The Calm Before the Storm Discussion

honestly im kind of glad it's calm and quiet.....the whole calm b4 the storm mentality onlybrings back negative memories for me....calm, then berlin, then a doc. then his bday partythen tadaaaaaaaaaa 2 yrs of b.s.

he's laying low, he couldbe laying down for all i care, i just want the influx of mj news and updates, which are bound to come when promotion and things get underway, to be met w/ positivity by all.....
I'm just happy that I feel like I understand what's going on...

If not, I would go crazy..

But 2 years working on an album is not that long at all..

Especially when you incude the fact that Michael has been obviously planning things AROUND the album as well..

I mean don't forget that they started filming MOONWALKER before the album was fully complete..

He works on the projects also durring the creation of the album.. Sometimes actual filming, sometimes simply planning and plotting..

All this is a part of the process..

knowing that keeps me calm.. Yes I CANNOT WAIT.. but I can.. cuz wut else em I gonna do? lol!
LJ what are you talking about :giggle:

and put on your HAT young lady :cute:
OMG KOPV ur making me more excited than i already was! LOL

Stop it stop it stop it LMAO
Michael loves whipping up new surprises in the studio for us. Half of the fun IS the suspense before...

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LJ what are you talking about :giggle:

and put on your HAT young lady :cute:

Wha? :rolleyes:

oh gosh our smilies have changed :p

ChiChi which hat? I don't have Prac classes today :D

ooooh my mod badge fell off :ph34r:

if anyone finds it can you please return it to me :) I'll love you long time :girl_haha:
There !!

I dont care how angry that lil' pill is, keep your hat on :chichi:
here I was thinking you meant my hat for outside whilst I teach class :rofl:

and now where has my personal comment under my name gone? :eek:

I'mma sick my angry lil pill onto you :assassin:

Now you'll feel the storm :p
Michael is always mysterouswhen he is making a album or what ever it is he is up to. I to wish we would hear from him but i well know we won,t till he wants to, this is just michael and i,m sure he is indeed doing something huge . so i,m just waiting to see what happens. we do need to give him this time.
Honestly I think he is too old to release a new album! Yes Madonna should just stop too, 50 is when music icons should retire before they loose their status. You will never be able to tour, put the amount of effort and time, performances as you would in your 20's, 30's and even 40's. Leave on top I say, continue to just be a father Michael and make public appearances cause of your iconic, most famous status but bring out a new album? I'm not really sure, I don't really think that's a good idea...
Honestly I think he is too old to release a new album! Yes Madonna should just stop too, 50 is when music icons should retire before they loose their status. You will never be able to tour, put the amount of effort and time, performances as you would in your 20's, 30's and even 40's. Leave on top I say, continue to just be a father Michael and make public appearances cause of your iconic, most famous status but bring out a new album? I'm not really sure, I don't really think that's a good idea...

it depends on what happens with the album. whether its proper release like the old days with full effort. you also talk like 50 is old. at the end of the day you are only deemed as good as your last game. and i dont want mjs legacy to end as it is now.remembered for whats happened over the last 10 years and glories from 15 20 years ago are deemed as that (in the past)
Tink I think youve just insulted any 50 year old thats on this board lol Why should it be that 50 year old should just retire because they can't move as fast as they used to? On August 29th is MJ just gonna all of a sudden forget how to make great music and put on a great show? Nope. MJ is not at the point where he needs a walker sooo....

And from where I'm sitting Madonna is doing just fine being 50 years old and still making hits.
MJ's legacy is safe, even if he never release another record. Many artists today are queing up to go and work with him, only to be able to say that they worked with him. His influence is everywhere. It will never die. That is the legacy he will be leaving behind. Even MTV was talking about it. One more chance would be great, but he doesn't have to. I believe he will though.
Michael Is'nt getting any younger we all know that, But I think there are certain levels of projects that you can do that relate to many things, ie age popularity and so on, so I don't think it should be just a matter of him retiring what concerns me is Mike bitting of more than he can chew he of course needs to realise he is not of the age and popularity he once was musically if he doesnt then he may not succeed in the bigger world with what ever projects he is going to deliver,

Given MJ is back in the studio its plainly obvious he does not want to retire I mean he gets such a buzz out of it why would he, but as long as he realises a step or two down the ladder is needed then I think MJ will be safe.
Honestly I think he is too old to release a new album! Yes Madonna should just stop too, 50 is when music icons should retire before they loose their status. You will never be able to tour, put the amount of effort and time, performances as you would in your 20's, 30's and even 40's. Leave on top I say, continue to just be a father Michael and make public appearances cause of your iconic, most famous status but bring out a new album? I'm not really sure, I don't really think that's a good idea...

