The Calm Before the Storm Discussion

Well J5, I'm definitely gonna be excited whenever the new album drops, no doubt.
I'd be lying to you if I said I wouldn't be.
However, Michael's been doing the "suspense" act forever. And it's starting to get a little tired. I know, I know, MJ had a VERY tough stretch in between 2003-05, and we should all be grateful that he's even considering making a comeback with all he's been through, but c'mon.
There's no reason why we shouldn't have a title and release date by now. There's no way MJ's gonna be able to "surprise" us, because we've been anticipating this new album for almost a year. I dunno, everybody's different I guess. If he drops the album in February 2009, some fans are gonna be saying "Wow, didn't see it comin!", while others (like me) will be saying "Thanks Mike....what took you so long?"
Just my opinion.


Really? Cuz I would've given MJ a year or two or three to disappear off the face of the earth and recuperate. But nope, he's back in the studio. So I gather he should've taken a lot longer than he has. He probaby does have a release date and title...WE just don't know about it. That's the point. As will i am said, we don't know about it cuz Mj doesn't WANT US TO KNOW. He doesn't want us to know because not only does it leave things up for surprise but it limits the 'disappointment' u guys keep talking about, so if something doesn't pan out such as release dates (which happens in life) then there's nothing to be disappointed about cuz we didn't know prematurely.

And not EVERYONE is "anticipating" the album. Everyone besides the fans are WONDERING about MICHAEL JACKSON...because his name is floating around. To non-fans , they aren't sure if MJ is coming back or not, they wonder if a comeback would work for him....THAT'S the people who he's trying to shock.

And if everything about the album is a secret, then it'll be a surprise to us to.
Focusing on the the recent photo shoots, I personaly think this is MJ keeping us sweet giving us that little peice of him, I mean its obvious he has nothing else at the mo as he is still building it,

Maybe we could focus on the those as our peice of him until the album hits, but me personaly I'm not fussed when it lands I'm not worried at all about whether he will or will not cos this is definately going to happen.
Really? Cuz I would've given MJ a year or two or three to disappear off the face of the earth and recuperate. But nope, he's back in the studio. So I gather he should've taken a lot longer than he has. He probaby does have a release date and title...WE just don't know about it. That's the point. As will i am said, we don't know about it cuz Mj doesn't WANT US TO KNOW. He doesn't want us to know because not only does it leave things up for surprise but it limits the 'disappointment' u guys keep talking about, so if something doesn't pan out such as release dates (which happens in life) then there's nothing to be disappointed about cuz we didn't know prematurely.

And not EVERYONE is "anticipating" the album. Everyone besides the fans are WONDERING about MICHAEL JACKSON...because his name is floating around. To non-fans , they aren't sure if MJ is coming back or not, they wonder if a comeback would work for him....THAT'S the people who he's trying to shock.

And if everything about the album is a secret, then it'll be a surprise to us to.

you take words and use them like no other haha.
i agree with all u said above.
It is certainly quiet out there. But I'm not expecting any storm.

I do believe Michael has worked on new music since the trial. But I don't believe a new album will be coming any time soon. I think the best we can hope for are a few songs released, over the years - many, many years - to remind us that he still has it.

Sales like Thriller, Bad and Dangerous are impossible. Even sales like Invincible would be a tremendous success given the years of bad publicity and the trend towards illegal file sharing. Unless he's going to perform on stage - tours or a residency - where he can make serious money, there's no real point to releasing an album.

Perhaps the best thing is to expect nothing. I can't count the number of times we've expected something from Michael and then it turns out to be a disappointment (ie., Invincible being any good; a Tsunami charity single; a Katrina charity single; the WMAs; the Grammys; the "new" album).

Oh god--we have a resident of Gloomville, here today.

Maybe you don't understand the anticipation people have for a new Michael Jackson album--I mean, seriously. People would buy it out of shear curiosity. Even the idiots who say things like "pedophile, pedophile" (since you want to talk about bad publicity after the trial), know they're full of sh**, and would be one of the first people dancing to his new album.

Mike is everywhere--if you can't see it, I don't know what's wrong with you! T25, sobe commercials, ringtone commercials, a new video on youtube every week of someone doing the "Thriller" dance, tributes, photo shoots, awards show appearances, everyone's talking about him, every store I go into is playing his music...what more do you people want?!

I agree with most other people here...something is brewing! You see it everywhere!

I have faith, he'll give us some new music soon. He said it, I believe him.
MJ is taking foreveeeer. tbh im trying not to think of this new album too much, instead put my mind to other music and things.
can't count the number of times we've expected something from Michael and then it turns out to be a disappointment (ie., Invincible being any good; a Tsunami charity single; a Katrina charity single; the WMAs; the Grammys; the "new" album).

