The Calm Before the Storm Discussion

Very true, but thats my oppinion and yours is yours which of course your entitle to, now don't get me wrong I love History the shear fact at the time you could get a greatest hits and a whole new album at the same time was new and inovative, however I still beleive "some" of the songs are him tackling the problems in his life money D.S and tabloid junkie, where as say bad and dangerous are more about the global issues reaching out in a global rather than personal way,

Anyway we going of topic so back to the blackout


Of course. The songs are still relateable though, and I don't see anything wrong with wanting to make a statement or speak about a certain issue. I think all of Michael's songs are autobiographical, in a lot of ways. I just don't understand when some people get angry at him for talking about his life in his music. But anyway, like you said, that's off topic, so back to it being quiet.
Chichi :( *sends a huge assed hug chi's way* :huggy:

For me personally, I think mostly I'm quite happy to sit here and wait. :)
I'm a patient person when it comes to waiting . I think it's because I know that eventually something will come out... and it will be MJ music ^_^ :p

I'm glad he's not one of these artists who release something every second year. There's something special about waiting... it's like giving time for the myth and legends to develop. I remember waiting for Invincible and there was all the exciting speculation and "confirmation" of artists who would be on the new MJ album.... of course about 90% of them never ended up on the finished product :lol: but we had similar threads to what we have now like damien's "Confirmed new album stuff" where artists had talked about working with MJ and everything yet it all turned out to be false or hadn't fallen through.

all the crazy stuff that happens in the calm before the storm with big names talking about the next "MJ album" just tells me one thing... that it doesn't matter what brush they all try to paint Michael with... they all still want to be attached to the next MJ album :p
I agree the calm before the storm, I have a weird experience I kinda get a sense when something is about to happen. Especially with Michael , I knew in 2003 that he was in trouble and that 1993 was going to happen all over again, I also knew the day Michael was charged that morning i woke up and i had a sick feeling in my stomach that it was going to happen and considering australia is 10 hours ahead of the US.

I have a feeling something is happening, I feel its positive. I can wait with excitement and enjoying the calm before the storm but I am just hoping that the erruption is going to be a positive one not a negative.

And going by the past and what I have know before I have to say its feeling really really really good. I just cant wait for the lightning strike and for Michael's lucky star to appear and blow everyone away even the haters and the critics who say he is done for and he should just give up.

So I'm like C'mon Michael Baby shock the world and show them what you've got and that you are still here.

I know Michael is still here and has not given up and all the negative stuff. Love ya Baby I ready and waiting for you to put me in a STATE OF SHOCK!!!
i knew it was a bad idea to be honest in my reply to this topic :doh:

let me clarify my angst with waiting for Michael's next release. Ima try to make this as short and simple as possible but I ain't promising anything :chichi:

As far back as I can remember, someone in my life has adored, loved, idolized Michael Jackson. My Mother loved the Jackson 5 and i was introduced to their music early on. Then in the late 70's, there was this new kid that moved on the block. From the first time I met him, it was clear that he loved The Jacksons/Michael Jackson. We barely had introduced ourselves completely and he was asking, "Do you like The Jacksons ??" I told him that my Mom liked them and that she had taken me to a couple Jacksons concerts... "ISN'T MICHAEL JACKSON JUST THE GREATEST !!" he interrupted. "He is a good singer" I replied. That was the beginning of a life long friendship. He never really cared that I didn't have the same vigor for his idol, that he did. I grew to appreciate and even respect his love and admiration for Michael but I was never really a hardcore fan. Over the years, Michael proved to be a thorn in my side at times. Honestly, there were many times that I really despised Michael. The devotion he felt and displayed for Michael, was the cause of many jealous fits on my part. However, my love for my friend & his love for me always managed to win out. When all was said & done, I put up with his obsession & he forgave my jealous nature.

