The 'Make A Random Poem About The Member Above' Thread!


you guys are so clever, i'm dying inside
and no lil miss keep your clouds to one side
because i have my own, i don't need yours
i am going to rip open a window with my claws :lol:

oh dear
a cloud full of urine is sometimes a shame
for clouds filled with it over powers the rain
I will not walk out on such a solemn day
Ill wait for the pee clouds to all go away!
O.M.G pee clouds hahahaahhaahahahaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!

that's it lmao you've killed me!

oh no, oh look, i think i'm gone
i'm laughing so much it must be wrong!!
the imagery i have of peeing clouds
is too much to bear, i'm laughing so loud!!

Yellow clouds you say? What I sight I must see!
When I can't go the loo, I will look up with glee
Knowing the body's unwanted hang high up above
Push a dog off a cliff if you'll give him a shove?
Oh my, holy___
you've been at this a bit
filled the pages lots more
even peed on the floor
and mopped it with clouds?
Time for you all to take a bow
for your good work, not for you to go
Then we all make snow angels
in the pure white (or yellow) snow
LOL Ape!

I cannot fathom these clouds full of pee
something is quite unusual now to me
that this thing has started a crazy trend
of something that might not have end?

this is sort of Seuss like? :lol:
yellow snow lmaoooo!

haha yeah it is kinda like Seuss!

Oh my, look at the time! I've left all my work
Til far too late, I am a jerk
But it's fine cos it's raining a yellow shade
And i'm indoors, but they're not, the shame :p
I feel all embarrassed that my peeing caused this thing
you all talking about it is making my ears ring
I shouldn't have shared such personal info with you
I should have just left my seat and gone to the loo
LOL yall crazy I love it!

Once upon a crazy time I like to........
bust a silly rhyme and while away....
the live long hour making jokes
that are filled with laughing power
Speaking of clouds full of pee
something odd occurred to me!
Homer Simpson is yellow, no?
The evidence suggests he was peed on by a yoyo.
Goodness gracious I'm terrible at rhymes
But great with Poe at arguing with mimes.

YOu are all SOOOO funny
wish I could stay to hear more
even if it is runny
hope you mop up the floor
while I'm away and not after
from filling everyone with wild laughter
that brings about incontinences
from running on sentenences
and rhymes that are absurd
and even made up wurds.
Homer :rofl:

Poe did you mean mines, or maybe I'm wrong?
I wouldn't like to tread on one, I would be gone :eek:
Either way, i need a break
I am going to the garden to use my rake :lol:
A rake, what the hell?
Why not ring a bell?
This hurts my pride you would use a rake
That garden utensil is a big fat fake!
I know this so because it cheated on me
With the lawnmower whilst I had a cuppa tea.
Yes ...never step on a land mime you wont hear them go off :lol:

LMAO haha!!! too funny. :rofl:

I skipped along the lane, full of glee
Then what did I see, a tree full of me!
Me? you say. I know it sounds odd
But I replicated myself and called myself Todd.
Weasels in court!
I bet they do squeal
And run away with the wheels from the bat mobile
Batman won't be happy
And will seek revenge!
He'll come after your toes
With a Mercedes Benz! :eek:
Your rake cheated on you?
now thats got to be hard
with the lawnmower you say?
what action was happening in your back yard :eek:
LOL wt? haha

now Im reminded of Carroll and not Seuss
words have all gone crazy out on the loose
we pick out a subject and adhere to it
and then fall over in giggles and fits
Carroll you say, do you speak of Lewis?
I know what you mean, but no one beats Seuss(is :lol: :huh: )
I am sure to pass my assessment tomorrow
Because i will think of this thread and forget my sorrows :lol:
*Snooooooooooooooorts and chokes on her chinese* :rofl:

Now here's the thing, cos it worries me you see
I wonder what the asylum would think of you and me?
We could kick them in the shins and run really fast!
But the ship would trip us over with it's mast.
I know what you speak of to some degree
one of us here should be a decoy you see?
so when they come get us and take us away
we will out fox those people and run away
the ship is no trouble for I shall reinvent
an untrippable mast good in any event
then we can all sail on it and go far beyond
this place that we are stuck in to go to hong kong :lol: um ok then
i will be decoy, if no one objects
because i have knowledge that they all accept
that may be a bad thing, i sure do agree
because i am so clumsy and will make us been seen
but it's okay cos poe has invented that mast
and we are off to hong kong, very fast!!
I wouldn't mind an asylum like this is
I think it must be full of genuises
and that would make me happy to be
in a place like that filled with you's and with me
I am trying so hard to leave this place filled with silly
But I can't go, you see, it's stuck me here, really
No matter how hard I try
I just can't leave
It's all really funny
but I'm starting to grieve
as I really must go
and shovel the snow
or it will freeze to my kneez
so I can't even grow.
Hong Kong, goodness me I am overjoyed!
But I have to object to your little decoy
You'll scare me to death and no longer grow trees
How then will we watch the clouds full of pee?
It's over, I'm done. Take me away!
I can't bear it no more, I have to say
I have surely turned mental, but haven't we all?

Mental you say? What makes you think that?!
Whilst I answered your question a goose I spat at
And then I decided to give up myself
I've laughed so hard I remember nothing else!
I followed a squid home one night
It looked at me and I got a fright
I mean no harm! i wanted to say
but nothing came out, cos he ran away :lol: