Source: Michael Jackson's Doctor to Be Charged With Manslaughter

I'm not an expert or anything but I looked it up out of curiosity and from what we have so far what Murray did easily fits into involuntary manslaughter, which is also divided in constructive manslaughter, and criminally negligent manslaughter defined by gross negligence, this is more serious than the first one and is exactly what Murray did right?
my point is they cannot let him get away with a couple of years in prison or less for this, he committed a serious crime very close to second degree murder
he did not intent to kill Michael but he virtually let him die, he took so many risks it's like he played russian roulette with MJ's life
look, the lapd and la da have been denying this whole time. so of course, to protect the investigation, they'll go on record and say this is false. but it's not.

and crim negligent homicide is what he's done. NOW if he's destroyed things after the fact and delayed calling etc...and refused to call tod as well as obstructed justice and tampered w/ evidence, then it can be upgraded to murder II
This is good news! Hope it's true. Hope they will put Dr Murray to jail and also charge Dr Klien as well. Those people are resposible for malpractice on MJ and treating him like a Lab rat. This will make it clear that MJ wasn't killed by sudden heart attack for no reason or it was his own fault for abusing precription medicine. This charges and arrest will showed that MJ was poisoned.
look, the lapd and la da have been denying this whole time. so of course, to protect the investigation, they'll go on record and say this is false. but it's not.

and crim negligent homicide is what he's done. NOW if he's destroyed things after the fact and delayed calling etc...and refused to call tod as well as obstructed justice and tampered w/ evidence, then it can be upgraded to murder II
They are looking proof and evidence which is why it is manslaughter at the mo and not 2nd degree murder.

Klein would possibly get struck off maybe and maybe for diverting the course of justice I dont think we know exactly what he has done. The fact he was talking to Murray the morning of doesn't help his case.
Dr Murray knew he was administering a drug that was for hospital use only and required certain equipment that he didn't even have. Not only that he spent 30 mins doing a botched CPR before getting help? I don't sympathise for him.
They are looking proof and evidence which is why it is manslaughter at the mo and not 2nd degree murder.

Klein would possibly get struck off maybe and maybe for diverting the course of justice I dont think we know exactly what he has done. The fact he was talking to Murray the morning of doesn't help his case.

Whoa. I missed this. Who said that?
i had a dream the other night that i was reading conspiracies about michael jackson and someone posted something about numerology. then i remember posting how the words on Conrad Robert Murray consist of 6 letters. i dont' believe in these conspiracies but it's just funny how i dreamt it and when i woke up i checked it and it was indeed 666.
i had a dream the other night that i was reading conspiracies about michael jackson and someone posted something about numerology. then i remember posting how the words on Conrad Robert Murray consist of 6 letters. i dont' believe in these conspiracies but it's just funny how i dreamt it and when i woke up i checked it and it was indeed 666.

:mello: :bugeyed :no:
i had a dream the other night that i was reading conspiracies about michael jackson and someone posted something about numerology. then i remember posting how the words on Conrad Robert Murray consist of 6 letters. i dont' believe in these conspiracies but it's just funny how i dreamt it and when i woke up i checked it and it was indeed 666.

omg scary ..:shock: :mello:
i had a dream the other night that i was reading conspiracies about michael jackson and someone posted something about numerology. then i remember posting how the words on Conrad Robert Murray consist of 6 letters. i dont' believe in these conspiracies but it's just funny how i dreamt it and when i woke up i checked it and it was indeed 666.

well murray ain't no Angel, that's for sure. He's certainly a :devil: though, as far as i'm concerned after what's happened, accidental or not.
Does anybody know how much diprivan/propofol is needed to ''end a persons life''? Like any kind of amount? I wanna know exactly how much was found in Michaels body.. If he accidently or purposely gave too much. Also, I know there's been alot of discussion if Michael was underweight or not.. IF he was underweight, or weighed less than Murray knew about, could it be that Murray gave Michael too much propofol in proportion to his body weight? Usually doctors measure drugs and medicine according to what a person weighs. Maybe Michael weighed too little for the big amount he gave him.
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Does anybody know how much diprivan/propofol is needed to ''end a persons life''? Like any kind of amount? I wanna know exactly how much was found in Michaels body.. If he accidently or purposely gave too much. Also, I know there's been alot of discussion if Michael was underweight or not.. IF he was underweight, or weighed less than Murray knew about, could it be that Murray gave Michael too much propofol in porportion to his body weight? Usually doctors measure drugs and medicine according to what a person weighs. Maybe Michael weighed too little for the big amount he gave him.

