Source: Michael Jackson's Doctor to Be Charged With Manslaughter

They should charge him with second degree murder and agree to reduce it to manslaughter if he names names.

I still think when he gets out in 4 years max. he will get a nice fat cheque from someone. It breaks my heart to think that if it wasn't for that b d Michael would be alive today, basking in his glory from the concerts. All this pain because he wanted a night's sleep! Couldn't Murrey have given him a sleeping pill.
Folks, let's hope we don't wind up with a situation like what happened with Elvis. The bastard doc was charged and got off and the pig is still alive read here for more infromation:
Elvis' main problem was Colonel Tom Parker who allowed people like Dr. Nick and the Memphis Mafia around. Parker also ran Elvis to death because the "Colonel" had gambling problems. A doped up Elvis would be more willing to do whatever Parker wanted.
hell to the phuck to the yea to the shit. about g'damn time and for the love of all things yellow, can this be true and final?!

and y the hell would they announce this knowing that legally he can leave the country...ya know, before next wed?

maybe they have his passport or something.......they must be watching him all the time..
stupid little bitches cant wait too see how they hold up n prison wen the prisoners find out they killed the king

??? They do nothing otherwise someone had already splaped Chandler and ARVIZOS IN THE FACE.NOTHING EVER HAPPEND TO THEM AND NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO MURRAY.
Elvis' main problem was Colonel Tom Parker who allowed people like Dr. Nick and the Memphis Mafia around. Parker also ran Elvis to death because the "Colonel" had gambling problems. A doped up Elvis would be more willing to do whatever Parker wanted.

Everybody is responsible for his own actions be it Michael or Elvis. BUT, I think they both had the wrong people around them. Frank Dileo wasn't Colonel Tom Parker, but Michael had these shady doctors around him who got him into plastic surgery until craziness just to get big bucks from him and also drugs. They played out his psychological problems against him and that is very evil in my book. And in a way I feel Klein is even more responsible than Murray. Murray might have given the last shot, but IMO it was Klein who gave the first. They both belong to prison IMO.
I guess this is the break we were finally looking for... still, it doesn't change what can't be brought back. The damage is already done :sad:
Elvis' main problem was Colonel Tom Parker who allowed people like Dr. Nick and the Memphis Mafia around. Parker also ran Elvis to death because the "Colonel" had gambling problems. A doped up Elvis would be more willing to do whatever Parker wanted.

Fine we know that the POINT is that Dr. Nick is an 82 year old asswipe who was acquitted on 14 counts by a jury. The SOB walked and continued to practice inspite of losing his license until he got it suspended again. He's now 82 years old and has had the chance to live his entire life out and enjoy family and friends;as for Elvis, his daughter has a ton of money but lost her dad and has clearly had to deal with all kinds of trauma. I imagine the way Michael died eerily like her dad just compounded her problems. I just wanted to point out to the fans here that if Elvis didn't get justice, I aint holding my breath for Mike to get it either.
F**k, Manslaughter.

Why is he not being at least charged for obstruction of justice? It is so obvious he try to cover up his actions.

I really want him to be tried for 1st-degree Murder. :sad:
the shits hitting the fan. to think klein was gonna file legal papers about the kids in september haha, hell with that fatso.

it must be a crush for the kids
knowing that their father should have been alive...:(:(
god bless them
justice will be always on jackson family's side
Why would they say 'hey this man is going to be arrested next Wednesday' ??? Usually they should arrest him and tell it after no?? Now it gives time to Murray and Klein to do whatever they need to do before being arrested, you don't tell somebody that he'll be arrested a week before..!
Okay, I'm confused. What do they mean they don't have a motive? I thought you only needed a motive for 1st degree murder becuz that's premeditated (which requires motive). Second degree murder by default usually doesn't need a motive, because it's usually when loss of life happens unexpectantly for some reason (accidental, etc.) So I'm a bit confused about what they need a motive for. :huh:

If they needed a motive for first degree, they have a man with debt coming out of his eyes, ears and butt, a new baby, he just closed his practices becuz he anticipated getting PAID and finally seeing the financial light...but 2 months go by without him getting a dime. Michael had been advanced the money but hadn't paid him nor signed the contract to finalize Murray's hiring? Motive? Maybe the police should investigate whether or not Murray was upset about this. Did he know why he hadn't been paid? Did he complain to anyone about not being paid or Michael possibly NOT taking him to London afterall? I imagine IF the Doc found that out, he'd be one upset and angry puppy. His entire financial life was hanging on this job. What if Michael changed his mind or was critical of Murray's care and he felt his job was in jeopardy? I wonder if the police have found these ppl Murray was supposed to have been talking trash to about MJ. What exactly did he say to them...IF that was true?
hell to the phuck to the yea to the shit. about g'damn time and for the love of all things yellow, can this be true and final?!

and y the hell would they announce this knowing that legally he can leave the country...ya know, before next wed?
i was thinking this also soso,how can they announce this on a news channel,when he could leave if he wanted too,
this is just crazy,i mean if a person is arrested they are placed on bail till the court hearing,but he hasn,t even been charged ,so he could leave before next wednesday,
It's an article with a close source. It is not official. Maybe they are wanting to see the reactions of some people. Making them squirm. I think some fans are not being realistic about the investigation. An investigation can take any length of time it can take years. Anna Nicole Smith was a year, but some are complaining it has been two months already. It can be any length of time.

Jeez, I'm happy they're gonna charge him and I hope they put him behind bars. Seriously, if no ones gonna do it and I would be walking down the street and saw this guy, I would probably beat the crap out of him.

Ok, don't think I'm a crazy psychopath right now and I know that violence isn't the way to deal with things...BUT I JUST GET REAL SENSITIVE WHEN IT COMES DOWN TO MIKE!:mat:
IF this is even true, is it really smart to be saying that these arrests will happen a week or two before they're even planned?
Source: Michael Jackson's Doctor to Be Charged With Manslaughter,2933,540540,00.html

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

By Jana Winter


Murray isn’t the only doctor who faces criminal charges in connection with Jackson's death on June 25. A law enforcement source told that Jackson’s longtime dermatologist, Dr. Arnold Klein, will be hit with charges related to medical malpractice. Investigators ar e still building their case against Klein, and he will not be arrested for at least another two weeks, the source said.

:clapping: :wild: I like that :wild:
If true, that's good news. It's about time arrests are made. I like it how that former prosecutor called Murray's video a PR stunt and a gimmick, because that's what it is. It will be interesting if there'll indeed be consequences for Klein too, the possible malpractice suit seems plausible. I can imagine they wish they'd never got involved with Michael now. But money and fame are such powerful drugs...
Yay, yet another report defying all the laws of logic. I wonder who's the thickest of the two here: the reporter or the "source".

Couldn't Murrey have given him a sleeping pill.

If all it took for MJ to sleep was a sleeping pill, he wouldn't have required Murray's services. Pills are usually useless on severe insomniacs, if indeed that was the case with MJ.
Like I said, Our Michael died at the hands of MAN, not GOD. I knew it was not Michael's time to go. I am hurting even more.
well I am the believe it when I see it kind of girl, so when they have handcuffs on and I see a mug shot of them then I will believe that they have been attested. I do hope this is accurate information.