The Calm Before the Storm Discussion

**Tink**, Michael is not going to allow that trial be the last thing people remember about him globally for years to come. He has too much pride for that, he's not going out like that, there's no benefit in doing it, and he's worked too hard over the years to let Sneddon's rampage define who he is, how he is and how his story is going to go.

Gotta look at the big picture here.

Michael is going to do fine. Just let him finish what he's working on and be prepared to buy your concert tickets.

Tell 'em! Mike's got too much pride to go out like that.

He ain't too old to do ****.


I wish this world would stop being such age racists. Do what you want to, your not too old or young.


Or "age-ists". :p

Mike aint too old to do jack. Michael is healthy and fit, he's not old. So stop drinking the haterade people (gulp gulp)!

Don't underestimate him people, I'm telling you...

no storm ... we are part of the storm. We will create the storm that will surround his next project.

I believe we're in the storm right now. Everywhere you look, there he is!

All the while, he's invisible! I love it!

I love this post, you are so right.

Anyone who thinks MJ is too old needs to take a look around at all of the AMAZING performers out there, people who are really talented like...Tina Turner.
They can go on forever because the talent and passion they have is not limited to their age but it's embeded in their soul.

LOL to think that just because they're fifty their done is ludacris and simply an insult to their god-given talent.

So true!
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Ya'll going on about his age again? Shoot, the way some of you talk, 40 is almost dead. Anyway, Michael shows no signs of retiring and frankly, I don't think he ever will, not fully. He loves to create. What I would suggest for Michael is this, and it's only a suggestion, I wouldn't dream of telling him what to do. But he doesn't like to tour, and of course he isn't going to be able to keep up his energy for 2 plus hours, every other night, like he used to. I don't think he's been able to keep that kind of thing up since the early 90s, to be honest, and that's just natural. So what I would suggest is that he just do, if he tours, hour or hour and a half long shows, once or twice a week, for a few months. None of that 16 months, every other night kinda thing. He just can't keep it up anymore. But if he takes it easy on himself, which by his own words, he's indicated he's plaining, then you'll see as great a singer, dancer and over all performer as you've ever seen. Michael always puts on his best performances when they're one off and he doesn't have to over extend himself. If he doesn't want to tour either, that's great too, because he can do those one off performances to promote. One concert here, one concert there, maybe award show performances. I don't think he's going to retire from the stage or doing concerts, just I assume, he'll being doing a lot less of them, as he should.
Wellllll to make some who mentioned it maybe a bit easier to understand...
retirement is not necassarily about being old, it's about a time when you'll be able (hopefully) to do only what you wanna do and enjoy what you've worked for. And hey let's be honest, Michael has reached that state already years ago in a way! :D
You can very well still be very active but you are only if you want lol well or maybe also to keep your health etc. lol
Gosh I wish I could retire with only 50! lol
So if there are fans wishing Michael that, they are still wishing him well.

Also I think age doesn't really stand for 'not good' anymore necesarrily... it's about changes in the first place.

I'm all sure Michael will do good lol whatever he'll do next and no matter if we'll get to know about it or not!^_^
Y'all know Mr. Michael Jackson ain't goin' out with Sneddon's rampage being the final chapter of his story. Nope. Ain't gonna happen.

When baby hangs up his microphone and dancing shoes, it's going to be something wonderful to remember. Then, the words "The End" will come into play.

Don't forget, this man loves Disney, fairytales with happy endings. But this is not a fairytale. It's his real life story, one that started very early and has been recorded on film since the start. He's going to want a gracious ending.

Actually, there's nothing anyone can do about it at this point anyway. He's already working on a new chapter as we speak.
You all are taking this the wrong way! First of all, all of these old artists such as the Rolling Stones, Madonna etc look terrible and are not making classics songs that made them music icons to begin with. They are making one hit wonders that get forgotten in 3 months time! Secondly it is a very sad sight to see grandpa’s ( i.e.: Rolling Stones) performing on stage. I would of much rather had kept the image of them in their successful years, when they were on top of the world as the last musical image of them and not of them now.

