The 'Make A Random Poem About The Member Above' Thread!

Let us all contrive of these various odd events
how we all went quite crazy so crazy we went
we spoke of clouds filled with untimely things
of ships masts provoking and mimed themes
of them coming to get us and take us away
we all had fun laughing and like kids at play
We dont want it to end but sometimes it can
so keep your happiness and dont be sad
Wise words you say, I've had such fun
I never want it to end, but I have a bun
So I'll eat that instead, to keep me happy
I don't want a crocodile, they're too snappy :(
Funny you should mention that, for I once dated a squid
He promised me flowers if I'd give him a quid,
So I quid I did give and what did he do to me?
Lets just say those arms got way too clingy!

Yes I know things must end, and that I wish not
For I've never laughed like this and just forgot...
All my troubles that wear me down
But all you guys turned a frown upside down! :)
makes me think of something akin to a grin
when we laugh and have fun with our friends
love is the answer and laughter is the key
to make us feel happier and fill us with glee

sheesh we should all get jobs writing greeting
card messages? :lol:
I've come to believe we are all quite the poet
yet obviously, we did not know it
seriously though, we should make a book
and publish it, that would be off the hook!

haha poe i was thinking along the same lines as you!
You two are so funny, glad I've met you both
Let us traverse to the garden where we can milk a goat?
Don't leave! Please no! :(
I want you to stay
I've had so much fun, can't we freeze today?
Or there's still tomorrow, but will you bother to call?
Or will you be too busy singing Off The Wall?
i am still here, never fear!!
but tomorrow i've scheduled in a meeting with a deer
but i may pop on for an hour or 9
make than 10 cos this board is so fine!
:rofl: That was great!!!

Fine oh yes, but marvelous I'd say!
So much laughter on here, it's a wonder I don't pay!
But then again, life is free?
Like a good cup of tea?
Uh oh, more wee!

:rofl: Idk.
life is free, but then again not
cos even these days you have to pay to plot!
a plotty plot, oh yes indeed
but laughter is free, so now i'm pleased :D
Oh God no, not the plots you just said!
How many times have I told you to beat the shed?
The thing needs a lesson
Many you do too
Or perhaps just frolic on the seat of a loo?
you take the good, you take the bad
you take them both and then you have
the random thread
Where lil miss beats a shed

(sung to the facts of life
which is in my head)

Ape, dear Ape do you taste of a grape?
If I lick will you beat me with your cape?
That depends upon where you lick

:eek: whomever typed that ^ must be sick
It wasn't me who wrote that there
it must have been somebodies dare
Would it hurt if I would beat you
With a cape and then mistreat you?
No it isn't in my nature
nor any apelike creature
to beat you or mistreat you
with a cape that tastes of grape

So in answer to your quest
to lick
I'll have to answer no
unless you really want, I'll let you lick my great big TOE

What's all this talk of toe licking I see?
Ape behave and get back in your tree
lil miss mj isn't that thought rather scary?
After all, she's an Ape her toe will be hairy
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ROFL :rofl:!!!!!

Hairy toes, oh no no no!
You'll never see me squat to lick her toe,
I'd rather die a thousand deaths
Then inhale her hairy toenail breath?

:rofl: I don't know.
Toenail breath oh my!
that's just nasty, worse than beef pie
You'll just have to tell her NO
Coz the hair on her toe looks like a fro
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A fro? what's this, my toes aren't hairy!
I'll have you know I shaved them
it took me all day long and now
they really aren't so scary.
So lick away and tell me
is the flavour to your delight?
make sure to get between them
now that my toes don't bring a fright.
Cause that's where all the jam is
and we all know this is true
that jam is full of sweetness
specially grape flavoured for you.

uh...yeah...this wasn't me...again. Someone else typing I'd imagine.
You've shaved your toe hair
why didn't you let it grow?
Be proud of it long and let it show
Put it in bunches with ribbons and a bow
with toes that hairy you won't get cold in the snow
How can the snow be cold?
It told me it's not!
To prove it's point it let me test that it's hot
I burned my finger and yelped really loud
Then what befell me? A PISSING CLOUD. :eek:
lil miss, what can i say?
you smell of pee
please i am begging you
get away from me!
I am just kidding
stay right here!
cos i can see
that the clouds have cleared :D
EOP looks like it's just you and I
Everyone's ran, afraid they would die
Our randomness worried them so they burst into flame
Never to see us mix words up again
I need this thread to cheer me up right now!
I have to ask, do you like the eyelids of cows?
If you say no, I'll belly bounce you
And give you a Christmas present full of glue.