...I guess James Brown, the Rolling Stones, Patti Labelle, Diana Ross, Tina Turner (she's 68 and still performing--um, WOW), Morris Day, Prince (almost), Natalie Cole, Ronald Isley, B.B. King, and countless others (50 +) should have just laid down and DIED as soon as they hit 50!


And you're right--he is a great father and should continue focusing on that...but that doesn't mean his passion is dead, and that he should just quit. That's ridiculous. I swear, music is like one of the few jobs that are just, timeless. You can't be a construction worker, a supermodel, or a warehouse laborer when you're 75, but you sure can still produce albums (and even dance lol).

Don't underestimate Mike! Can you honestly look at his career thus far, and do that?
Honestly I think he is too old to release a new album! Yes Madonna should just stop too, 50 is when music icons should retire before they loose their status. You will never be able to tour, put the amount of effort and time, performances as you would in your 20's, 30's and even 40's. Leave on top I say, continue to just be a father Michael and make public appearances cause of your iconic, most famous status but bring out a new album? I'm not really sure, I don't really think that's a good idea...

How are you "too old" to release an album? Carly Simon is in her 60's and she has a new CD coming out very soon. Tommorrow, Madonna is releasing her 11th solo CD and she will be 50 in August. Age has nothing to do with it. If anything, age makes you more aware and mature. It is a blessing, in a sense, that older people are showing younger people, like myself, and many people on here, that getting older can be truly something to look forward to. Back in the day, people view 40 and 50 as the end of a career or an end to an era. No anymore. I cannot stand Oprah but she is in her 50's and she is making more money than she did years ago. She should think of retirement in her age, but obviously, she is not.

As for touring, the Rolling Stones are so old that it is not even funny and they are still touring and still doing the damn thing. I can't see how age can stop their desire, or anyone's desire to tour, or explore. MJ is going to be a father forever and nothing will ever stop him from being one. MJ can do as many cds as he wants and still be a father that he wants to be. Michael's legacy have been secured way before you were even born so I would not even think or worrying about that.

Unlike many careers, you can be in your 70's and still do music. MJ is not going to become senile anytime soon. The man still has the desire to do what he needs to do.
Honestly I think he is too old to release a new album! Yes Madonna should just stop too, 50 is when music icons should retire before they loose their status. You will never be able to tour, put the amount of effort and time, performances as you would in your 20's, 30's and even 40's. Leave on top I say, continue to just be a father Michael and make public appearances cause of your iconic, most famous status but bring out a new album? I'm not really sure, I don't really think that's a good idea...
**Tink**, Michael is not going to allow that trial be the last thing people remember about him globally for years to come. He has too much pride for that, he's not going out like that, there's no benefit in doing it, and he's worked too hard over the years to let Sneddon's rampage define who he is, how he is and how his story is going to go.

Gotta look at the big picture here.

Michael is going to do fine. Just let him finish what he's working on and be prepared to buy your concert tickets.
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**Tink**, Michael is not going to allow that trial be the last thing people remember about him globally for years to come. He has too much pride for that, he's not going out like that, there's no benefit in doing it, and he's worked too hard over the years to let Sneddon's rampage define who he is, how he is and how his story is going to go.

Gotta look at the big picture here.

Michael is going to do fine. Just let him finish what he's working on and be prepared to buy your concert tickets.

THIS is my favorite post thus far. I agree so much, why the **** would anyone want to end a HUGE legacy by having a trial for molestation being the last thing anyone remembers from you. No, I'd rather have him be remembered for a huge comeback album, and (possibly) a tour. That'd be a great way to end a legacy, or not to actually end it, but to start a new era for himself. Imagine him blowing up the world with Michael Mania and having his CD go like 10x platinum, and then release like 3 more CDs that sell even more. Now that would be a great end to a legacy.
I wish this world would stop being such age racists. Do what you want to, your not too old or young.
There is not going to be any storm... fans need to get over it!
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There is not going to be any strom... fans need to get over it!
You're right, there's not going to be any strom. What is that anyway? :lol:

Come on now...stop being so negative. "Motivation" is Michael Jackson's middle to "Joseph."
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no storm ... we are part of the storm. We will create the storm that will surround his next project.
not funny

Yeah, I didn't expect you to find it funny, just as you should not expect your negativity to be needed. So now what?