That goes for Michael too. Michael’s music legacy is safe, why destroy it? The trial is not the last images of Michael’s music career! It would be much worse to see the greatest artist in history leave his music empire on lower standards then his Thriller, bad, Dangerous and HIStory era’s. Simple.

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It would be much worse to see the greatest artist in history leave his music empire on lower standards then his Thriller, bad, Dangerous and HIStory era’s. Simple.
well some say he has with the vince debacle. mjs last music was not seen as a success and some see this as his chance to redeem that and be seen as viable huge star still now and not from 15 years ago. imo to leave it as it is now would be a shame but then i worry what would happen with a new release if it doesnt have the backing of a label and whether mj "still has it". a flop with new music would be worse than leaving it as it is now. sometimes u wonder whether its beter the devil u know
Invicible was the last chance for Michael Jackson and a new album. Anything after that time would of made him too old for reasons I've already explained. Invincible was a real let down for me in my faith in Michael to return now with a new album. I think age had a lot to do with Invicible and it's failure.

That was already 6 and half years ago when that album came out, too much time although has passed to recover the damages. I'd rather it end there and make it sony's fault then another flop, that would be painful!
All I'm saying is... If he brought out a new album today it wouldn't be the same as in his 20's or 30's. I can't see him putting in the whole WOW affect at 50 that he put in with previous albums before Invincible eg; The army of police following him, the costumes, the statues, the tours, everything! That's why Invincible didn't seem like a MICHAEL JACKSON album/era, it was lacking all of that "aura" and that "wow" factor!

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i understand everyone's point of view ... everyone has valid arguments for their respective opinions.

We all understand that the main reason for Invincible's demise was due to SONY's actions, lack of action or a clever combination. Another factor may also have been, public opinion stemming from the allegations.

However, even with those factors in play, Invincible's performance was not stopped easily. There were radio stations that tried to keep the CDs shelf life going. Some of this backing was due to listener feedback and requests for tracks off the LP. It was also evident that numerous radio DJs had their own ideas on which tracks should have been singles. That was the case with my local stations anyway. It is not often that tracks get airplay on the radio, unless they have been released as singles. Something compelled DJs to make sure that people heard the songs from Invincible, regardless of any record company releasing them as official singles.

That spirit is still alive in the radio industry, I believe that. Given the climate, considering the second set of allegations and the vindication of them, along with the positive response of Thriller 25... Speaking from a professional and personal level, it would be foolish not to attempt another CD with new material.
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You all are taking this the wrong way! First of all, all of these old artists such as the Rolling Stones, Madonna etc look terrible and are not making classics songs that made them music icons to begin with. They are making one hit wonders that get forgotten in 3 months time! Secondly it is a very sad sight to see grandpa’s ( i.e.: Rolling Stones) performing on stage. I would of much rather had kept the image of them in their successful years, when they were on top of the world as the last musical image of them and not of them now.

There isn't such a thing as right or wrong when it's all about opinions. If you think Rolling Stones or Madonna are looking horrible nowadays, fine that's your opinion. But in my opinion they're both still rocking. Rolling Stones does sold out concerts and Madonna is on top of the charts. And I wouldn't say they are making one hit wonders.. When you're doing music nowadays you have to do what sells. That's why Madonna does songs with for example Justin. Does that make her bad, no.. I think it's brilliant, because when the music business is changing you have to change with it otherwise you'll fail for sure.

That goes for Michael too. Michael’s music legacy is safe, why destroy it? The trial is not the last images of Michael’s music career! It would be much worse to see the greatest artist in history leave his music empire on lower standards then his Thriller, bad, Dangerous and HIStory era’s. Simple.

Don't you think you're judging here something that hasn't even happened yet. How anyone can know what the future and the next album is bringing for Michael when it's not even out yet.

And actually no I don’t think 50 is old (and I'm 21) but for the entertainment industry, yes it is.

