The Calm Before the Storm Discussion

OK, honestly ... I don't see him popping out with anything right away. There are too many distractions right now. Court cases pending, Neverland's future up in the air, management issues ... all of which could serve to falter a positive return to the spotlight. In all honesty, I do not expect a new CD this year.

Even more honesty... as a fan, I am getting tired of waiting and waiting and waiting. Even more so than that, it pains me to see fan communities/clubs closing during the silence. While other groups of fans are turning on one another, out of what appears sheer frustration.

Not trying to be a negative nelly or bring anyone down, I am simply sharing my honest feelings.

I agree with you and I remember feeling the same way. All this anxious waiting and people are fighting amongst themselves over silly things because their love for Michael has driven some of them through the wall. It automatically leads to negative tension. And quite honestly, all the moderation in the world won't stop MJ boards from unraveling. Might as well just wait for it rather than thinking when it's going to come out. And yes Michael still got a lot of baggage to get pass before he can get back on the wheels and ride the thing until the wheels fall off of his train.
For me, I have been waiting since 2001, over 7 years. When Invincible dropped, that was supposed to be the beginning of my MICHAEL MANIA. I have yet to experience being a full on fan, while Michael is critically and commercially hailed. That event is something that ... I have craved that connection ... some of you know my story without me going into it in detail but I need that connection. It will serve as a great closure for that loss in my life. There have been so many false starts ... it has almost happened numerous times. The let downs are wearing thin I guess. I am afraid that I will stop wanting it, before it actually comes true.

BLAAAAH !! time for me to shut the hell up :eviltongue:
Well I dunno. ur not the only one chichi who hasn't experienced total MJmania. I haven't either. But then again, I'm not expecting the mjmania people who have been fans for 20 years talk about..(thriller mania, bad mania, even dangerous mania)...I'm not even expecting that. MJ may never be critically and commercially hailed (at least like "it was") ever again. But I just want MJ to carry out his plans the way HE wants them carried out for a change, and i think thats what's happening right now. The silence testifies to the fact that things are happening HIS way. If things happen his way, then que sera sera.

But I understand that ish happens in life (sony sabotages, criminal trials, etc) I guess i have faith in the fact that MJ is 1.) not done yet (cuz he says so) 2.) has a big enough ego to not finish his career on a bad note (that is, if he plans on finishing it). 3.) That all this noise from other people isn't just from their imaginations. For all of these above reasons and more is enough for me to have complete closure in the fact that SOMETHING IS COMING. Thats enough for me to be excited for, especially when I thought MJ would QUIT after the trial.

And I know from experience, u'll never stop wanting stuff from MJ. He'll suck you right back in. Right when I thought i was done with MJ fandom and all that...he pulls me in again. Once a MJ fan always a MJ fan.
Well I dunno. ur not the only one chichi who hasn't experienced total MJmania. I haven't either. But then again, I'm not expecting the mjmania people who have been fans for 20 years talk about..(thriller mania, bad mania, even dangerous mania)...I'm not even expecting that. MJ may never be critically and commercially hailed (at least like "it was") ever again. But I just want MJ to carry out his plans the way HE wants them carried out for a change, and i think thats what's happening right now. The silence testifies to the fact that things are happening HIS way. If things happen his way, then que sera sera.

But I understand that ish happens in life (sony sabotages, criminal trials, etc) I guess i have faith in the fact that MJ is 1.) not done yet (cuz he says so) 2.) has a big enough ego to not finish his career on a bad note (that is, if he plans on finishing it). 3.) That all this noise from other people isn't just from their imaginations. For all of these above reasons and more is enough for me to have complete closure in the fact that SOMETHING IS COMING. Thats enough for me to be excited for, especially when I thought MJ would QUIT after the trial.