This is proof that if some of you fans feel that MJ is just not exciting to you anymore, then do not be a fan. It is as simple as that. There are reasons why the Katrina single did not happen. There are reasons why he did not come to the Grammys, etc. I mean, you are the one that set your hopes up, not MJ. Mike really do not give a damn. He did it all. he made his paper, he made history. He does not need to continue to entertain a lot of frickle ass people. MJ is not a music machine, he is a human being trying to live his life. So many people are so obsessed with everything that he does that if he made a judgement of error or "lied" to the fans, then some is wrong with him. Whatever. Mike should take as long as he wants. There are other entertainers that release music every two years. If you like that kind of speed, go and be a fan of those people.
This is proof that if some of you fans feel that MJ is just not exciting to you anymore, then do not be a fan. It is as simple as that. There are reasons why the Katrina single did not happen. There are reasons why he did not come to the Grammys, etc. I mean, you are the one that set your hopes up, not MJ. Mike really do not give a damn. He did it all. he made his paper, he made history. He does not need to continue to entertain a lot of frickle ass people. MJ is not a music machine, he is a human being trying to live his life. So many people are so obsessed with everything that he does that if he made a judgement of error or "lied" to the fans, then some is wrong with him. Whatever. Mike should take as long as he wants. There are other entertainers that release music every two years. If you like that kind of speed, go and be a fan of those people.

Perfectly said...! This whole 'why is nothing happening, why don't we know anything...wa wa wa' it's getting old people, just live your life, it'll come when it comes.
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Couldn't have said it better Bee! I am sick of the generalising. Some fans think everything is just as simple as ABC.
This is proof that if some of you fans feel that MJ is just not exciting to you anymore, then do not be a fan. It is as simple as that. There are reasons why the Katrina single did not happen. There are reasons why he did not come to the Grammys, etc. I mean, you are the one that set your hopes up, not MJ. Mike really do not give a damn. He did it all. he made his paper, he made history. He does not need to continue to entertain a lot of frickle ass people. MJ is not a music machine, he is a human being trying to live his life. So many people are so obsessed with everything that he does that if he made a judgement of error or "lied" to the fans, then some is wrong with him. Whatever. Mike should take as long as he wants. There are other entertainers that release music every two years. If you like that kind of speed, go and be a fan of those people.

I agree with you 100%.
i knew it was a bad idea to be honest in my reply to this topic :doh:

let me clarify my angst with waiting for Michael's next release. Ima try to make this as short and simple as possible but I ain't promising anything :chichi:

As far back as I can remember, someone in my life has adored, loved, idolized Michael Jackson. My Mother loved the Jackson 5 and i was introduced to their music early on. Then in the late 70's, there was this new kid that moved on the block. From the first time I met him, it was clear that he loved The Jacksons/Michael Jackson. We barely had introduced ourselves completely and he was asking, "Do you like The Jacksons ??" I told him that my Mom liked them and that she had taken me to a couple Jacksons concerts... "ISN'T MICHAEL JACKSON JUST THE GREATEST !!" he interrupted. "He is a good singer" I replied. That was the beginning of a life long friendship. He never really cared that I didn't have the same vigor for his idol, that he did. I grew to appreciate and even respect his love and admiration for Michael but I was never really a hardcore fan. Over the years, Michael proved to be a thorn in my side at times. Honestly, there were many times that I really despised Michael. The devotion he felt and displayed for Michael, was the cause of many jealous fits on my part. However, my love for my friend & his love for me always managed to win out. When all was said & done, I put up with his obsession & he forgave my jealous nature.

A fan merely by association, i was at countless concerts, standing outside hotels, at backstage doors and alleys, waiting for a glimpse of Michael. Stood with him in day before lines for new releases. Camped out days before tickets went on sale, to be first in line for concert seats. Listened to the same songs over and Over and OVER again throughout the years ... watched the same video tapes again and again. Listened to angry radio executives that were sick of him calling non stop and harrassing the dj's to play more Michael etc.

Through all this we built a life together. We started a family & he instilled his obsession in our kids. Ultimately giving me three more reasons to put up with Michael Jackson :rolleyes: because by the third kid, it was four against one, in the MJ fan department.

**Cut to Sept. 2001**

When 'u rock my world' was leaked, he was on top of the world because he had new Michael.

I heard about the MSG concert and knew that he had to be there. It was an event that simply could not be missed ... there was no other choice but to get tickets. That weekend was both magical and tragic. It was a fitting crescendo to the memories I have of him. I witnessed him standing next to his obesession. I saw the tears roll down his face as he realized who was standing next to him...the love began to make more sense.

It was only a couple days later that I lost him, along with our youngest daughter, when the WTC Tower fell.