Says who? There are a lot of older artists who're very succesful no matter how old they are.

Invicible was the last chance for Michael Jackson and a new album. Anything after that time would of made him too old for reasons I've already explained. Invincible was a real let down for me in my faith in Michael to return now with a new album. I think age had a lot to do with Invicible and it's failure.

That was already 6 and half years ago when that album came out, too much time although has passed to recover the damages. I'd rather it end there and make it sony's fault then another flop, that would be painful!

Again, that's your opinion and you're entitled to that. I take this as because Invicible was a huge let down for you, you don't think Michael is able to do music anymore. Again I think you're judging something you haven't seen yet. It's like judging a book by its covers and not reading it. Knowing Michael's talent and his desire for making music I say age has nothing to do with it. Have some faith and let the man do his album. Don't bash something you haven't even seen or heard yet :)
The thing I don't get is if some of you feel this way about michael (he's too old and that there will be no storm [tink&mj2]). Why are you on this board. Like what are you looking or waiting for. I don't get it:huh:. I mean it's find to feel how you want to but what are you getting Out of coming on this board. Why are YOU STILL HERE! what excitement are you look for if michael isn't exciting anymore? I don't get it.
frank sinatra did it old, tony bennet is still doing it too. james brown did..not only madonna (whos not old) or the rolling stones.

age should not matter. im tired of everything out there being need artists for all ages.

One of the interesting things about a career in the entertainment industry is you actually can work forever...for 1 its a fun job....

life is short...why cant you do what you want...?

as it is... the world is only made for teens and thats not good...MTV is only for teens now.. it makes people in their 20s (me) feel old in this world.

all this youth talk is getting old. lol

i dont want all the musicians being young. and 50 is not old..its the new 40's...

i would like pop singers to not only be teens either for once besides only michael.

im tired of hearing about pre teen scandals on tv...give me some grown people who wont have these issues!

they even make britney seem like shes still a teen in the media (gotta keep that youth)...shes going to be 27 this year!! thats young but they want her real young...........

her 'pieces of me' video looked more like a whiny teen music video! aside from her saying shes a momma in it...

basically we cater too much to youth and thats not good.

its too the point where people in their 30s feel the real 50 now.

dont support this perverted media..we are living longer and we want to work longer and live happier lives.
I actually like this "silence", because you'll never know what will happen the next day. Everyone keeps talking about his new album, but you'll never know when the storm is about to hit!

Maybe I enjoy torturing myself...:unsure: :lol:

But I believe this is the time when your patience is really being measured :yes:
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Oh, my god, I saw Tony Bennet on tv recently. I didn't even know who he was but I was so captivated that I coudn't even look away. I told my brother about this man and he was so upset that I didn't call him to watch. That man is great and he must be in his 80's.He's got a new fan.
Invincibles so called "failure" (which it wasnt) has nothing to do with AGE, but everything to do with sony. MJ has all that WOW FACTOR stuff planned for the album but it didn't happen. All of it was cut short.

And after August 29th of this year, all of a sudden some unwritten document for 50 year olds is gonna prevent MJ from wearing costumes (which he will NEVER stop doing), having armies behind him (which really isn't a BIG contribution to the WOW factor, MJ is WOW without the armies), etc. You think that that unwritten document for 50 year olds is gonna make MJ UNABLE to create NEW WAYS to make that "wow factor" like he always does (I mean MJ didn't always have statues floating down rivers and ish lol, and MJ doesnt HAVE to have a long crazy huge tour to create WOW around an album).

I think peeps need to be educated on what went down with sony so they can stop placing the blame everywhere except where it should be. Thats why that Sony thread that was made shouldn't have been closed :ph34r:

And people seem to have selective memory too. I remember WOW factor clearly when MJ STOOD OUTSIDE OF TIMES SQUARE....that's all he did, STOOD THERE, and stopped freaking traffic creating this HUGE mob. That was pandemonium. How everyone and they momma was sitting in front of the tv at the same time to watch the 30th anniversary special. Wowness was creeping up, it just never seen the light of day.