A fan merely by association, i was at countless concerts, standing outside hotels, at backstage doors and alleys, waiting for a glimpse of Michael. Stood with him in day before lines for new releases. Camped out days before tickets went on sale, to be first in line for concert seats. Listened to the same songs over and Over and OVER again throughout the years ... watched the same video tapes again and again. Listened to angry radio executives that were sick of him calling non stop and harrassing the dj's to play more Michael etc.

Through all this we built a life together. We started a family & he instilled his obsession in our kids. Ultimately giving me three more reasons to put up with Michael Jackson :rolleyes: because by the third kid, it was four against one, in the MJ fan department.

**Cut to Sept. 2001**

When 'u rock my world' was leaked, he was on top of the world because he had new Michael.

I heard about the MSG concert and knew that he had to be there. It was an event that simply could not be missed ... there was no other choice but to get tickets. That weekend was both magical and tragic. It was a fitting crescendo to the memories I have of him. I witnessed him standing next to his obesession. I saw the tears roll down his face as he realized who was standing next to him...the love began to make more sense.

It was only a couple days later that I lost him, along with our youngest daughter, when the WTC Tower fell.

Since then, I have come to understand even more so, the love that he had for Michael Jackson. That love has been shared with me, through Michael's fans. ... the anticipation of seeing Michael back on top and experiencing the excitement as a fan for the first time ... living the magic like Jeff did all those years, while I just exhisted in it with him -along for the ride sotospeak ... I really need to have that final connection with him. We cannot actually live it together, I know that but The circle needs to complete

:hug: i cant begin to tell u how sorry i am for ur loss. that is so devastating. thank u for sharing this with us
So we have a little more to chew on at least if its true dates and places etc

So now we know MJ is in the recording studio producing the tracks so my experience of this tell me the songs have been written and recorded, now it meanS MJ and some other trusted producers are gonna finnish them of, add bits change bits and so on, not sure about the selling to another record company though thats certainly a different way to do for such a big star

Lets see what unfolds, but I personaly think this will take at least six months

this really is

Hey I'm just happy Mike is workin on a new album. I used to doubt it but after I have looked at everything I have realized that there is just too much solid information out there that suggests he is working on a new album. If you look at the little quotes here and there ranging from, Akon, Ne-Yo, random newspaper articles, to even Michael admitting at the World Music Awards that he is working on a new album..its just so clear that Michael is intensely putting together an amazing record. Random people have spotted him going in and out of the recording studio's at the Palms and Ceasers Palace in Las Vegas. This means he is recording! We always knew that all along, but this only verifies to the doubters that Michael is workin on something. I just hope Sony gives Michael a great deal and promises him great promotion, no hassels, etc so Michael can give them the album and we can be on our way to hearing new music. I dont see who else could distribute the album? Maybe Universal? I think that might be a conflict of interest since Michael co-owns the Sony/ATV Catalogue but has a recording contract with the competition. Thats why I'm hoping he just sticks with Sony providing they treat him as top priority.
i knew it was a bad idea to be honest in my reply to this topic :doh:

let me clarify my angst with waiting for Michael's next release. Ima try to make this as short and simple as possible but I ain't promising anything :chichi:

As far back as I can remember, someone in my life has adored, loved, idolized Michael Jackson. My Mother loved the Jackson 5 and i was introduced to their music early on. Then in the late 70's, there was this new kid that moved on the block. From the first time I met him, it was clear that he loved The Jacksons/Michael Jackson. We barely had introduced ourselves completely and he was asking, "Do you like The Jacksons ??" I told him that my Mom liked them and that she had taken me to a couple Jacksons concerts... "ISN'T MICHAEL JACKSON JUST THE GREATEST !!" he interrupted. "He is a good singer" I replied. That was the beginning of a life long friendship. He never really cared that I didn't have the same vigor for his idol, that he did. I grew to appreciate and even respect his love and admiration for Michael but I was never really a hardcore fan. Over the years, Michael proved to be a thorn in my side at times. Honestly, there were many times that I really despised Michael. The devotion he felt and displayed for Michael, was the cause of many jealous fits on my part. However, my love for my friend & his love for me always managed to win out. When all was said & done, I put up with his obsession & he forgave my jealous nature.

