOME! :clapping:

You inspire me EOP, to write like this
To caress my curtains and then take a piss
That was naughty, I'll close my trap
Grab your wrist and give it a slap
Touch your lightbulb, even if it's hot
It's full of plums and rotten snot
Ew oh my, I shouldn't have said!
Your sisters brother is really called Fred!
The lightbulb is hot, why of course!
It got dressed up to impress my horse
The horse said 'neigh!!' leave me alone!
I want to tapdance with my mobile phone
The bulb got offended, it was really hurt
So I gave him a penny to give to Fred Durst
Yes he's my brother, my mother too
He is a strange one like me and you :D
We are crazy but so are you!
You are crazier than my mother's shoe!
This shoe is a wild one, I'll tell you that
He likes to think he's is good a rap
But oh no, he's not very good
Because he dated someone from my hood :rolleyes:
Love what? How dare you love
I'll steal your shoes and replace them with gloves
Run away with the clouds and hide in a bush
Sleeping in a slaughter house hoping to not cause a fuss
I must cause a fuss, I'm far too loud
I'm running on zero, but dang I'm proud

The canoodling witch, ate a toe,
Then threw it in the direction of poe,
He picked it up and ate the nail,
Then accidentally stood on a poor little snail :lol:
EUGH crunch crunch. :lol:

Crunching snails stuck between yer teeth
Hold my hand and flick my beak
No you say? Go away then
I'll go the other way and befriend a hen
Don't laugh at me, you don't him at all
He's feathered yeah, but heck he's tall!
I know it's obscene, but see for yourself!
He's not even a chicken, but rather an elf. :O

The poor little snail, knows it was a mistake,
If you could, you would bake him a cake,
He is happy now, he is in a better place,
Far away from the shoes that he had to face.
Your chicken in an elf? oh my, what next?!
A wriggly worm turning into a vest?
It happened to me, one winter's morn
I got cold, so my new vest was born!

poor lil snail poor like thing
Ill bake a cake and then I'll sing
Im sorry poor creature I am I am
please take this cake made of spam
its not very lovely I know I dare say
but I heard snails love them anyways?
Made of spam? How many posts?
Would you like a lasagne or chicken pot roast?
No! Not my chicken! Leave him alone!
I'll break your toes and steal your gnomes.
I would like lasagne, if you don't mind
My knees are itchy, please be kind
I whispered a prayer to the lady next door
The proceeded to jump sideways to Bangalore

Bangalore I'd love to visit
But first I must touch this rare exhibit
It's full of items, both rare and new
It even includes instrument and poe stew. :rofl:
LMAO!!! :lol:

Oh lil miss, what will we do,
With you and all the runny stew?
I'll send you in a box to Dorset,
And if you complain, I'll give you a forfeit.
Ouch my head, how very dare you!
Get on the floor and roll in glue!
If you don't then I'm going to scream
Whip your ankles and make some cream
Take your coat and flamethrow it
Tell a banana to do the splits
Run into tomorrow and ask for today
Jump back again and use your spray.

I ran to tomorrow and asked for today
He told me that I was only allowed yesterday
So I kneed him in the eyelashes, where it hurt
He told me "okay, here have some dirt!"
so I took it and thanked him and went on my way
And proceeded to jump in the air with my spray
Jump you won't, I'll never allow it
I'll storm a parade then have a hissy fit
Run on a golf course flailing my arms
Using my eyes for the worlds alarms
Here we are again and I'm making no sense
Take off your elbows and scrub the fence
If you say no I'll slap you silly
Take your eye and call it Billy
Bend over backwards and do the hippy shake
Whilst you're in my garden replacing my rake.
LOL Wt? haha

this is too much for my noggin to process
we are all gifted with rhyme none the less
I love to take phrases and words so they turn
but the more I create them the more I can learn!
I love to rhyme, it's my favourite thing
Even more than a llama's tin
I'll ski over slopes made of red rust
And join in harmony so the vicar must
See me sing and invite me to tea
So we can all be a happy family :D
It's not too difficult, just so you know
We're all a little mental, including you poe!
Hey it's all good, at least we're not alone
Take it out on my pizza, your ear and phone
Walk on the walls and flick some peas
Rattle the cage and jingle car keys
Should I shut up now? It's become too much
My heads gonna explode but the exhibit Ima still touch

Omg :rofl:

I aint crazy Im just drawn that way
and I will say it the live long day
pizza suffices to very very much
the camels eye I love to touch
but now I can say it finally outright
Merry Christmas to all and to all
a good FRIGHT!!!!!
Camels eye omg ROFLMFAO.

Wow you go and touch that eye
I'm sure it loves it and will never die
It's bouncing away down the road
Covered in spinach and smooching a toad
Cover your eyes, it's a scene you musn't see!
I will jog the opposite way and nibble a flea
See how he likes it and back hand him
Blow up a balloon using a pin

You guys really do make me laugh,
You are funnier than any elephant or giraffe,
I can't imagine not seeing your names,
Upon this forum, it would be a great shame!
Fine you say but I know better
Your eyebrows told me you like dating leather
That's a sin and you should know it
Grab that leather and whack a poet
No more moles, oh dear oh no...
Take them out and hide them in snow