The Calm Before the Storm Discussion

There was so much going on before Invincible, it was the most hyped album like, ever. There was information coming from all sides, including MJ himself. It was hardly quiet.

You're right. I dont understand why people say there was no hype? I also reckon it was freakin MASSIVELY hyped. Members of groups, artists, producers, studio managers, TV networks, tabloid papers, online articles.. ALL of these things were buzzing big time. People were saying that it was the best music they had ever heard. That it will sweep the Grammys. That it will sell more than Thriller. That it will be MASSIVE. People were saying this in the lead up to that album. How can you argue otherwise?
hype from other artists doesn't equal noise from MJ. Look, i'm saying to ME, that more stuff is going on involving MICHAEL and the outside world (outside fan land) than during invincible. that is all i'm saying. Yes peeps were buzzing about the album, but MJ's music nor him were out there doing their thing. Now you see and hear MJ everywhere. A lot different...TO ME at least.
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Maybe I can give a bit of an objective view about the non fans in the Invincible era. I never knew he had a new album, never heard any of his new songs until 2003. (and I had to come to the internet to find out about that) Though maybe I am a bit different, in that I rarely watched television and never had cable.

I did listen to the radio though. The only Michael Jackson type thing I heard was the Alien Ant farm version of Smooth Criminal and I never knew it was Michael Jackson who sang the original. I remember trying to think who sang the original and again, I think I found that out after I started looking Michael Jackson up online after catching the tail end of the Bashir interview.
The only Michael Jackson things heard easily outside the fan world were the tabloid garbage, so called news, that people rarely paid any attention to other than maybe a glance to think what a stupid article that looks like.
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^ It's 100% understandable..

I was an MJ fan and I had to SEARCH for Invincible related stuff..

Sad what SONY did.. promo really sucked.
Yes I do have faith in him but I'm being realistic here, he is 50 (if people think 50 year olds have the same strengths as they do at 20 then whatever) Sure he is not on a walking stick but I doubt he has the energy to do a big tour for a new album plus more than anything he is father to 3 children now. All these factors make total and complete sense to why I'm saying if he can't put his all into this, its safer and wiser to not do anything at all and keep your music legacy at the top where it stands right now and not have it end on a major come back let down.

You can say the same thing about Prince and Madonna because they are pushing 50. Age is not going to stop them from doing what they have to do. Did you see Madonna doing her thing in NYC on Wednesday? That is hope for people who are pushing her age and younger. Why? Because 50 was like a career death sentence - AARP starts to send you their membership stuff, you have to get a flu shot every year, everything starts to change. However, should that stop them? Nope. That is being realistic. Ageism is such another pathetic way to discriminate against people. The senior citizen community are so discriminated aganist because of a number and I am a bit bothered that this kind of behavior is displayed on here.

And what does MJ being a parent have to do with it? The children can come on tour and get tutored. Madonna take her children everywhere is that stopping her? There are people who are younger that have children like country singers and husband and wife Faith Hill and Tim MCGraw. They have three children and they are out touring, doing music videos and promoting their music. Their children are not going to stop them from doing what they have to do. MJ said himself in a USA Today article that having children is not going to stop him from doing his music. Why should it? The factors that you made are based on your opinions about how MJ can handle something and not any facts. MJ runs a business and raises his children, just like everyone else. My parents raised five children, went to school to get their masters and doctorates and worked. Having children did not stop them from doing what they have to do. I think it is an excuse to stop doing your job just because you have children.

That picture of Tina is AWESOME!! Thanks for posting that.

There was so much going on before Invincible, it was the most hyped album like, ever. There was information coming from all sides, including MJ himself. It was hardly quiet.

Yeah, it was hyped. I remembered everything. It was hyped. Well, not the most hyped album ever, but it was hyped. However, I am not going to talk about Invincible anymore.

As long as MJ is ready then the world is ready. Michael is a strong man and he is cool with himself. Yeah, the haters are there, but so are the fans and the fans want to see him do his thing. Let him take his precious time.
I'm so tired of reading the words calm, before and storm every other month lol.
Maybe I can give a bit of an objective view about the non fans in the Invincible era. I never knew he had a new album, never heard any of his new songs until 2003. (and I had to come to the internet to find out about that) Though maybe I am a bit different, in that I rarely watched television and never had cable.