And I know from experience, u'll never stop wanting stuff from MJ. He'll suck you right back in. Right when I thought i was done with MJ fandom and all that...he pulls me in again. Once a MJ fan always a MJ fan.

yes, very true. i feel as if i will always be a fan of MJ.
Hell, while y'all debate on MJ's future and "the calm", here's MY distraction:


What y'all know 'bout this FUNK? :shades:
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see yall dont get my issue ... that is kool though... it is my issue to deal with :winking:
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For me, I have been waiting since 2001, over 7 years. When Invincible dropped, that was supposed to be the beginning of my MICHAEL MANIA. I have yet to experience being a full on fan, while Michael is critically and commercially hailed. That event is something that ... I have craved that connection ... some of you know my story without me going into it in detail but I need that connection. It will serve as a great closure for that loss in my life. There have been so many false starts ... it has almost happened numerous times. The let downs are wearing thin I guess. I am afraid that I will stop wanting it, before it actually comes true.

BLAAAAH !! time for me to shut the hell up :eviltongue:

I get your pain. The prob is MJ has had the seven most difficult years of his natural life. I'm sure that the ordeal has forced him to reevaluate what's important in his life because before 2003, he had try to salvage his career after public relations nightmares while trying to take care of his young brood, after 2003 and the trial, he has cut down significantly and if he is working on something, he's quick to tell folks: "DON'T SAY SH*T!" ;) He's trying to be as private as he wants to be. It has nothing to do with wanting to "surprise us" or "promising" us he'll have an album out "soon". Like I said, Michael's "soon" isn't like everyone else. He's an old school music master dealing in a new school world though he'll be fine, I would say that Michael has rediscovered himself for who he is rather than the image he tried to be, and that's including both his personal and professional lives. I no longer get mad whenever negative stories about MJ are printed. It doesn't effect me as much as it did back in 2003 when I e-mailed people with angry rants acting a fool. Now I know better so I try not to get my hopes up high and leave off disappointed. That's why I learn to appreciate what Mike has already contributed while Michael does SOMETHING in the meantime. The wait is longer but I'm through worrying about it.
Most likely the quietness is due to him wanting it to be a surprise though because him doing so (or TRYING to do so) is nothing new. lol He's been trying to stay quiet before the storm even before the trial
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see yall dont get my issue ... that is kool though... it is my issue to deal with :winking:

I got your issue and it made me cry *hugs* You are on a different level then the others in this thread is though. Trust me you won't stop wanting it - love is like that *bigger hugs* i feel like im being left out on some big intellectual secret...LOL

Thats okay though. Whatevs... lol
Most likely the quietness is due to him wanting it to be a surprise though because him doing so (or TRYING to do so) is nothing new. lol He's been trying to stay quiet before the storm even before the trial

He HAS since the trial. :lol: Yeah he's shown up a few times but that's only appearances and just proof of "I ain't dead yet, $&$&%*" LOL ;)

When Mike finally comes out, we'll be ready... well I will... "surprise critics"... :lol:

Y'all will act surprised, I'm gonna be like "oh so you finally decided to put out the new album, huh? :rolleyes: " :lol:
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No i mean, besides those few appearances its safe to say that MJ has been quiet. I'm saying that isnt anything new, even BEFORE the trial. So it's not like:

MJ appears everywhere before an album release...TRIAL HITS....MJ all of a sudden wants to stay quiet.

No, it's always been that way lol
I know that, I'm just saying. :lol: Plus maybe because Michael's now approaching half a century old that he's taking it one day at a time WITHOUT label distractions. Label distractions were the reason albums were being put out regardless of the weeks, months and years.
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sorry J5, it is nothing intellectual ... this is me you are talking about :lol: seriously, it is on a personal level ... i will explain it to you another day... right now, i need to go to sleep :)
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He HAS since the trial. :lol: Yeah he's shown up a few times but that's only appearances and just proof of "I ain't dead yet, $&$&%*" LOL ;)

When Mike finally comes out, we'll be ready... well I will... "surprise critics"... :lol:

Y'all will act surprised, I'm gonna be like "oh so you finally decided to put out the new album, huh? :rolleyes: " :lol:

LOL! (for real)
Hey trouble, don't worry man, I'll have the same reaction as yours whenever the new album drops. Like, "Wow Mike, it ONLY took you 2-3+ years to make this new album".
Personally, I think if we don't here anything by June/July, we won't be getting it this year.
Won't surprise me one way or the other. I'll just have to put up with listening to Thriller25 for the 999th time.

