The 'Make A Random Poem About The Member Above' Thread!

Good afternoon, lil miss,
Are you eating a packet of ready salted crisps?
I am drinking a hot cup of tea,
Would you like some biscuits and come join me?
Now I wouldn't, how about that?
Gimme your biscuits and tea in a hat
Drop all your weapons, your eyebrows too
Or I'm gonna through a turkey at you.
Throw a turkey? Now that's not nice!
But I will forgive you if you throw some rice
Can I join you both for some tea?
Or do you not want to be with me? :(
:eek: Expressions, stop those confessions,
Of course you can have some tea,
Unless you actually don't want to be with me?
Bring me some chocolates, and some cherries too,
Then we can have a feast full of naughty food :D
Naughty food, what the hell?
They dance naked like nymphodells? :)huh: )
I cannot look, I must not see
Oh no!
These foods got a hold on me. :eek:
Run away, oh will you now?
Slap that donkey, milk that sow!
Close the curtains and jump on the floor
Put the radiator on and lock the door
Roll around and flap your arms
Have I lost my mind? My wit? My charms?

I honestly don't even know what that was about. I just typed. I am SANE. :rofl:
A what? :rofl:

A square dance you say, how mighty it sounds
If you flap your arms I'll dive in the ground
Drink with the worms, sleep with the flowers
Wear a pair of socks and meet Austin Powers
Run around the world and jog with you too
Hurdle over a fence then split into two


lil miss, I promise I won't diss,
As I love your pure, crazy, randomness.
One thing I have to say is,
Please don't ever go away,
Or I will turn into a yellow bouncy ball,
And bounce till I have found you, you jewel :lol:
*Snort* :rofl:

instrument of nature, you make me giggle too
I have to go away now and tend to my soup
You can come along and we'll do it together
Sing a song of six pence while we slap the weather
Put on your groove and wind back the clocks
Push away the furniture and tickle a horses hocks
I am snorting my hind end off
I can't take no more, I have wet socks
my tears from laughter have seeped through
to every crack and crevice too :rofl:

You funny little runny goose,
Who enjoys a good ol' tickle,
Please make sure you clean your teeth,
So we can giggle all night, you sickle... cell :unsure:
HUH LOL! Omg you nutters! :rofl:

Ya'll are nuts, it's clear to see
But it's good cos I know we lack sanity
That's a good thing right? Oh who cares
Scribble on the walls and soak your chest hairs

lil miss will mind her soup loopity loop
and we shall remain quite insane
who is the one who can we blame?
all I know is this is jolly good fun
jumps over the rainbow and kiss the sun!

Poe, is not at all slow,
When it comes to the rhythm and flow,
Of the poem he creates, when he bakes,
A loaf of bread, beside the bed. :lol:
Kiss the sun? ouch my lips?
Close your eyes and touch your hips
BBQ'd lips for all of you
On the house, in the news
On the couch, the hairbrush too
If I'm insane then so are you?
Instrument, that was very good :D
I have married a plank of wood
He says I'm boring, but I disagree
For he hasn't said a word to me!!
Expressions, I am eating your shoe,
How will you tell me off, with your crew?
I also ate one of your hairs,
Down to the scalp, are you scared? :lol:

WTF am I on about :toofunny:
Planks of wood, oh deary me
I heard they're great but can be mean
They're helpless romantics and keep you warm
Just set him on fire and the bees shall swarm.
Oh instrument, give it back :(
I only have one, now I do lack
A pair of shoes, for my toes
they are shivering, like my nose

Don't be scared, for I am sane,
Even though, I cook with a cane,
While I'm hanging upside on a plane,
Singing the National Anthem when I land in Spain.
Expressions of Passions, I'm creating a shoe,
Made out of banana skins, especially for you :D
Oh my, that's kind! But won't I slip?
For banana skins do make thee trip
But thank you anyway, have some pie
It's make from particles of a pig sty :D
This is the best thread in forum history. :rofl:

Since we're speaking of chefs and canes
Perhaps we can cook some paper planes
Light that fire, make it hot
Turn around three times upon the spot
Click your fingers and flick your hair
Do the most undaring dare
Run away and then come back
And you shall have a FINE ass snack!