But nope its perfectly LOGICAL that once it strikes twelve on August 29th, its over for MJ. MJ will lose all capability to be CREATIVE. He will forget how to dance and create music that captures the world's attention (because that's really what creates the WOW factor isn't it? Isn't that what started MJ's WOW factor in the first place? Or have we forgotten that too?) And the mobs that happened before and after the trial where ever he goes will just stop cuz no one wants to get near a 50 year old right? LOL

And once again Im just gonna close my eyes and not look at how well Madonna is doing right now. Not looking not looking! Or how well Prince did when his album was out. Not looking! not looking! They're breaking the rules of the Unwritten Document for 50 Year Olds!

Also, if you were thinking Thrillermania/Badmania of MJ's 20's were ever gonna happen again, be it him still being young or not...ur sadly mistaken. Nothing is ever gonna happen the way it did again, and it's not because MJs not 20 anymore. Lots of factors go into that (a big one being 2 allegations that severely tarnished his image, but thats definitely not the only things) and its not AGE.
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I'm sure the wow thing will come up again... it was never gone anyways.

I'm teaching pretty young guys... when they get to know Michael Jackson, the music, the dance... the WOW is pretty much still there.

No matter how many ppl try to talk Michael Jackson down... it will not happen.
He has created HiStory lol ppl can eat it or even not... who cares... it will always be there.
And yeah I experience such creative souls also often that they can't really stop, so I hope we'll be blessed one day with a bit more of that WOW stuff. Age however is no limit to a creative person, I'd even go that far to say that a creative person with age gets better and even more amazing cuz life experience influences art (we're not talking about sports here lol we're talking about musical art to me) with a wonderful substantial colorfulness. Well that's maybe subjective.

Back to the important... the WOW is still there, pretty much, I experience it again and again. Of cuz I'd love more. I hope it will happen but I don't know if and/or when it will happen. And again even if not, I'll always be thankfull.
You all are taking this the wrong way! First of all, all of these old artists such as the Rolling Stones, Madonna etc look terrible and are not making classics songs that made them music icons to begin with. They are making one hit wonders that get forgotten in 3 months time! Secondly it is a very sad sight to see grandpa’s ( i.e.: Rolling Stones) performing on stage. I would of much rather had kept the image of them in their successful years, when they were on top of the world as the last musical image of them and not of them now.

That goes for Michael too. Michael’s music legacy is safe, why destroy it? The trial is not the last images of Michael’s music career! It would be much worse to see the greatest artist in history leave his music empire on lower standards then his Thriller, bad, Dangerous and HIStory era’s. Simple.

frank sinatra did it old, tony bennet is still doing it too. james brown did..not only madonna (whos not old) or the rolling stones.

age should not matter. im tired of everything out there being need artists for all ages.

One of the interesting things about a career in the entertainment industry is you actually can work forever...for 1 its a fun job....

life is short...why cant you do what you want...?

as it is... the world is only made for teens and thats not good...MTV is only for teens now.. it makes people in their 20s (me) feel old in this world.

all this youth talk is getting old. lol

i dont want all the musicians being young. and 50 is not old..its the new 40's...

i would like pop singers to not only be teens either for once besides only michael.

im tired of hearing about pre teen scandals on tv...give me some grown people who wont have these issues!

they even make britney seem like shes still a teen in the media (gotta keep that youth)...shes going to be 27 this year!! thats young but they want her real young...........

her 'pieces of me' video looked more like a whiny teen music video! aside from her saying shes a momma in it...

basically we cater too much to youth and thats not good.

its too the point where people in their 30s feel the real 50 now.

dont support this perverted media..we are living longer and we want to work longer and live happier lives.

Exactly! Why does every popular artist have to be some teeny-bopper (Chris Brown, Rihanna, lil mama, Soulja Boy, Tiffany Evans, Ciara, blahblahblah!!!) or a 20-something?