I did listen to the radio though. The only Michael Jackson type thing I heard was the Alien Ant farm version of Smooth Criminal and I never knew it was Michael Jackson who sang the original. I remember trying to think who sang the original and again, I think I found that out after I started looking Michael Jackson up online after catching the tail end of the Bashir interview.
The only Michael Jackson things heard easily outside the fan world were the tabloid garbage, so called news, that people rarely paid any attention to other than maybe a glance to think what a stupid article that looks like.

this is what im saying.
**Kinda off topic but I think it's so cool/inspiring**


More on the Tina Turner Tour later this year:

Tina Turner Plots First Tour in Seven Years

[May 02, 2008, 1:30 PM ET]

Tina Turner says she's hitting the road again for her first tour in the United States in seven years. The 68-year-old singer announced on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" that it will begin Oct. 1 in Kansas City, Mo. Tickets for Turner's tour go on sale May 12.

The R&B legend appeared with singer-actress Cher, 61, on an episode taped Saturday in Las Vegas before a crowd of 4,000 people. The broadcast is scheduled to air May 8.

Winfrey asked both women how they feel about getting older in show business, according to remarks released Wednesday in advance by Harpo Productions.

"I think it sucks," said Cher.

"That number doesn't mean a thing. It just doesn't," said Turner.

Haters beware! :D
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^ There is NO way to know that..

We usually find out a release date just a couple months prior to it's release..
Well the list of albums out this year was released ages ago. And more recently a list of albums due out late this year have been released too. Tour dates have been released for the end of the year for other artists etc.

Michael isn't any artist. But every year is said to be 'the year'... 2007... now this year. :baby:

Albums release dates are known proir to the actual time its released. But with Michael I'm sure they could fix a lil something to make it special.

But I just don't sense anything in current weeks or months, as much as I wish we could get to it already:cheers:.

We would know surely if he has signed to a label, it would be news or if he was in talks.... if he has anything coming up in the near future, and if hes not just recording tracks as of now. We just get the same stuff over and over regarding whats coming. All we can do is wait and see, but don't keep on hyping it up because it will only lead to dissapointments like last year. Alot of fans were upset cause 2007 was meant to be the year... just like 2006. Give Michael time, he has had a rough time and I think we just need to wait and see how things pan out. If we havent heard anything by august-september then I guess 2009 will be the next year.

Michael has never been one to rush.

Michael hasn't made an appearance since February/end of january almost, and I'm sure if something was coming he would be going out with a pineapple on his head on or something. :lol:
I think the reason we haven't heard from Michael yet is because he has been very busy working on the new album. He probably started working on it last year but then Sony kept pressing him for Thriller 25 so he had to put his new album on hold and dedicate a few months to focus on Thriller 25 which included remixing the songs, making producer decisions, etc. But once Thriller 25 was released in February...Michael went back to work on the new album and thats where he has been for the past 3 months. Think about it , people have seen him in the studio quite a bit and several artists haev reported working with him.

I believe once Michael feels satisfied and has drafted enough songs...he will then present the album to multiple record companies and see who offers him the most lucrative contract. When that point comes along that is when we will be getting all the news reports speculating of possible record deals. Once a deal has been made then the final song drafting and planning stage will occur which should take a couple of months. Then a press release will be issued stating a new album will be released and from that point it should be atleast 3 months so that the company can prepare to have the album made... So to be realistic, If MJ was aiming for November/December release of this year then he better finish up that album by the end of May so the process can begin. I do agree that if we do not hear any developments by August of this year....then it is without a doubt that the album will be pushed back into 2009.

There is my opinion on MJ's current situation, hey I might be wrong but Im only trying to be logical here based on everything we know.
^ You make some very good points there, it makes total sense.

What I think we should keep in mind is that even IF IT DOES NOT come out this year, it doesn't mean it wont come at all, or that Michael is sitting in his a** slacking off; this things take time (specially when there's no record company behind it). Early 2009 is the safest bet at this point IMO.