Since then, I have come to understand even more so, the love that he had for Michael Jackson. That love has been shared with me, through Michael's fans. ... the anticipation of seeing Michael back on top and experiencing the excitement as a fan for the first time ... living the magic like Jeff did all those years, while I just exhisted in it with him -along for the ride sotospeak ... I really need to have that final connection with him. We cannot actually live it together, I know that but The circle needs to complete
Chichi, my deepest, deepest sympathies. Now some of the posts I've read around here make more sense. Thank you for sharing that very deepest of posts.

No one should have to experience that. No one. Ever.

I'm in tears, and heartbroken for you. There really are no words...
Chichi i understand now. That was very touching. However, i really think you should take comfort in the fact that MJ will make some serious moves in the future. Its all in a matter of when. The circle will be complete, don't worry.

I mean, the only reason why it's been 7 years since MJ's last "move" is because of some uncontrollable happenings... MJ was on the verge...the VERY VERGE...(literally in the middle of a MUSIC VIDEO SHOOT)...on making another move since 2001, when the allegations fell out of no where. So I have a feeling that mj is gonna keep trying to get his ish done the way he wants to without people trying to bring him down. So there is no question he will bring a storm, it's just a matter of when.
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what it amounts to is, I am tired of the calm and I want the STORM :wild: :girl_tantrum:

**holds up simba**
**enter Elton John**
The circle of life ....
Lol I hear you all...I am very anxious for the new album and cant wait for the storm to begin but no pressure Michael....take your time. I will be waiting...
God Chichi, I feel you...and though I know nothing can make up for what you lost I understand why you feel MJ is your conection, it's a beautiful thing what music can are proof of that.
i knew it was a bad idea to be honest in my reply to this topic :doh:

let me clarify my angst with waiting for Michael's next release. Ima try to make this as short and simple as possible but I ain't promising anything :chichi:

As far back as I can remember, someone in my life has adored, loved, idolized Michael Jackson. My Mother loved the Jackson 5 and i was introduced to their music early on. Then in the late 70's, there was this new kid that moved on the block. From the first time I met him, it was clear that he loved The Jacksons/Michael Jackson. We barely had introduced ourselves completely and he was asking, "Do you like The Jacksons ??" I told him that my Mom liked them and that she had taken me to a couple Jacksons concerts... "ISN'T MICHAEL JACKSON JUST THE GREATEST !!" he interrupted. "He is a good singer" I replied. That was the beginning of a life long friendship. He never really cared that I didn't have the same vigor for his idol, that he did. I grew to appreciate and even respect his love and admiration for Michael but I was never really a hardcore fan. Over the years, Michael proved to be a thorn in my side at times. Honestly, there were many times that I really despised Michael. The devotion he felt and displayed for Michael, was the cause of many jealous fits on my part. However, my love for my friend & his love for me always managed to win out. When all was said & done, I put up with his obsession & he forgave my jealous nature.

A fan merely by association, i was at countless concerts, standing outside hotels, at backstage doors and alleys, waiting for a glimpse of Michael. Stood with him in day before lines for new releases. Camped out days before tickets went on sale, to be first in line for concert seats. Listened to the same songs over and Over and OVER again throughout the years ... watched the same video tapes again and again. Listened to angry radio executives that were sick of him calling non stop and harrassing the dj's to play more Michael etc.

Through all this we built a life together. We started a family & he instilled his obsession in our kids. Ultimately giving me three more reasons to put up with Michael Jackson :rolleyes: because by the third kid, it was four against one, in the MJ fan department.

**Cut to Sept. 2001**

When 'u rock my world' was leaked, he was on top of the world because he had new Michael.

I heard about the MSG concert and knew that he had to be there. It was an event that simply could not be missed ... there was no other choice but to get tickets. That weekend was both magical and tragic. It was a fitting crescendo to the memories I have of him. I witnessed him standing next to his obesession. I saw the tears roll down his face as he realized who was standing next to him...the love began to make more sense.

It was only a couple days later that I lost him, along with our youngest daughter, when the WTC Tower fell.

Since then, I have come to understand even more so, the love that he had for Michael Jackson. That love has been shared with me, through Michael's fans. ... the anticipation of seeing Michael back on top and experiencing the excitement as a fan for the first time ... living the magic like Jeff did all those years, while I just exhisted in it with him -along for the ride sotospeak ... I really need to have that final connection with him. We cannot actually live it together, I know that but The circle needs to complete

Wow, I am so very sorry for your loss :(. I can't imagine what you went through. This is one of the most touching stories i've read here.
Even more honesty... as a fan, I am getting tired of waiting and waiting and waiting. Even more so than that, it pains me to see fan communities/clubs closing during the silence. While other groups of fans are turning on one another, out of what appears sheer frustration.