The thing I don't get is if some of you feel this way about michael (he's too old and that there will be no storm [tink&mj2]). Why are you on this board. Like what are you looking or waiting for. I don't get it:huh:. I mean it's find to feel how you want to but what are you getting Out of coming on this board. Why are YOU STILL HERE! what excitement are you look for if michael isn't exciting anymore? I don't get it.

Exactly---what people like her/him are looking for is Michael's failure.

They're like snakes. They're waiting for it...they're waiting for him to fail. They're watching, and as soon as he does, they'll laugh, and only then will they be satisfied. Then they'll be able to come back and say "I told you so!"

But of course...we all know that's not going to happen.
All I'm saying is... If he brought out a new album today it wouldn't be the same as in his 20's or 30's. I can't see him putting in the whole WOW affect at 50 that he put in with previous albums before Invincible eg; The army of police following him, the costumes, the statues, the tours, everything! That's why Invincible didn't seem like a MICHAEL JACKSON album/era, it was lacking all of that "aura" and that "wow" factor!
Well, now that you can't see him putting in the whole WOW affect at 50, which is right around the corner, does this mean your post count is going to stop at 294? Doesn't make much sense to spend a bunch of time talking about someone you have no faith in, right?
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Invincibles so called "failure" (which it wasnt) has nothing to do with AGE, but everything to do with sony. MJ has all that WOW FACTOR stuff planned for the album but it didn't happen. All of it was cut short.

And after August 29th of this year, all of a sudden some unwritten document for 50 year olds is gonna prevent MJ from wearing costumes (which he will NEVER stop doing), having armies behind him (which really isn't a BIG contribution to the WOW factor, MJ is WOW without the armies), etc. You think that that unwritten document for 50 year olds is gonna make MJ UNABLE to create NEW WAYS to make that "wow factor" like he always does (I mean MJ didn't always have statues floating down rivers and ish lol, and MJ doesnt HAVE to have a long crazy huge tour to create WOW around an album).

I think peeps need to be educated on what went down with sony so they can stop placing the blame everywhere except where it should be. Thats why that Sony thread that was made shouldn't have been closed :ph34r:

And people seem to have selective memory too. I remember WOW factor clearly when MJ STOOD OUTSIDE OF TIMES SQUARE....that's all he did, STOOD THERE, and stopped freaking traffic creating this HUGE mob. That was pandemonium. How everyone and they momma was sitting in front of the tv at the same time to watch the 30th anniversary special. Wowness was creeping up, it just never seen the light of day.

But nope its perfectly LOGICAL that once it strikes twelve on August 29th, its over for MJ. MJ will lose all capability to be CREATIVE. He will forget how to dance and create music that captures the world's attention (because that's really what creates the WOW factor isn't it? Isn't that what started MJ's WOW factor in the first place? Or have we forgotten that too?) And the mobs that happened before and after the trial where ever he goes will just stop cuz no one wants to get near a 50 year old right? LOL

And once again Im just gonna close my eyes and not look at how well Madonna is doing right now. Not looking not looking! Or how well Prince did when his album was out. Not looking! not looking! They're breaking the rules of the Unwritten Document for 50 Year Olds!

Also, if you were thinking Thrillermania/Badmania of MJ's 20's were ever gonna happen again, be it him still being young or not...ur sadly mistaken. Nothing is ever gonna happen the way it did again, and it's not because MJs not 20 anymore. Lots of factors go into that (a big one being 2 allegations that severely tarnished his image, but thats definitely not the only things) and its not AGE.

