The 'Make A Random Poem About The Member Above' Thread!


The cane I use is diamond encrusted,
Even the elves told me that it is very trusted,
Please keep this secret to yourself,
But I was told by the Colonel Elf,
That most Christmasses, Santa forgets his hat,
And leaves it hanging by my brother's tie rack :mellow:

A shakey fist, that doesn't sound good
Jump on a plate and wear a hood
Run with no legs and speak with no voice
Throw up your hands, water flowers and rejoice!

Such a naughty Santa dont do that
get the hence and fetch they hat
dont you know its cold out there
you have to travel everywhere!
P.S. dont forget my surprise gift! ty! :lol:
^ LMAO surprise gift :lol:

Now now Poe, he knows what you would like,
He found your wish list, at the top of the pile,
Don't forget to leave out the mince pies,
Or Santa will go back to the North Pole and cry :lol:
His mothers tie rack :rofl:

Tie racks you say, that sounds quite scary
I have to ask, is your mother hairy?
You mentioned santa, he sounds quite cool
Well he must be coming he lives in drool
Oops! Forget that, it wasn't me but the toad
Break your ankles and walk down the road
Lift up your shirt and wiggle your belly
Turn up the music and shake yo jelly
If you don't, I must confess
That my demand was a great big mess
^ Aww!

Santa is generous when it comes to giving gifts,
He would never turn to you with a scary clenched fist,
As long as you have been behaving this year,
He will not give you coal, but will give you a big cheer :D
Santa is needy, he ate my legs
Took my cat and clothes line pegs
I shouted obscenities and ran after him
But got stopped by the police with lil kim
She two stepped with me then went away
While the policemen dived into a stack of hay
I stood there blinking, not wanting to see
But then a giant hamburger fell upon me
A giant hamburger? :rofl:

I have some advice if you want to be free
of that giant hamburger, come follow me!
Oh you can't move? You're trapped under there?
Then eat up that burger like a grizzly bear :huh:
a Giant Hamburger and greedy Santa you say?
I dont think the REAL SANTA be actin that way
He must of been bogus and a fraud by far
I would call the police to put him in their car!
Put him in the car, how can we do that?
He's so bleedin' greedy, red and fat!
He'll eat the policemen, the car possibly too
He'll turn off the lights and then munch on you
What we must do, is catch him unawares
Pluck off his eyebrows and rip off his flares
Exposing his underwear, oh my GOD!
We shall say no more... just smile and nod....
lil miss this is random, but I don't care
I need to tell you something, please beware
You are the funniest person I know
So please eat a worm and throw your doe

a dear, a female dear :lol:
Lets, we must, so huddle close
Listen closely, closer than close
We shall slap him silly and rent out a van
to devise a plan for plotting a plan
I'm not crazy, don't look at me that way
I'll drink your watch and fart on a sleigh
This is too much... my lungs will explode
If I laugh anymore, I'll lose my lymph nodes.

I climbed the hill, to mount the sleigh,
Then a horse ran towards me, with a mouth full of hay,
I turned around, to protect myself,
Then the horse did a cartwheel, and transformed into an elf :eek:

Cartwheeling horses, goodness me!
What's the world coming to? A cup of knee?
It tastes rather boney, but bendy too
I'll have you know I like to eat shoes
Now you know, go forth and command
A general who gave you a back hand
What the hell? I make no sense
You're having an affair with my garden fence?! :eek:
^ That's funny, cos that happened to me!
Well it wasn't my shoe, just my elbows, phew!
I was a bit sad, but I forgive him
Cos I have my knees, and my friend called Tim :)
Right that's it, Ima tell the truth
You wriggle your ears and drink orange juice
That's a sin, how dare you try it
I'll take off your hair and proceed to fry it
Crispy it is, but awful it tastes
I'll go to my garden and converse with my rake
But first I must say, for it must be said
I like eggs. Eggs in bed.
^ :rofl:

I've chased away many a moose
by shaking my rake and letting it loose
It often shimmies across the lawn
And that's enough to make them forlorn!

Don't tell anyone, but once I was a moose,
A spell was cast on me, and then I turned into juice,
The other day I was told the real story,
But I won't tell you in detail, it's pretty ugly and gory...
Shimmeing rakes, now I must see that!
Take off your clothes and wee in your hat
If you run on a golf ball, I'll clap my hands
Marry a fisherman and lick plastic bands
Now I gotta say this, for this needs to be said
I do enjoy eggs, but not in my bed!
I was lying you see, but lying is bad
I'm scolding myself by saying I'm rad.
How dare thee lie about those poor eggs!
I bet they feel hurt, you'll have to beg
for their forgiveness which they may not grant
But I'm sure they will, be determined like my aunt!
Determined is she, to see it go through
I'll wipe down your windows if you date Hugh
... Grant? No way, he's too good an actor
Run down the road with your big red tractor
I've got no eyes, how can I see?
I'm chuckling here with so much glee
You're making me laugh and I'm blinking back tears
You make me forget my worries and fears
But wait, how can I cry with no eyes?
I can't, damn them. DAMN THE PIES.
