The 'Make A Random Poem About The Member Above' Thread!

instrument of nature is an instrument of knitting as well, which is swell until she starts her spitting, then she must be put in time out to resume her knitting, no veggies for the instrument til she learns how to control her excrement.
Friend, dear friend
You drive me around the bend
No, not really just kidding
The three legged donkey will do my bidding
And poor ketchup on your house
Cabbage in your bed
Next time you open your eyes
You'll have no head. :eek:
lil miss inflicts harsh punishment but for what crime?
perhaps more shall reveal itself through rhyme
tis seems an unwarranted sting
friend shall consider it no further
picks up her head and ties it back on with some string
Friend had lost her head and now its reattached
she can lock herself away behind the door thats latched
I for one can understand about losing ones head
but right now I feel sick and blah and need to go to bed
poor poefiend is feeling rather ill
perhaps the sleep will cure him
if he can stay nice and still
in the morning he will feel more well
and forget whatever it was he ate
that made his tummy ache.
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Friend and her dear advice
I find it oh so very nice
I'll scold my donkey and slap him silly
Change his name and call him Billy
Trot he will to return your head
And leave it upon your cabbage patched bed!
lil miss i wish you ate my bread
because the magic fairy said
she wants you to become a queen
so please take it, but don't be green :puke:

errr yeah.
LOL wtf?

EOP you do make me wonder
What'd it be like to hit people with thunder
Oh no, that's Zuess?
Or a bottle of boots?
Huh? What? This makes no sense
I shall retire and become a fence.
^ OMG LMAO, I LOLED LOL!!!! :toofunny:

lil miss mj, I hope and pray,
That one day, you will say say say,
What the weather will be like,
When you have a little tyke,
And climb inside a bush,
Then float to the.... :unsure:
Spike? :rofl:

Instrument, you do implement
Such colors into my mind
Which make the meat of my thoughts grind :)huh: )
But that's all cool, that's OK
I shall now go dive into a pile of hay.
Instrument of nature
Will you fold me some paper?
No, I won't ask, I demand it of you
Or cut off your feet and boil them in stew.
Hmm one pair of feet in ones stew
Doesn't quite fit, so I think I'll add you!
Take off your shoes but keep your socks on
They add to the flavor and make it da bomb!
Hell no you won't
Get back here you!
I'll chop off them tootsies and make a meal outta you!
If you disagree I'll shout and then lose my head
But I'm guessing I'll grow a new one instead?

what you said grow a new head?
why that is outrageously insane
but then again I like it just the same
things of this nature tickle my fancy
now Ive no feet how will dancy? :lol:
Dancy? :rofl:

Dance with your heart and not with your feet
Pull it out your chest and to do the one two three!
It'll have great rhythm
Great timing too
I bet when it throbs it'll make a gold mound for you? :lol:
we've been together
for such a long time, my feet, my feet and meeee
don't care whether, this poem is bad
cos my feet, my feet, thrill thee :rofl:
Your feet are no more
They went into the stew
your toes were yummy
I tasted a few :huh:

Well your feet for one shall make great food for me
Your heart however is dancing with glee
Turn on your T.V and watch him shake it
While your feet smell good while I'm tryna bake it

:lol: Idk
Good night, lil miss
Please don't diss, or show me your fist.
I'm going to bed, with my cuddly ted...dy bear :lol:
See you on here tomorrow, with your.. moped? :unsure:
night night instrument, do sleep well
dream of me but do not tell!
my head hurts but it's all good
cos I am eating a plank of wood

Moped says you, well that's a possibility!
Though it seems likely I'd be a liability
I'd ride that scooter and crash through a wall
Suddenly appearing in The Great Hall
Voldemort's there, Harry is too
Maybe we can share some feet flavoured stew? :lol:
The stew was too good I ate it all up
not from a plate but in my tea cup
Toes were a floating and even some hairs
it's made me all hyper
I wanna dance in my flares


Dancing in flares, a sight for sore eyes
I want to dance too but with greasy thin fries
I can picture so clearly us bopping away
Forgetting life and doing the mambo sway

:rofl: Idk