tbh im starting to see quite abit of this through the boards that i look through. alot of infighting because ppl are getting tired of the lack of communication and not knowing whats happening and ppl then starting to wonder if anything is ever gonna happen. in the long run i dont think it will damage mj because if u like the music u like the music and while its quiet u leave and when something happens you return but in the short term im seeing alot of ppl on the boards starting to get frustrated because of the lack information ect and this is damaging the community. also i dont really thing this draught can be compaired to any other draught. back then he had a contract with sony we knew something was gonna come because there was a timeline (to a certain extent) set by sony. you knew the wait wouldnt last forever lol.none of what has happened over the last few years had obviously happened to mj so things were very different. but this time theres no deadline/label pressure TMK so u know something will come.its all up in the air interms of when it will come.could be six months could be six years (well not that much but u get my point lol) not knowing what backing there will be by a label and everything that comes with it. and no communication or real news other than a artist saying ive talked to mj about working with him. so this time to me is all very different to past times. and imo this is why theres alot of what i said above interms of infighting and ppl getting tired
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that is true elusive. in the end, they will all be back :yes:

it is up to us to keep those home fires burning :eek:k:
I feel also the people do need an out let to express their frustrations. Some time one or 2 persons make an attempt and they are immediately put down as being negative when all they are doing is saying how they feel. Maybe some area where people can be allowed to vent would be a good idea. In that way they may feel better about waiting.
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actually datsy, :winking: we have a group for that :D
Rantin' & Ravin'

we could all utilize the Blog features as well :wild: yay !! let's do that !!
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actually datsy, :winking: we have a group for that :D

we could all utilize the Blog feature as well :wild: yay !! let's do that !!
Yayyyyyyy, Of course I have no problem waiting for the album. I am still enjoying what I have, but for those who can't wait, bless their little cotton socks, let them vent. Let them cry, let them whine. It's all love. The place will be lighter when they get it all out.
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^^^^ And you know, at least they're wining because they NEED new shows how Michael is still very important for them, it'd be worst if they didn't cared IMO.
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i knew it was a bad idea to be honest in my reply to this topic :doh:

let me clarify my angst with waiting for Michael's next release. Ima try to make this as short and simple as possible but I ain't promising anything :chichi:

As far back as I can remember, someone in my life has adored, loved, idolized Michael Jackson. My Mother loved the Jackson 5 and i was introduced to their music early on. Then in the late 70's, there was this new kid that moved on the block. From the first time I met him, it was clear that he loved The Jacksons/Michael Jackson. We barely had introduced ourselves completely and he was asking, "Do you like The Jacksons ??" I told him that my Mom liked them and that she had taken me to a couple Jacksons concerts... "ISN'T MICHAEL JACKSON JUST THE GREATEST !!" he interrupted. "He is a good singer" I replied. That was the beginning of a life long friendship. He never really cared that I didn't have the same vigor for his idol, that he did. I grew to appreciate and even respect his love and admiration for Michael but I was never really a hardcore fan. Over the years, Michael proved to be a thorn in my side at times. Honestly, there were many times that I really despised Michael. The devotion he felt and displayed for Michael, was the cause of many jealous fits on my part. However, my love for my friend & his love for me always managed to win out. When all was said & done, I put up with his obsession & he forgave my jealous nature.

A fan merely by association, i was at countless concerts, standing outside hotels, at backstage doors and alleys, waiting for a glimpse of Michael. Stood with him in day before lines for new releases. Camped out days before tickets went on sale, to be first in line for concert seats. Listened to the same songs over and Over and OVER again throughout the years ... watched the same video tapes again and again. Listened to angry radio executives that were sick of him calling non stop and harrassing the dj's to play more Michael etc.

Through all this we built a life together. We started a family & he instilled his obsession in our kids. Ultimately giving me three more reasons to put up with Michael Jackson :rolleyes: because by the third kid, it was four against one, in the MJ fan department.

**Cut to Sept. 2001**

When 'u rock my world' was leaked, he was on top of the world because he had new Michael.

I heard about the MSG concert and knew that he had to be there. It was an event that simply could not be missed ... there was no other choice but to get tickets. That weekend was both magical and tragic. It was a fitting crescendo to the memories I have of him. I witnessed him standing next to his obesession. I saw the tears roll down his face as he realized who was standing next to him...the love began to make more sense.

It was only a couple days later that I lost him, along with our youngest daughter, when the WTC Tower fell.

Since then, I have come to understand even more so, the love that he had for Michael Jackson. That love has been shared with me, through Michael's fans. ... the anticipation of seeing Michael back on top and experiencing the excitement as a fan for the first time ... living the magic like Jeff did all those years, while I just exhisted in it with him -along for the ride sotospeak ... I really need to have that final connection with him. We cannot actually live it together, I know that but The circle needs to complete

That is a sad story....
