Source: Michael Jackson's Doctor to Be Charged With Manslaughter

I don't only want Murray behind bars but all the Doctors involved. the Nwe York Doctor who gave him a clean bill of health. Why were most of Michael's doctors from other states? AEG hired them..for the This Is It shows..
well I am the believe it when I see it kind of girl, so when they have handcuffs on and I see a mug shot of them then I will believe that they have been attested. I do hope this is accurate information.

Furthermore don't be surprised if they pick a wacked out jury who is anti-Michael Jackson and let his murderer and his co-murdering friends WALK and get off scott free :evil:
If this is true then thats so awesome.They deserve everything thats coming to them for doing this to our Michael.
what he is charged with wether its manslaughter or murder Im glad that mother F**ker is being charged at all! I hope that son of a b*tch fries! Enjoy Prison a**hole!!!
??? And who created the hands of MAN ???
God but it was MAN that created SIN. I am just sick and tired of people saying God took Michael away or it was Michael's time to go. NO it was not. Like BIll Cosby said about his son who was murdered, "God did not kill my son, a racist killed my son" and people need to stop blaming God for everything which is not true. Michael shoud be here and Michael wanted to live. He was on his way back to the top and he seem happy. For him to leave like this is hurtful. Michael was a health person who believe in eating healthy, etc. yes, he was slim but he was a healthy slim especially for 50 years old. This is so unfair.
The bottom like this doctor gave Michael a drug OUTSIDE of the hospital that is WRONG. End of story.
Michael Jackson is already in Heaven. :angel:
One day all the murderers of Michael Jackson will stand before
God Almighty and receive there judgement.

Matthew Chapter 7:
21"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' 23Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'
Furthermore don't be surprised if they pick a wacked out jury who is anti-Michael Jackson and let his murderer and his co-murdering friends WALK and get off scott free :evil:
I doubt that. This story is beyond Michael now. It involvs our whole medical system and doctors now.
Michael Jackson is already in Heaven. :angel:
One day all the murderers of Michael Jackson will stand before
God Almighty and receive there judgement.

Matthew Chapter 7:
21"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' 23Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'
So true.
The bottom like this doctor gave Michael a drug OUTSIDE of the hospital that is WRONG. End of story.

As Dick Gregory said, "Doctors make the best assassins."

Please, please click on and watch this videos:
As seen on CNN, Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Dr. Raphael Gershon explain the deadly effects of Diprivan when administered at home without any (or inadequate) medical supervision:
Click On:

The Michael Jackson Case: Do Doctors Get Away With Murder?
Click On:
We say that Conrad killed Michael, but what if Michael killed Michael? What if Joe killed Michael? What if music killed Michael? :no:
I don't only want Murray behind bars but all the Doctors involved. the Nwe York Doctor who gave him a clean bill of health. Why were most of Michael's doctors from other states? AEG hired them..for the This Is It shows..

I thought it was the insurance company that chose the doctor.
You can't seize their real passports without an arrest!
Geez! Can't beleive anyone to be so thick :doh:
It's like giving them enough time to plan their "prison break".

2 weeks is more than sufficient to get fake new passports, flee the country and a spanking new identity
If any of this is true, this kind of leak would tantamount to obstruction of justice!
DA: Report Dr. Murray Charged With Manslaughter ‘Totally False’

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --
A report that Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson’s doctor at the time of his death, will be charged with manslaughter in the next two weeks is “complete and totally false,” the LA District Attorney’s Office told Access Hollywood. reported on Wednesday that the doctor, who has been interviewed several times by authorities, would face criminal charges due to his alleged involvement in the King of Pop’s death.
However, the DA’s office told Access that was not the case.
On Tuesday, Dr. Murray took to YouTube to break his silence, thanking patients and friends for their support.
“I want to thank all of my patients and friends who sent such kind e-mails, letters and messages, to let me know of your support and prayers for me and my family,” Murray said in the one-minute clip. “I have done all I could do. I told the truth and I have faith the truth will prevail.”
Earlier this week, an attorney for Katherine Jackson, Michael’s mother, told the Associated Press that she is considering a wrongful death lawsuit with Murray’s being the main name brought up.
Investigators have been looking into whether Murray gave the pop star the anesthetic profopol in the hours before his death on June 25 at the age of 5
As Dick Gregory said, "Doctors make the best assassins."

I've seen this guy on a few shows here and there, and while he's pro-MJ, his views and opinions seem to be extreme and not rooted in truth, but in theory.
I've seen this guy on a few shows here and there, and while he's pro-MJ, his views and opinions seem to be extreme and not rooted in truth, but in theory.
Regardless, he is still telling the truth. If you are in the hospital and someone doctor give you the wrong medicine, what do you think that is. Many people died in hospital by getting bad treatments. This is why it is best to have others around you to know what doctors are doing.
Regardless, he is still telling the truth. If you are in the hospital and someone doctor give you the wrong medicine, what do you think that is. Many people died in hospital by getting bad treatments. This is why it is best to have others around you to know what doctors are doing.
AEG was paying this man so much money, whenever he wanted to
not be "bothered" with Michael Jackson, Murray could have easily
paid the year's salery of a full time nurse, and not have even missed the money. :mello:
Fixed News did it again, although I would have liked it to be correct. The sooner that murderer is in jail, the better I'd feel.

What's the point of sending false reports into the world, if you know you're gonna get caught anyway? Especially when you are one of the biggest and have "a reputation".
I don't really understand why they announced that to the world before arresting them? It's like saying hey DR. Murray and Klein, run, run! Before u can.
The Los Angeles DISTRICT ATTORNEY called Access Hollywood to say the story is not true.

Why does that sound strange to me. I mean, wouldn't the DISTRICT ATTORNEY just put out an official press statement that would have gone out to ALL media?

Dr. Murray's people probably placed that call to Access Hollywood, in my opinion.
I have a feeling that after Murray they will arrest Kline and somebody else. Dr Murray DEF will open his mouth to say the truth to the investigators.I pray for true justice for Michael. I do not believe in drug overdose. Michael loved his children so much, he wouldn’t do it.