A fan merely by association, i was at countless concerts, standing outside hotels, at backstage doors and alleys, waiting for a glimpse of Michael. Stood with him in day before lines for new releases. Camped out days before tickets went on sale, to be first in line for concert seats. Listened to the same songs over and Over and OVER again throughout the years ... watched the same video tapes again and again. Listened to angry radio executives that were sick of him calling non stop and harrassing the dj's to play more Michael etc.

Through all this we built a life together. We started a family & he instilled his obsession in our kids. Ultimately giving me three more reasons to put up with Michael Jackson :rolleyes: because by the third kid, it was four against one, in the MJ fan department.

**Cut to Sept. 2001**

When 'u rock my world' was leaked, he was on top of the world because he had new Michael.

I heard about the MSG concert and knew that he had to be there. It was an event that simply could not be missed ... there was no other choice but to get tickets. That weekend was both magical and tragic. It was a fitting crescendo to the memories I have of him. I witnessed him standing next to his obesession. I saw the tears roll down his face as he realized who was standing next to him...the love began to make more sense.

It was only a couple days later that I lost him, along with our youngest daughter, when the WTC Tower fell.

Since then, I have come to understand even more so, the love that he had for Michael Jackson. That love has been shared with me, through Michael's fans. ... the anticipation of seeing Michael back on top and experiencing the excitement as a fan for the first time ... living the magic like Jeff did all those years, while I just exhisted in it with him -along for the ride sotospeak ... I really need to have that final connection with him. We cannot actually live it together, I know that but The circle needs to complete

I am sorry for your lost and I understand now where you are coming from. It seems that the person that was in your life, had a deep love and respect for MJ. I see why you are a fan and your story is an amazing story.

I want to make it clear that my other post was not directed to you at all. It was directed at the fans that whine and moan about silly things. I think that those fans forget about enjoying being a fan.
alot of infighting because ppl are getting tired of the lack of communication and not knowing whats happening and ppl then starting to wonder if anything is ever gonna happen.

I want to harp on the suppose lack of communication - what kind of communication do the fans want exactly? Do they want Ms. Bain to release statements about the cd? Do the fans want "insiders" coming to the fan boards and posting news on the process of the CD? Do the fans want a definite confirmation that MJ is doing a new CD? Well, here is why I think fans seem to expect the fact that their should be communication between the fans and people in his camp. It was because of the insiders that came on the old KOP board and surfaced over to the MJJF and other MJ boards. Those "insdiers" gave the fans almost daily updates on the CD and got into how MJ was like in the studio. I think fans expected that to happen this time around and that is not going to happen. I like the fact that there is a lack of communication because MJ wants to surprise not just his fans but the public as well. During the time the "insiders" came on the MJ boards and posted their nonsense, there were no sites like,,, or any website that leaked information that was important regarding MJ's cd. Seven years later, there are these types of websites that literally put the info out there. So, the lack of communication is essential regarding MJ.
LOL oh man ... memories of 'LTTW' ... 'SOTT' LOL

Heheee thinking of them made me giggle. thanks Bee
I want to harp on the suppose lack of communication - what kind of communication do the fans want exactly? Do they want Ms. Bain to release statements about the cd? Do the fans want "insiders" coming to the fan boards and posting news on the process of the CD? Do the fans want a definite confirmation that MJ is doing a new CD? Well, here is why I think fans seem to expect the fact that their should be communication between the fans and people in his camp. It was because of the insiders that came on the old KOP board and surfaced over to the MJJF and other MJ boards. Those "insdiers" gave the fans almost daily updates on the CD and got into how MJ was like in the studio. I think fans expected that to happen this time around and that is not going to happen. I like the fact that there is a lack of communication because MJ wants to surprise not just his fans but the public as well. During the time the "insiders" came on the MJ boards and posted their nonsense, there were no sites like,,, or any website that leaked information that was important regarding MJ's cd. Seven years later, there are these types of websites that literally put the info out there. So, the lack of communication is essential regarding MJ.

