Source: Michael Jackson's Doctor to Be Charged With Manslaughter

Murray and his team knew that this was going to happen so they put out a video so that "potential" jurors could see it and possibly feel sorry for him.

I am sure Klein will be shopping around for another LKL interview so that he can do some damage control.. Hell he will really play up that "I donated sperm to MJ" story just so the jury won't look to convict the "father" of Prince/Paris... (That is just speculation)
DA: Report Dr. Murray Charged With Manslaughter ‘Totally False’

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --
A report that Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson’s doctor at the time of his death, will be charged with manslaughter in the next two weeks is “complete and totally false,” the LA District Attorney’s Office told Access Hollywood. reported on Wednesday that the doctor, who has been interviewed several times by authorities, would face criminal charges due to his alleged involvement in the King of Pop’s death.
However, the DA’s office told Access that was not the case.
Ho boy! Dag man! Oh well I'm still waiting for them to finally arrest both of those pieces of trash!:bugeyed,2933,540540,00.html

The article also says it is not true.

Jane Robison, spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office, denied that prosecutors had decided to charge Jackson's physicians. “Until police complete their investigation and bring it to our office, there is no way to know what charges may be filed and against whom,” she said.
What an effing mess this is...

Allthough I find it very likely some kind of charges will be made against Murray, I'm not buying anything from any source until I see the actual court documents.

With that said, the timing of Murray's lame video does make a lot more sence if he is indeed being charged sometime in the near future.

:lol: I needed that!
Jesus Christ. :doh: With every statement there's a contradiction. The media just LOVES playing a game of mindf*ck with us! :rolleyes:

I won't believe sh*t until I see sh*t.
well I am the believe it when I see it kind of girl, so when they have handcuffs on and I see a mug shot of them then I will believe that they have been attested. I do hope this is accurate information.

Again I stand by my post... this is why I wrote this, because now we are getting word that this story may not be true!!!
The media really needs to stop with these false reports. I can't believe that I'm now considering all major news sources as non-credible. This is an investigation and the media could actually be doing a disservice, but they have to talk about something I guess. Can't they just go back to talking about Britney or do they have to stalk her till she goes nuts before they can do some actual reporting on her. Maybe Paris Hilton?
So, that's not true...? Figures! Dissapointed! I still hope that in the long run the arrests of all responsible parties will happen. I believe in a higher justice, so they will get their dues and just deserts, if not sooner then later.
Oh and yes that was a PR stunt on Murray's part. I watched it several times and he sure does come across trying to make people believe he's a victim. I think MJ was surrounded by sociopaths.
But others said the video was Murray’s "last testament" — a transparent attempt to garner sympathy and influence a jury pool.
“This was a total PR stunt,” said former Broward County prosecutor Kenneth Padowitz.

“I think what they’re trying to do is humanize him, trying to make him seem like this is somebody that maybe you could know and this is not a bad guy—that’s what they’re trying to do,” Padowitz said. “And for that limited purpose, it probably was effective….
“Is it a transparent attempt to get feelings in his favor? Yeah. It’s a gimmick.”

Padowitz said the video was certainly intended for widespread viewing, despite what Murray’s legal team says. And having his only statement come in a video format allowed for total control over what he said.
“They did it this way so there could be no questioning by a reporter, no cross examination by anyone, or anyone asking a question he could not answer," Padowitz said. "They just basically put out a PR piece.”

I hope its true and I'm glad things like the above are actually being written in the media! I hope everyone sees through him, I know I can't say he is guilty but I don't like his behaviour on that day and think he shouldn't be releasing sympathetic videos after:

- Bad CPR – when supposed to be a trained cardiologist
- delay in calling 911(saying no working land line and no knowledge of the address) – when he had a cellphone and drove there everyday…
DA: Report Dr. Murray Charged With Manslaughter ‘Totally False’

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --
A report that Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson’s doctor at the time of his death, will be charged with manslaughter in the next two weeks is “complete and totally false,” the LA District Attorney’s Office told Access Hollywood. reported on Wednesday that the doctor, who has been interviewed several times by authorities, would face criminal charges due to his alleged involvement in the King of Pop’s death.
However, the DA’s office told Access that was not the case.
On Tuesday, Dr. Murray took to YouTube to break his silence, thanking patients and friends for their support.
“I want to thank all of my patients and friends who sent such kind e-mails, letters and messages, to let me know of your support and prayers for me and my family,” Murray said in the one-minute clip. “I have done all I could do. I told the truth and I have faith the truth will prevail.”
Earlier this week, an attorney for Katherine Jackson, Michael’s mother, told the Associated Press that she is considering a wrongful death lawsuit with Murray’s being the main name brought up.
Investigators have been looking into whether Murray gave the pop star the anesthetic profopol in the hours before his death on June 25 at the age of 5

I knew it was too good to be true.
I think freedom of the press has gone too far and used to fabricate stories to pass off as actual news, stalk and harrass people basically no boundaries. Should that be changed?
They're playing with our nerves!!
both the police and the media! I'm sick of it
So, that's not true...? Figures! Dissapointed! I still hope that in the long run the arrests of all responsible parties will happen. I believe in a higher justice, so they will get their dues and just deserts, if not sooner then later.

Damn it has this been denied then officially? Thats a shame, also that article pointed out Murray's falseness in his video which was nice to see a press article picking up on that and not ignoring it.,2933,540540,00.html

The article also says it is not true.

Jane Robison, spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office, denied that prosecutors had decided to charge Jackson's physicians. “Until police complete their investigation and bring it to our office, there is no way to know what charges may be filed and against whom,” she said.

oh man... :(
They do it on purpose. The best thing to do for the sake of our own sanity in this mess is to question even major news networks until someone involved in this case actually speaks.

So for now on, FOX, CNN, NBC, ABC all major news netowrks should be classified as tabloid garbage and not taken seriously until someone involved in this case comes out with information or Murray is in hand cuffs.

Doesn't mean don't post anymore articles but just pass off anything that claims a source with no name off as potential tabloid garbage.
I hate how the media is toying with us like this, but I suppose it isn't really surprise. I'll never believe a word that comes out of their mouths. I honestly don't know what the truth is anymore.