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LOL! (for real)
Hey trouble, don't worry man, I'll have the same reaction as yours whenever the new album drops. Like, "Wow Mike, it ONLY took you 2-3+ years to make this new album".
Personally, I think if we don't here anything by June/July, we won't be getting it this year.
Won't surprise me one way or the other. I'll just have to put up with listening to Thriller25 for the 999th time.


Forget T25, it's all OFF THE WALL for me.

MJ: "We're gonna be starting now, Bebe. :wink: "
I guess i don't understand WHY purposely have such a 'blah' reaction, as if being excited when the album comes out is not what's happening or something. Or as if MJ taking so long with albums is something

I can understand being neutral for the time being but whats wrong with letting loose and being excited when it comes out?

I mean i think its safe to say that MJ takes long periods between albums and builds the suspence so you CAN be excited when it comes out. MJ tries to make each one of his releases an EVENT...not just 'another MJ album that he decided to release'. I mean, isn't it safe to say that MJ thrives on surprise and suspence? Just when you thought he was done, or that he's 'not doing anything', or that he's 'away'....he suddenly reappears again with guns blazing. Why not have some fun with that?...i guess is what i'm asking.
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See I think above what we need to do in this come come together let us all be one, we are above all freinds here, I mean all you guys are my freinds being a part of this community makes you that and I really do mean that,

In my life I to have had ups and downs both personaly and professionaly, what with the ever changing music business my career has taken this turn and that, but my involvment here will never change this is a part of me, I am quite proud of what I have created here over the years and above all I am proud of you guys, so here we are in the dead of calm it could be six more months or a year lets make that time ours to prepare, do our saving to go to where he may be save our holidays and so on,

On another note how glad am I that all those so called insiders are a thing of the past yes I know they added a little spice but personaly I thought they were all fake cos lets be honest half nine tenths of it never came true,

Hell, while y'all debate on MJ's future and "the calm", here's MY distraction:


What y'all know 'bout this FUNK? :shades:

Totally agree. Feel the funk babe. :shades:

OTW is just brilliant.
opps forgot to mention that DSTYGE is my ultimate fav song of all time. *for the zillionth time*
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you know what........ i actually wasn't very concerned with this wait at all until i read this entire thread :lol:

For me, i come here to see if any interesting threads have popped up, or interesting news. i love talking to other people on forums and everything about something i love.

in all honesty, i would love a new album, but it probably won't affect me much as an MJ fan nor as a person.

So i don't mind this wait, because to me it isn't really a wait.
you know what........ i actually wasn't very concerned with this wait at all until i read this entire thread :lol:

For me, i come here to see if any interesting threads have popped up, or interesting news. i love talking to other people on forums and everything about something i love.

in all honesty, i would love a new album, but it probably won't affect me much as an MJ fan nor as a person.

So i don't mind this wait, because to me it isn't really a wait.

Amen brother/sister

Big ups to ya

I'm excited, really, really excited. But I'm as patient as the day is long when it comes to Michael too. I don't do what a lot of fans do, which is count the actual number of years since "Invincible" came out, because that's not fair to Michael. With everything he went through and with everything that happened to him between the release of that album and now, it's really only been like two years, and that's being generous, because it only accounts 1 year for recovery, and you know, if you have any compassion and understanding in your heart, that one year wasn't enough to get over what he expereinced. I think some people are used to this sound bite culture we've developed in to, where everything is instantanious and in your face. People's patience and attention spans these days seem so short. But good things come in due time. Michael isn't like Janet or Madonna or any of these other artists who throw something together in a few months time and then release it, he cares for and nutures and develops and makes as close to perfect as is possible the music before he even thinks of putting it out in the world. And that's why every single thing Michael's ever done has been of the highest quality. He actually really cares about what he does, he's an artist, not a pop star, and that's something people need to remember. He actually put's his blood, sweat and tears in to his work, and he puts his soul there too. If people can just keep this in mind, then they won't grow so antsy, I believe.
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See my thinking is I would never have wanted MJ to work on an album whilst all the trial stuff was going on, I mean can you imagine the influence and outcome it would have, he has to rid himself of all that other wise the new works will just be seen as one big statement of unhappyness towards every trial and tribulation, as we saw with History some of the songs were him venting to the world about sneddon etc now I know I dont want that again as I am sure MJ doesnt, MJ is at his best when his songs are innocent and not trying to change the world other than Heal The World and Earth Song of course.
I guess i don't understand WHY purposely have such a 'blah' reaction, as if being excited when the album comes out is not what's happening or something. Or as if MJ taking so long with albums is something

I can understand being neutral for the time being but whats wrong with letting loose and being excited when it comes out?

I mean i think its safe to say that MJ takes long periods between albums and builds the suspence so you CAN be excited when it comes out. MJ tries to make each one of his releases an EVENT...not just 'another MJ album that he decided to release'. I mean, isn't it safe to say that MJ thrives on surprise and suspence? Just when you thought he was done, or that he's 'not doing anything', or that he's 'away'....he suddenly reappears again with guns blazing. Why not have some fun with that?...i guess is what i'm asking.

Well J5, I'm definitely gonna be excited whenever the new album drops, no doubt.
I'd be lying to you if I said I wouldn't be.
However, Michael's been doing the "suspense" act forever. And it's starting to get a little tired. I know, I know, MJ had a VERY tough stretch in between 2003-05, and we should all be grateful that he's even considering making a comeback with all he's been through, but c'mon.
There's no reason why we shouldn't have a title and release date by now. There's no way MJ's gonna be able to "surprise" us, because we've been anticipating this new album for almost a year. I dunno, everybody's different I guess. If he drops the album in February 2009, some fans are gonna be saying "Wow, didn't see it comin!", while others (like me) will be saying "Thanks Mike....what took you so long?"
Just my opinion.

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Well that's a matter of opinion. I think "History" is Michael's best album, it showed not only musical brilliance, but great depth of perception on Michael's part. I don't see him as complaining, like some fans do, I see him as reaching for the truth on things. All of his songs have always done that, just in a less obvious way. His songs have never been innocent and carefree, if one really listens, except for "OTW".
my opinion is that he can take as long as he wishes to release a new album. i'm not the one to tell him when he should or should have released it and certainly i'm not the one who will be disappointed and tired of all the waiting. he just put out thriller 25. he has SO many albums/singles out (along with the J5/Jacksons stuff) and i think some fans need to check them all out before they want something new. if u already have them all then listen to them again and again. also listen to other artists and i'm sure the waiting will be less "painful" this way. let him take as much time as he wants. i'm sure hes preparing sth HUGE thats why hes been keeping low all these months. thats why he made 2 great photoshoots and put out an album with remixes.
Well that's a matter of opinion. I think "History" is Michael's best album, it showed not only musical brilliance, but great depth of perception on Michael's part. I don't see him as complaining, like some fans do, I see him as reaching for the truth on things. All of his songs have always done that, just in a less obvious way. His songs have never been innocent and carefree, if one really listens, except for "OTW".

Very true, but thats my oppinion and yours is yours which of course your entitle to, now don't get me wrong I love History the shear fact at the time you could get a greatest hits and a whole new album at the same time was new and inovative, however I still beleive "some" of the songs are him tackling the problems in his life money D.S and tabloid junkie, where as say bad and dangerous are more about the global issues reaching out in a global rather than personal way,

Anyway we going of topic so back to the blackout

Personally, I love the wait. It shocks me that I love the wait of the new MJ era when I am naturally an "impatient" person by fault. I guess that I chose to wait because I still like surprises. I still like to know what MJ has in store for the fans and public. I still want to know people's reactions to what MJ will show us.

I have thought about how the new CD will sound like. Will it sound like his previous classics or another version of Invincible or trying to "fit in" to what is the norm in music? MJ is an innovator and a musical genius so how would that all play out in a industry that is so full of untalented, forgettable music acts? Will MJ do the norm or stand out? We would assume that he would because he always does. However, what if he does something that is the norm that we would not normally see him do? I rather focus on waiting for the CD and thinking of the possibilities of where MJ would take his music life journey instead of literally complaining about the wait of the CD.

