Randy to get fans to MJ's Burial Site *Update post 291*Randy's Explanation

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

People have as many different ideas of what's appropriate as there are people on this earth it seems.

When I was there the second time I had my three year old with me- and there were two other kids, playing jump rope and at some point all kids were chasing each other and kid's laughter was filling the place, I have a very hard time imagining Michael Jackson would object to the laughter of happy children.

Sticking the camera through the door while the flowers are being brought in seems a bit touristy to me, I guess other people feel differently.

I also don't quite understand the hype and the preemptive "Oh my God, fans will cause a horrific scene". There was a cryptic tweet by someone who likes to tweet cryptic things. I'm on ignore modus. No need to freak out. Last I checked nobody (from the fans) has really been out of line there so far, no need to raise the warning finger just because. There are also plenty of other graves that people visit and Michael Jackson's grave isn't the only place there.

Forest Lawn has been acting pretty obnoxious and uptight for a long time, people who actually have relatives in the mausoleum were complaining as well because of some of their policies. Imagine you actually have a loved one in there and are being bullied about a photo...
The intention of the park was a totally different one and changes have been made long before Michael Jackson, not everything relates back to him, really.

They even had a nickname for one of the guards inside, "Nazi Joan". I can't complain, every one was friendly when I was there although you do feel watched. That would be one reason for me never to bury someone there because you are being watched and that must be stressful for those who have a loved one there.

Last I checked it also wasn't fans who took pictures that either got sold to TMZ or circulated on different grave sites. So far those were pictures by people who had access to Holly Terrace or God knows who. I haven't read on any board that a fan got in and is boasting pictures.

I personally don't think the world is ending because a picture is now public because somehow most people even on this board have seen them despite the policy of them not being posted here- what does that tell us?

I honestly don't get all bent out of shape because of a picture with a bunch of flowers, really. I still respected a) the rules of Forest Lawn and b) didn't desperately try sneaking pictures of something that's off limits.

If the family really didn't want anybody there they simply could have cremated him and scattered his ashes across the oceans or kept an urn at home. (does California allow that? I know that you wouldn't be able to pull that in many countries due to health code regulations or were they advised not to cremate because of ongoing investigations, don't know)
That was up to the family and if we believe the hearsay, Katherine Jackson. The place was their choice; it's not like the decision was made within 24 hours either.

Besides it simply is impossible to win this. If NOTHING happens, tabloids will write whatever they want anyway ("sunflowers"), if something MIGHT happen (Randy Jackson), tabloids go nuts regardless. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
So fans should simply relax and not self-flagellate over an issue they have no control over, not something they didn't do wrong. The filming with the door open is a grey zone but honestly if that's the "worst complaint" that's not too bad considering HOW BIG the fan base is.

People seriously need to get over themselves a bit, people are as diverse on Holly Terrace as there are nations on this earth. Think of your own family, there will ALWAYS be someone in a wedding or funeral who thinks someone else is out of line. ("Look at that girl, she had way too much to drink and that skirt is way too short!)

Maybe we install "nationality checkers" next, just to make sure only sane nationalities can come there. My mom's from Ukraine and I have lived there- do I qualify? :rofl::rofl:

When you pass the nationality test you have to answer a brief questionnaire by the Morality Police (MP) who will look at your username, your postings numbers and your IP address just to make sure you are not a hypocrite. If your posting numbers are too high, you will be told to beat it and to get a life, this will apply to everyone with a post count of over 1000 and anybody who ever wrote the word "gold pants" will be not allowed anyway- because those are just not people for real.
All posters who are members of SEVERAL MJ boards are totally nuts and are immediately excluded.

Questions will be:
"Are you still listening to Oxman's Ustreams- I mean, for real??" (I think my browser was not supported and I couldn't find the "play" button, that's the honest truth)

"Whom did you pledge allegiance too, Justice4MJ, TINI, or are you more of a renegade style loner who sits at the further bench glaring at others who's breathing is audible??" (as they say in one movie: "Fight!!!! A real one!!!" And no, I cried by the door but didn't leave lipstick marks)

"When was the last time you clicked onto TMZ? Exemptions in cases of emotional distress ("for informational purposes only") can be filed with the Permanent Commission of Suitability (PC) upon arrival. Females under 60 are suspect regardless, married people will receive one bonus point.

In order to prove your loyalty to Michael Jackson, please provide proof of the following of "having REALLY showed somebody, and I mean LIKE REALLY" that may include, but is not limited to:

-having gotten into a nasty youtube war with somebody who thought this would be the perfect playground for homophobic slurs against Michael Jackson, but confused him with George Michael? And it was actually a Freddie Mercury video?

