The 'Make A Random Poem About The Member Above' Thread!

you do make me laugh
i'll tell you that
but i also believe
you like to go quack!
but don't we all?
i often say
now lets tell mr fingers
not to go away :lol:
LOL at Mr Fingers

Expressions of Passion is funny too
turning funny phrases is what she do
This proves to be fun for one and for all
when we post in this section we all have a ball! :lol:
haha good one :D

Poe I agree, this section rocks
But only when I'm wearing wooly socks
I kid, I joke, it's always a blast!!
With members like you, the fun will last :D
You make me laugh and smile till it aches
and then into an oven I jump to bake!
Where salad fingers couldn't reach, bless his soul
So I reached in for him and invited Beyonce Knowles

I'm so rubbish at this. :rofl:
lil miss please stop
I am laughing so hard!
You are not rubbish
You silly piece of lard
Beyonce and Fingers?
WOW! What a combo!
They should get married
And build a condo :lol:
I tink we should be
A group of MC's
Cos da ones out dere
Don't give a care
'bout Kettles and spoons
Let's float in a balloon
And bring Fingers as well
Cos he iz so swell :blush:

Oh I quite agree on the Salad dude man
he has quite long fingers on his hands
but all in all he does mean well even if
he comes across as not being well
mentally that is to a certain degree
but hes got fans in you and and in me :lol:
Include me too, I love that man!
Or sandwich, salad... watering can?
Whatever he is he certainly rocks
and makes me laugh so much it dirties my socks.
Lol you say? What's so funny :angry:
Scrub your ankles and make it sunny!
Don't you worry, I'm in a weird zone
Full of daisies and talking bones :lol:
rofl!!!!!!!!!! claps now that was creative! go on!

yeah Im laughing cuz youre a funny sort
sometimes we laugh so hard we snort
we speak of odd things of bones and dust
and Salad fingers kettles are made of rust

Passions is your real name expressions?
Do you like doing hamster impressions?
Squeak squeak click click
Give a dog a tick tick
Oh no, now it has ticks too!
I thought fleas would be enough just for me and you!
But the dog got jealous and rapped you on the head
Giving you ankle bracelets and stealing your bed. :eek:
hahaha! very good Poe, and lil miss :D And no my name isn't Expressions LMFAO

I often snort too when having a giggle!
But to my surprise I hear a fiddle
It's playing a tune quite to my taste
Now I'm gone off topic and my post is a waste :lol:

post haste should you get back to the norm
and repeat those lines to make them reform
joining in now one and all can be grand
so fiddle dee dee and strike up the band! :lol:
fiddle dee dee :rofl: love it!!

This is a favourite thread of mine
Where members can release their creativity divine
Does that make sense? I don't even care!
Cos poe and lil miss are silly, so beware :lol:

Beware of what, how dare yee say! :angry:
Now Ima go punch a random display
Of fireworks that aren't going boom
So I'll go and light one in my bedroom?
You lot are nuts, its clear to see
not in a mean way its funny to me
i'm laughing so hard and slapping my knee
but all this laughter is making me need to pee

Everyone here seems to have a quick wit
I'm so impressed that I may take a trip
To saturns rings and watch from afar
Cos you guys are killing me, yes you are!! :lol:

go to the galaxy you love more than most
dont sit close to the sun you will be toast
Saturns ok though it has many rings
but Im just saying its one of those things
that go bump in the night when you sleep
so go out to space for your sanity to keep :huh:
Dya want some now or want some never?
If you give me cheek I'll give you leather
But that will be good for the deer shall call
Asking you if you want one or all
For then santa can have the others
And then rename Rudolph rudders.
It was too late there was no towel in sight
but I must add I don't wet my bed at night
Only sometimes when laughing some dribbles through
stop being so funny, look what you made me do! :no:

:lol: :huh:

TMI byeeeeeeeee :toofunny:

and I didnt really :eek: :lol:

let's fly to the moon, I hear it's nice?
Everyone is friendly, and you get free rice!!
I'm trying to keep sane, it's hard here on Earth
I think I've been mental ever since birth!

LOL! omg!

we shant stop the funning we just cant!
we love to laugh and joke and yes rant
so sorry we caused a dribbling today
now dont laugh so hard it causes dismay :lol:
*Sits here bobbing from laughing* :rofl:

Put a sock up there to stop that leak!
How dare you suggest we enjoy the reek
Of your dribbling urine from laughing so hard
Maybe wee in a bucket and tip it in the yard?
Then EOP will use your wee
To fluff her clouds and enjoy some tea.
How dare you suggest that my pee is stinky
i'll sqeeze on your hand and bend back your pinky
stand on your head and jump up and down
then paint your face so you look like a clown :tease: