Source: Michael Jackson's Doctor to Be Charged With Manslaughter

I'm not going to say that this is a slamdunk case. So as MJ fans, don't set yourelf up for disapointment. I hope Michael gets justice, but there is alway a possibility that the prosecutors can offer a plea deal to Murray and he would only get a slap on the wrist.

And like have have stated before, If Murray goes on trail so will Michael Jackson. His medical history will be dragged into this.
His medical history will be dragged into this.
legally that shouldnt happen. as its irrelevent. then again i think ppl should just be grateful if it gets to trial
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He's broke right, so let's wait and see if he post bail, and if he does who will be posting it for him. The better not set bail at some low amount that anyone could pay. His bail should be set to at least 1mil.
You can't seize their real passports without an arrest!
Geez! Can't beleive anyone to be so thick :doh:
It's like giving them enough time to plan their "prison break".

2 weeks is more than sufficient to get fake new passports, flee the country and a spanking new identity
If any of this is true, this kind of leak would tantamount to obstruction of justice!

I wish he would run. I will hunt him down myself.
The two main suspects are going down!! *thriller vincent prince laugh*
I thought news such as this might make me feel a bit better but it doesnt.

This will go on for a while, I just hope at the end of it all, whenever that will be, there will be justice for Michael.
The only thing I don't like is that this guy murders, but he's only being charged with manslaughter...:no:

and that Kleine, he had in with the murder too but he's only being charged with malpractice.....:no:

gosh, this has got to be the most intelligently planned murder in history....:mat:
DA: Report Dr. Murray Charged With Manslaughter ‘Totally False’

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --
A report that Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson’s doctor at the time of his death, will be charged with manslaughter in the next two weeks is “complete and totally false,” the LA District Attorney’s Office told Access Hollywood. reported on Wednesday that the doctor, who has been interviewed several times by authorities, would face criminal charges due to his alleged involvement in the King of Pop’s death.
However, the DA’s office told Access that was not the case.
On Tuesday, Dr. Murray took to YouTube to break his silence, thanking patients and friends for their support.
“I want to thank all of my patients and friends who sent such kind e-mails, letters and messages, to let me know of your support and prayers for me and my family,” Murray said in the one-minute clip. “I have done all I could do. I told the truth and I have faith the truth will prevail.”
Earlier this week, an attorney for Katherine Jackson, Michael’s mother, told the Associated Press that she is considering a wrongful death lawsuit with Murray’s being the main name brought up.
Investigators have been looking into whether Murray gave the pop star the anesthetic profopol in the hours before his death on June 25 at the age of 5
Like I said, it's Fox News, the report false news more than anyone!!! When the Caylee Anthony search was going on Fox reported that her body was found in a river, well guess what, it wasn't! It may have not been a big deal to many, but I had actually been out in Florida helping the search team search for that baby and they reported crap.
just great....if that's false....then I wonder what else is false that we're hearing....,2933,540540,00.html

The article also says it is not true.

Jane Robison, spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office, denied that prosecutors had decided to charge Jackson's physicians. “Until police complete their investigation and bring it to our office, there is no way to know what charges may be filed and against whom,” she said.
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I'm not near at TV right now and I'm just wondering if CNN has confirmed this at all?! I've never really trusted FOXNews because to me they don't really check their stories before they release them. I do agree that I hope justice is served....MJ definitely deserves that.
Even more hurtful to know that my childhood and lifelong Michael Jackson was murdered. I do wonder why Michael trusted Dr Murray and Arnold Klein, as they are doctors I woudn't even have considered using if I had ever met them. Dr Murray appears to be quite creepy, and Arnold Klein seems like a trembling drug addtict who's lost places to inject himself.

Michael was taken away from us fans, but even more hurtful his children, mother and family. Michael should still be with us, and that's the things that's what's upsetting about this because doctors who should have known better killed Michael, even if it wasn't premditated and out of malice. They failed Michael by not making him better, and using medication he should never have been given, even if he did alledgly as for specific medication they could have given Michael and alternative they wouldn't have been a danger to his life.
Damn, not true. My whole mood switched to pissed off to a since of gratification, but damn it's not true.

Uhggg this is really frustrating.
hopefully the man will go to jail, cos I cannot imagine his life if he wont... Oh there's justice after all. I believe Murray will get what he deserves
legally that shouldnt happen. as its irrelevent. then again i think ppl should just be grateful if it gets to trial
actually, it's not. not if they want to claim it was mj who took something that made this a dangerous situation. even moreso than usual. if he took a pill or a combo of they can delve into his history.

that's how u defend urself. u tear apart the victim.

and the lapd has been saying all along that they're not investigating a murder, it's ongoing etc etc...BUT on the warrants it says evidence of manslaughter. of course they're not gonna confirm it

also, the coronor is back at klien's office today :doh:
YES! :clapping: About time ppl!:bugeyed

Investigators initially had hoped to charge Murray with a more serious crime than manslaughter — a defendant may be charged with second degree murder in California without the presence of a motive — but prosecutors are concerned that a jury will be unlikely to convict without one, sources said. Unless a "smoking gun" is found in next week’s search, Murray will be charged with manslaughter.
Daaag! I hope they find that smoking gun:angel:

Murray isn’t the only doctor who faces criminal charges in connection with Jackson's death on June 25. A law enforcement source told that Jackson’s longtime dermatologist, Dr. Arnold Klein, will be hit with charges related to medical malpractice. Investigators are still building their case against Klein, and he will not be arrested for at least another two weeks, the source said.
Yesssss! That piece of garbage is going down!:D

Can I get a WHAT WHAT!:clapping:I have been BEEN waiting for this news!
I think someone needs to add *false news* or something to the title of this thread.
He knows he's gonna be arrested for sure. That's the reason he made the youtube video.
I believe this story is true but someone has leaked it before it becomes official and they get more evidence. Remember they said Dr Murray was not under investigation but behind the scences, He is under investigations. that is how some stations work.
I believe this story is true but someone has leaked it before it becomes official and they get more evidence. Remember they said Dr Murray was not under investigation but behind the scences, He is under investigations. that is how some stations work.

i thought that too.

but who is leaking this stuff if they dont want it out yet...won't they get in trouble?
Mr Murray: You have been hit by, you been struck by a smooth manslaughter case, owwwwwwwwwwww

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Mr Murray: You have been hit by, you been struck by a smooth manslaughter case, owwwwwwwwwwww


lol...that's true...those smooth criminals are going down!!

sooner or later...when this news really becomes official