-bitched/cursed out at least 3 newspapers? (one)

-tweeted "murderer" at least once, or at least thought about?

Do you agree that as punishment Harvey Levin should be made to wear at least a jacket
every once in a while, or do you wish he would at least wear Arnie's jacket in an effort to
a)redeem himself and
b)exercise diplomacy to avoid WWIII?
If Arnie sees his jacket, he might relax again.
Harsher punishment would be his interns making him watch a sex tape starring Tom Sneddon, Arnold Klein and Jason Pfeiffer. I think even Harvey Levin would find that shocking.

While we're on the subject especially the Americans need to take heed.
A strict dress code has to be observed at all times, after all we don't want to be portrayed as slobs by slobs who look less professional than European interns who are allowed to chain smoke, remember, our collective failure in this department will haunt us in eternity.
Tattoos need to be covered at all times, we will supply a big bowl for piercings and other rebellions against your mother when you were 16, please supply your visa or your visa waiver stamp upon arrival.

I don't mean any of this seriously, let's just leave this non-stop judgement and moral holier than thou at the gates, please.

There's nothing wrong with people taking a trip to a cemetery, as long as people adhere to Forest Lawn rules, they are fine. If they don't adhere Forest Lawn will simply guide them off the property, they do that every day with people who are NOT visiting Michael Jackson's grave.
I'm personally a bit done with reading from various people who complain from anything about singing (because we all know how MJ hated singing...), to god knows what.

If you personally have no need to go, that's fine, those that want to go are fine as well. People mourn differently, that's all. What's with this "kin liability" for all MJ fans? Just watch yourself and those that you meet up with, there's no need to throw stones at others.
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Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Not sure this is a good idea. There's a lot of unstable fans who think he's their father, wife, etc. Hell someone who thinks he's still alive might scheme to dig up the grave to prove their point.

Oh dear God...
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Sorry,I am not judging ANYBODY. It is your own impression which is nothing to do what I wanted to say. If you think that by visiting his gave fans do not increase the media circus, this is fine. I do not agree with this. But, I am the one who is not going to be involved in such activities.
I know you had such a long trip from Russia to US just for that reason. I am NOT judging you because I know how Russian ppl think and why you did it. I know your feelings. It was like paying respects from all Russian fans. It is different. It was nice of you to do.

But, visiting famous graves in Russia and America are two different things. In Russia it does not create any problems for anybody, but in America it does. Still, I understand that ppl wish to do it because they have feelings and I do not see anything wrong with bringing flowers. But, everybody has to think also what is more appropriate at the moment. I hope it helps.

Your posts sounded rather harsh, did sound like judging to me. If I was wrong, I'm sorry. About what you wrote about Russia, well, it sounds like your Russia is very much different from mine. Like, A LOT. Besides, I don't understand what nationality has to do with here at all. People are the same everywhere, they have the same feelings, they love, they grieve etc regardless of the country they live in. And I don't understand why it's ok for me to visit Michael from Russia, while it's wrong to visit him from California. After all, they also bring cards from people all over the world...

I agree with Modulation Alert on this one. I don't see anything wrong with fans visiting Michael as long as they are respectful. And for the past year, the fans were always respectful there.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Guys agree to disagree and move on. Take it to PM if you want to discuss it further with each other.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Ok, let's' get real then. What kind of media ATTENTION do you have in Russia visiting famous ppl graves? Please be HONEST. Do you have the same media circus there like in US? Do you have any tabloids articles popping up next day nonstop with sarcastic remarks? If it is the same in Russia now as you say which is not true, then for sure I used to live in different country or you do not live in Russia. One or another. I hope it is clear now.
that's not because Russia is different, that's simply because no one really cares about Russian celebrities. And I am done talking about this.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Not sure this is a good idea. There's a lot of unstable fans who think he's their father, wife, etc. Hell someone who thinks he's still alive might scheme to dig up the grave to prove their point.
There might be crazy fans who just want a piece of Michael.
A piece of his hair or something.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

There might be crazy fans who just want a piece of Michael.
A piece of his hair or something.

Your right and that are crazy people out there. Not just fans but there are people in the public who might do something stupid. Michael needs to be protected even in death
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Just to warn everyone now there's a rumour going around Facebook saying that Forest Lawn are threatening to ban fans from the terrace because of the leaked pictures and the noise the fans are making there so if you hear it don't believe it. It's just someone trying to cause trouble.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Just to warn everyone now there's a rumour going around Facebook saying that Forest Lawn are threatening to ban fans from the terrace because of the leaked pictures and the noise the fans are making there so if you hear it don't believe it. It's just someone trying to cause trouble.