I think age had a lot to do with Invicible and it's failure.

that really is such a ridiculous statement to make inregards to what went on with vince and sony/mottola. are u even aware of what went on? i presume not considering your statement
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that really is such a ridiculous statement to make inregards to what went on with vince and sony/mottola. are u even aware of what went on? i presume not considering your statement

I agree, that statement it's beyond stupid and ridiculous.
What happened with Inivincible was such a shame and it had absolutely nothing to do with Mike's age or lack of interest, it had everthing to do with a greedy money hungry a**hole named Tommy Motolla!
I'm amazed at the crap that comes out of some fans' mouths.
Wow, what has been said here is ridiculous to me! I mean why should age define talent? Continuing to make music will only show people that Michael is invincible, that he is not going to give up just because he's not viewed by some as an icon anymore.Why should he care what people think at this point? He can only go higher, and music is the best way to do that. Don't forget that no one can make music videos like Michael Jackson, or perform like him. I'm in high school, and I have some friends who are not even fans, but wish that Michael would do more stuff because it's unique! So as fans we should encourage Michael and not bring him down for god sake!!
Wow, what has been said here is ridiculous to me! I mean why should age define talent? Continuing to make music will only show people that Michael is invincible, that he is not going to give up just because he's not viewed by some as an icon anymore.Why should he care what people think at this point? He can only go higher, and music is the best way to do that. Don't forget that no one can make music videos like Michael Jackson, or perform like him. I'm in high school, and I have some friends who are not even fans, but wish that Michael would do more stuff because it's unique! So as fans we should encourage Michael and not bring him down for god sake!!

Absolutely, I don't understand why some fans keep acting this way.
let's clear something up before we continue hashing out this invincible issue ...

does everyone involved in this discussion know the HIStory of the 'Invincible' saga ?? Is everyone familiar with 'SONY Wars' **looks for his graphics**

Are people aware that when was updated for the invincible release, there were animated videos for four tracks ?? Which led one to believe, that at least that many singles would be released ?? Anyone remember how many singles Sony actually released to radio ??

I don't know 'bout the rest-a-y'all but something tells me we need a HIStory lesson up in herrre :chichi:
RIGHT! There was a SONY thread made a while back that got deleted because someone felt that "we shouldn't rehash the past"..and that if peeps wanted to know about it, they can look it up.

Well I think its clear that a history lesson is needed. Period.
Previous threads about Sony were closed simply because they were one man's riot against Sony and were leading absolutely nowhere.

Feel free to start an education thread :happy:
Age has nothing to do with it guys... Madonna is stil doing well and she is the identical age as Michael. Prince had a #1 hit with Black Sweat just a couple years ago. The Rolling Stones are like 70+ and they are filling stadiums around the world, no different then Miley Cyrus who is a 15 year old. Age does not matter... there are alot of other factors that outweigh age by a long shot. I believe Michael has a good chance at charting #1 again in the US especially with a supportive record label behind him. Michael still has the talent to write and produce music. His mind will always be able to create masterpieces. Thats a fact, a person's genius does not just get up and walk away.
Also, if you were thinking Thrillermania/Badmania of MJ's 20's were ever gonna happen again, be it him still being young or not...ur sadly mistaken. Nothing is ever gonna happen the way it did again, and it's not because MJs not 20 anymore. Lots of factors go into that (a big one being 2 allegations that severely tarnished his image, but thats definitely not the only things) and its not AGE.

Wrong! HIStory is a huge example at how his fame and music career never declined because of the allegations! HIStory became the biggest tour in history and he was recieved with love, mania, mobbing in loads of thousands and thousands of people and fans everywhere he went around the world! All that mania was well and truly alive!

So yes age has everything to do with it.
And just for some people on this board; I am a huge fan of Michael, obviously or why would I be here? I have been for the last 5 years and the trial just made me even more of a bigger fan, I supported him more than 1000%. He may just be a music icon but I care about and love him a lot which is WHY I have such a strong opinion on this. I care about his future and don't want to see him fail.

Yes I do have faith in him but I'm being realistic here, he is 50 (if people think 50 year olds have the same strengths as they do at 20 then whatever) Sure he is not on a walking stick but I doubt he has the energy to do a big tour for a new album plus more than anything he is father to 3 children now. All these factors make total and complete sense to why I'm saying if he can't put his all into this, its safer and wiser to not do anything at all and keep your music legacy at the top where it stands right now and not have it end on a major come back let down.

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