And please don't try to convince me that negativity is a sign of maturity. It's not going to work.
Sales like Thriller, Bad and Dangerous are impossible. Even sales like Invincible would be a tremendous success given the years of bad publicity and the trend towards illegal file sharing.
Nothing is impossible for Michael Jackson. It's true that CD:s are not sold as much as used to but so what? People get their music via the internet now and even those numbers count (don't they?) as long as they're legaly downloaded. And bad publicity is still publicity. I remember how a midle-aged man said that he went and bought HIStory the day it came out and I don't know his usual taste in music but I bet MJ's albums didn't occupy his shelves.

I guess that I chose to wait because I still like surprises. I still like to know what MJ has in store for the fans and public. I still want to know people's reactions to what MJ will show us.

I remember the days of the hype of the Invincible CD (1999-2002) and I remember being a member of the KOP board when that board was meaniful. I remember the various "insiders" LTTW, sugar rose, Shawdowdancer, cartman, etc. (Yeah, I put them out there because I can. ) I remember the long threads all about the CD, how MJ was going to be promoted, and what songs were going to be on the CD. We all wanted so much news about it. ... Those times were exciting, it really was. However, I do not think we saw what was going to happen after it all died down. When the mess happened with Invincible, it was very disappointing. I was really hoping that something can happen. I remember when I was a member of the current version of the KOP board and this poster, who is a buddy of mines, believed that those insiders came on the boards to sabotage Invincible. (it was the poster's opinion.) When I look back at it, it kind of made sense. MJ wanted to keep things private and I do not think he knew until he was told that these people that were posting on the boards, were telling his fans secrets of the CD. We all know MJ loves his privacy so it must have hurted him when he found out about it. Also, those posters never surfaced again when the uncalled for trial happened. I assumed that they were fans of the man and been around the man. So, when the man was down, where were they? It all came into retrospect in the end. So, I support the silence and the fact there are no "insiders" and no news on the CD. I like the fact that unlike Rodney, Will is not talking to every single media person about the CD. If he does talk to the media, he knows that he can only say what he is suppose to say. With Rodney, he did not know when to shut up and you noticed, regardless of the rumors, that Rodney might not be working on the new CD. So, I like the quietness.

I also remember Michael mania. I think for each fan that have experineced that time, it is different for them. For me, it was the Bad and Dangerous eras. I remember a time when everyone, literally, were fans of the man. I remember a time when I did not feel "ashamed" of being a fan. I remember when I was in the 3rd grade back in 1992/1993 when this boy that I went to school with did his MJ moves in the talent show or talent assembly. (I cannot remember what they were called.) I remember when everyone had Moonwalker and when I was in high school how it seems that everyone had or seen Moonwalker in some point in their lives. I am glad that I remember that time and have experieneced it. I am sorry for the members who did not experinced that time. You guys could have experienced that time but the media was busy trashing him. So, that is not any of you guys fault. I hope you guys will when his new music comes out.
Oh me too. I love that feeling when you can just feel it. People talking 'bout MJ's songs.

I too remember tha wait at KOP board for Invincible. There has been none of that and that is probably the reason why I haven't really been that excited about new things. I'm not waiting insiders and news bits every week. I guess it is true that the insiders ruined things for Invincible. I would absolutely hate it if this new album were to leak. I hope Michael can keep it safe until the release date...or very close to it. Even Madonna's new album leaked like a week before the release.

I was one of the lucky ones who got to experience the Michael mania during the early 90's.
I remember a field trip we took with our class and on our way back to school we listened to Dangerous album on the bus. :D And even in 1997 History tour brought back the mania in Finland. I was in high school and the re was this very positive vibe going on about Michael. Some negative people too but mostly just a great feeling.
...I guess James Brown, the Rolling Stones, Patti Labelle, Diana Ross, Tina Turner (she's 68 and still performing--um, WOW), Morris Day, Prince (almost), Natalie Cole, Ronald Isley, B.B. King, and countless others (50 +) should have just laid down and DIED as soon as they hit 50!


And you're right--he is a great father and should continue focusing on that...but that doesn't mean his passion is dead, and that he should just quit. That's ridiculous. I swear, music is like one of the few jobs that are just, timeless. You can't be a construction worker, a supermodel, or a warehouse laborer when you're 75, but you sure can still produce albums (and even dance lol).

Don't underestimate Mike! Can you honestly look at his career thus far, and do that?

I love this post, you are so right.

Anyone who thinks MJ is too old needs to take a look around at all of the AMAZING performers out there, people who are really talented like...Tina Turner.
They can go on forever because the talent and passion they have is not limited to their age but it's embeded in their soul.

LOL to think that just because they're fifty their done is ludacris and simply an insult to their god-given talent.