Exactly, I don't know why is it that people can't get that through their thick heads!
LOL oh man ... memories of 'LTTW' ... 'SOTT' LOL

Heheee thinking of them made me giggle. thanks Bee
They were before my time though I had heard of them. I wish I got to see what those who were around during their time on message boards got to see. (If anyone wants to share them with me I'd love to see. I know some people saved their posts.) I wouldn't mind cryptic poems again like that. I don't want it all to be said outright but a little rhyme of possibility would be more than welcomed :D .

ChiChi It makes complete sense why you yearn for this. It was a beautiful story you shared and you put me right there to see it in your eyes. Thank you so much for sharing that. Now I am looking forward to the album even more knowing your story. :)

EDIT: troubleman, I just today read a poem from the past from SOTT that someone sent to fool there. That's why I would love to read the rest. Just because we can't see the whole story behind something, doesn't make them a fool for telling it. ;)
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LOL oh man ... memories of 'LTTW' ... 'SOTT' LOL

Heheee thinking of them made me giggle. thanks Bee

Yea I remember Sitting on The Toilet and LTTW. They were really interesting "insiders"

I believe those two were real people who knew the inside of what was going on with Michael. I believe SOTT is still around here at MJJC, but with a different name (back). He/she has so many similarities when it comes to the writing riddles.
Michael is invisible and yet he is everywhere
THRILLER mania is going on all over the world
and it is no accident _ Something HUGE is coming.
people are already going crazy and MJ will NOT let
us down - Keep the FAITH - I can smell the Jelly (smile)
already ..
Michael is invisible and yet he is everywhere
THRILLER mania is going on all over the world
and it is no accident _ Something HUGE is coming.
people are already going crazy and MJ will NOT let
us down - Keep the FAITH - I can smell the Jelly (smile)
already ..

That's sister told me that even where she works (a department store) they're actually playing T25 and Bad non stop...and not just other people who work there but as the actual store's music.
Chichi I hope the circle will be completed for you!

I don't know if this is really the calm before the storm.

There are maybe some signs... but honestly there have been more than signs before and things didn't happen... and sometimes they happened out of nothing. lol

When Michael says he's working on a new album I do believe him. Yet I've not heard him saying when it will be completed and/or released. I'll wait and see I guess. There's enough to be happy about already now. ^_^
Chichi I hope the circle will be completed for you!

I don't know if this is really the calm before the storm.

There are maybe some signs... but honestly there have been more than signs before and things didn't happen... and sometimes they happened out of nothing. lol

When Michael says he's working on a new album I do believe him. Yet I've not heard him saying when it will be completed and/or released. I'll wait and see I guess. There's enough to be happy about already now. ^_^
I agree with this.
OMG Chichi, i am so sorry to hear of this.:huggy: hugs to you hun.
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Oh YEAH!!! SOTT aka Sitting on the toliet!!!! LOL!!! Yes, I do remember him now. I forgot all about him.

Ok, now I feel bad, because in all honestly, LTTW was a cool poster and I did kinda believe him. I did not mean to put any of those so called "insiders" in a bad category. Maybe their intentions were good, but they kind of ruined it for Mike, imo. I did not know that SOTT was back. LOL. That is new to me.

BTW, you are welcome, ChiChi.

The quietness is a good thing. People just need to be patient. It will happen when it happens.
Cartman spilled ALL the beans last time :lol: MJ ain't havin that now lol

And Back....whatever his/her identity so cool!

Keep watchin' ;) :lol:
This must mean two things:

He's up to something and he's gonna unleash it any day now! :wild:


Nothing's happening at all. :unsure:
Or Neyo and Will I Am and Akon have imaginary friends, who all, just by coincidence, are named Michael Jackson. And these imaginary friends are working on albums that will never see the light of day. LOL!
oi..... my smilie changed!!! ^ :eek:

*tries it again* :p

what in the? :eek:

it must be because of the calm before the storm :ninja:
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