I still believe that his CD will drop by the end of this year. (I am being positive. ;) ) It can't come out by the end of May or the beginning of June because a single would have been out by now. So, I like this calm before the storm.

I remember the days of the hype of the Invincible CD (1999-2002) and I remember being a member of the KOP board when that board was meaniful. I remember the various "insiders" LTTW, sugar rose, Shawdowdancer, cartman, etc. (Yeah, I put them out there because I can. ) I remember the long threads all about the CD, how MJ was going to be promoted, and what songs were going to be on the CD. We all wanted so much news about it. Many fans (excluding me) befriended these "insiders" because those fans wanted the exclusive news. Those times were exciting, it really was. However, I do not think we saw what was going to happen after it all died down. When the mess happened with Invincible, it was very disappointing. I was really hoping that something can happen. I remember when I was a member of the current version of the KOP board and this poster, who is a buddy of mines, believed that those insiders came on the boards to sabotage Invincible. (it was the poster's opinion.) When I look back at it, it kind of made sense. MJ wanted to keep things private and I do not think he knew until he was told that these people that were posting on the boards, were telling his fans secrets of the CD. We all know MJ loves his privacy so it must have hurted him when he found out about it. Also, those posters never surfaced again when the uncalled for trial happened. I assumed that they were fans of the man and been around the man. So, when the man was down, where were they? It all came into retrospect in the end. So, I support the silence and the fact there are no "insiders" and no news on the CD. I like the fact that unlike Rodney, Will is not talking to every single media person about the CD. If he does talk to the media, he knows that he can only say what he is suppose to say. With Rodney, he did not know when to shut up and you noticed, regardless of the rumors, that Rodney might not be working on the new CD. So, I like the quietness.

And I know from experience, u'll never stop wanting stuff from MJ. He'll suck you right back in. Right when I thought i was done with MJ fandom and all that...he pulls me in again. Once a MJ fan always a MJ fan.

That is the truth. During the lack of promotion of Invincible, I was actually angry with MJ. (Which is hard for me to even admit because I can never get angry with Michael.) This was the CD that was finally going to have music that was great and wonderful. I felt cheated because as a fan, I am supporting him and I waiting for stuff to happened, but there was nothing. It was all bickerness and do this rally, and get mad at that fool Tommy Mottola, and the media trashing him like he killed someone. It was just too much for me at that time. I been through 1993 and the era of the questionable marriages, but this was something else. I just decided that maybe I should stop being a fan. Then, I noticed myself going back to the boards, still liking the man and talking to his fans. I felt a bit selfish when I realized what I was doing or attempting on doing. I slowly got to understand that being a fan is a choice, not a chore. You either love the man or you do not. Yeah, that dangling of Blanklet and the Bashir mess angered me a lot because MJ knows better, but usually musicial geniuses have issues and we all have issues so whatever. Mike makes mistakes and I can't damn him for that because I always make mistakes. LOL. So, I have decided in 2002, to be a true blue fan like I was back in the day. The trial made me an even stronger fan. In a lot of ways, I am glad that I went through that period of doubting my fanhood because I had to make a choice to be on his side or not. I believe in the saying that if you have nothing to believe in, you will fall for anything. That statement is very true and I am glad that I made the decision of supporting Michael and not the decision of trashing someone based on total bull----. Also, I was like 18 years old, so I was young and naive. That is my excuse. LOL.

I also remember Michael mania. I think for each fan that have experineced that time, it is different for them. For me, it was the Bad and Dangerous eras. I remember a time when everyone, literally, were fans of the man. I remember a time when I did not feel "ashamed" of being a fan. I remember when I was in the 3rd grade back in 1992/1993 when this boy that I went to school with did his MJ moves in the talent show or talent assembly. (I cannot remember what they were called.) I remember when everyone had Moonwalker and when I was in high school how it seems that everyone had or seen Moonwalker in some point in their lives. I am glad that I remember that time and have experieneced it. I am sorry for the members who did not experinced that time. You guys could have experienced that time but the media was busy trashing him. So, that is not any of you guys fault. I hope you guys will when his new music comes out.