How is propofol given?
Propofol is given as an injection through a needle placed into a vein. You will receive this injection in a hospital or surgical setting.

You will relax and fall asleep very quickly after propofol is injected.

Your caregivers will monitor your heart function, blood pressure, and breathing while you are under the effects of propofol.

What happens if I overdose?
An overdose of propofol is unlikely to occur since the medication is given by a healthcare professional. Your vital signs will be closely watched while you are under anesthesia to make sure the medication is not causing any harmful effects.

How aggravating.... :bugeyed
How aggravating.... :bugeyed

Anyone caught giving that outside of hospital enviroment should be punished. I have had it before in hospital for surgery and I highly doubt anyone would ask for it for sleep purposes. You don't wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go. I felt dizzy after waking up and was asked some questions which I answered but went back to sleep.

I'm not buying the Michael Jackson begging for it story.
^^^That's it, Dr Murray, just inject MJ with Propofol and then go a way and have a nap, talk to friends on the phone...etc.

So what is the story behind MJ's propofol ...ahem...treatment? Did Dr Murray come to his house at night and then inject him with it and then pull it off in the morning? Was Dr Murray monitoring him while on Propofol or did he go to sleep as well?

Btw, he better go to jail for live. He already getting death threats and if he is still around, some crazy MJ fans may even murder him.
i had a dream the other night that i was reading conspiracies about michael jackson and someone posted something about numerology. then i remember posting how the words on Conrad Robert Murray consist of 6 letters. i dont' believe in these conspiracies but it's just funny how i dreamt it and when i woke up i checked it and it was indeed 666.

Anyone caught giving that outside of hospital enviroment should be punished. I have had it before in hospital for surgery and I highly doubt anyone would ask for it for sleep purposes. You don't wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go. I felt dizzy after waking up and was asked some questions which I answered but went back to sleep.

I'm not buying the Michael Jackson begging for it story.

Exactly!! As if wanting yourself in a comatose state is gonna make you feel well rested when you wake up. He put Michael in a coma and he never woke up!
I wonder exactly when they will charge him?

Will we have to wait till Christmas?
It would make a nice Christmas gift...:)

But really, It's been almost two months. I hope they hurry up.

Murray does not deserve to be sleeping in his own bed, eating nice food or walking around in a suit right now. He deserves to be in prison wearing prison uniform, eating gruel and sleeping on the hard mattress of a crappy prison bed.

Regardless of wether it was an accident or not, he should be charged. Because even if it was an accident, what he did was probablly illegal and he has been grosely negligent.
He deserves to be in prison wearing prison uniform

Did you say prison uniform? :) That colour looks really good on him.. :)

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MichaelMySoul, oh no u did-int!!! ...Bwaha ha ha haaaa!!!!!
Yes, the colour looks very nice on him indeed.

But, seriously, if he injected the substance that killed Michael then that = MANSLAUGHTER charge + jail.
It looks simple but with the defenses he can come up with and the possibility of contaminated or "misplaced" evidence, it won't be.

I really hope we get somewhere with this before the end of the year.
Does anybody know how much diprivan/propofol is needed to ''end a persons life''?

you don't necessarily need a larger amount to kill someone, Propofol is a very dangerous drug that's why you need life support equipment and constant supervision to monitor a patient because it's very powerful
that's why it's forbidden to use it outside a hospital environment, and if Murray indeed left Michael alone after administering this drug then he practically killed him
3 bottles and two vials for 8 hrs of sedation. that's wha thtey claim to have found in murray's closet. exactly onenight's worth of propofol.

one is an injection, straight, the'milk' while the other is a drip that has to be perfected right down to seconds per ML and that depends on fat and muscle tone and weight.
please please let this be over soon, we all know these so called Dr's are to blame so lets get them convicted.
i read all the stuff i can but all it does is leave me confussed.
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