Are we sure that it's a rumor? 2 groups of "Fans of Southern California" is actually reporting this on FB. Lisa Burks says that Forest Lawn will be releasing an official statement today in regards to this issue. I'll guess we'll see whether this is true or not in a day or two..
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I called Forrest lawn and they said that "Everything is as it always was"
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I called Forrest lawn and they said that "Everything is as it always was"

I hope so because it wouldn't be nice for them not to allow fans there. It would be unfair on those who respect the rules.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Just to warn everyone now there's a rumour going around Facebook saying that Forest Lawn are threatening to ban fans from the terrace because of the leaked pictures and the noise the fans are making there so if you hear it don't believe it. It's just someone trying to cause trouble.

No it's not just a rumour and there will be an official statement soon, I hope.

From the Facebook
The Official Michael Jackson Fans of Southern California
this is based on reliable information from fans who got it from security personnel on-scene at Holly Terrace yesterday. i also got same information via security sources.

I called FL execs about an hour ago to follow up to get official information for distribution on FB and my blog, and was told this:

A) Nothing has been settled as far as what will be happening on June 25th....

B) FL will be issuing me a statement about Holly Terrace procedures today. i am waiting for a call back on that after executives discuss, which they are doing right now.

again, this was about an hour ago. let's give FL time to get their ducks in a row so we can all be on the same page together. thanks! ~ Lisa ♥
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Well, I'm taking it as a rumour until Forest Lawn announce something official.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I dont know what to make out of it. Some fans that went to FL on monday were being told by security that they cant access the doors to Holly Terrace anymore.

Look at this post from MJFSC

The Official Michael Jackson Fans of Southern California: You can leave gifts but not at Holly Terrace doors. You might have to leave them somewhere near the front gate or with security
8 hours ago

Here is a post from a fan that went to FL on monday

"There is a new rule, we are no longer allowed on the terrace. Security guard the area. If people don´t cam down and behave, we will all be banned... I talked to a security guy today and they are getting sick of everything going on around Michael."

" I was there today and yes, there is a new rule, we are not allowed on the terrace. If people don´t start behaving, they will close us out. I talked to security myself today. People have been taking pictures through the doors and acting inappropiate.
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Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Only a matter of time I guess. I can't imagine it's nice for the families of other people buried there, after all they probably paid a lot to be there.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

that's sad that there were people there who weren't respectful. that's the result. I hope it will change with time....
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

^ might as well close it off now. I am sick of these greedy SOBs using MJ for money, be it Karen Fake, Randy Jackson or fans.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Because some folks ( Jackson family or Karen Faye or family of the others people who are buried there) took photos and sold them to TMZ!

Stupids people!
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Because some folks ( Jackson family or Karen Faye or family of the others people who are buried there) took photos and sold them to TMZ!

Stupids people!
For Real.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

randys pathetic. just another pr stunt to try and get fans on his side cause he knows we know! trying to act like he has power on who goes in FL.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Because some folks ( Jackson family or Karen Faye or family of the others people who are buried there) took photos and sold them to TMZ!

Stupids people!

:agree: seriously
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

It was very obvious from the beginning that the family does not want fans to be there. It was clear before and now it is crystal clear. This place is private and there is no need for fans to visit it unless one day his grave will be public. For now fans have to learn how to respect Michael’s family choice. Probably some ppl's behavior was very questionable too. I would not be surprised.
i wouldnt say that is the issue. the issue is ppl who have been going there and acting disrespectful as was posted above. probably idiots who never even came within 200 miles of mj in life or prob arent even fans just going there for a laugh
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

At least Randy still has his smile.

We are a family...He can't even keep a straight face.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

i have a very weird feeling about this interview. can't explain. but something feels off.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

i don't know his respond is kind off weird to me .its like he taking his own time to respond about leaked pics as if he was making sure that its the flower one and not that 1st leak .
its just my opinion.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

i have a very weird feeling about this interview. can't explain. but something feels off.

see same here .i just can't put my finger on it.:shrug:
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I don't understand what he's saying about Lisa's flowers... "I just....*something something* arrange it the way you like. And she did". What did he say there?
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

i have a very weird feeling about this interview. can't explain. but something feels off.

I feel the same way also. And to be honest, I "think" something is wrong with Randy.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Everything about this man is soo seriously not right. SMDH